, . _ . _ , _ . ..
<br /> - * . _ 4'--:: -:;: ..� . .. • � . < , � � -
<br /> —k - ., , , . , _ .. . , � , . � , � _
<br /> ) _ _ `. `' ,,`.` . . •``. . . `< .. ' ' ' '' ` . . ' f . �` .�. . . . . . .. . '
<br /> - . . � -� � - � . < . . . ` . . __.�y_y.. . , •
<br /> i�. - ` -- ` ` - - ' — � . [ � . . . . � -
<br /> _ �� �� � ( � , '' • . � , � �`,��.
<br /> _ . - . . . . j� .i. ' . .
<br /> . ` ' �`' ' �� ��ar ib e�tt may make reasona6le entri�s upoa aad insgections of tt�s Property.Leader shall E ` _ , -�_Y_
<br /> e
<br />—_ ' . ' . gn►e Bmsawer notice at the ti�of or pAOS w an insgection g reasonable ca�se foY the iaspec�on. 4. .,, . `
<br /> 1�.Coad�t�on. 1lta gmc�Is of aay awasd or c aim for damages.direct ur in wmmeaion arith
<br /> ` . say oande�alios►or other taSdng of�p part of the Pcoperty. or for c�veysaoe in Iieu��ot��camde�a4ion, sYe.l�e�ebY , , _
<br /> _ - � as�g�d sad shall be paid to I.ender. �'p�sha11 be applied to tlie sarms seaued by this Seamty . . . `
<br /> In tiie eveat of a Wtal talting of the ProFerty,
<br /> -- ` � �.. � Ins�t,whether or not tt�dne,with aa�r exces�paid to Becmwer.Ia the event of a parri$1 tat�g of the P�op�y in �
<br /> -��"-- , wisich the fair market vaiue of the Property�ediately befote the�ag'is eqaal to or g�eater tt�th�amauat ot ttna ��. =
<br /> - -- sums sec�ed by tbis Secarity Ins�ment i�iatety bzfara the .�ml�Basrav�res aad I�eader otherwisa�gte�in �,-- �----.r_t ;--_.�
<br /> , - < v�ritia$.the sums seca�sed by tlsis 3etvrity Instcumeat s l s a l l i s e r a�by t h e a m o t m t of���@)the fa��'r�t � .
<br /> ' f o ll a u n n g fr a c ti o n:(a)t h�w t a l a m a u a t o f t h e s u m s s e a u e d immediaLel y befo:e the taldmg, �:
<br /> � . � , , v a lae o f t h e P m p e r E y i m m e d i a t el y 6efore the taidng Any balance s H a Q b e pai d W B oaoarer.I n t h a e v e n t o f a g a:t i a l�k i n g . - -
<br /> ° ' . � of the Pmperty�n wHic1�the fais mlrket vatue of t he Property im�ediately before ttse�g is Iess ttaan tiie amo�t o f t h a � , , . ,
<br /> • �. sums secuied�mmesliately befare the�taidng.t m less Bo�wer a s i d L e a d e r o t h e s w i s e a S c e e i n w a l i n S or�ml�a p plica62e . � . -. _.. . ... ..
<br /> , � � • law othe:wise�rovides,the pmceeds sLa116e appHed w the snms secased bl►this SecuritY�t whetUes or aot Bte . . „
<br />- ' sums ere thea dBe. '
<br /> - • � If tl�e Propecty is abandaned by Bouower,ar if.after notice by Leader w Borrower @iat the oonde�ar offess tn • • .
<br /> � . make ea award or settte a claam far damages,Boriower fa�s tn respond to i.�sder wiHrin 30 days after tI�daie the notice _ -.
<br />- . • . , is givea,Le�ter is suthori�ed w coll�t aad applg tfle proceeds,at ita aption,either to te�ta�an or:epair of the Pmpesty ` .. •
<br /> , . ,. or to the sums seciued by this Secuaty Iasttument,whether or not then due. . �
<br /> • - Unless Lende.r aad Boaawed ot�swise agree in writmg,any applicaiion of gmceeds w g�acipal sLaII aa�wu�d or . . �
<br /> °r: == . . .
<br /> . • pastpoae the dae date of the mnnihly p�ym�nts refesred to in patag�ag�s 1�d 2 or cd�ange the amoant of sacb papments. . . "�
<br /> • ' 11. Bora�vrer Not Re�eased; F'or�an4e B7 I.ent2ec ot a Waiv� Hxt�.sian of the 6me Sur paym�t or , '
<br /> ` i �� madifiwtioa of amortimtioa of the snmss�by ibis Security�ns�t�8Y L,�tder to aay su�r m murest . •_
<br /> sn ':, '�
<br /> � of Bormwer shall not opeiate to relesse the liability of the origmal Bonowe�or Boirawer's succes.wrs ia inieiest-Le�de�r a`"..' ;,
<br /> � � � ' � sl�ll not Ue reqairad to comm�ce ptoceedings agamst aay sncoessa:ia inteiest or iefose t�extwd time far p a y m e a t� .;�. �;
<br /> - . � . -atherwise-maditl+-amoitiratioa--of the-sums-�By-this.Secattity-Insnumentl►�►_�.a of any�d m a d a b q --.- ��.;,
<br /> • . original Borcower or Borrawer's successoss in interest.Any forbea�aace 6y Leader m eaes�ising any ng�toi remedy sd�aU � --- : .,." � ._�_.,-�
<br /> aot be a waiver of ar pseclnde the r.xes�ise of aa�dght or iemcxiy.. 17�e cove�ats aad agraem�ts of v-_ — -
<br /> iZ.Sua�ors and Bouad;Jomt and 5everal Iaability3,Ca�i�. :
<br /> - � d�is Secnrity Instrumeat sball� and bee�efit the sucr.�ssois ead esscgns of Leader aad Bonower. snbjed to the . • ,'�' .
<br /> 4
<br /> pmvisions of parAg�aph 1�.Bormwe�s cavenants aad asreemeats sheU be Joint aad severaL Aay Bosrovves who co-signs .. _ _
<br /> . � this Security Inst�ame,nt 6ut daes not exeaite tlieTVote:(a)-is cb-s��g tbis Seauity tns�t anly w mortgage,�tat . .
<br /> - aaa convey tbac sorrower's inceresc ia tbe Pmperty aaaer the cerms of this secuucy tnstramea� N)�not pe�onauy
<br /> .. obligated W pay the sums secuted 6y this Secnrity Inatrumeat; and(c�)a$ce�that Leader aad any o�er Baaa�wcr msy . . ��,-
<br /> - w e..-tend.mocLfy.fosbear or make any seeom�datians with gud ta the terms of tlus Secucity�IasCntm�t or tbe , , ��
<br /> ote without that Bo:sawes's consent. � '�'�'
<br /> ]3.Loan C6azges. If the loan secazed by this Seauity Instcument is subject W a law which sets maaimtim Iaa
<br /> _ • • ci�arges, aad t�at law is fiaally intetps�eted so tbat the iaterest or other lo�a chazges wltected or W�be collected ia �..���
<br />.. ' � caaaecccon witb the toaa exceed the permitted timits� tl�en: (a)auy eucD loan cl�arge shall t�e redaced by th� e�3 ����`, -.
<br /> .:+�. _�,••�.
<br /> neoe�aty to reduce the c8arge to the permiued liffi�aad(b)aaY sums aim�dq collected fmm Easrawet wlucd�eacaodcd ., .''�;
<br />�-..�' . �. � � Permiued liadts will be refimded w Boaower. Lender may chaose w maY�a tl�is refimd by r�ciag thaprmcip�l owed .,.
<br /> -�� � . under the Nota or b y m a k i n g a dirxt PaYment to Boaower.lf a refimd reduces paacipal,the��v�l ba ueatad�s a ...��,
<br /> y�4 without anY P�PaY���8E uader the Nota �'s.'.:.;
<br /> ' ��1P4allo'ttoes. Any aotics to Bomawerpr�vcd�l for m tbis S�urity Ins�nment shsIl be givmby deliveriag it os by ; •..
<br /> " � m a i l i ng i t by f u s t c l a s s m a i l u n l e s sagp li c a b l e l a w :e q u i�e s use of snother method.1ha no�co si�aU be ditectod W the . �
<br />` ' � P r u p e r t�r Address or aa y other add�Borrower designates by aoi'sce to I�det.Any notice to l�der sbaU be giv�by ; ,
<br /> ' fust class mau7 w Leader's address stated herein or aay o t her a d d r e�L e a d e r d e s g a a t e s b y a o t i c s W B o m a w a r.A a Y n o t i s e ,�`��"
<br /> � ; . � sovided for ia this Secntity Instrua�eni shall be deemad to have be�givea to Boraowet os Leader w�givw�s p� .�.'T�/�LL
<br /> � .-�;�.-..
<br /> . �this��Ph�Lew;Sev�ebility. 'I1iis Secarity Iast�eat shsU ba gaverned hp fedeial taw�tha 1aw of B�a , .
<br /> Go '
<br /> ;. � - 'Qisdiction in whtcb the Property is lacated.ia the ev�t Wat say pmvisiaa or clanse of tbis Sec�itq Iastcumrat or tLe ����'
<br />- . . . ' �ote conflicts witbap�licah2e taw.sucL oonftist shall not affect other aas of tbis Secuiiry Inst�nmet�t or tbo Note �.,.�':�•��
<br /> prnv�s� {_ ,� „'�.
<br />; wIucL can be givea effeat withoui the confticting provision.To this�d the psoviaioas of this Soa�rity Inat�umeaY aad tha '� r',�;�__.. .
<br /> Note are decl�rad W ba sevetabte. . . ;. .
<br /> � 16.Bon+owcr's Copy. Borruwer shall beg�vea oae coafor�copy of the Nota�d of tbia Secaiiry LskumeN. . ' ';�. :�'.
<br /> ia
<br /> ' ' � . . . I7. Transfer ot the Annperty or a Bemtival Int�est in Borrawer. If all or aay part of the I�apezty ar aay .
<br /> • inten�t in it is so2d or tiaasferred(or if a beneficial in�in Bomower is so2d or traasfea�ad aa�Borrower ia not s . . .
<br /> -. • . � asnual person)witho�Leader's prior writte,n coasent,Le�der may.�a�t ita option.�iaire i�di�te PsYme�t ia fiill of all . . _ � .
<br /> sams sgsur�by this Secarity Tnstn�t.Hawever.this option shall not ba eaerc�by Yxndes if exe��se is prolubitod
<br /> 6
<br /> - � , .. by fedesal Iaw es of t�e date mf tLis 3ecurity Inst�mea�. ,
<br /> Ii Leuder e�ceYCises this optian.L�eader shell pve Borro�ver aotice of acxeZe�an.'Iha natice sball piuvide s period .
<br /> . . of not Iesg tLao 30 days from the date the aotioa is deGvered or mu'2ed withia wluch Bozmwes must psy all sutris sectu�o� � �
<br /> .; • �or"'�fv°��� .
<br /> • auacFns srsrous.ac..sr.uow.ldN 6E.t0911�E00��a1•�5�1/iOFM NDt�lE t/Alst � .
<br /> ,E� .
<br /> • � ; .
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