..._ " . . . . . . '`1. _ 41` �. ' p*. �. C !. .�'Ky. .
<br /> - . . - � .. • �� ` . ��. . . � . . . 4. . .5'�`��', .4t.a. .—
<br /> a �� . . - � •��' ` �t � :� •c •° " �` 4 :J'.'''y� . � � ' 4 3ti
<br /> -2 , . . .• '. . 1 ^ ' •� � k • , ':�� F, .
<br /> , c . _ , . �t�5��OVa�'� �•�y+ . . ti _
<br /> `�'�:- r.' �.��-4 ' ' covenant, agree arad warrane:. to and� with the Trustee and Beneficiary, and •� � ` � -
<br /> � ���_' ` their euccessors, vendeee.and a�,:�igns: � ,- .�s^ �f�
<br /> �� < .
<br /> ' ��•:y��,.�. .. ' . . -
<br /> J,;,, J ret: That the Truator hereby coveaants and agreea, to the extent �.���.,��: . � �
<br /> � � :• �- permitted by ]�aw, ae golZowe: (a) 'to pay promptly when due tke principal and .
<br /> � interest and, other suine of money provided for in the Note aad a.� this D�ed of . , �� �� .
<br /> - • � . Truat; fb) to promgtZy pay hefore delinquency..all taxea, aseesaments arxd � � ` •
<br /> - _<.�.�� other cha�gea imposed by. law upon the Property, the Truator'a � interest �_��_,� -�_ __'_
<br /> - �' therein, or upon this Deed of Trust or the Note; provided, however, that in � ° ` , •
<br /> � .`•�.r. �'. the event of any change of the Iaw providing €or the taxatfon ef deeds of . �
<br />_ -� .} � truet or d�bts thereby seeured eo as to affect tIria De�d o� Truat, the entire . ,
<br /> � . - �� i.ndebtedness secured hereby,ahall at the option of the Beneficiary become due < � ' �
<br /> ' ; � � � and payable; (c) to keep the above-described Property and the fmprovementa � �• � �
<br /> � � thereoa in goad condition and repair and not to aommit or suffer waste ' � � �
<br />- �:, ` - thereof, and 'except a� authorized in any achedule annexed hereto and formi.ng �.� -�:} . � .� �
<br /> . • � a partc hereof, neither to remove nor permit the removal of any timber, � ` " �• � '
<br /> _ �. • � buildinga, oil, gas, mineral.s, stone,� rock, clay, fertilizer, gravel or. top � �: `��� '��� `��" '
<br /> _ � �_���� < soil wfthout the prior written consent of Beneficiary; (d) to maintain and � � � � �" �
<br /> - • deliver to Beneficiary policies of insurance against such hazards on �the � � � � �
<br /> �`, �, bui�dings and itaprovements now'or hereafter located on. or conetituting a part � '
<br />- � of the Property as the Benef iciary sh�7.l require, i.n sucb co�apanies � and� _ �"� � =L �
<br /> : amounts and with such loss payable clauaea as shall be satisfactory to the � - - , �,_�: .,.:
<br /> ..
<br /> " � � �"-�"�� ____._.Bsneficia . _,....that...in..the_event .�o£_loss..__Benefici��y_is.. � ��
<br /> ,... :-_ --. - ry' . �pr�eaely._.authorized------ ..'�,::_��::_-�� ,.... :
<br /> , � to settle or comprotaise claims under said policies and the proceeds thereof � '
<br /> �. � ahall be paid to the Beneficiary who may �pply the same or any part thereo€ �'�� `
<br /> . , "on the i.ndebtedneas secured hereby or toward the reconatruction or repair of _ . � ���, � � .��--
<br /> ._ .. . � eaid bui.ld.i_ngs and improvementa or release same to the Trustor; (e) to pay . . __ _.��=?� -.
<br /> ,.. . _.... ._ . _
<br /> � , .. ...� .- �
<br /> .a �,.. � � : - any lien; alaicci csr ohar� a�a�.ns� tls� Prope�ty vahi�h might-take pre�edence - - -.
<br /> � - � o�rer the lien hereof_; (f) to pay on demand .all legal expenaes, title . . �`-' ��
<br /> � ` � ' . searches, apprai.eal or attorrieys' fees reasonably incurred or paid by _ . � :�.�;;'�:
<br /> � Beneficiary to collect the Note or foreclose or protect the lien of,thfs Deed ��� �
<br /> - � - �--� � " of Trust; ig) that in the event Trustor shall fail to comply with the � � . � ,� �' �
<br /> -�� � . pYOViaiona of (a) through (f) above, the Beneficiary.may expend auch funds . , �r��= '�
<br /> • � � and take auch action as ie necessary to remedy auch failure and all aums paid � � � ��`j�,�;:'
<br /> � • � � � by the Heaeficiary pursuant hereto with intereat at the rate hereinafter � " `<�'�:r
<br /> ,:..��-
<br />-- ,. � _ : provided ahall constitute a lien_upon the Property, ahall be secured by this � ^�.'-=,-
<br /> � ��. � Deed of Truat, and shall be immediately due and repayable to the Benef iciary; -- . �``';�'� ,�
<br /> � � (h� not to sell the Property or a�y pertion the�eeof; and in the event of aay ' � � �';..F���
<br /> ,� �� '����. � sale herein prohibited, then the entire indebtedaess secured by thie Deed of ' � ,:-,�;-
<br /> f `� • . . Trust 6ha11, at the optioa of the Beneficiary, become due and payable; (i) � �'�-'
<br /> ��s��. � � thst if the Property or any part or parcel thereof shall be taken er damaged � •.��'. '
<br /> �.' under the power of eminent domain, the award for any Property so taken or � :. . � ,
<br />_ � � damaged (inaluding severance damagee to the remaining premise�) ahall be paid . �
<br /> , ' �. . ;, , to the Beneficiary and applied fn full or in part at the option of the �
<br />-- . - Beneficiazy in reduction of the indebt�dness hereby aecured; tj) that the � � ` � �
<br />_.: ` � :,'i.j Benef iciary shall have the right to inspect the Property at such reasonable ,. -� . .'� '
<br /> �,,,' , . L ticnee as tbe Beneficiary may deaire to determine Trustor's compliance with �� ,`��``�'��
<br /> � � the covenanta contained in this Deed�of Truat; tk) that the Beneficiary may . � . .
<br />� .� � „ release from the lien hereof any part or parcel of the Property without �
<br /> � requiring any conaideration therefor, and (1) that Truator is lawfully seized � - ��- � �
<br /> � . of said premises and PropeYty in fee simple, that the same are free from all ' ' . �
<br />_ ; � - . liens and encumbrances except as may otherwiae be apeci£ica2ly noted herein �� �� . �. •
<br />-.b _ . ' � . or wai.ved in writing by the Beneficiary; th�t Truator will execute or procure �� � �
<br /> . ' any further neceaeasy aesurances of title and doea hereby warrant.�generally � �
<br /> , � t h e t i t l e t o e a i d P r o p e r t y a n d wi l l ,forever de fen d t he same againa t t he � �� �
<br /> � , c2aime and demanda of all pereons whomsoever, and that Truator�a aeparate � �
<br /> estate, whether vested, contingent or in expectancy, is hereby conveyed and � ��
<br />_ � � Truetor doss hereby escpresaly waive, releaee all rights and bene�ite of any � �
<br /> homeetead, dower, curteay, appraisement, exemption and etay lawa of thia .
<br />__ � . state. It is agreed that the intereat provided for in subsection (g) above � � � �
<br /> . _ , .� ehall be at the same rate as apecf f ied fn the Note aecured hereby on the � . � . �
<br />- : .•• principal thereof after default and maturity. ; ;. . �
<br />_ � -.+- . , .. , .
<br /> -- : SP_,COND. In the event Trustor, without the priar written �oonsent of � . �
<br /> - , Benefi.ciary, shall.sell, ,tranafer oP coneey. or contract to se21, tranafer or . . �
<br /> _`; , � con�ey the Property, or. any.part thereo8 or any fnterest therein, the entire ;�
<br /> � balance of the indebtedneas hereby secured ehall become and be immediately :
<br /> ; .- . . due' and payable at tYie optfen of Heneficiary; provided, however, Heneficiary ' � �
<br /> . may waive euch option to accelerat� if, priar to such aale, transfer or � :
<br /> cvnveyaac� or contract �therefor, . Beneficiary and the peraon to whom the �.
<br /> � ` �, � � property ie to be sold or tranaferred reach an agreement in writing that the �
<br /> " .. � credit of such person is eatisfactory to Heneficiary and that the intereat i �
<br /> - f; . �. ' . � �_-_: --- --- - -
<br /> -. ' . ' , . �
<br /> . . � � . .
<br /> . 4 � .. ' i �+ , - "
<br /> , 5 . � ..
<br />