. ., .. ` ( t _ _ . . . � � . :i,-•., F
<br /> . , � :.; - . � . :,� _ . . ' c. , . , ' f: .. - c � " __
<br /> ,. �. . . Y r. • -
<br /> . � ,-�,� .
<br /> - �,�o t :r ��.';, � � . -
<br /> �� ` �+ ` � , . .�. . . -
<br /> . . �'�` <. .
<br /> + , .��, ,t�. � . i �5- �to���� , , °.� . �,` _
<br /> .�, ,��<<�.��� : , , , ..
<br /> .Q_ � , �_ �.,� . �
<br /> t : �� ` in samplianct�with allBpPS[ca�fe tawe.ardir►en�es at►�reautatfan� .
<br /> = " � , 9.Hasitdoaa�Trustor sha11 keeP the PropertY . , , , =
<br /> • •� . . retatin8 to indus4rta!hygfena or eavir�nmental PratecKOrt(ecllectivefy reterrQd to hereIn as"Enviranmental i,aws?.��u5��� . • , , . � :��
<br /> . .. . . ke�ptPtePrope�rtytreefrcmallsub5tancesdeemedto�fiaaardausortoxicunderanyEnviranmemalla�(cotlecttvaiYrafelradto � �
<br /> . . , ' , lteraln as"Haxardpus Mafertafa"!.Teusmr hereby waRa�a'�d represenLS ta lenQer that t3�ese are no Hazardous Matedais on ar .' ,� . :. ;:',�
<br /> undertheFrope�ty.Trust�rhereby0.�reestoirtdemnii�/andholdt{artntesstend�itsdlrectors.ol�tera.emP►oYeesanaegent9.an9 c .
<br /> any auecessars w Len�er's irtte�esL nom and egalnst any and ail c[alm�da�naSe�losses and�iabiiiUes aristng In cannectian�rith
<br /> . ° , .. we presence.use.dis�asai or uansFort at e�►Y Hazardaus�tateriafs on.urtde�.fram or at�aut the P�aperty.THH FOR�OiN3
<br /> az d
<br /> " �� ' SURUN�Fi�60NVEYANCE OF THES D�OF 7RUST.. •
<br /> - ns tfl Lrm�tier the rems.issuas ssnd pruTits ot ttie RroSeRY:ProvfQed that T�ustor •
<br /> ._�� T. ta Aasi�nlol it�.T�ustnr hersby ess3g �-,� _� '.
<br /> � `� shatl.utrtiltheaccurrent�cfanEventatQ�faufi08retmdsr t�atli�r�tis=tx►4tsctandretainauchtentaissu�,9andProfiba;�NeY �_
<br /> �' °a.• � � became dua and payalat�Upon the occuftenca ot an Event at QeisuiL Lender maY.etther in parson or by agenL with or witDaut '
<br /> � � . ' hringing arry aation or proceeding or�y a recaivar apPointed by a court and writhout�egard to tAe adeQua�y at its securiry.a►ter
<br />_ � � upan and take possesstan otltse PropertY.or any Partthereol,jn oore�e of the P.raFerty.or eny partthereof arinytesestttt fe ein. . ; .. . _
<br /> _; . . deemsnecessa�lforQesirabtatopre.secvethevatue.martce�0 tY �ff - .
<br /> � � � � tnCrease the ineame theretrAm or protect tt►e secudty Aereof and.with at wi�ai►t takln9 Po�OSS1on o�������d . - .
<br /> ' � � ethenirise coitect tha re�ts.tssues and profits Mareof.inciuding thaso past dus and unpad and aPAhl ,. .
<br /> _ . � • :. expen3es o!oge�attcn and coiteCUon inctuding attomeys ieas.uDon any inde�tedness secured hereby.ali fn such cr�r as tenfler ��c•t`
<br /> .. , may dato�miae'me er►teBng upo�and taktng Pq�esston o!the Proparty,the coitection ot such renb,issues artd P���d�e �:._.-'
<br /> .� !.`.;`� ' appltc�tton thereaf as atoresaid sRa11 nct cure ar wa[ve arry detautt or nottce cf dafaWt hereunder or imaltdate any act done in �,��� .:
<br /> . . rgypanggtp&uchdefauftarpursuanttosachnoticeofdefauttandnot+r�lthstandin9MecontinuanceinpassessIcnottheProperiy0r '•:�•._,.: u..,.
<br /> „ `
<br /> � the c4ltBCUan.receipt and sADUCatian ot rents.issu�ot O�a�•�d T�ustea a"d�.ender shail be entiUed ta exerasa e�►erY�9M _j,��_
<br /> - . , prpvidt�db�in�yaitheLoanQocumertsorbYtawu�CnooeurtenceofanyEventotDetaulall b�c�u�mu attvevn�th,and�inno�aya .•��,�,='.'��_;ly
<br /> .. , exercise the power of sala.Further.Lender's rigMs and remedies under 4his paragrap Lender.Trustee , '.. a• '•-9�.�=a-;:
<br /> � pmiffittanon.tendera�FghtsandremediasunderamtessignmenlofleasesandrentsrecordedagainsltheFcaPertl►• , _:,.,,,-
<br /> ' � ' and the receiver shall he i'�abte to BCCflurt anty.tlmse�e�acivalht reeeived. � �� _�`''�=-
<br /> , . . . .,.. 11.E1►�rtb W Odau(t The toltowing shall consU'Wte an Erent ot Defautt under this Deed otTruat . {���:
<br /> _ : _.r.• _. .
<br /> : - �__._ �_..,. _ ... .._ _ ._..__._._,(a�.F#i�ture to paY any_instaltment of Principal or irrterest ot any ot�er sum secured hetehY when dua _
<br /> . �--- ,
<br />- � . .. � (b) Abreachofordetauttuq�anyprovisitfn�c�intainedintAeNOte;thisD�dofTrusl.anyaftAe4canQacuirse[►t9.9re!!a/--._....._ �i�=�
<br /> ' othet�ien or encumCrarece won the 1PropertY: �
<br /> wo
<br /> � � � � (c) Aw�iiotexecutionoratffichmentoranysimila,�proceseshalthaenteredagainstTrustorwhichsriallDecomea e�on �,,�-
<br /> . . . , � .the P�o�eriy ot enY Po�on tRereo!or interest trierein: _!
<br /> - .. • (cn There sha11 be tiled by or against Trustor ar BoROwer an actian under any present ar future tederaf.atate c►cther
<br /> - - � st8tut�law or regutatfon relating to DanRruPtcY.insolvency�r other tetiet tor debtors;or tl:ere sfial�be aDPoin�d any ttustee.
<br /> • � receiver ar liqutdamr of Trustor or Horrower or of ali or any part ot the Property,or the renti9.issues or proflts thereof,or Trustor ;
<br /> ' '� � � or Borrower 8�a11 make arry generat asstgnme�t for tne beneflt of creditor�
<br /> . • _ (ej 1'he�sale.transtar,tease,assignment conveyance or fuAher encumbrance of all or any part of or any tnterest in the ' h:
<br /> � prpperty.e i t her vo tu r rt a rity or tnvotunta�ity,w[maut the expre�wdtten consem ot Lender,provided that Trustor shali be .:ti#
<br /> ' ' ' � pertnittedto execute a tease of theProperiy that daes nntcontain an op�on to purchase andthetertn ct wt�ich daesno texc e e d :
<br /> ' • oneyear: ;.�
<br /> =�• � � (fy ADandonmant of the Property;oF �
<br /> ,�... �
<br /> � ,� ' (g) (fYrustorisno{anindividual,theissuance.s�te Vansfer.assignmenLconveyanceorencumbranceofmorethamatoffiI z,
<br /> . .:.�".:
<br /> , ,_ ___ o��_pereent of(if a corpo►ffiton)Its Issued end outstanding stock or(if a partnersnip)a tot�c/ percent oi i}.;.;�y�;%
<br /> -� � p8rtne►ship interests diiring the periad this Deed of Trust remains a lien on the Rroperty. ..
<br />- � • 12 R�m�diN;AccNs�atlo��Po�D�hui3.in the event of any Event of Default Lender may.without nottce exceptas re4ujred bll ..�4 i"
<br /> ` taw.dectare ail indebtedness s$cured hereby to be dua and payabte and the same shall tnereupon tiacome due and payabte ;, � . � _
<br /> � � without any presenbnent demand,protest or notica of any kfnQ Thereatter Lender may. �
<br /> a . .� �,�,
<br /> ' ' � - (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE grantod herein,and Trustee shall thereatter�use Trustora ' '.�r�'
<br /> -' ' interest tn the Ptoperty to be sold artd the proceeds to be distributed.ail in the manner provided in tha Nebraske Trust Deeds .. +;;:�/r;;W
<br /> ''�
<br />_ . � . act
<br /> ' . (b) Exerclseenyandallrighisp�ovidedforinanyotthaLoanDocumentsorbylawuponoCCUrrenceotanyEventofOefaulx
<br />-� 1 .� ' � .. _ ; ��(c) Commence an acdon to torectose this Oeed+ot Trust as a mortgage.appo�nt a receiver,or specificalty entorce any oi Me . • �'
<br /> �� . covenants hereo� . , �. `' - .:
<br /> _ � �. .; ��! ' No remedy hereln conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is Intended to be exctusive of any other rem e d y herein.in the .:ti� '
<br />' , . •� ,- � �ean pocumenta or by law provided or permitte0.but each shatl be cumuiative,shail be in sOdiUon to every other�emedy gtvee
<br /> • • hereunder,inthsLoanDocumenisornoworAereafterexistingatlaworinequityorbystatute,andmaybeexereise0cencumently, . ,.
<br /> - � � independenttyoraucce�.s�vely. � .' ' '
<br />- , .� � _ . 13,Trustu.The Tr45toe may resign et any Ume without cause,end Lender may at arry tJme and w��oower.Trustor�orany � , � _.�
<br /> � � ' etcCCe9sot or subsUtute Trustee.Trustee ehall not be liabte to epy party,including withoutiimiffition Lender.
<br /> � •• • � � purchaseroltFteProperry.foranylossordarttageunleasduetorecktessorwifltulmisCOnduct�andshallnotb0�epuiredtotakeaay . ..
<br /> � -� � actton in connectlon wdtA the entorcement o!this Oeed of Trust untess Indemni�ed,in wriUng,tor all costs.compensation or
<br /> � e x penses wPdch may be assaciated therewith.�n addlUon,Trustee may become a purchaser at eny eate of the P�oDe�ll Uudtclal or . . . , .
<br /> � • • under the power of sate granted herelny;postpone the sate o f a l l or any p o rt l o n o f t h e P r o p e R y,as provided by law;or sell the :
<br /> ' � . . .'-. properly as a whole.or in separate parcels or lots aLT�uatee's dlscreUon. •
<br /> - 14.F�N�nd�nNS.in the event Trustea sells the PropeRy by exercise o1 power ot sate.Trustea ahaU 6a enUUed to apply
<br /> any sale proceeds ifrst to payment of ail cost9 and expen�es ot exercising power of sate,inctuding all Trustee s fees.end LenQer's
<br /> and Truatee's attorney's(ees�actuallY incurred to extent permitted by appiicabte law.ln the event BoROwei orT►ustor exercises any ,.
<br /> . - right provtded by law to cure an Event of Oetauil,Lender shall be.entiUed to recover from Trustor ail cosb a�d expensos actuaily .
<br /> � incuned as a result o1 Trustor's detauit,Inctuding withaut IimitaUon alt Trustee's and attorney's tees.to the extent permitted by
<br /> ' � ' . eppilcabie law. •
<br /> ' 15,FuWra Adwanea.Upon request of BoROwer.Lender may.at its option,make additional and tuture advancos end re�
<br /> advancee to Borrower.Sueh aQvances and reativances,with interest thereon;shall tre secured by this Deed of Trust AtnoUme shall
<br /> - � ;- ' tt►e principai amountof the indebtedness secured bythis Oeed af trus�n��in���in8�umsa�ac�etog rgorea t�tho securtty o1 thla .
<br /> � . Deed o1 Trust exceed the odgtnal principal amount stated herein,or$ � (� .
<br /> - • � ' ' � 18.MHc�iNaus Prot►t�ton�. ' ..
<br /> � (a)BortO��►H�R��•�nston oi the Nme for payment or modificatton o!amoNsaUon of tfie suma socured by thia
<br /> � � . Qeecf ot Trustgrante�d by Lender to eny suecessor In interest of Bonower shail notoperateto release.in any manner.the Uability ` ,
<br /> ' . � of the original8orrower end Sor�qwer's successata In interest Lender shati not 6e raquired to commence proceedings against (
<br />- � suehsuCCessororrefusetoexcendUmeforpaymentorothenxlaemodifyamortlzaUonolthesumasecuredbythis0eedotT�ust !
<br /> - � � � � by reason of sny domands made by the odginal8ottower and Borrower's successors In interest _ .
<br /> + ` �bj{,���ppvr�ri.Without aHeeting the IiabUity ot any other person liabte tor the payment of any obNgatlon hereln i.
<br />- �� • menttoned,and withoutafiectingthe tlen or aharge of this Qecaa of Truat upon any portton o!tNe Pronerry notthen or ther�tofore ,
<br /> " � reteasedassecuritytorthetullamountfl1etlunpaEdoDligaUons,lendermay.fromUmetoUmeandwithoutnottca(�releaseany ;.. .
<br /> poreon So Oabta,(li)Axtend tha maturiry or etter any o1 the terms of any such obllgaUOns,(iil)grant other indutgences.(iv)release 4
<br /> � � or reconvey,or cause to be celeased m�econveyed et arry 8me at Lender's opUon any parcet,portlon or all ot the ProAerry. � .
<br /> . , : • (h take or retease any other or eddi�onal Security tor any obligation heretn menUoned,or(v1)make composiUons or aSher i . .
<br /> . — Erreag9nsenla with dehtors in reISUOn ther6to. . . � .- -_ .---__ •- ..
<br /> , . . . • . . �. .
<br /> .
<br /> , � �
<br /> . .
<br /> , . . .
<br /> . . . .
<br /> , . . . .
<br /> . : ,^ _,r_.____ - . �r .
<br /> ..- . . , -,.--------------'
<br />