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<br /> � . ��:� . 1 e.eu�e.Ln.ous aovtasns � . .
<br /> . .. . a
<br /> � `� . � ta�iorrow�r Kat Rd�sfd.ExtettsIon of the tQne far paym�tt or modFf'icaHon o#dre s�una secuatd 6y thts Qeed rif Tiva!�ronted : . e '
<br /> � � by L�nda to�r►y auace�or�§�ter�t'�!F 90itGvt sha7 not operate to ratease.�er►y manner.die Geb�N o!the oriyTnel Borrower - • _
<br /> =�.;�i,���' . _ and Bonowafn auccasaots 6i interest.fend'ar�not be�q�+irnd m cammence ptaceed'mg�eIIau�st siicM suacessar or.refuss to
<br /> z � . , ' extend time(ar paYmant or otherwfiss madrFy mnortmctton of the sums eacyrad by thts Qaed ofi Trust by reeson of�y dsr�ands - �� �
<br /> • made 6y the originel Boccawer and Borrowefa succa�ors in intarest. � . �� . '=� : •.=
<br /> � � t (D)LettdsM'�Pavr�s.Wlrthottt aHeCtinp ffie fmb�'ity of an�ather person tiabts fot t'he peym�t of mry oEGpetion heren�mantioned. .
<br /> � '� end without aff�p the G�or d�arge cf this Dead of Tn+st upon anY 06rtian of tho Propmrtyr not then ar tharetofore released e9 . . .:`
<br /> d
<br /> �,�r�--�? . edcurity tor the tuii amount of eH unpai�obGastians.t�dei may.from tuna to tima end withou4 noticv ir�reIasse�y petson ea . . , ��' �,��_.,,;s
<br /> - tieD'.e.G+�aoctend the mm:utity or.etter aq/of the terms of eny sucY►a�figatiana.�+7�t etl+ai�du���s.CnQ retease ar rbear►vay. -- -
<br />– � �• � or c�sa to be cakased or reconveyad at ar►y tirne at L�der'a opNon anY oarcol.Portian or aIt ot the Prapory.�v?telca or mIease�+y T t � -
<br />_ �_ . < �� othat qdditionet eswatY for�y obGqatfon hem'v�m�tianed.or(va mafco eompos�'ions or otha��emerts;with deDtois e� : _ `_4,, '�-
<br />- . - refetion thereto. � •
<br /> - � - � tc)iafi..�c.by L.ndn Kut•Wafvr.qml forebeatance by Lender in mteicisiny�Y ry"�ht ot remeBy het�ulRer:ot othawise :."� �.J�,�-r::�
<br /> � ' �`, ' afforded 6V aApffcabte taw,chall oot be e waiver of or precdcde the axeieise of e+y eudi ripht or rm�ady.Ths proLV►amesit af "� ----:,;y�_-
<br /> �
<br />� ' insuranae or the paymenY ot texe9 w othev Gens ot�arQee 6y Landa slee0 not be a waiver of i endet'e rtpht to aeeetatate the _��
<br />_ � ,. maturity of the iidebtedness securad by thn�eed of TrusG ' . �`: �- --•°�- -•'°••�' –
<br /> •� (d)�ra and As�i�s Bbund:Jaint and S�v�ai Lia��ty:C+Pttans.t4ie�vamnts ene eflreerrtents Fere�n contained eha� —__---
<br /> - � . ' ` b�d,and 4tro ri�ts heceimde►ehal!mure to,the��peetiva sueeessors and assiyns of Lendar and Tnutor.A!i coven�ts end —_- -,--e---.
<br /> � apresrtmts of Tnrstdr sha0 6e jo'vK end eaveraf.i'he captians �d headinpa of the pmayrapEu�of thfs Oead of Tntai ars for _-_ __ __
<br /> convaii�ae ae�iy�d are nat to be used to interprat or def'me the provistons hvaaf. _ _
<br /> , . � (03�t�tat tos Hottas.Tha parttes heraby�equest that e copy�of eny notice of dafault heramder and a eapy of erty noY[cs o!r , ____
<br /> ' saie heramdar be maited to each party to this Oeed of Trust at the address sat forth above in the manner presrli4ed bY eppi'rca6ls . —_
<br />- � • law.Except for�y othe►aotim requued under eppUcable Isw to be givan B�enother manner,any notaa ptovided for e�thie Reed of �
<br /> � Tnest aha[I 6e Qiven by ma�'nQ such notiu by eert�ed mel addressed to the othar parties,at the addras�se�t�ortfi abovs.ArtY_
<br /> •• ° not[ca provided for e�this Deed of Trust shaU 6a effedive upon mailinp in the rtem�ner desi�►ated heroin.lf Trustor is more than ar►e —�–
<br /> . ..
<br /> �' :.:._L. :_... • p��.n����e address set foRh above afie0 6e natice to ali suefi persom.
<br /> . ..�
<br /> . . . .,: .:. -- ..._._...., .----- ---- – – � - - .
<br /> _ � ifj[n�p on.Lenaar may ma�ce oi ceu�.6t�b��made reasonab(e-antrias upon end�irtspaateans of-tfie Propmty,prew
<br /> °' ' tsnder shall peve truator notiee prior to sny aucb mspaction specifyinp raasonabte cause theretor rotated to 1a►defa intm6at in the �.__-_
<br /> . 's�, PiropertY.
<br /> (g) Reconvsya�a�. Upon payment of all sums securod by tfii� Oeed of Ttust. Ler.dar sha0 request Tnist�to racanvey the
<br /> - _., ,_��,� . Property and sfisll surrender this Qeed of Trust end all notes evidenc'vig mdebtedness secured by this Qeed of Trpst to Trustee. _
<br /> `"� ,. - Tnistea shall reconvey the PropeRy wiihout warrmrty end without charge to the yecson or persnna lepafiy eriU"tleQ Uterato.Ttustor _ --
<br /> � � � ehall pay e11 costs of racordatian,if any. –
<br /> � � • Q��Parsoroi Ptoymyl;S�curitY A�am�nt-As additianal security for tha payment of the P2ote,t�ustor harehy pr�te Lender�utder
<br /> the Ne9raska Unifortn Commerieal Code a security interest in efl fatures,equipment,a�d other personal property used in coeineotian _
<br /> ..
<br /> ' � with the�eal estate or impmvements tacated therean,�d nat otherwise declared or de�ned to be e part af the reat estats aaauraad
<br /> �� ���� � heroby.This instrument shall be consteued es a Sacurity Apmement u�des eaid,Code,�d tfie Lender shafl have all ths�fiQhte md �
<br /> - rnmedies of e secured party under said Code in addition to the rtpfits end r�nedies created under end ecaorded the Lattder pursuartt „�
<br /> � � . • ' to this Qoed of Trust;providad that lendere�iphts and remedies under thi�paragruph shafF bo eumutative with,and in no w�ty s
<br /> limitation on,Landara riQhts and remedies under m►y other security apreamer�t ei�ed by Bortower ot Trustor. _
<br /> ' � . ' (if Lims�d Enonmbmaa. Truator hereby werranta m�d represeMe that ihere t�c�o dafeult under the proviakn9 of any �� ,
<br /> • mortgepe, daad of tnist,fease or purcfiase contract descri6mg all or eny part of the Praparty, or other contract,mstrumeM or ''`�
<br /> � � , `' � agreemant constitutmp e tian or ana�mbrance a�a'v�si etl or m�y part of the Property(collentive, 'Liens't,existinp e.+of tAs dM of -�
<br /> _ � � ' thi9 Daed of Trust, and that any end ell e�cistinp Liens �ama6� unmodi�ied except as d"rs�tosed to Lendat in Truato�e written '��:�":���r.
<br /> " dis�tosuro of lien9 end encumbrances provided tor hera'vi.Trustor sha0 Yuneiy padorm ell of Tntstor'e obfipatians, eovenanU.� ��::�,�.�� e
<br /> • • representations and warrm�Ues undar any and eIl existm end tuture Uens,sAefl rnm t farwerd to Len4ar co Iea ot aD notkes uf �"•--�---
<br /> 8 D D h► D ='.+,��s::i; � �
<br /> • ' ,. defeutt ea�►t In connection witA any and aH oxistinp o�tuture Liens,end shap not without lendere prior written conaant in any '•-:�..
<br /> manner mod'rfy the provisians of or eRow eny futuro edvenca9 under any existing ar future lien9. �-
<br /> �t,: _>=�_`- _
<br /> �y � � ' • O Appgextion ot Paymmt�. Unless otherwise required by law,eums peid to Lender hereunder, inc6rde�p withoui lonit�tian .�� ,� ���—
<br /> �L
<br />�1' =� � -• psymmta of princ'�pa)end intarest,u►surance proceeds,condamnation proceeds and rente end profite,she116e apptied 4y Lander to , �;` ,.•
<br /> - � + � t h e a m o unta due�d owln p from Tnrstor and hoROwer in auch order es Lender m ite sole diseretion daerns desbabb. ` �}��
<br /> "' . i�,'y,�c. '-:;r-.- .�
<br /> p(1 SsyRap�ry. If any Drovtuion of this Oeed of T�uat confliate with nppficable Iew or is dectared invaGd o► oth�rwii� •-•�.,;•,
<br /> Qs,' � •unentorceab(o,such canfGct or invalidity sha0 not.aHect tha other provisions of this Deed of Trust o�the Note whkh c�e�bs qiv�n �-'¢r 3
<br /> • • .� ees of Trust en�the Note aro daclared to be '�.
<br />�< . � '�, a H a c t w i t h o u t t h e e o n f l i a t i n p p r o v i s i o n.e n d t o t h i s e n d t h e p m v i s i o n a o f t h i s 0
<br /> •� severnDla. ... , , ��.:."=.
<br /> Y'' ' lD Txm�.The tetm9'Yrustor'en0'Bonower'shal!inefude both smgular and plural,and when the Tnisto►end Bonowar aro the � ``-
<br /> :. :,�....
<br /> same D�ants),those taTm9 os ased"a�this Qeed ot Trust shaD be interchangoabfe. � � •
<br /> +� (m)Qov�miop taw.This Dead of T�ust shall be govemad by the fawa of.the Stote of Ne6raska. : {�: .
<br /> �. .- � . Tnistar has executed tdis Oead of Trust a9 of the date written ebove. ,
<br /> �,
<br /> . . . ��,�.���:,��w ;� 1« �.-� �-ti, - - .. _... : �.
<br /> � DUAIiJE L. NELSON Tnistor ' • '
<br /> . ;r t n l .
<br /> . ,. .. • D��� �, T7C. ���n w�,r/ - - . ', - _ � •
<br /> • . � Cf�HRYL L�NBLSON Ttustor k• _ . '
<br /> • • . . .
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