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, _.�, . M ,. _t 4 2 ` .. � ' ..0 ( l. . .. C - \ . ` __ <br /> ''EI f •1r'/ " .. `' .!, .. ".l � . 5 . Y .. - <br /> __ y 1 4 .. . � .. . ` ( �:. �.� <br /> - .S-. � ... � .. .4 _ . dS�, • _ <br /> z_��• •:.0-O � ' - . ' ' ` : .. - � — <br /> :i�.��• .� i4. . . ` . . , . �C • < - _�(.. �(� � <br /> —_ _ .. i Lc . . " _ . � � ' .. . . �5-'i'. <br /> k � . <br /> � � , " � �:� �� �: � �,���'� ����5$� .. _ . �` -- <br /> � 5. If the Bottoererfa7s to: ta)mairttafn or pay ths prami�un9 for the required ineuranco of tAs Piroperty,or l61 pay taxas betara datin:luenL or <br /> �.E^ :,� � �`� fa)pay any mnount Quo andae a pdar�ssartgage ar tr�at deed befare deGnqueM.or(a)maintaSn tha�Properry in good rep� perfortn � - ° _- <br /> _r � ` • • , arry af tho cavan�rrts o►agreemanta of Ws Tntst Dead,then the lender its sucA insuraneo promiums,t�ces,mortgago • „� <br /> ;� .�J � - or trust dead paymanis,or tnake�epeirs estd dishursa euch sums and taka euch 9ction as it deertt�neceasary to proteat its iaterost without ; .. <br /> 's '� ' ' ' v�afving or aHaoting ita ri�t to decla�e oe default end aceeferate tho dobt seeured Aoreby bocause of any sucA failuro of the 6orrower. At►y `� <br /> _ " amauatssodisbursedbythaLendersAallconstiiuteaGditios�ali�tdebtednassofthaBortowersocuredbyttilsTrusiOeaCa�dslia116eariMerest � . � - '`.�. <br /> — � � fror�t the Oate of disbursamant at the rate psyaSle under the Note.t�tothing cartteined in this peragraph shall re�iro the Lender ta make anY }�..- �� , <br /> '.� ` ' sucA�sbarscmant9 0►take amr ac4on wf�atsoaver. . . - <br /> , 4 �r <br /> � • , B. Tha LenGer may make or cause to 6e made roasona62a enuies npon and inspection af the Properry. ` �.�, ,, F <br /> , . .; .. . � . � � - - - <br /> ���.� 7. . Tho pmconds of any award ot etaim for dainagss,direet ar aonsequential,in connection vrith ariy condemnation o►othet taking cf the . .-- .. - - <br /> -'- ' Fropetry,or part thoraof.or for com�eyanc@ in 6ea ot condem:�ation„ara hareby assignad and shullCe paIdlo ihe lender ta t1�s extent 4f the . = -- <br /> ss�r�., � � . futl amount uf Ute remaining unpaiQ indebtedness setutad 6y this Trust 08ad. , • ' � <br /> ��� .` , ` ' " <br /> `�¢-: ' � If the Property is abandoned by the Bonov�er,or,if after notice by the Lender Yo the Bor►awer that Me Fondemnor oHers to make an award • � <br /> , . . .. <br />--�. � . � ,.. , •�' <br /> - • ar settle a claim for damages,ffie Borcqwer taits to respond to the Lender within 30 days aher ths date ee:ct�no6ce is maited,the I.Qn�er . -- .,- . �- , <br />_�; � ; .� is author�ed to colleet and appfy the proceeds to the s�secured by tAis Tniat Deed. ' � _. _-_ _, _,.., <br /> Condamnation pwceeds oo av�atds sAafl be credited to the lest matuting instefimertts of tha indebtedness secwed and stw11 not extend or ` .'�;' ' � <br />�,, �`- : . ' postpone Me due date of tts insWllments refeRed to in paragraph 1 hereof or change the 8nount of such installmeetts. <br />�"�� � ,. 8. ff the Lender issues a partial reteaso of this Trust Deed,Me proceeds received tfierefor shaq 6e creditad to the last maiuring instalfmanM ot . _ _ �� <br /> ' • . - Na indebta8ness secuced hereby. , • . <br /> 9. IltheLendeteithervoluntarilyorinvotuntarity6scomesapatrytoanysu+twlegalproceedingretatingtoffieProperty,MoteorthisTrustDeed. � �• ,. <br />�,�- � ` , ' then the Borrower wi0 reimhurse the I.ender for all costs and,to the exte�rt pertnitted by Iaw,reasonabfe attomays'faes incurteA Ey the " 't � -�� � . � <br /> • Lender relating to such suit or leg�procesdings and satd sitms sAall cortstitute add'rtional indebtedness sacured by this Trust Dead and bear •. <br />-� , . . . interest at tRe rete payabte ender the Hate,entil patd. • •• . . <br />-�� � + � 10. Aa addltionat secutily,the Bortower doas hereby assign,transier aM set over to tha LenQar,in casa ot defautt in tha parformance of any .. . <br />=� �•�•- -•-��z=• ' of the terms or condrtio�s af this Trust Oeed,the Note or the terms.ot aay i�ebtedness securod AereDy,a0 of the rents,ravanues and any • . _ ; <br /> -� ' ,:J..:_ :, .. ---- ...----��-�--ietc�sctfeof�n -avhatsc8vertob+�demred-ftomthafro o includin Iand�caMract a y._._.. .-- -----_._° <br />_� 11Z9p� P �Y.' 9' � 7lmanta:-The-tendet.-i»parson:-by agsnT nr fl °.��; <br /> rece(ver,w(thout regard to the sohrency or insolvenay of the Barrower or the value oE the Property,shaU be entiUed to Wke possession of, l , <br />_�:; � �epalr,rertt and managa the Property and to cottect the re�rta,�vertoes an0 incame thoref►om ana it may pay oui of sald incoma atl e�enses . �,�� "-_ <br /> ! '• . ' , of repa3r end costs Irtcurred ln renUng artd menaging the Properry and coRecting rertts and for payment of insuranco premiume with any �� ., , �p r%'.''== <br /> • - � remaiNng bata�ce to 6e app►ied to the tast maturfng payments of tha Aebt secured ha[eby. Upon presenting a copy of this Trust Oeed and -, �T�'� a, <br /> j'�' - • � demand to amr lessee,tenant or eonmet purehaser of tha ProDerty;suoh person shall pay ail rems,payments artd pmTits apenced or � �,�� <br /> � - - iheFeaRe►adciuing t6 ttie L��ftJB�mitiPfutthBT natice frorrr tha-I:ender. . . - • - - -W' . <br /> � � � . <br /> �' ^'.'.��.�.� ; . 11_ If atl or any part of the Property or any interest therein is deedad,solety by land contraat o�otherv+isa comreyed, aiienated or furtAar � • � <br /> �� , �:� -=-�;=� eacumberod either voluntarily or involuntarily witAout the Lendera priof wfltten conssnt,exduding(a)a ttartsfer by operation of law upon . , <br /> _ . - the death of a jcir�t tanant or(b)tho grant of any tcasefiold interest not conteining an option to purchase witt►a lease term ot two years or • <br /> • • � � less,or(c)the creation of tt►s purchasa money security Intarest in househotd appfiances,tAen ttie Lertder may,at iis option,doclare aA sums ,_- ��-• ��' • <br />�'�-' • � ' ` secured by this Trust Oeed to 6e immediatety dae and payahie_ . <br /> ' 12. llaon the Borrowera breaah of any covec�ant or agreement of tho Bonowe►in this Trust�eed,inciuding the covenants to pay wfien due any �� . � = <br />�: � = �� � � sums secured by tlds Trust Deed,the Lender,at ite option,may Qectare ati of tho sums sacured 6y thia Tmst Qeed to ba immedatety duo � 1,' _���,� 1 <br />�� � �- � an0 payahte without turther damand and may imrake the power of sate andfor any other remediea pertn[tted by apy6cable law inctuding the . �•� � <br /> ��". , , rigfit to foraclose this Ttust Oeed in the manner provlded by law for the forectosure of mortgages on real ostato. Tho londer shall he antitled j _. _ <br /> � � ' to collect a11 roasonabts costs and e�enses incurrad in pursuing sach remadies including,but�ot limited to,and to the extent pem�i4ted by �•- ---� 4 , <br /> a� • , � . law.reasonablo ettomeys'foes. , r' <br /> ' , _ . `�: ' 1•.. <br /> -- '� . • tf tho powu of sate is invokaJ,the trustea shall record a notice oidofault in each aourtty in whlch the Prope►ty or soma parttharaof is lacated � ;���� <br /> • ar�d prmrtde noti�e thnroot in the mannee proscribed by applicable taw. Aitar tfia lapse of auch ttme as may bo requtred by aypticabte faw, ' `//� <br /> " • � the Tcustee shall gnre pubtic notiee of sato to the person9 and in tha manner prascribad by applicable Iaw. The Trustee,or tho attomoy for .'`�i' . <br /> • � � ' the Trustee,without d6mand on tho Bortowor,shatl sell tho Praperty at pabfic auction to tha higfiost biddor at the tlme and placo and under ' . <br /> i' � • the terms desfgnated in the notico of sata in ono or treore parcets and ir.such ordar as the Trustee may detertrrine. The Trusteo may pos�ooe j �, . . <br />_ � "s� sale of a0 or any pareol of the P�operty by pubtic ennouneamont et the time artd plaee of any praviousty echodulo0 sate. The LenCar or the ( ' � ' <br />- , . Lendere designae may purchase tho Proparry at any sale. i : <br />`�� `.� . Upon recaipt of paymont o}tfia price bid,tha Trustoe sha11 dolivor to tAo purchasor a Trustoo's Doad,wftAout vrsinanty,corrvoying the (� ��: ;.��- � ' <br /> �,,, Property soid.The rocitals tn the Trustco's Qond afi�l ba pdma facte evidonaa of the truth ot tha vtotemeMS mado thorain.Thu Truscae shafl .� - ' <br /> __ .. . • - � �, appty tho proceeds of tho sato in tho foltowing order. (tU to aIl�easanable costc and oxponsoa of tho sate.Including,but n�!Iimitad to,tho I. � , ' . <br /> • . Ttuatee's tees of not more tAan 8500.00 pfus.5%of the amount secu�ad heroby and remaining unpald,and cosu of titfe evidence;(bl to ' �. <br /> ` : • ' ' atl sums saeured by this Trust�eed:and(e)tho oxcess,if arry,to tho person or persons Iegalry ontiUad thoreto. �� . • <br /> �. � , <br /> . . 13. Any forboararteo by tho Londor in oxorcising any right or romedy hereunQer,oe othetwise allorded by�rypticaDfo taw,shall not be a waivor � � ' <br /> ' . . of or precfude tAe exorcise of any such��t ot remedy in Mo avertt of conUnuing or futuro Ereacfies�y tlw Bonower. � . <br />-; � � � � " . <br /> - 14. All remedias provfded In this Tast Oaed are distinct and cumulaUvo to any othar t[ght or ramady undar this Trust Oeed or aftordad 6y law <br />— � • . or o�ity,and may bo oxercisad concurrentiy,independe�tty or succoas[vely. ` <br />' � 15. Upon paymont ot atl sums secured by this Trust Oead,the lertder shffiI request Ma wsteo to recomrey tfio Property and shall surtenderthts � ' , <br />� � �� ' � Yrust Oead and all notos evidancing indebtednosa secured by thisTrust Deed to theTruateo.TheTrustee ohafl recorrvoy tho Praporty withaut <br />���� . • warranty to the porson or persons laga(1y entittad iheroto. SucA person or psrsarts ehafl pay all costs of�ecordatioo,if any. , f . . <br /> �'�'. ' ' 18. The lvnder,at the LondaPe option,may irom Umo to Umo remove tAo Trustoe an0 eppotnt e successor Trostoo to any Trustee eppointed , ' <br />--��' ''�� hereuader by en I�stntmont►ecorded In tAo eounty in whtch thls Tnrs10oe0 is recorQad. Without eonvoyanco of the Proporty,tAe suecossor � • <br /> .�.., .' ` Tntstoe shalf succood to a11 tiUo,powor and durios confortad vyon tho Trvsteo horaio and by apphcabto law_ � . <br />��' . . � . <br />_��� . '"� 17. Ezeept for any noUcas,demanda,requests or othe�eommuNCatlnns roputred undar eppGeaSte taw to be given in anotqer mannar,rrhanwer �! <br /> °�' " ,,.,i.; the lendar,tAe Bonorror or tAe Tnisteo gives o►serves eny notice(inctuding,withaut limitation, notico of dofault and�oUco ot salol. E , <br />� •,.��' demands,roquests or otNor commuNcation rdtA rosAect ta tDis trust Qeed,aacA such noUce,demand,roQuost or other communicaUon shaU • . <br /> •.�.;,:: , . be in�vriting and shall be offectivo onty i!tho samo is detivorad by porsonat sorWco or maited by cattified mail,postagoprepa:d,retum receipt i � � � � <br /> - � • teqnested,uQdressedto tRo aQdross sot forth at tho be�nNrtg of tAts Trust QaaA.A copy of any notico of dofault,any notico ot sate,�equirad � � � <br /> � '. . or pemvttud to 6a ghren hereundor,shal�6e m�led to eaah porson who is a party haroto at the eddtoss aot torth at tha boginning ot this Ttust [ ' <br /> • • , Oe@d. Artyr party rnay at erry.timo chango its addrass for such notices by dalivering or maiting to the other parties thoreto,a9 atoresaid,a . <br />- � � • notieo of saeh change. Any notieo heroundor sha0 bo daamod to have bsen givon to the Bortowo�oi tho LonGar,wnen giveh in tAO marvioi � • <br />- � Eesignatad horain. ' � • • <br /> . • . • � � <br /> ,� ° 18_ Tho cavon:mte mmd a�aemeMS herain corrtained shall 6ind,artd tho dghts hareander sh�l inuro to the respeeLVe heir9, personal r <br /> , representativas,succossors and assign9 of the parties. At)eovenants and agraements of tEa Banor�er shaU bo joint artd soveral. Wh000ve► � . <br /> refamnee is mado to tho singutar hercundar,it sfiatl inetudo tho p!urat artd cho plura!shall inctudo the singu�a�. ; <br /> ..: • � <br />_..: ` ... . �- - � . j • . -. . .. <br /> L . , . <br /> ' =_.._'_��.-__._._�.. -. <br />�--�..�_—.._. .___.__...._ ..- . <br /> �. - � . � ' � , . <br /> } � <br /> �. <br /> _ ' � • <br /> ' , i� . <br />