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. ' _ . . .�t� .. . , t- , - < `� . ' _y.. ` �t � �' _ ��. " ' . , . ._ i ' - � -o .'� <br /> . `- '�� . d . , -. • - • . ' 4�\��_ .:� .'IS - �< " o ` ' . , � ' �-�r-,c. ��.b"�.. ' <br /> _1° ' � . ' . ' . . . . ' . <br /> —� . _ - . , � � ' : . �s_ <br /> ` .' .< -• ,.. _ .t^�.� ' . ' . .. ... � .._ <br /> ..c`. , ' .. " _ . . � - <br /> . , �. ': • � - - . . , ' , . , y� <br /> �� . .' . . . . � • . , - . � ,� /� �. ... ..�'� <br /> 'f , <br /> � � � � i ` .. . - <br /> » . " � <br /> ..:,�.-. r-'r� ' � . � , . . . . . - .. .- --•' � - <br /> —_ _ '.. _. i_-� _ _ . . . _ —_.'—_-- _'s-... <br /> � � . . .. _. _ � , . - . . <br /> ' ' .... . 5 . . . . . ___{j -. .. _ ._. <br /> 4 .i. - . . �. . .. . _ . <br /> . ' ' . '. . r`. . . '.�.. <br /> '-T. _. .. i _. _. <br /> — ._ . ._.__ _ ...r-:. _ ._ <br />_. °j : �� �� � � DEED OF YRUST ; ��� �0[�6�'°y �; . ; � . ` <br /> �r_�.. <br /> ,. ' Tim�athy J. Schi�er Timothy J. S••*a*�+++���,' Su�ebaII� - . , - -. - • <br /> '�' '�� . S118aa B. SCh1�97c Su9dII L. SCt.dflte,ar� �i£B . <br /> - .. . - . Helea S. Schimmer, 11a IInremarricd�idaw , � <br /> � . . <br /> i : . . <br /> . _.. - � r ' . <br /> _ ,�,-.. � _ � `__ _ .. .. :... ' �.. . ... . .. .,.. . _ __.. ... :.#DDE1E53.. .� --... ... . _� . _.. . .: . . .__ , � '_ <br /> . . ADWI�R$ _ .' ` <br /> • '.. ' •' 36l.]. 8auth Stuhr Road 3�11 $outti 3tu�r�Road . � <br /> , Sirand Istaad. .NB 68801 Graud Ielaad. &8 68801 ' t�.' <br /> , , • �Npr: - �ita�Iriptixl� �tt� ' ` �txNlka • . .. � :�.a�- <br /> . . ' � •: .. <br />_ . . � ,� . �usr�:IIaioa Haak Aad Truat Compaay � _'�:;-°���� <br />--- - --- , - 3643 Sovtb�48Th Street; Lincola, RE 68505 - - � -� ` �` > <br /> �• � • In com.tlQeraUon of the loan or other credN accommadatton hereinaRer specifled end eny tuture advances or fiiture Obligatione,as deftned hemin. � • '• <br /> • � wtiich may hereineRar bs advanced or incurred end the trust heretnaftar menUoned end othe�good end vatueble constdaretlon,ths ceceipt and ' " <br /> • ' sutflciortcy of wt�ieh ata hereby scknovWsdged.Qrantor hereby trtevocabtv bargains se la transfere,grante,conveys and a��to Tivatee,his � � . • i ' <br /> , •, cuocasaorsandassignaintrust,far IIaioa �oaa. Iac. , I8 Wea� 2�� $treot. Re�rnev NB 68&9? � • <br /> �Lende�.ths . � ,�.' , <br /> • ' ,, beneftcfary under this Deed ot Trust,with powot ot sale and dgAt of entry and poasession all o!Grantor'a presern and tuture estate,�lght,titie and • <br /> � • . , � interest in and to the real propeRy described in Schedu►e Awhich is attached to tfiis Oeed of Trust and(ncarporated heretn by this catatentre,mgether ' ' ' T%'�.� <br /> • � • � with a11 present and tuNre improvemenfs and fixmres;all tangible personal property tnCluding withaut limitation ail machinery.equtpmer,t,buttding �f;�;�;�•`� <br /> .. � materiats,and goods of every nature(excludIng consumet gaoda)now ar hareafter lacated on or used in conrteWo�wkh the�eal property.'whethet ' _ -.,,� 5; <br /> . . <br /> . �, ' or not aff(xed to the tand;privfleges,hereditamenb,and appurtanance9 inciuding all devatapment rights associated with the Property,whether � <br /> --- •- -•--------�-��- prevtousiy a subsequer�tly transfeRed to the Property irom oU�er reel property ar now or hereatter susceptlbte of transfer irom thls PropeRyto other f ' , ...' . <br /> = real property;taases,licensea and other agreameMS;rents,issues and proflls;water.wall,dKch,reservotr and min�rat�tghte and stocks pertaining to j • ,��+ <br /> , . tho real property(cumulaL'velyr'Propertyf�;tv dave en0 to hold the Proparty and the rtghta�ereDy granted tor the use and beneflt af Tnistee,his � ,�,. <br /> � � : sucoassors an0 assigns,untti pAyment tn tuif of alt Obllgations secured herehy. • .��i. <br /> ' . . -- Moreaver,in further cansideration,�3rantm does,tar t3rentor and QrantoPs hei�s,ropresentatives and assigns,herehy expross[y uvartant,�avanant. � � .:;:�i <br /> -� - end agrea wtth Lsndor and Truatee and thelr suecessors and assigns as foltows:' ' �.�.�� <br /> �' ' ' 1.OBL[tiAT10H9. This Oead of Trvat ahail secure tt►e payment and peAormance of all present and tuture indebtedneas,Iiabtiities,obOgations and � � <br /> . � covenantsof Bonoweror Orantor(oumuiaUvety'ODligatlons'►to Lendet pursusntto: f • <br /> . • � , (a)thfs Deed ot Trust and the foilawing promissory notes and othar agreamanta � . <br /> � fStlN�ALAMO / iNND ! YAYtHlR1t �ClJStOYER f.OJW l ' <br /> . '!'E. Clt@7fUMft AGlIEEYEHTDATB OAtB 18A��R lW��l! �. � . . <br />- � . � ��� 5110,000.00 02/OZ/95 03/OS/05 � .. � • <br />_ � , � � i � '.�, . <br /> � • , � � ' . <br /> . � i <br /> - � `� ',' )fl8 otAet roseM ot fufu(e.wtftten �� • <br /> p agraementa witt►tsnder that reter speGflcairy to thia Qoed of Trust(wt��thet u�cnt�d tor fhi eame or� <br /> . . QtB�ar=tpurpas�sthanfh�foagotng): � ..�� . <br /> • . (o)any guatanry ot obligatfona of other partlea gtven to Londer now or hereafter executed that reters to thia Oead ot Trosk �� ' • <br /> - (d)tuture advances,whelher obHgatory or optlonal,to the same extent es H mada contemporanaousty wlth the exeallon of tht�Oaed of TruaL : ' � �. <br /> . • _ made or oxtended on b�haif o}Qrantor or Bonower. GraMOr agreea that If ane at the ObBgatlons la a Une of credit,the lien of thia Qeed ot Trust ! • � � <br />- � a shatl canUnue ur►til payment In tull of ail deDt due under the tlne notwithsTanding the tact that ftom Ume to Umo(but before termination of the tine) � � <br /> ,-; :.•. , . _ ._. .j no halance may be ouLgtandM . At no Ume shail the Nen of thls Oeed o!Trust,not inclatling sums advanoed to proteat the security of this Oa�d of ; � <br /> � Trust.excead� Z�0.000.�0 •and , , . . <br />- �� .. �- � -� (e)atl amertdments,exter�sion�,rsnewais,rzsodiflcaUana,rapiaeemerrts or aubstttutlons to any of the toregoing. � • � <br /> � ��. ., �. :� Il�used in this Pare�reph 1,the terms(irantor and Eorrower shall inctuds end atao mean any GraMor or Borrower(f more than one. • <br /> .�;. ., ,. �� � ,� Z REPBESENTATtONS.WAiiMM1ES AHD COVEHAti1S.Qrar►tor roprosenta.wariante and covenants to I.ertderthat ; � � <br /> �: (a) Grarrtor has tee eimple marke�le titte m the Properry and shaU mair►fain the Property tree of all Iions,securriy interests,encumb►ances and � <br /> ctahns except tor this Qeed a!Trusi end those desc�ed In Scheduie 8,wAich is ettached to this Oead of Trust and ineorporated herein by <br /> � ,,,,, � � . . � roteronoe.whieh tiranmr agroe9 to pay and peAorm io e Umety mannor, f <br /> - t: • (b) Qrantor ts in compifance In all ros�ecta with a0 appllcabie tederat effite end tacal Iaws and regutatlona,Inetudin ,wfthout Rmiffitlon,those i <br /> ;�_ ° ,1 � � refatlng to'Hazerdoue Matadais,'as deftned herei�,and other ern�ronmer�l mattars (the'6Mronmenfal laws�and netther the tederai � . <br /> govemmertt nor any other govemme�l or quasl govemmental entity hasflted a lien on tho Property,nor ara thera any govemmentai,judiclal or • <br /> � admtnistrattve aeVons wlth respect to emironmaMai matters pondtng,or to the best ot the Gtantor'a knowledge,threatened,whlch invotve tho i <br /> ' ;.�• ; Property Nelther(3rarttor nar,to tAa best o!Qrantofa knowteQge,arry ofher paAy has used.generated,reteased,disetfarged,stored,ar disposed ' . <br /> , of arry�lezardous Matsdal3 a9 deflned heretn,in connecNon wltA the Froperty or transportad arry Hazardaus MateNats to or irom the Property. � ' <br /> Qror►tor ehall�ot commft ot parmit sucfi aotlona to be teken in the future. Tha term'H�uuardoua Matedals'ehall maan any aubstancs,matoNal,nr � • <br />- ' waste which Is or beoomes regutated byerry govemmental authority lnduding,biil not limRed to,py petroteum;(ii�iriabie or nonfdahls asbestos; ` <br /> . (iii)pofychtoBnated 6ipherryls;pv)those subsmnces,materlats or wastes destgnated as a'ha�rdaue substance'pursuant to Sectlon 311 of tha � <br /> : qean Water Act or listed pursuant to SecHon 347 of tha Gsan Water Act or eny amanQmonts or replacements to theae statutes; (�9�ose ' <br /> - SubStatlCes,matetitats af v�astes defined as a'hazardous waste pursuant to Sac�ton t004 M the Resource Consenrffiton and Recovery Act oi any � <br /> _ __ . _ smendmenta or c�acemertb to that statute;end(vf)thos9 substencae,mate8ata or wastea defina�as a"hazardous aubstanrs°pursuant to � <br /> .� Sec�tian 10/of the Comprehenstve Envlronmental Response,Compansation and llability Act,or arry amendmeMe or reptasements to that statuta ' <br /> � •� . � �. o!U�ie PropeRy�to a�te�nant or subte�nar►te�whosa op ratl ns ma y sWi i�n�ntami�natton o�f No Property witb Ht�rdous eMaterlelsso oxlo <br /> suLstences; . � • . <br /> . . � . (c) All epplieahle laws and regatations,lnctuding,withau!IimltaUon,the Amerlcana with OisabiliUesAcl,42 U.S.C.Sectlon 12101 ot seq,(and eli <br /> . regufafions promufgate0 thereunder)and dl:oning and bullding isws and regulatlons retaUng to the Propsrty by v�rtue a!any fe0eral,stato or • • � <br /> --_- -- ' ---- munlaipal authortty wtth jnriscticNon ove►the Property.pre9erqSy e�e ead s!�!!Da oD�vcd suu!eor.ipl3;d uitls Ixs a!t rr�;tariaF respecta,end aii -. __ .: _- ._ . .. <br /> 1. •. ._ : .. <br /> � • ••�� �. � dghts,licenses,pormNs,and certificates of accupaney pne(uding but not Ilmkad to zoning varianeos,speeial exceptlons tor naneontorming usas, ; � <br /> " ' � .. • snd Rnal tn&pection approvais),whetAer tamporFUy or permaneM,vfitch are mata8al to tho uso and occu aney of the Fro pe r t y,presentt y aro and ` ' � <br /> � ' s�all ba obtalnad,presorved and,vmere necessary,renovred; ���� _ , _ r, ' ' <br /> ,. � LPNE911 Q1 FarmAttan TacMC:opin�.lna(a/19I�)(�163737i9 PQge t a!9��� f I • <br /> • . 1 _ <br /> �. .. . . �. . �_ _ _ , <br />