. . 4 rs r. � • �.'�` .
<br /> �� � Y i �..` ir S - � R t t � . � . . . _ . - c -4 °{ :i ' _ .
<br /> ` F -. :'_ @ . E � ` �� ( . . . 't . _ yi.' . `` � �.s .L� t- _
<br /> y�.
<br /> -��i� —"-K. �S�qY�i11�1 4fC t , .� . . � . , � � . _Y ti f� . ..
<br />_ ,2- �C -e' ,r: t .
<br /> - �::-t''`txs{:;��_.�, � . ' . . � 4 � � . . ' _ . cF� `,
<br /> - .r �.� ;r4� '
<br /> w �� '�� �` � • • . � � k `�� '<
<br /> :_�����. �. r � , � ; . ���s��os�s .
<br /> ` � � �, . , . . .
<br /> 4.
<br /> � '`� �� � Beginning at a paiat oa the North ].ine of, said Sectioa 34, said � . "
<br /> s ,;� � . . � ��
<br /> .,� �*� . point ba�ng 350.2 feet west ef the Northeast corner o� sa3d N�W3Q�7W'.i; � ,_ , ,� � � _
<br /> FJ3 �' � �:� . thence running eoutherly a2ong a 1ir�e £oz�ming an aragl�� in th�e .
<br /> ��� ,
<br /> .„_.;-���.;,� � Southweat qtiadrant of.88 degrees 37 minutea with the north line of � �'� . " � ���:_
<br /> - - � � said Secta.on 34, a rliataac�. og 50.0 feet, tta a po3nt on the raad _ �`''� , � - <
<br />:='`�'•��°. v;��• �'�: � rigbt of walr lf.ne, thi.s being the actual place of beginning; ,thence ; . . �
<br /> .,��.. runnf.ng westerly parallel to said north liae of sec�cion 34 a� .
<br /> ��_" ` __= d,iatance •of 291.2 feet; thence deflecting le�t 88 degrees 37 _
<br /> � G:, minutes and. running eoutherly, a di.etance of 408.OS feet; thence � � � �
<br /> . . deflecting left 122 dsgrees 06 mi.nutes and running northeasterly � �
<br /> � -_�"��. :: ; � parallel to tYte northerly R.O.W. 13ne of II_ S. 8i.ghway 3 0, a ,. .. , . _
<br /> - - � distance o� 201.96 .feet; thence deflecting right 122 degrees 06 '���1 -��:�.
<br /> .�±�'...• � . �i.nute,s ant� running eoutherly a distance of 3d0.0 feet, to the �,` �:. ` .��. .
<br /> ° - . � northerly R.O. W. line of i7. S. Highr+�ay 30; tIaence aortheasterly � ' `4:�.
<br /> �;��' . � along said. R. O. 'Al. line a diatance of 184.0 feet; thenae runniag . . ° `� �`�•"
<br /> �.., ;.s :�*,�,_r
<br /> - � '4� '. � northwesterly, a diatance of 511.4 feet to the actual plaae ef . f ; �--��:_.`.,:.r�
<br /> -- . beginning. Naw lmawu as Lo�s_1 and 2, Cook Subdivi�ian, HalZ Caimtp, • , -�'�`'�;---
<br /> __ ,� Nebraska. . . im • .� �.���=�-
<br /> ,�_:. - e"- -
<br /> : r . �L� . � . . ..,` _---
<br /> ,-.�.��:` � TOGE�HER with and including a11 and siagular the tenements, heredita- �``'�
<br /> `'' � � �' ' men�8, appL�rtenances aad privi.I�ges thereunta belongfng vr in anywfse >� -
<br /> -:�, .�.. appertaining, whether now or hereafter acquired, which shall includ�, withaut � �''�� -=
<br /> �' � , .�.� ----limi�ti.ng�-the generality--of-�the-��or.egoing; _�he_.foll�wing.:--.-_.-. -.-.-------.-.---_- ---- ...... <"-
<br /> ,}� � �
<br /> �"� ��.°`'� All of the renta, iesues and profits, including� �11 rente, royalties, , �- �
<br /> .�.: ' ,u!
<br /> . �� •� � bonus�s and $enef its under any exieting or futu�e oil,' gas or mineral os . "�•�t� �'
<br /> , � _;. ...
<br /> =- �-�-•---=�- _ _ ._ .._ othe�_leasea; �all easements and rights of way; all rights of home�t�ad "'�
<br /> .,.,. �, :
<br /> ,:�n.�
<br /> • .;:�,, • �nd homestead exempticn and any surviviug-spouse'-s marita�. or distribu- :'���`
<br />- - . � . t�.� � tine share, aad all otYier aonti.�gent rights in and to said premises; all _ �-:,���.
<br /> :r:.`r',_. '1
<br /> . ` ',. :; . -�_ water, water rights, whether riparian, appropriative or otherwise and �:. ,-�;�-.. �
<br /> - . , �; whether or not �appurtenant, all ditch righta, and any shares of etock "�:-� �
<br /> • ' .. evidencing aay auch water. or ditch right; �and . •
<br /> . � :. � :�� �
<br /> ", � � All fixtures, improvementa, buildiaga, and the plumbing, heating, . -
<br /> -' ,� �. ventilating and lighting %systems and equipment thereia, � all bam
<br /> ':;:.t':. :��� :, •,, equipment; and aZl pumps, pumping atations, motors, engines, machinery, � ��,��,�t�� _
<br />_ •• � � reservoira, pipea, flumes, fences, and other machinery or equipment, '�
<br />- . .' except tractora, used for the production of water on said premises or :.�. � ��_ __
<br /> �� • • � for the irrigation or drainage thereof, all of which ehall be. construed � .., • .j�'
<br /> �-����� ��� and considered as affixed to and part of the real estate. ,. ., ;���
<br /> -- :';r.�`� ..�
<br />-- y�' `�` All of the foregoing estate, property and interest hereb�s conveyed to the. �,� � � � , .
<br /> a_� -, _ • .`�'p '(.�` .
<br /> `=��r�=«=� said Truetee is hereinafter co2lectively referred to aa the "Property." , � �='_������
<br /> '�:.i..":G�'Y--}., . . y,�
<br /> ��-i' .i�_ ..::� .• '.''�.fr.i�F-.,.
<br /> ° � '� � ' TO HAVE AND TO HOI+D the eame unto the said Trustee, Truatee'e auccessors . ����� �
<br /> ~�;�,: � . � and aseigne forever, IN TRUST HOWEVER and WITH POWER OF SALE hereby expreaely. " �`. ,�,�'`�,;�.�.��
<br /> - � ��•= granted uato the said Tru�tee, Trustee's euccessors, and aseigna for the : ,.:;��;_
<br /> ,:�. . Purpose of securing: . , . � "
<br /> -"�"'����-�� (a) The payment of Trustar'e �ust indebtednesa to Beneficiary in the „ ' ��
<br /> . � . principal aum of Twenty-five Thousand Dollars t$25,000.00) for money � . �
<br /> ' borsowed. with interest thereon, all as evidenced by and in atrict accordanee � � •. .
<br /> �y.=� `�� ��� �� witb the terms of tbat certain promissory note hereinafter call�d the "Note", � • .
<br /> �-;-;•�;.� � .� bearing even date herewith made payable to the�order of Benef iciary, executed � . � _ :
<br /> `�-'1�_��-� � � by Duaine L. Nelson and Cheryl L. Nelson, hueband and wife, and providing for �. . .
<br /> •=``���"'•`'-�`- the payme�t of eaid� fndebtednesa in fnetallments, the last of which fe due �� � .
<br /> .1rrr�.l,�.. •-- •+,
<br /> '==�:r�r;"''r�:�. and payable February 1, 2005, aubject to acceZeration oE� maturity on default
<br /> -� r����`�� in the payment of any inatallment of principal or interest er in the � • ,
<br /> --_`�•..:F-.r'�."_� .
<br /> . performance of any covenant, agreement or warranty cantained in thie Deed of
<br /> - ' � Ts t1at; , . . . .
<br /> ''Y�'� rµ � tb) The perfarmaace cif each agreement, covenant and warranty of Trustor ••
<br /> - - ''� �:T`- herein contained or set £orth in the Note or any agreement or inatrument .
<br /> .,°�`° �" � • executed by Txustor 3n connection �ith the indebtedi'iesa he�eby secured; and � �
<br /> - - .��,� . .
<br /> �_ .Y- .
<br /> ' _ ' .''11. . , . . . , . . . . , . . . ..
<br /> - • -- =���� (c) The payment of any aum or eums of money with interest thereon which � � .
<br /> __ . malr be hereafter paid or advanced under the terma oE this Deed of Trust. `
<br /> ,.-:,' � •� , . does for Truetor �and for Trustor•e heira� repxeeentatives, vendees, � " �
<br /> - ' successors and aeaigne, the owners of eaid Property, hereby expreasly �
<br /> .. � .
<br />_ � . .
<br />