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. `. ' �' �. °' ,'_;`�-''y ' ' '' ' . . F � .Y. '.L� .r C' ' ��4 , . . . , F . � •� t '-- <br /> ; ..��:._ `[ '� `�� .. .. F �. . �� _ �: _. 'k'` .. � < . �. � __ '"ay.�4��" rt:l � t�^. ..-_ <br /> ��, C ` 1 ` ' . . ` � �yA/� ' -\`.•t t •4 - <br /> - � a r .•' - . . ' . -� - � �6IYV� , .�. 1 n_. <br /> , . � � � � �OM� L�l11YY!!N�eQGl�EEtVtEI'� � ' : _ <br /> _ . TRaJ�� DEEQ ' . �' , ` — <br /> — '_ � � ' � �, � � � � • `:" � _ <br /> ' • � : TFllS TRUSF dSED.made tlus 26th day of San�Y .t8 95 .bY���¢ng the Trustor. Gnn� J ' . ,' - <br /> . , , ' `` ' • � <br /> � • [4atkias and Boneita P: t,tatkins husban3 and �aife , � . �. °x: <br /> • . • - - . •� <br /> . � therein"Borrower'). �: <br /> ., . ;.`�.`' 22Q7 t�ioodridae Fane. Grand Island. Nebsaska b8802 . '. ` . � <br /> . .' , whoSa matiing.tsdEtess is - -- — . <br /> „-r�': _ , . <br /> — _ - , and�rsTier._ ' �a�Nebraska - . — .Ehere[n'Tnucea'l.and tAa , _� <br />��1 ,... , ` � Banafcclary.FtsTier ��3r NP.bxaska .whosemailingaddressis I700 N Fasna�lt S�treete — � ' ' <br /> � OmaYea, Nebsaska 681Q2 (harein�LBRd@i�►. . '� ' , , <br /> - ��.- .. � <br /> f � gORROWER,in considaration of the indbbtedness herein recsived and tRe uust Rorein created,f�revocabty gr�ets.vansters,comreys aad ass�gns to� • � � ',;x �;' <br /> '.' , , . Trustea.In TRUST.1NiTH POUVEH OF SALE.the foIIOwing describad property.tocated in Hall Counry.Nebraska `, '« � ;�,3_��_ <br /> ^ 4, �• .. Lat 2+�venty-eight (28). BZock One tZ?. Brentwood Subdivision, Citp of Grand Island, �. �<r' ,,� �: <br /> . �. � • , ,r..., -;-.;v <br /> r{ ,; � _ �• Hall. County, Hebraska. . `r.:_-�-'_-_- <br />_ '�i. ..>`' _ .-�: . ,�;�='�'``_- .�. <br /> ..r_, <br /> o{a� � - � � -_- --. <br /> ;t.. . .. , , ''�s-- <br />- ' . ' � .. • . »��_. <br /> ... . . . . . �." <br /> � . ' . — <br /> . . ' . . . �t _—. <br /> � I � . • ' . • '•��- <br />-- . . . ' . . " _J�f� � � � �_ <br />-s• � ��.i:' <br /> .... . _ '. ' '_ ' . . . . ._. . _ .. . ` . . . ..'T�f"�' <br /> c � . . _ � . . ' . , . Y� ..a <br />_ � - � ' � h� .:.-o;cj.�'�,� - <br /> _ � � . ' . _ . y�Y , ��. . <br /> . . . ..'_ " _'_ ' � ' ••1. <br /> . . ' , ; : <br /> � � Yt <br /> ' ... . '��. . <br /> ' . _ { � <br /> � <br /> ._.._. _� .. _ . _ . �.'iy• Cr'\l' <br /> - , _' (r. . . <br /> 1 , <br /> _ TOt3ETHER witA all bui(dingq,fexiuras,improvemonts and appurtenances now or hereaftar eractad thareon and aR rights�ot-way,oas�monts,rents, � <br />— � � � �issuas,profits,incomo.tenements,heroditaments,priviteges,appurtenances,royaftios,and mirteral.oil,gas and water rights tharvunto baTongiag.used �. "�:, <br /> • ""-- � � or enjoyed�vith said tand or any part thereof,alt of which.icecluding reptacements and additiona thoreto ahait be deamad to ba and rcmain a part of ?r.��.n <br /> ' Ma property coverod by tAis 7rust Ce a d;a n d e i!o f t he torego ing tago ffier wi t h e a i E p ro D o rt y a r o h e r e i n r a t o r r e d t o a e t h a'Pro po c t y. _„�- . <br /> TO SECURE to Landor the repaymont o!indabtednoss ovidonced by Borrower'e Homo E�rity Lino Loan Agreement and Home E�uity Nato dated ' <br /> � � • ��y(L,19$,.S •togethar with any and all rarewets,modiRaation9.and axter�sions thereof and euLstitutior�s or exchanges.therofor '. . '--� <br /> '' • � Iherom tho'Yoto'1 in Mo maxlmum pdncipal sum outatanding et any ona tlma of 9 66.002,o0 .togetAer with interest at tt�o rato _. <br /> r� �� • �- • z proviEed d�areiib witb a final maturity,it nos sooner pad,ot _JanU�L]�26 .�4C�QQ.Q�d as security for any future advences that may - <br /> � � ba maQo by tho Lender to the Borrower from tima to time and e9 security for tha paymont ot any and all othar indebtednes9 of tho Borrower to the, . � . <br /> . ' ' >y tonder whicA may arise,aii ot eatd aums not to exce¢d in the aggregato a sum oQval to three timea tha original principaf amount ot tho Note. For � ' �°.� . <br /> ' : . ` , pu�ose9 0:tha ltome Equity line Loan AgteemenL para9reptw 2.3,4,5 and 11 balow shall ba daemed covenants relnting to the Property. . <br /> :x • ' . <br /> � BORROWER covenants tAat ttf9 Bwrower i9lawfulry seized ot tha Proparty horeby convoYOd and has tho rigAt to gtant a�d com0y tha ProDerty,that ' , . <br /> tho Rroporry is unoncumbored by any moRgago,irust doea,conuaot to purchase or othorwisa.except fo►a NA <br /> �' .. - " in tavo�ot D7�1 i __ • <br /> -- ? � � on wAic t e unpaid ha►artco on Ws date does not axceed 3 NA . Tho Borrower covenants to comply witfi all tl�o torms o�d � . _ � <br /> � • � prov�sions ot any prior martgage, trust deed or ceetract to purchase upon the Propoety and to mate sli payments thureon boforo thay becomo ( � ,• <br /> � detinQuent. If no namo or amount ia insertes in this pataglaph,tAen tAe Borrower eovenants that thore aro no pdor lions or encumfatance9 ot any Iund � � <br /> }�y • . � - upon tho Property. TAo Bonower turthor covenants 20+narrant and datend tha tiUe to tAe Proporty against all ctalms and demareds. • , <br /> � � � - T1u Bcrrowar artd tho Londar furtAoT covonant and ograo a9 foliow9: f � .. <br /> '* � � 1. The Borrovror shaH prompUy pay wAen duo tha.Drincip�and inierest on the indobtadnoss ovidonced by tho Noto. � . <br /> ' • ' . 2. At Ieast ton days 6otore they becomo dolinquant. Borrower sAa11 pay el1 taxos and special assessmonts tovied ur assossad egainst the � . . <br /> ' �'„ ProyertY,or any part thar6of,mnl al)taxas,lov+as 2nd assassmanta loviod upon Nis Trust Oood or tho dabt whicM1 it socuros. <br /> , ' ' � 3. TAo eorrower sAatl keep the imyrovemerrts and buitdiags,it any,uport the Prdperiy insuraA,v�ith a cortWany or companios appcoved Dy the •• �. <br /> �s . - ' LoaQor,tor an amount not tes9 Met+tho unpaid batance on tAa inEebtednoas eecurad by this Trust Oaed witA a standard mor�qago clause . <br /> � . • . witA toss p5}rabto to tAO lon3ar. Tha Borrowoi eh�il deliver sald Dolicy or poliCio9 to tho lendot. . <br /> . tn tho ovent of a loss,tho Botrohret ehalty�ivo prorttpt�notice to the insuranco carnar and tRa tonder ertd fila a praof ot los9. It the Borrowor is not , � � <br /> othsrwnso in dofauf4 the Bdrrovrer.mey etect to apply tho insurenco procooda to toDair or replaco tha Eunagad Property,if economicatly foasi6ta,and <br /> � � , tho soeuriry o!tnis Trust OoeG wautd�ot�0 imyaitod. (f tha Horrowor is in dotautt or otoats not to ropaft or rcptaeo the damaged Proporty or repafr <br /> • or�eptecemant would not ocortomically foasiCto ot tho accurity at thia Trust Qaad woufd bo imyalrad thqn tAo insuranco P�oceeds shali be appt�ed to . <br /> � , the Iast m�tunng payments duo on tAe Noto. If tha insuranao proceeQs aro in excoss oi tTfa tota!'umovnt due oh said Note,ths oxtoss'shaU bo paid � <br /> •�� • tu the Borrawor. Insuranco procaedo for raanir or roplacamont aRal}bo ptaond in escrovr with the lendnr ond dis6ursed by the Londer dunng or upon <br /> �• • . cmrfplotion of such rop�tr or roDtacomont. It th�Londor ac�uiros tiUo to tho Prcporty by exercising its powor of salo,foractosuro or othorw�sv,in . <br /> , . ' snUstaction of No inQoLtednoss securod h� whoto or in part,then ett rig�e,titte end interost of the Borrowar in and to sucb insuranco poticy . <br /> -• --:-- _ -- -. - or po�icias sAati pass to tho lenQor. , <br /> . 4. Tho Bortowar etuill koep tho.P�operty in gaod rapair a�shaU not comrttit wasta or pormit impa�rmont or doturioralion of the Pro9orty. � <br /> � �� . • . . • . . <br /> E_-_.—•__. ..__ ...�. __.i: - <br /> - �� ' � <br /> � ' . , . . <br />