- ' . _ .. ' . •.h. :q.. - � .�.5.�, a. �:C. • . . �-. .. . . 1'_� �5'. . '��_ f. �l.,id�
<br /> _ �_�. _1 'E ��t . .' V . . t•�•T t 4 F lc [� • 4"' . . . Tt.
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<br /> . � �° + -_ . • • ` :F'r' �j
<br /> - - , , . , �-
<br /> - � -s� <� � . ' HOM�EQUlTY 1.lNE Q�GREEMENT � .:'°-, .� �'
<br /> - - t' � � ` , .� . ��-'�.'RUST DEED, I°��— A.O���."�' . ... . . �
<br /> - .. . , � , �:
<br /> .. `, y THES TRUSY O�D.made tNs 23=c�y of . January � .t s 9 5 :pY�d among the Tnistor.--- .�_ � . ` °�
<br /> � � . ` ' Brent L. Hofferber and �Carolyn L. Hofferb�r, husband and wi.fe ` • - , �
<br /> .. ' �k , ' - ' �
<br /> ' • , • . ' Iherein'Bortowerq, ; � •
<br /> , . , � � . whosemaiUagaddresais 4238 Shanna �Stree�, 6rand Island� NE 68803 � ,� � '.` '
<br /> - � �`., ana��sr,er. Bank, National Association, Omaha, Nebras3ta • ,(harain'Trustee'�,�;au,e • � �
<br /> --,..._. ..-�:.---�— � ._.....-- T ---
<br /> �enehc;arrr,Frarar Ha�k, Nation�l Association, O�y$ 170U Farnam Street '- n� • �
<br /> _ ��• . mailing address is . ,
<br /> ,� • - Omaha, Nebraska . 68102 , � �
<br /> � . . . . (herein'LeMet'i. � ,
<br /> ` _ ' � • BORROVYEA,in considem6on of the tndeMednesa herain�aceived and the wst hsrein ueate ir� ocabJy graais,trartsfera,conveys and assigsis to � .
<br /> , Tntetoe,in TRUST,WfTH POWER OF SALE,the toltowing described property,focated in �al� County,NehrasQa
<br /> � . . , .. . . � ,
<br /> „�' . .
<br />- �:��� � � Lot 9, Western Heights Fourth Subdivision, City of Grand Island, • ' . �
<br /> �� . �•.� .. Hall County. Nebraska � -r.;-�.;
<br /> - '" . , . . � ' � - .. � ,A
<br /> . . , � ,. .
<br /> 4 .
<br />.. t.X� •. . ..��' , . ' � .
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<br /> . � . . •
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<br /> l. - ; _ .�/'�.i
<br /> .. . � .. � . `"_•�'__"_.' • j%l.:
<br /> 1
<br /> ' ,, • TOGETNER wRA ail 6uft�ng3,fixwres,improvements and appurtertances now or heroafter erectod thereon and ail rights-of-wey,easemente,ranta, � � ' - '' ,.
<br /> ' _ issues,profits.income,tenements,heraditaments,privileges,appuRenances,royaitiea,enQminoral,oil,gas and water rights therounto belortging,used � � � -•��%:
<br /> - . or enjoyad w1th satd land ar any part theraof,all o!wh3ch,inctudi�g repfacementa and addiIIom3 thereto shefl6e deemed to bo and remain a part of t � i •'
<br /> _ � ' �� the prope►ry coverod by this Truat Oeed;arM all of Me fomgaing together wlth said pmperty are herein reforted w as the'Property.• ` � .'��
<br /> '�, . IO SECURE to er the Le ayment oi indebtedneas evldenced by Botrower's Homa EQuity Lino loan Agreemant and Home Equiry Noto datcd � �
<br /> _ . :: . JdIlual y �.19 y� .togetAer wiM any and ait ronewats,modificattons,an0 extenaions thereof and eubstiwHons o►exchanges+thomfor �. �
<br /> e
<br /> ' I�erein the•Hote")Inthe maximum principai sum outstanding at arry one time of S 5 000.00 toQether wlth interest at tha rate � � � �
<br />_ T ��� . " provtQad ffierein,wlth a final matu6ty.lf not eoonor paid,ot Januarv 23 . and as secudty tor any future advancos that may
<br />_ -_ bo made by the Ler�dar to the Bot►owtr irom time to timo and a9 exudty for the payment of any and all othot irtdebtedness of the Borrowor to the • ��� �
<br />_ • Lender wNcfi may edse,all of sald sums rtot to excoed in the aggregata a sum equa)to throe timas the ort�nai Drincipat amount of t�e Noto. ior � ,
<br /> . • . ' :;: . purpoaes of t�e Home Eqiiity Llne Loan Agreement,paragrapfis 2,3,4,5 end i t betow ahail be doemod covenante retaUng to the Property. � ' ' •0.. .�
<br /> . ,,,,, BORROWFR eovenanta that the Boaower ia lawtully seizod oi tho Property heteby conveyod and has the�ght to rantp nd c9 nv�er the Plaperty,that � � � F '
<br /> � • • eho Property 1s uneneumberad by arty moRgage,trus oad co et o re se or tA wise exco t r a„�,�@eCt OY Tlll SL i '
<br /> : � In tavor o1 �ro'�l�n� �e�era� �aving� �a„n , •
<br /> � ,on whicb tho unpatd balance on tNs date doos not oxcood 8 � • . The Bortowo�eovena�tts to compty with all tho tertns and � � .
<br /> provisiona o!a�ry pdor mortgage,truat Qeed or contraot to purohasa,upon tho Property and to mako atl paymonts the�eon beforo thoy bacomo �
<br /> _ • delinquent. M no name or amaunt is inserted inthta Dara9raph,then the Bonowe�eovenants that thero aro no prior liens or on e u m b r a n e o s o f a ny k in d
<br /> `"� • upon the Proporty. Tha Bortower turther covenante to wanant end defand tAe tiUe to tho Proporty against all ctalms and damands. • . �
<br /> ' Tho 8orrower and the Lender fuRher covenant and agrae as to8ows: � .
<br /> . 1. The Bonowar shail promptly pay wheo due the principal end interest on the inQobtadnoss evidenced by tho Noto. �
<br /> � � � ' ,
<br /> 2. At foast tan daya betoro they Eecame deGnatronL Borrowe�shail pey all taxos and speciaf assossmonts lovtad or assessa0 against tho �
<br /> : Piroperry,or any pan thereof.end afl tm�es,levias and essessments fevied upon this Troat Qoad or tho debt which it securo9. � •
<br /> .. � 3. The Bonower sha0 keep the improvarrtente and buSl�ings,if eny,upon the Propariy insurod,witA a comparry or comyaNes approved py tho �� � � •
<br /> ` LettQer,far an amourtt not fes9 then the unpaid balar�e on tAe iadebteQness securod by this T�ust Oead with a standard mortgage ciause F �
<br /> � , with lo�s Qayablo to the Lendm. The Bottower sfiail Qeliver said poliay or poticte9 to tfta lendor. �
<br /> . � ' ,
<br />_ � � In the evem o!a toss,t�o Borrower sAa11 givo prorr�t rtotice to tAo insuranco carder and,tho Londer and 6fo a proot ot foss. It tha Borrowor ia not
<br /> _ ` . otAerwise in defautt,the Bdrrawer may etaet to appty the insurance ptoeeeds to rapair or replaee the aemaged Proyorty,if oaonomicaty toasibto,and �
<br /> __ Y �" _ , tho security of Ws 7rust OeeO wauld not be impairad. If the Bonower i�in Qotauit or etacts not to rapair or ropiaao tho dmnagad Properry or rcpair
<br /> or rapi�cement wwt�not oconomlcaffy foasi6le or tho secudty of this Tnist Oeed wautd be impalred then tho insutance praceods shall bo appliad tv
<br /> '? • • _ ` Ne last maurrin8 D8Y�nta due on!he Noto. If the Insurance praceeds ara in o�cass o!the tottil emount duo on said lVoto,tha excoss sfiati bo p�d
<br /> . to the Bortower. fnsuranco proeeads fo�tapalr or reptacomont ahall bo ptacad in oscrow witfi tho Lendor an0 d�s0ursad by tho Londer during or uaon �
<br /> - " � . camytoUon o!such rapatr or raDlacement. M the londee ee4ulres titlo to tho Proporry by oxorclsing its pov+or of salo,imaetosuro or otherwiso,in '
<br /> saristaction ot the tnQebtedness aeeurod haraby,in whole or ln part,tAon afl righL tiUe end ir.terust ot tho Bot�avior in and to sucA iiunranco Doficy
<br /> u
<br /> or policiaa shnil pase to tha Lcnler. � .
<br /> • . � � 4. TAo Bor►ov+or sfi�ll keep ttio Praportyr in good ropair and sMi!not commit wasto or pormit impairment or Qotorioration of tho Property. . • •� � .
<br /> . � . • a .
<br /> Y�' „V , . � - , - . ;____ �__"___ _ -- ....
<br /> �I. . , ' � ' - - . �.��� ����. � .
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