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<br /> . ` �•, takan or d�na�ed.�tander.sha�have tfie o�tian in its�ta and atrsotute discretion.to appty atl eucfi Praceeds,after dcQucttr+g 4heretram ,
<br /> �aD coats md expeasses(ncurted bV n���ectian with euch Proceede,upon my inde4teQnW stecured�h�Dy m�d in suah otQat�s „: `,
<br /> ` � l.a�Qar cnsy deter.mine,or to eppiq a11�ued�P�ossadm,after sucA Qeductiana.to the rostorotian af the Property upfln aucfi condition9'aa . • ._
<br /> -- . !lns�r mry drtermiM.Any sppticatlon ai Pr+oc�eds to indehteQness ehe11 nat extert6 or postpano the Eue dats of 6nY P��ts unQet �.� `�:.'`_
<br /> . :. ,�4 . . , , �
<br /> 4h�Rota,or cun�riy ddw[t thsr�ndet ar hareunde�.MY anoDDtied funQ�afiaU ba Daid to Trustor. . �_
<br /> . . ' , � � 8.�/artom�are�6r L�ndo.Upen the accurtence bt�Evant of Default heraundn.or it any aat b[aken ar fegai pwea�d+np ' ._����-
<br /> . � �� � � comm�eced whtcA ma4odaity'aftaate La►da�'e intareat in tha Psoperty.l.enQer m$y In ite own discration.but witfiout oDtiQation to Qo w. _
<br /> c
<br /> eaid withaut notice to tlr Cemand upan 4rustor and without relassmy Tnsetor irom any o6ltpation,Qo sr►y ecs whtch Trosfor han apreed ,
<br /> � but fe7s to do end may 61so do eny other act it deans naeessary to protecq the acseurity hereot.Trustor eheV.tmmediataty upan dem�c� , �
<br /> .�.� tharafor by landor.Pay to Lendur all aosts end'expense�t�suRad and sume oxPended by Lasider in oonnaation witA thd�cerciss by . - - .�
<br /> ' n• LanQer of the farepo'u�riQt►ts.together witN'u�terast the�san et the defauft mto provide8 irs tii8 lYote.ti+hid►�fl Ea�s0 to ih� `�' �"
<br /> � , - uidebtadnes�securad herehy.l.ender shntl rtot incur anY IiebititY 6e*.ause of mtYthinp it mey do a�omit to do hereurtda. , u _
<br /> , 9.Hmrdaus Mat�ids.Truetor shell iceep tho Rraperty'a�compGanee with elt e�pticabte fawe,or�mance9 ens raputattens eetat�p to ., • - �
<br /> - -�- industriai hypiene or�vironmantel protaatiw�(co4cotiveh►raferred to herein es°Envitonma+►tei Laws'1.Taetor cFieU keep the Froparty . `• t' . :,_'<.�'^
<br /> frae tram e(f substancaa daamed to 6e hemrdow or toxic under�y Environmanxel Laws(coltactivetlt referted to hvdn es'Hatardous � � � '"��..... �""�
<br /> - � <;s. .«..�_: •
<br />- - � Materiais9.Tcustor heze6y werrante end r�resents to Lendm that thete are no MaznrQoua Materi�i on or urtQet ths PcoyaRy.Tt�tstor , � ,;_.,;, .,�`'�'-i•'_=-.
<br /> :•.rE..-i_�"-z .-`
<br /> ` ' herebY aprees to Indemnify and hofd hartnFess Le�der,�s d'uactore,o�cers,emDloYees+ynd apa�te,end eny suecesaor�to LanQers , .. s�; �
<br /> e � ::;_ �.����; -
<br /> . • `. inteaest.E�am m►d eyamst m�y�d all c�a6na,'d�eya�.Gosses and fmb�'�ties eriau�� in connection with the presence,uss.disposal or . ��r.;�.�.�._.� �
<br /> �� . . . tr�sport ot�y H�erdous Materisls on,undnr.from or about the FmpeRy.TFfE FOREG0ING VYAfiRANTtES AtVD REPRffi�i�ITATtON3. �'�r;��;,_,--
<br /> - `�! . ::' '.._ .�_ _ . TRUST. . � . . . _^. . , _-_ --
<br /> � -- . � �' . �a;-_�
<br /> 1�.As�i�:n�t af RmLr.Tnistor hereby esstpns to Lander the�nta,issues end profits of the ProDarM.Providad Mst Tnumr ehdl. ':..,��.-_- -
<br /> , . until the occurtance of en Event of Defautt hereunder.have the right to collect artd retem eud�ro�ts.tssues end Dsaf'Rs m tfidl►b°�°tns "�_�?;'`�_
<br /> a . .� . • due��payahfe. Uppn the occurrence of en Ev�►t af DefauEt,Lender may.either in persan or by apent.with or witttout brinping any "�% - _
<br /> � � net�on or Qroceed'etp,or by e rsceiver appointed by a court end withaut rat�ard tq the edequacy of its securitY. �ter uQop artd Lke ' ��-:
<br /> e �--
<br /> �` pwsassion of the Pmporty, or enY PaR thereof,m its own name or u�the name af the Trustea,and d o �y a a t e whit�i� deKa�s ---
<br /> � � �eeessary or Qasira6fe to preserva the velue,martcetaDOity or�entebfiRy of the ProPerty,or eny part thereof or uderest therem,utece�se. • . 1�^�=`--�_--
<br /> . ,`_ , � = - -
<br /> ..., ,., _ ---..__.
<br /> � '.----`--- .,- --------._ihe_income�theu�fssiR!orpmtect tha secu' hereaf mid,with or without WcinO posaessian of the Propetty.sue far or otharwita coNsa! • = 'p'---
<br /> �
<br /> MY_._ '' �
<br /> • the rents,iss�c�and Prof7ts theroof,mclud"mg thoss paat�ue en0 uopaia,ana ePPN�the a�tr6�tesa�sts-and-axpmae�of opantian r�d �-- ... �,w.� __
<br /> . � ' collection inc6id'a�a attomeys'feas,uDon�y indebtadness seared harahy.ef1 in such ordar as Lender ntny determ§�e.TRs antadnp ugon '� �,y�z----
<br />