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a _ q r <br /> . < .- . - ' .\,- �'� <br /> " . -��r' � . ' r -C� L. . ; � . . <br /> '� . t :� � T Q�4 G +�5�. ' YL. � tl � ti c�. _ _ _ \., } � <br /> r� _ ` r � <br /> . � <br /> . '� •' -� '4 ' , <br /> t . �.. . ` '. - . . . •._ �. ':._ • .� . _ � <br /> ' . . � ...__ - __�.;_ /::. �i�_� . ` . . 1�: <br /> �' :i ' " ' ' ' - .c. . r <br /> _ . `... . � . .. ' . - <br /> �, , ;. .� �. ` � �5�- 5�Q�63�. - �. - . �� . = <br /> _ ..� . . ., , g.H�s M�It.Trustor sh�lt[cseA the Properiy ta comPtlance with a�l aPAlicable taws.ardirtances and regutatians . . " . _ <br /> � " reiatfR9 to iaQustr[ai tsy9lene or ernfronmerrta!prot$ctlon(coRecttve{y referred to herein as"Environmenffif tsws"}.T referred to' j. <br /> ,� .` . � keep the Pccyerty tres iram at1 substancas deemad to be hazardous or to�la under arry Emrirotm►e�1 laws(collactively . . ' . <br /> hetein as"Haiardous Materials"b Tnisior hereiry warrar►ts and represerTfs to Cendar that there.are no Mazardo�datsiiais�on��o�r -�T... ��. . <br /> �� ` � � undar the Pro�l-TNStor hereby agre�es to indemniiy aad hotd harmteas Lender,its direcrors.offiaers.emptoyees , .�- <br /> ., .�.. <br /> _ ._.�. _. . , ' TNE FQfiEG0lI�it3 ' . � : <br /> _ ._--__.�_.,..... .. • anY sfsccessors ta Lend�s iMet�st from and against anY and al!claims.damaSes.tosses and Iiabititte9 aris�ng in conneetion wFth ' . <br /> ' � • � < the Dr�s��uss,disposaf or transAoR af enY Ha�rdous Materials an.urtderrfrom or abowt tha PrapeRy ,' x`� <br /> ,.. . <br /> WqRpqNT1ES AND REPRESF.�lTATtONS.AND TRUSTOR'S OBU{iATtONS Pl1RSUANT TO THE FQRECO1DICi INDEMNfTY.SHAI.t. ;�� � . . <br /> ��__. SUFNNE RECOMIEYANCE aF'PHIS DEED OF 7RU m Lender the rentt�issues end Profits of the PropertY.Drovtded tflat Trustor . . _ ._. _ ; <br /> = t0.Assiyttmsnta�Renqs.TrusWrhsrehy�signa en — -_ : <br /> -- • • � shait.untll the a�rren e Upon tt�e o�ccurt�e�ntce ot n Event f Defau�Lender ay.eith�er in psrso�or by sgent,wi�xrithw�it� , t` <br /> - , become due an PaYab af its security.erttar _ ,. . <br /> � I 1 bd tng any action or proceeding.or by a receiver appolnted by a court and writhout regard tn 1he ade9uaclt . . �.. . <br />- . . `_>..; ,� on and take posssssion of tha P�opeRY.or it$own r[ame or in the name of the Trustee.and do anY aa9s vitfich it - - - . . . <br /> . . �; . <br /> .or any paRthereo!or.interesittterein. . <br /> . deems necessarl/or desUabieto presanre thevalue.martcetabilRY or rer�bflity oEthe Praperty sue for or .. • - <br /> J � increass the income therefrom'or protect the secudty hereot and.with or without 9aking possession of�e P�%'����d < o'�- . <br /> - ` ' • . �' • o4!►eiwisB coltect the rents.issu�and profits thereot.inctuding those past due artd unpaid.and apPiy �,,- . . ''.,.' <br /> ' •''' expenses of operation and cotleW�and qkin 9possesa o•n�e P opeRl/.the coltecUon ot uch ren�,�ssiues and profits and tRe . �.-�, . <br /> r . <br /> - ` • (R 3 y d 8 t@[[I t l f i e.Th e e�l i e d rt g U p O, 9 , <br /> � r� , `_ � appiicatipe thereot as�ati not cure or watve eny d e f eu t t o r n o 3 i c e o f d 6 f a u t t h e r e u n d e r o r f m r a it d a t e an Y act done in r <br /> _ � ` .�;�: responsa w su c h d e i a u t tor purs��t n�fen�� arofits.and�s�es an a�i.e n aer s h a l l b e'e ti8ed tof en9rc 89 ev ry 9M �-� �- <br /> �,�• � — . t t�e c o f l e C t i o n.r e c e i p t e n d a D 0 • �"�L' <br /> ,:{, • � providediorinanyottheFaanDocumentsorbyta•,�up�nax.urenceafanyEventafDetaul�indudingw�tt+out�lmitstiontharightto � ,-.-_ <br /> . .� � • exerctse Me power af sale.Further.Lender's rights anu remedio�under�iis,aragre.�h shaU be cumulative with. L nder.Trustee ;� �•s r�� <br /> . � • � ' limitatlanon.LendefsdgAtsandremedtesundaranyassignmentofteasesandrents�ecordedagainslthePropeRy . ��_:�;-I,� <br /> • , �.'. . . ' � <br /> gad the[eceiver shati be Itabte to acccuM only those rents actualty recetved. � <br /> . • �� •� ��. ErMb ot OdauK The foilcwing shall constttute an Event o!Defautt undar this Deed o1 Trust ,��_�_ <br /> : • :�`^..� : <br /> .." ":==---�-•�--•�--� - -- installment�of�principal or.interest_+at&nY other sum sacured hereby when due� - - _� <br /> , . (7 Fsltu�td�s&�Y an1►� -. �..4-.. <br /> _ � (b) AbreschotordetaultunderanyDrovisEancontainedintheNote,this0eedofl'nisf.anYottilBUOa�Oocume�'orany---� -��-�� • -�}� <br /> ti;• '" ' • cther lien or encumhrance upon the Propertlr. .�`4�+�'�" <br /> • •. (c)A writ of execuUon or attaobment or any slmilar procesa shall bs entered againstTn�stor whtch ahall become a!�.et�on .� . <br /> ;` , the Property or any perdon thereof or t�erest therein• , <br /> -�1 , .___ .___ _ __._ , , ��_7he�shall be flied by or against Tn-�?tor or BoROwer an actton unQer any present or tuture fed o nited y�• __ �� <br /> ' � o�regulatian retaUng to bankruptcy.insolvency or att�er reitei br�ebtor�or thare shei!be app ' ��� <br /> . receiver or ttquidator of Trustor or Borrower or of all or any paR of the Property.or the rents.issues or profltathereot•cr Trustor <br /> ':•� � or Borrower ehali make any genera!essignment for the bsnefit at cceditors; art ot ar any interest in the • ','.•= �� <br /> � � nce or turther encumbrance ot all or a�►p <br /> ' (e) The�eate.transter.tease.ass�9nmen�conveya <br />- ""'' � �= ' � PropeRy,eiU►er voiu�tadty or invotuntarity,without the expreas wriuen consent ot Lender,provided that Tn�stor sha11 be �.�, <br /> 8 : <br /> . �• ' permitted to execute e lease of the Proparty that does not conrdin an opUon to purohase and the term of wh#cb does notexaeed • <br /> ;r- <br /> � one year, <br /> � (f)AhanQonsner[t of tha PropeRy:or � <br /> ' � � (g)ffTrustortanotanindividual,theissuance.eate.hanster,assignmentconveyanceorencumbranceofmorethanatotal . ^ <br /> ercent of ' . �_..''. <br /> �� .��. of.�.Dareent o1 Etf e corPoraHon)its tosued and outatanding etock or(it a partnershlvl e total 01 P �: c, <br />_ � ' pgrtnership tnterest9 ddring the periad this Dued o1 Trust remafns a Iten on the Propeny� <br /> - , . �2. R�m�diy;Aee�t�htton Upon Difauit U tha ovent ot any Event of Detault Lender may,without notice exceptas required by .�ry:F . <br /> ,� � . <br /> Iaw,dectare all Indebteanesa secured hereby to be due and payabte end the aame shall thereupon beeome due end payabte �J � <br /> ��� � �� without any presentmen�demIInd,proLest or noUce ot any kin0.Thereafter Lender rnay. •���p',-,"-� <br /> ' ' . .. . (a)Oemand that Trustes e�88�d ths Pro eeds to be distrib edeati n he ma ner pf�ded in the NCbraske Tru�Deads '-i�',!!r;�: <br /> . .. „ inte�est irt the P�oper'cy to be eo d . .;,� •:;,--• . <br /> r ; , . . q� . . <br /> s. � (b) Exen:fseanyandaUrightsprovldedfoNnanyofMeLoanDocumentsorbytawuponoccurrenceolanyEventofQetault <br /> � :- - � � �d(o)CommenceanactlontotorectasothisOeedofTrustssamortgage,appotntareceiver.orspeciflcaltyenforceanyofthe f � �.� <br /> '� = ' K • covenanta hereflL .: , •'.:4 <br /> - � :. .: No remedy herei�confeRed upon or reserved t0 Trustee or Lendar ts intended to be exctusive ot eny otha►remedy hereln,in the .,�_.j� <br /> � Loan Oocumente or by taw provided ar permitted,but each shail be cumutative,shail be in addition to every other►emedy gtven t r: . <br /> . L- ' - i <br /> ' � ,� . . , , the Loan Oocuments or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity or by statute.and may be exercised concurrentry. <br /> _. , :3 • : . , ' tndependentfy or auccessivety. . � <br /> 13.Ttu�tw.The Trustee may resign at any tlme witAout cause,and Lender may at any Hme and Bortowe�r.TrustopornaaY <br /> . •� �- �� � . • . successor or suDsEit�tte Trostee.Trustee shall not be tfabte to arry party,inciuding wtthout Ifmitation lender, : <br /> �•` purchasetoltlteProperty,toranytossordamageunle`ssduetorecktessorwillfu1misconductendshaUnotbereQuiredtotakeany <br /> acNon tn conoection with the entorcement of thla Deed of Trust untesa Indemnttied,in writing,tor all costa.compen d c�al or • <br /> � . exp e n s e s�ower o!sa e�ranted�hereU):post0anet he s e ot all or anyp rt on o tr t h e P r o p e r t y,a s'Pr o v ded b y law or seil the . . <br /> . . . under the p 9 <br /> PropeRy as a whote,or tn separate parcets or lots at Truatee s dtscreUon. . <br /> •� . 14. FeN and Exp�n�.�n ihe event Trustea sella the Properry by exercisa of power ot sale,Trustee shall be enUUed to appty <br /> � „ • arry sate proceed�rstg 09Ye��y ncurr d o extent peem�tted by appi9icabie taw.ln tha eveMi Bonower or Trustor exercisesany .. � <br /> and Trustee's atto sy' <br />- ; . right provided by�a�Trua r's defautL ncluding without ImltaUonal/Truatee's a d at4orney's feest tfte ext�etrt perm�ed y ' <br /> incuned as a reau <br /> _ s' « 8ppliceble Isw. - <br /> �� ''� 15. FuEun Mv�nes�.Upon'rE�quast of Boirower.Lender Its optton.make additlonal�and tuture advancea and re- � <br /> fldv3ncee to Borrower.Such adv8ncoa and readvances,with interestthereon,ahall he secured by this Qeetl of TrusL At no time sholl <br /> " . �„ � • , the princlpal amount o!the indebiedness seeured by thta Deed o!Trust,not90c���908�mg Whiche er�s g eator.e BeW��01 this ` <br /> : `, : . ' De e d o!T►u s t e x c s e d the ort ginal prinCipal emount stated herein,or$ � <br /> • ' • • 16.MiteMlan�ou4 Provi�lons. � , <br /> . ` . (a) Bcaowu Not R�NN�d•Extension ot the Ume for payment or madiflceUon of amortizeNon of the sums secured by th�s <br /> � fleed of?rus4 grented by Lender to any successor�n�nterest ot Borrower shaii not operete to retease,in eny manner.the Uabiliry f <br /> ' � � of the original Borrower end Borrower's successors in interest Lender shall not be required to commence proceedings a9a�nst � <br /> � � sneh successot or retuse to extend Ume tor payment or otherwise med(ty amortization of the sums seoured by thls Deed of Trust <br /> � by reason of any demanda made by th�original Borrower an0 BonowePs successors in tnterest <br /> � ' '. � � , � (b) LettdK'a Powsri.Without aHectlrtg the IiabHity Oeed of Trust upon a'ny portion ot the P opeRy ao then��ortheretotore f , <br /> • menUoned,andw1thout aNecUng the Ilen or charge of this ` <br /> � � reteasebessecuri4ytorthetuilamountofallunpaldobtigations,Lendermay.tromtimetot1me�ann�d��ethindu1gencesr(iv)reease 1 <br /> � � � person so Uable,(ti)extend the maturiry or alter any o}tlre terms ot any such obligaUons.(')g ; . <br /> . : or recomf ie ease an tother o add onal secunyry tor ny obligaUon heee n menUonedpor(v1)pmakencomA�Uo sPor ot�er ; <br /> ._-.- — - {�take o Y ' - - <br /> . • . . arrangements witri de�tars in reFa�or►67ar�tu. w :-----.. _._..... <br /> . '" � .. � <br /> . • i <br /> . . . • . � . , � <br /> .. ,� • . _ _.__..._. � <br /> �� � .. .._ <br />