. . � � _ . � • . -
<br /> _ � . .- ,, _ _ _ . .. _ . _ - ..1. . � - . . _ • .� - � . k;, i . . ...
<br /> � . - .. � ' i . . . . � . <� .. . ` . ' .+ �� . . .. Y. .. .. ._ .. . .
<br /> ' .. ' .. .`-�...� � . ' ( ' � . �. . , C• „ ' ' `}� ' • . Y'� - .���. ' .� `� .
<br />� _— - "'-- '- � . . . . - .< < ' , � _ . . ` - �., _ _ _ — . . . . . . .�.
<br /> . _. -_: . " ... ,
<br /> --. .. � o - ---- - ��✓1�:�=���.� -� • � -- -. _
<br /> �� ., :-. . . � [�J5- ��0��, � . ,, . •,�. .
<br /> - 'z '� • . DEED OP�YAUST WtTH FUTURE A�VANC�S , �
<br /> • . , - let Feb. 19 g� ana amon� �� ,. � �
<br /> � � THiS D£ED OF TRUST.ts made as of ihe � daY at bll . i . , ' °
<br /> . . . , the Trustc, Phi 1 1 i n 1 ^L_t--a^�^^^ a .�ndi L Chrietensen . hueband and �rife --. . . . .
<br /> � ` ' ?308 w Charles St . Graad Ialand Ne 68803-5�03 , D `.
<br /> '. whese matting addresa is (herein'Trustor. whether one or mcreh
<br /> theTrustee. �•�p pe+nts�ank a Hebrae[ca Gorooration . � . �. . . :
<br /> � � P.0. Box lSa? Grand Is2and; NE 68802 , _� � .:•' '.<�
<br /> ='::�.��,��, whose maitfng addres9 is (t�erein Trustea'�.and . ;c�__:::.-c-:..:�._
<br /> .
<br /> ..... . .�. . � , '_�
<br /> , -
<br /> `. ..' the Beneticiary. Five Points Bank ' . -- .
<br /> -. ... > � whase mailing add�ess ia 2015 N. Broadvel l Grand Island, tiE. 688a12-I527 merein"Lender"). �, :
<br /> �' . . : _ . . Phillip J Christ�neen - -- u. .
<br /> . . � FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERA'I'(ON,Fnc[uding Lender9 extension of credit idemffted herein ta ,
<br /> . � � �� � � Jodi L Chriatenaen (heTein"Bomower",whether one or more)and the bvst heretn creaLed. � ;���� ~
<br /> � :,- the receipt af which[s hereby ackrtowledged,Tiustor hereby(Revocabty grenta.Vans[ers,conveys end asStgne to Trustee�,IN. . . ..��t;-;z-„
<br /> TRUST.WiTH POWER OF SALE,brthe benefitand security af Lender.underand subJecttothsterms end condittonshereina�er5ei
<br /> ' faM.the reat properiy,described as tofto�� ��`,:'`.'"'::
<br /> �'"� ' Lot 7, Block !3. Asnold and ADDott's Addition� Gity of Grand Ialand, lLall ,j�,�--,_.
<br /> � � County. Nebraska. -AHD- The East Seventy-Three Feet (73') of Lot One ti), ; ,.-
<br /> � � � Bloak 7'YO (23, South Grand Island, an Addition to the City of Grand Ieland, , • -5-'= A--.
<br /> '� .-' �=::,
<br /> ":��' 8a11 Conaty, tiebraska. . �. '�.: :.'=?`=f�,�
<br /> �..
<br /> . � �_
<br /> � ,��,�',;,��-...
<br /> • � Together with a11 buttdirtgs,improvements,flxtures,streets,aiteys.passageways.eesements,dghb.Ativil5ges 8nd eppurte- �' �
<br /> •_ _:;� ' . •.: - _ � rtances tocated thereon or in errywise per�ining Mereto,and the rerib,issues and profita reverstorts end remalndera Q�ereof,and _,_ _ _�_'��=
<br /> . sucbpersonalpropeityiTia��satCaclied�tt�th�irttpr6vementssaasto-constltute-a-f{xture:inciuding.-but�rtotlimltedto.heatjn9end- _ .. .. _ _. ��
<br /> * • . cooling equipmenZ and together witb the hamestead or marital tnterests,it any,which interests are hereby reteased and watved:alt . ` ��
<br /> � ' • af whtch,inctuding replacements and additions thereto,is hereby declared to be a pert otthe real eaffite secured bythslien otthis . -= —
<br /> '. Deed of T�ust and all of Me toregoing being reterred to herein as the"Properry►'. , .'{�-
<br /> , t
<br /> � • Thls[leed-of T►ust shall secure ta)the paymeM ot tt�e princfpal sum and interest evid9nced by a promissory nata or credit - :
<br /> ' . agreement damd Februarv let 1995 having a matuHry date of February 15th 1998 � '
<br /> . :;;�
<br /> � 35,000.00 and en and all modiftcattons,extenstona snd renewals ' " `'�'
<br /> � in the original pdncipa!amount of$ Y �`^
<br /> � � thereof or tflereto and any aad all future advartces and readvances to Borrower(or any o!them If more tnan oae)hetreunder • , �a-�--
<br /> , ..� ,. .. pursuant to one or cttore promissory notes or credit agreements(herein catfed"Note"};(b)the payment of other sums aQvanced by . ; '.� ; �
<br /> � L,enderto protecttha secudty of the IVote;(c)the peRormance of ail covenanb and agreemenffi o!Trustor setfoM horein;and(d)sil . ,�`
<br /> , , � � present and tuture indebtedneas and obligattons of Borrower(or any of them ii more than one)to Lender whether direc�indlrect � �''„��,
<br /> ' absoiute or eonUngent and whether arising 6y note,guaranty,overdratt or othenvisa 4he Note,thls Deed o!Truffi and eny attd 811 i�'y�
<br /> other docaents fhat securetife Note orotherwise executed in connectton therew(th.including withoutlimitatlon gua►anieea,secudty :?
<br /> �: � � � . agreements and assignments of teases end renta,shait be raterred to herein as the"Loan Oocuments". - , . :" �r��
<br /> Trustor cavenanta and agrees with Lender as foltows: � ' �'
<br /> ' 1. RaymMt o!Indtbadn�st.All(ndebtednesa aecured hereby shall be patd when due. � - -'
<br /> � � � 2.TI@�Trustor ts the owner of the Property,has the rlght and suthority W conv�y the Property,and warrants that the Ilen , ���,��
<br /> .�;. '
<br /> created hereby is a flrat and prlor lien on the PropaRy.except tor liens and encumbrances set toRh by Trustar in wriUng and �
<br /> del{vered to Lender betore execuUOn o1 chis Oeed o1Tros�and the execution a�d deUvery olthis Oeed of Trustdoes notvlofata any � ' ;�
<br /> � ��- � contract or other obtiga�an to which Truator is suDiect � • ,'
<br /> '.> +, • , 3.Ta�us,A�nb.To pay before delinquency ail taxes,apecial assessmenta and s0 other charges agatnat the Property
<br /> � novi cr hereafter tevted . -
<br /> . 4. fnsunnc�To keep the Property insured against damage 6y f1re,hazards inctuded wfthin the term"extended coverege".and . ;�
<br /> . .- - ` such other hazards ea Lender may require,in amounts and witfi companiea acceptabte to Lender,naming Lender as an atldltiortal . _.._. . •,�.'�;:.:'..
<br />- � . � named insured.wHh�oss payabte to the Lender.tn case of lass under such policies,the LenQer is euthoflzed to edjusL coltect and •..
<br />- compromisaall ctaimsthereunder and shall havethe optton of applying ail or paR otthe insurance proceeds mto arry indebtednese � �,�,; �
<br />- � • secured heretty and in such o�der ea Lender may determine.pi�to the T�ustor to ba used torthe repairor restoratton of the Rtoperly �:
<br /> ' . ot(Ili)foranyotherpurposeorobjectesUstactorytoLenderwithoutattecUngthelienotthisOeedofTrusttorthefullamountsecured f . � .
<br /> � , here�y betore such payment ever took place.Any applicaUon af proceeds to indebtedness shail not extend or postpone the due
<br /> ,. date of any paymenfa under the Note,or cura any defautt thereunder or hereunder. , , �
<br /> � • 5. Fscrow Upon wr(tten demand by Lender,Trustor shaN pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender ma�designate,BuNiCient •
<br /> �� � � suma to enabta Lender to pay es they become due one or more of the toitowing:(i)alt taxea,assessments and other charges against � •
<br /> ' � ` the Property,(ii)tha premiuma on the property insurance requlred hereunder,arn!(ili)the premiums on eny murtgage insu►ence .
<br /> • ' � required by I.enQer. � .
<br /> .� ' 8. Matnt�n�nc�.R�pain end CcmpBmca wM Law�.Trustor ahall keep the PropeRy in gocd conditlon and repair,shall • I .
<br /> a. �� . � promptiy repalr,or replace any Improvement which may be damaged a destroyed;eha�l not commit or permit any waste or � . -
<br /> � � � deteHoraUon of the�roperty;shail not remove,demollah or substanUally alter any of Ure improvemerda on the Property,aha11 not �� • .
<br /> � commi;aufter or permitany actto be done in or upon the Property in vlolaUOn of any Iaw,ordinance,or regulatlon;and shati pay and ;
<br /> ' , . promptty discharge at Trustor's cost and expense all liena,encumbraocea and charges levled,imposed or essessed against the � •
<br /> Properly or any paR therecl. i .:
<br /> ' ., � 7.Emtn�nt Qomaln.Lender la hereby assigned all compensaUon,awarda damegea end other paymenm or rettef(hereinatter
<br /> �• • "Praceeds'�in connecUon wlth condemnaUon or othertaking of ths Property or paRthereol,or tor conveyance in Ileu otcondemna- :
<br /> � fton.Lender ahail be enUtted at Its option to commence,appoar in and proseaute In ita own name any acUOn or proceedings.and ;
<br /> , �• shail also be enUtled to make eny compromise or settlemont in connectlon with such taking or damage.ln the event any portlon of � .
<br /> � t � the PropeRy Is ao tsken or Qamaged.Lender shall have the opUon.l�ite sole and absotute discreUon,to appty all such Proceeds, �,
<br /> . • ; . � after dBEacting theretrom all COSte and�xpensea incurred by it in connecHon with such Proceeda,upon any indebtedness secured ; . . �J
<br /> ? �:� t�areby end In auch order as Lender may determ ine.or to app ty ail such Proceeds,after sucA deducUona,to the restoreUon of the
<br /> y ' Property upon auct�condiUonsas Lender may determtne.My appltcat3on of Praceedsto indebtedness shall notextend or postpono
<br /> � � . the due date of any psyments under the Note,or cure any detault thereunder or hereunder.Any un8pptletl tunds shait b�paid to
<br /> TrustOr.
<br /> ::�; • . 8.Dadorm�aa by Lender.Upon the accurrence o1 an Event of Oetautt hereunder.ar if eny act Is ffikan or tegal proceeding .
<br /> • commenced�rhich materialiy aNects Lender's lnterestin the Property.Lender may in its own discretian,but v�tthout obiigation to do
<br /> •• � so,and wlthout noUce to or demand epon Trustoi end without releasing Trustor irom any obtigation.dn any act whtch Trustor has �
<br /> ' �. ' agreed but fails to do and may atso do any other act it deema necessary to protect the security hereot Trustor shall.immediatefy •
<br /> . �'� , . upon demand therefor by Lender,pay to Lender all ccsts and expenses incurred and aums expended by Lender in connecUon with •
<br /> . : a ,. •� theexercisebyl.BnQerolthetoregoirtgrights.togetherwithintorastthereonatlhedotauttrateprovidedintheNote.whichshallbe ,
<br /> ' + � . . added to the tndebtednesa secured hereby. Lender sfieil not incur any liabitiry because of anything it may do or omit to do
<br /> ..__ �: • ... hereunder. �
<br />_ . - - ____
<br />