� y ' � � �, �l- .. .tt: � - . _ � . ' . . .F..� � . � �n��.. . - �} -� - -. � .°.r� - — - . " ' ..
<br /> � � S• i" -E � ` Sf � I • . ' L� � .. . `' ., ; . 'Q ' � `C'. }'� 4�T �� ' +
<br /> ^ � .... 4t � L. . ..a ' ___ ` � . � - ,a C , `. _.
<br /> - � � ;_• � �M�� � , E ...� .
<br /> - . � ` ��-- ��'w° . , , � ..
<br /> /r '_ ` — ' < �y'•( _
<br />- ' 5. �f the Bonovret f�Ts to: (��nYain or pay ffie premiums for the re�rired insurance of tha Property►.or(bJ OaY��befare deGnquant,or � � •
<br /> • • � (c1 pay any amcunt due under e prior mortgage or trust deeQ 6sfora d¢linquerrt,oG td)maintain tha Property in goo0 ropair,or(e1 pertarm �.;'� • .. , ��
<br /> ' �• eny of,the cnvenanis or agreements of this Trust Oeed,then the I.ot�der may,at its option,pay such insurance premiums,taxes,mattgago 'f �- : .
<br /> ' - or tryst deed paYments;or make rapairs and d�urse sucb sums and taka such action as it deoms necos8ary ta protect its interest�erithout _ .
<br /> ` � � " `' tyaiving or affecting ita rigM to dodare or dofault end acceferate the Qebt secu�ti hereby hecau�a ot any sucb failara af the Borrower. RnY . _ •
<br /> � : � `!�� � . . amouMssadisbucsedbytheLeadershallcons8tutoadditianalindebtednassottheBoROV�eraecuradbythisTrtfstQeeQar.dsAaltbnaiintereat. -
<br /> • fromthe slate of disburssmerrt at Ma rate payabte under tha(Qote. Nottung contained in this paragtaphshall requue the Lender to malte any c
<br /> . - �t. ., sucb disburser:�ents or take arry a1.�tioa whatscever. � ` . �.'• .
<br /> _ , � .
<br /> ,r� '- , 8. TAa Lender may make or cause to be made reasonabte onuies upon and inspection of tha Proparty. '
<br /> -- � - °- � � -
<br /> � �— �. The proceeds of any av�ard or ctarrrr for damagas.d'erect or conseQuanteaf.ir►connection vritis an}i cassdamr�aIIaa or ot3�'r tai�ite3 of tl�; " �
<br /> �. � ' Property,or part thereof,or for comeyance iniieu af condemnation,are hereby assigned and shail be patd tu tha Lendar to tho axtent of thn
<br /> � �• , . tult amaunt of the remaining unpaid indebtedne9s secured Dy this Trust Ceed. � •� .
<br /> � If the Pirope►ry is abandoned by the Borrower,or,if after notice bY tha Lertder to tha 6orrovrer ihat tf�e coaQemnor otfars m make an award ' , ' .
<br /> r� - • � - or ssttta a ctaim for darnages,the Barrower faits to respornd to tlta Lender rvithin 30 days after tAa d,3te such notica is rr+aifed,tha tender � +. : . �
<br />_ ' • . is authorized to coltect and appty the proceecls to the sums secured Dy tliis Tnrst Doed. � . ',
<br /> ' . Cortdomnation pmceeds or awards shall he credited to the Iast maturing insYallmenis of the indebtedness secwad and shatl'aai extend or : �-?��_`
<br /> ` � � : postpona tha dua date ot the installments�eferted to in paragraph t heteot.or ahange tho amourtt of cuch installmeMS. ' -�
<br /> , . . , . . � '�`-ti�',f:'..
<br /> •� ' 8. ff the Lender issues a pariial re!ease of this Trust Deed.!he proceeQs received therefor sha!1 be creditecf to tRe last maturiag instal(ments of ` : -
<br /> ���. �•��� � � tha indebtedness secured here6y. , . �
<br /> _ ?�,-2 . _ _ . '�.s- .,...
<br /> :'Z'`� ' 9. IE the lertder either voluntari�y ot invofuntarify hecomea a patty to any suit ortegal proceeding relatingto tfie Propetty,Nota ottAisTrust Deed. ri�_,r,'r_�'`
<br /> • � =-; � than tha Borrower wiU reimburse tho lender far all coscs and,.to tAa extent pemtittea Gy law,reasona6.'e aitoni�Ys'fees irscatred by the � 'r�f;:-.
<br /> �.�`: • � ` , lender retating to such suit,or lagal praceedings andsaid sums shaD constitute additiona}irtdebtsdness sacured by this 7rust Queb artd baar � " "
<br /> _ �..�__:;--_-__
<br /> -"'i�.::r.---�'-----
<br /> � interest at the rate payable under the Nota,unti!paid. . . • • .�1��- �-:
<br /> - •• . , ��`W=
<br /> - � • • t�. As additfonat security,the Borrov+er does�erbby assign,trarfsfer and set ove►to me tender,in case ot defauit in the Darfomunae ot any -_._ ._-___
<br /> . . �..
<br /> _.. . -.--.:--_..- - - ------ °- -�- `="
<br /> , . • of�tFio�iering oFcan�oris'o�'ihisYni'sfQeed,-the No'FO di�hb-t[Striss of'�ttp�7nrlets�tltles�s�0►eilf�armbY:g(YOf tha-rents;-�avanuas a�d any----- :.._--
<br /> .. . ' income ot any typa whatsoaver te be derived from tha Prc+perty,inctuding tand contract payments. The lender,in person,by agent or by � ''�
<br /> , . , ,. receiver,withaut regard to tho so(vency or insotvency of the Borrower or th9 vatue of tAe Praperty,shaU be entetted to cako possassion ot, - '- _
<br /> � � ' iepair,reM and manage the Property and to coltect tha rants,revanuesand income thorefrom and it may paV aut of sad irtcome all e�enses � '�
<br /> ' ot repair and costs incurted in ranting artd managing the Proparty and coliecong rents and tor paymant ot insurance premium3 with any `
<br /> -, � remairting bafance to be applied to tha fast maturing payments of tAe debt secured hereby. Upon preseniing a copy of this Trvst Qeed and ----.
<br /> - - � -• -- - demand Co-any tessee, tenant or contraci purchasar o!the Piopa"riy,such petsoii srall p�y BliTenLS;payments and profits acarued or . �
<br />. ,. ' � thereafter accming to the Lender ynU}further rtotice irom the�ender.
<br /> .. � . 11, 1t atl or.any part ot ffio Proparry or any.inforest therein is deeded,sotaty by tand conuact or othernise conveye0.afienated or turtAor . '. ` �-
<br /> • • '' encum6ered either voluntarity or invo[untarily witho�st the lendors priot writtan consent,exctuding(a)a transfer hy operation af law upon J�
<br /> '' � ' ',� tha death`of a{oint tanant nr lb)the gtant of any Ieasehold intarest not containing an opDOrt ta purchaso with a tease term ot two yaars or '' �
<br /> . less,or tc)tha creation ot tha purchasa moneY securety interest in housedold appliances.then the Lender may,at Its option,Qaclare all sums • •
<br /> • • � secured by this Trust Deed to be immediately due and payabte_ . -;� ��
<br /> . . • ' .,�� ?
<br /> . 12. Upon the Horrowefa breach of any covenant oe agreement of the Borrower in Mis Trust Qeed,inctucting tAe covenants to pay wAen due any ' ' ::�r
<br /> ' �� , sums secured�y this Trust beod,the Lender,at its op5on,may declare alS of tRe sum9 secured Dy tNs Trust Qaed to De immediaieiy due � '
<br /> ___._._.,___.__:._.,__ and payabta witAaut furtfier domand and may invoRo tha powoe ot sato and/or any othor romadie9 portnitted by applicaDla law ineWding tha . � ��/�
<br /> dght to fareclosa this Trust Qeed in the manner providod bv law for tAo torootosure of mortgages on raal astata. 'fho Lender sAall be entitted :�,; .
<br /> �: � . ,
<br /> to toltect aU reasonable costs and axponsas incurred in pursuing such�amedies incMding,but not limited to,an6 to tha extont pemtittad by •
<br /> � law,reasonabte attomeys'faes. ���"�--
<br /> r` � .. �'�, .
<br /> - - If the powor of salo is invokod,the t►ostea st�ell record a notico of default in each county in wivchtAe Property or somo parf thereof is located . � j>;�
<br /> � r�' ... and provide notico tharoof i�tha manner prescriSad by appticablo la�v. Qfter tho IaDse ot sucb timo as may ha required DY eAP�caDta taw, � •'r,�sj`.
<br /> � ;. tAv 7ntatoo shall givo public notico ot sate to the porsons and in the manner proscri6od by applicable taw. Tha Trustee.o�tha attomey for � • .
<br /> � � � tha Trustoo,witAout domand on tha Borrowor,shall se11 the Property at puDUc auotion to the highest Didder at the timo and Dtaca and under ( -• ,
<br /> • tho terms designated in the notice of sala in one or mora parcets and in such order as the Trustne may dotemuna. The Trustee may postpone � . � -
<br /> • �� sate of all or any parce!ot the Properry bY Public ennouncament at tha timo and ptaca of any proviousty scheduled eale. Ttie tender or tfie i � • •
<br /> Londads dosigneo may purchasa tAo ProDarty at eny sate. l • .
<br /> �- . . � r- -. -- •
<br /> . . � ' { Upon racaipt of paYment of tAe price bid,tAa Trustoe aha11 dalivor to tha purcAaser a Trustea'a pee0, without wananty,convaying tha �E • - •'• -
<br /> . . � ProDenll eotd.Tho roc�tals in the Trustoo's Oead shall bo prima tacio evidonce of the uutA of the statoments made therein. Tho Trustoe shali ` . '. ��r.� "
<br /> .. apply tho procoeds ot the saio in tho folfowing ordar: fa?to al!roasonabte costs and expenses of the sate,includmg,but not timited to,the � , � , .
<br /> '., '_ . • Trustea's fees ot not mora tnan 5500.00 ptus.54f�o!tho amount sacured AereLy artd remairvng unpaid,and costs ot Utto avido�ca:lb)to � �
<br /> . .. ali sums sacured by this Trust Ooed;and Ic)the a:tcass,if any,to tho person or perso�s legalry entiticd thertlto. � i
<br /> . � t3. Any forbearartca by tAe tonQer in exercising any right or remedy horounder,or otherwise aHotQed by epplicab[o law,ahatl not bo a waivar
<br /> � . • ot or prectude tho azercise ot any sucb right or remedy in thv evont af conUnuing or tuturo breaohes by tAe Borrower. 1 . . .
<br /> �, � . . • 14. All romoCios providcd in this Trust�oad aro distinct and cumulative to any ot�er rigfit or ramedy under this Trust Oaed or affordvd Ey lav�
<br /> ' . • ' , or aQuiry,and may be oxorcisad concurrontty,indopendenUy or succass"svoly.
<br /> r� �
<br /> � � {� � ' 15. Upon payment of ali sums sncured by this Trust QoaO,tAo tandor shall raQuost tho trusteo to roconvay tho ProDarty and shall surrende►this � , .. • :
<br /> T , � Trust Dood and aIl notos widencing indubtodness secutod by tAis Trust Doedto theTrustee. The Trusteo shafl reconvey tho Property without .
<br /> • . - � • warranty to tho porson or porson9logalty onUtled th9reto. Such pelsotf or person9 sfial)pay al!Costs ot rocordat�on,if any. • ; „ .
<br /> � ' " � � 16. Tho Londor,nt tho Lendm's option,may from timo to timo removo tho Trustes anR nppD�nt e snccossoe Trustea to any Trustes aDpointed
<br /> '' . � . AorounRo►by an instrumont�ocorded in th0 oounty in wtUCh this Teu9t Oeed i9 reeorQod_WitRout conveYance ot tho PropeRy,tho successor ' . ' �.
<br /> , Ttustoo shalt succeod to all titto,powee and dutio9 contorred upon the lrusteo hore�n and by applicabto law.
<br /> �: • 17. 6ccapt fo�any�ot�ces,demande,raquests at othar communicaUOns roquirad under appl�cablo law to bo givan in another manner.whenevar , ' . '
<br /> . • . tho Landnr,tha Borroovor or tha Trustae gives or senros eny notico Gncluding, without Gmitation, natica of da}autt and nooce ot satol,
<br /> �; • - : damand9,requasts or othor communicaUOn wftlt respsct to this Trust QeoQ,each such notice,demand,roquest or other communicaUOn shall -
<br /> be in v�riGng and shatl be oifoctive onty if the samo is dolivored by porsonat s9wice or maitod by certified maiA postago prepad,roturn reco�pt
<br /> requostud,aQQrossedto the address sst forth at the begi�ning o}thi9 Trust Ooed.A copy of eny no6ca of dofault,any notica of.sata,roqu�rcd
<br /> ' _ or pertnittad to bc given hernundor,sNall bo maitod to eacA pe►son who is eparty tfetoto at the eddross sef fortA at t�o bogmning of this Trust . . '
<br /> Ooad. Any patty may at any time cAango its addrb9s'fors�ch nilbco9�y dol�Vetmg dr mailing ta tAo othn�parUOS thoroto,as atoro9a�0.a
<br /> ' <� � . noNco of such cAange. Any notice heteundar sha!i bo deemed to have boan cyven to t�e Botrower ot tAS Londor,whon givon�n tho martncr , •
<br /> � ' • designatod horein.
<br /> - --- - 18. Thn covonani9 and sgraomonts horoin containod sAall birtd, en0 tho ngMs �orourtGer sholl inuro to tho rospocbve heirs, porsonal
<br /> ropresontativos,succossots artd assigns oE tho parUOS. All covenant9 anQ agroamonts ot tho 8orrowet s�all b•�joint ond sovor�. bVhonavot•
<br />°, _ roforonco is mnda to tho sirtgutan c�rcunQor,it sAal6inctudo tho ptural and the pturai sAatl includo tho singular.
<br /> � � .
<br /> - .. � ' .
<br /> .
<br /> .
<br /> _ --y i:` _---_-- - ---- • --•---_-- _--- -:
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<br /> �` ' ., . � . .
<br /> � .
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