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e .iii.f. C ' _ V ' . ` . . . � � . a . K <br /> '�. .. - ��.' . .. . . _ _ . � .. •�-� �. Y'-. .'. _. , ' � , ( . ' ' �' � <br /> . i�.. . t < . � _� ` . �� <br /> . . .. . "f '�!_ �C': f2 _ . ' . • . . _ , .. • . . . ;� . _ <br /> _" • ' . �� , a • . _ v U ;f ,. . . . . • ,� <br /> -. • . y '• � - _ • � �- � x.: <br /> ., _ .. .. . . . . . •:•• <br /> �.�i�: ' ` , , . �. <br /> . .l. '. ' • , . , . . . '.4. <br /> ' �'.,`-< <F fµ' • • ' � � '. ����WLO , � , `��* <br /> . - . D�ED OF TRUSY WITi�t Ftj4URE/�VANCE�� `� ` � .�- ��4 <br /> .�. r: :. . . � <br /> . ` , � TH15 DEED CF TFtUST.ta trtade es ai 4Re 2�th �y o� Jan. `� ,t�5 bY end s.tnong ' ' ' •.� - <br /> . � °' ths TtusOOr. PA4RIC2A L IlOHRISOH . siaqle person � . . � .'- ' <br />_ '� � ' � 25 KUESTFxR 6AKE GRAND ISL�ND NE 688�1 • • � 4 <�` <br /> - . , • . xcRosO malitng address is (Reretn'Trusmr.°whether cne or mQre� . . , <br /> • � Five Points Barttt. a tSebrasfsa Corporatian � `` � '" .' <br /> . tAe Trustee. � . <br /> <;,5 - ---'_-_...`. . � P.0. Bax 150T Graad Island. NE 68802 • ' r " � - <br /> .... _._,��,.�'' . whose trtalli�g add�ess is (herein'?rueteo�.end . . . , � . <br /> __. - ..=-�."�.-= . Five Poi.nte Baak ` - —: -- -� --- <br /> _ • .. <br /> - . ' , . the BBnettCiary. , . • <br />' , ` whase mailing address is 2015 H.: Broadvell Grand Ialand. NE. .688�2-15?17 (herein"Lender"� � <br /> - ---,-.. , . . .. . .. . <br /> ��`'�` I-'�- � -� - FOR VALUABiE CONSiDEAATtOPk irtcluding Lender's extension o!credit idarrol8ed hsreIn to - - -��- -�� -� � <br /> r. . <br /> �� . PATE�ICLA L I40RBISON ' �, - ' '�' • . <br /> • � (herein"Borrower",whether ane or mnre)end the trust heretn creabd. <br /> � �� , the reeei�!o!whlch ts hereby ackrtowledged,Trustor tlereby irrevacabty grants.transtera.canveys and esstgns to Trustee,(N t � � <br /> � � TFtUST.YYITHPOWEROFSAL.�forthebenefltandsecuriryolLender.underandsubjecttothe�rmsandcondittonsAereinaRerset - - - . <br /> • .7 . ::` ..... . :� , �. <br /> :;x , � fo�ayr���e�d�i�v�i�HTS S�CUND ADDITI02i TO THE CI7'Y OF GRAHD • , � <br /> i? r.��.--'°, ISLAHD, HALL C011ti3'Y, liEBRASKA ��'. �.- <br />_ .�.. • ,... � . .. ;. +�.,, ; : . `, <br /> . .., , • Together wlth eit 6utldings,improvementa,fixtures,streets..aifeys.P�Beways.easemenis.Nghts,Privlteges and appurta- ° , <br />- . . � nences tocated Merean or inanywise pertaining thereto.and ihe rents,issues and profit9,�eversians and remairtdera lhareoL and ,... .._. . __�, <br /> ---:- �- . -- �uCt`�rsort8lpt�ip�ttfftliati�c8tfach�dYothe�tmprovement�so�astorconstfttute�finturelnctuding:-bWt�noilimttedto,fieatlng�arM� -,..�-------�-' T�_ <br /> .. . _ ' � caottng equipmen�and togeU�er witi�the homestead or marital tnterest4,if any.which interests ere hereby reteesed and wahred:afl ' . �" .. �, ,. <br /> . , ofwhleh.inciudingreptacemenisandaddittonsthereW,iaherebydeclaredtoEeapaRoithar�a�esfatesecuredbythelienolthis �. �,. .;:w:y.:� <br /> ' '... Deed oi Tnist and atl ot the bregotag being reterred to herein as the"PropeRyf'. � : . �i; . — <br /> . ' .,...w.. �.:. <br /> .. �; - •�y�=f:��-.-- Thl�Oeed of Trust shali secure(a).the payment ot the principal sum end interest evidenced by a pramiasary note or credit _'_ _. . �;��; _ , <br />� , � ' agreement dated � Jaauary 27th 1995 � havi�lg a maturiry date of January 25th 2000 . <br /> ' <br /> ��, ;. , . , � (n the odginal pdncipat amount oi$ 12.020.50 _ � ,and any and all madiflcatlona ext�nstons a�d renewata � '` � " . <br />- . � � � . �. thereot ar theret0 and any and aN tuture advant�s and�readvances to Borrower(or any of thsm if more than one)hereunder - •� � . ',��.. , <br /> � • � pursuant to one or more promissory notes or credit agreementa(heretn cal►ed"Note'};(b)the paymsnt ot other sur�advanced by , , �, r. = • <br /> ' LenQer to protectthe securiry of the Note;(c)the ertormance of ell covenants and a reemenffi of 7rustor sat tarth herein;end all � '•`�'' � • <br /> D 9 �� : ' •n !... . . <br /> presenta�d tuture tndebtedness and obiigaUons of Borrawer(or any a?Nem(t more than one)to Lender whethec dlrecL IrMirect. • . , ,,.� ; � <br />. � • �. �. absatute ar conNngent and whether adsing by note,gaaranry,overdraft or olhervvisa The Note.this Ooed of Trust end any end ail • �,- ` `�t`' <br />- ' oltterdocuenbthat8ecurethelYOteorothemiseexecutedinconnecBontherewith.includingwithoutlfmiffiUonguatantees.securlty ' .� .�`f ' <br /> - -- -�-�"�� --�-�.— sgreemenis end assignments of leases a�d renta.Shail be reterred to herein a8 the"Loan Documents". -- -' "� � <br /> ' Trustor covenan�and agrees wfth Lender as foltow� ' <br /> - '� t. Prymant of Ind�bt�s�.All indeb2edness secured hereby ehall be paid when due. •; ' �_;��: <br /> " 2. THt�.Trustor fs the owner of the Property.has the�(gfit and autAoHty to convey the Properry.and warrants that the Iten . � <br /> � � created hereby is a 8rst and prfor Ilen on the Property,except tor Uens and encumbrances set torth by Trustor in writlng�snd % � <br /> � � dellvered W Lender before execuUon otthis Qeed of TrusL and the executfon and deltvery of this Deed otTruatdoea notviotateany � �''�. <br /> � , contract or other obiigaUon to which Truator Ia subjsct � <br /> � • • 3. Tax�s„AstN�mfnb.To pay betore d�llnquency all taxes,specfal assessments and all other charges against the PropeRy <br /> _ now or hereafte►levled. ' . . . <br /> � • • 4. (rrouranw.To keep the Property insuced againstdamage by flre,hat,arAS inctuded within the term"extended coverage°,and •� . <br /> . - � . � �. such ather hazards as Lender may require,in amounb and with companies acceptabte to Lertder,namlrtg I.ender as an addWonat - �.�� .,.� <br /> �. . named Insured,.with loas payabte to the Lender.ln case of toss under such policies,the Lender!s suthorized to adjust coilect end � <br /> � " compromise,ait cfalms thereunQeranO shali have ths opUon otappying all or part of the insurance proceeds p)to any indebtedneas ' '� ., <br /> -. �� � secured hereby and io such orderas Lender may determine,pi)to the Trustorto be used tar fhe repairor restoraUon olthe Proyerry ` " . <br /> y. � . or(!O tor any other purpose or ob�ect saUsfactory to Lender without aftect(ng the tlen o!t�is Deed of Truatfor the bll amount a�cured ; � <br /> ; hereby betore such payment ever took place.Any applicaUOn of proceeds to(ndebtedness shall not extend or post�ane the due <br /> �;. � -�� '. • date oi any paymenis under the Note,or pure eny detautt thereunder or hereunder. � . : • <br /> � � 5. Eswow.Upon w8tten demand by Lender,Trustor shail pay to Lender,in auCb manner aslender may designate,suHictent <br /> • �• � . sums to enabfe lender to pay ea they become due one or more of the following:(�ail taxea,assessments and other chatges agatnst � <br /> • . the RropBrty.(ii)th9 premiuma on the property Insurence required hereunder,and(iii)the premiums on any mortgage inaurance k . • <br />- ' • requlred by Lat�Qer. i . . ' <br /> . . 8. Malnbn�nw�R�p�irs and Comp(i�ne�wtth I.twa.Trustor ahatl keep the Property in gaod condtUOn and repair.ahplt i � � <br /> ••„� � prompUy repeir.or reptace any Improvement which may be damaged or destroyed;ahaii not commit or permft any wasf�or � � <br /> ;: � deteHOraUon o1 the Pro e y y p perty.shail not � . � ' • <br /> ?� . • Commi�eufter or pertnft any actto be dorre Inor p n�the Property n vlolaUon o1 any law,o dinan emor regulat�lonpand shali pay and f <br /> promptty dlscharge at Trustor's cost and expense ail Ilens,encumbrances and charges levied,Imposed or assessed against the � <br /> � Property.or any paR thereot . ' . . <br /> ' \ .� � ' 7. Emtn�nl0omatn.Lender is hereby asslgned aN compensaUon,award�,damages and�ther paymenb or�etiet(herelnafter � � . <br /> . "Proceeda'�UconnecUonwithcondemnaUonorotherffikingottheP�opertyorpartthereof,ortorconveyanceinUeuotcondemna• ! . . <br /> ��..: �� �-.� � Uon.Lender shall be enUUed et Its opUon to commence,appea�In and prosecute In lis own name any acUon or proceedings,and I � � <br /> . - shall atso be enUtfed to make any compromise or setttement in connactton with such ffiking or damage.!n the evont any portion o! <br /> � tho Property Ia so takan or damaged.Lender shatl have the opUon,in Its sofe and abso(ute appty ail such Praceeda, ! . <br /> • aiterdeducUng thereirom all costsand expenses incurred by it in oonrteaUon witb such Proceeda,upon any tndebt�dnesssecured i <br /> hereby and In such order as Lender may determine,or to apply atl sur,�Proceeds,efter such deductlona,to the restore8on of the � <br /> - _ „ � ProperiyuponsuchcondiUonsasLendermay�determine.AnyappticatldnofProceedatoindebtednessshallnotextendorpostpone , ' <br /> Ufe due aate oi any payments under the fVote,or curo any detautt thereunder or Aoreunder.Any unapptied funda shail be pald to ; , • <br /> • . Trustor. � <br /> ' ' . ' 8. P�i�munc�by Land�r.Upon the occurrerice of an Event ot 0efauit hereunder.or ii any ect ia tatcen or legal proceeding : � . <br />__ �__ _._ � commenced whtch materlatfy effec�Lender's interest tn the Properry.Lender may in ite own discreUon.6ut wJthout obligadon to do � � <br /> •. sa.and w(tAaut noUca to or demand upon Truator attd without reteastng Trustor irom any any act which truator has . <br /> , • agreed but i81ia to do 8nd may atso do eny olher act it demns rtecessary M protect the security hereol.?rustor shatl,immediatety . <br /> . upon demand theretor by lendar.peyto Lendor all costs and expenses(ncurred and auma expended by Lender in connecUan with � � � <br /> •ti ' the exercise by Lender ottbetoregoing rights,togethgr with interestthereon atthe default rate provlded In the Note,which shail 6a • <br /> , � � added to the iadobtedness secured hereby.Lender ahall not incur any Oa6liity because of anything It may do ar omit to do <br /> „ <br /> . . : hereunEer. <br /> __ --------,---_� ;_-_� •:__..-:. . .. <br /> � . .� ! � <br /> . , - � <br />