. , .,. . . . ,
<br /> : • _ �... . . . _ � ` . . :�,t .
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<br /> �1:` , ` "" �_ _ h , ` � , , ' . `• � - ' ,a` ' ' �o�",C�` _ - .
<br /> t ' } _ . . � a ` . ' , . . _
<br />- `1 ' • ��,!• � - �1 _�
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<br /> ,..[''r7 . ' i E•�~ ��� SU � �' pnpV8ID8IIL4.ROW,Of 11CY2�T Ci'�Cf£i� OII �C ��'s �i1S0�d� . • • . '`"``�
<br /> . , . . � �, a�ad fixtares aow os�ereafiet a put of the pmpeR�t•AlT�?P��°�a�. . •<_:
<br /> All of the fnngoivg is�sef�emad w in this Seeea�ty ��� � �—
<br /> . ' ' ' ,��Bo��thsi$ortowes is lawfaliy seised ofthe%estate hertbY�nveYad��s tbe digbt to 8*m��' . ,�da;'"� -
<br /> is u a e�c o m b e r e d.a a o�p s f o s��of tenoi0.g+ouow�r w�� . _--
<br /> � , , . . oomrey tdis proFerty aad t h a t t h e A vg e rt y a1t clai�ms and dem�ds,snlsJeat w tny�of z e c o s d. , , ` . � a°:
<br /> • � � ' . • w�l a e f e a d g e n e i a ll y t h e u������cwenaata fas nnticnsi ase a n d n v n�m i f o r m�'��witb li�2ed ,
<br /> ' ' -� _ vsiiati��}t J�nrisdicb�a�ta c°nssituie a tmifmrm s�ritY iasbct�nt caverin8 ieil Pmpe�t�• . < ` "�
<br /> t Y r� � I7NIPRR�COYENAN1s.B01iOW@i SIId LeIIdei OQV�DSIIt 8�a�B aS�011� BoIiOWet S�i911 jllOIDpuY Pap W�Iffi� -``
<br /> ° .. . � L Pgym�at of PtincePal and tnt�st'R�aya�est ani�I.�t�ar�es. �late ci�8es dr�aader the Na2e. � � - - ,:
<br /> - - - - �P��PaI of ead inte�esc on the debt evid�ced hy the Note aad anY p� • �."�:a"� �:` '; `'-
<br /> - � �' ' - 2.Ftm�fos Taaes sud Imvrano�S1�bjed wapplicaUle law or to a wnttea wsiver by Leader,Bosrower sI}al1 P�Y �.�
<br /> `_ .` w ir�der aa the day moathlyp ay�en�a:e due�mder the Nooe,�the Nute is pai�in . `Faeds fur. (a) � _�;,:;��:�;., _�-
<br /> fall a sum t '� -
<br /> whic8 ma attaia ority aver this�eauity lnsanm�t as a Iiea oa the Fropezt�l:(b)�Y ` y .��
<br /> . .. , yearly�and a�ata Y � if ea ; C earl hazRCd or pmpe:ty in�araace P�s%(d}yearty � �i --
<br /> � ' l w s�o l d g a y m e u�o r g r o i m d r e n t s on the P r o p e s t y. Y ()Y Y�. ,i f�y;a n d(t}a a y s a m s�y t b l a b Y B°n°w e r ''� - �,��€'��:.c
<br /> - ,' ttood insu�amce gsem�s►��►Y:fe).Y�Y�8a8���iiea of the paymeat of moitgage ms�oe Premiu�• . �,���_=-
<br /> , . . � tu�eadet. ia aaorciance witfi the piovIaazs of paiagaPh . � :"��`:;.
<br /> cat2ed'Fscrow Items-'I�der may,ot a�+t�•�°���F��,s escrow��� -:..�s'�-'`V-�
<br /> ` '..; . 'ti�se itesns are retated mort�age laan may�ui�. . Y
<br /> - . . • m�mum amavnc a lenaer far a federalty 12 v.s.c: � zsut a sm� ;`_�����`-i:-�
<br /> _ , . fe�ezal Real Esta'te Settlemen! Prooed¢ces Ast of lYl4 as am�ded fmm.tm� to time.. m. ,<,=v_-
<br /> " (•RESPA').tmlesg aaother iaw ti�ai spplies to�e Fun�L9 stxs�t�ser amo�i.If so.Ia�dermry,sttay timQ,�� . . •�_=_
<br /> est�te t�e amwmi af Fuads dae oa$e b+�sia of •=�'�=`--
<br /> ' . ' ' hoId Faads in aa ammmt noi tn exceed the l�ser amoIIat Iender may with �°:,'`,'�'�""
<br /> ` of due.s of fatme Escmw IOems oz oihc�a�ise ia svaard�a �1e . . . _
<br /> - . ca:sent data�d reason�ble estimates ea��e¢di �. , `�,��;:��.
<br /> - '� . �. 'I�Fauds s6all be held in ea institution wtiass deposits a:e ins�ued by a�88_�+,����+F�ds L�a _ .•.'-°`"'�."�°-`'
<br /> . , - —if�er-is-such-aa-inssitntian)�rinaay�'sdQta_1 Ho�Lom �r .
<br /> - , . � , --�-------�i�atu�ng-L�der, --._..._ . - ��,,�-<,�=,.
<br /> Bormwer fo:hold"sng end��appTymg Qie Fm�ds;-���Y�S�° �-
<br /> �.ry the Escmw Items. I.ender may aflt cbar8e �
<br /> � escmw acoa�t.or verifyiag the Escrow Items.anIess L�der pays Bo.stuwer mtgest oa the Fnads ��bf m ,�..�.�_�
<br /> . , e. However. I.endet maY reiiuue PaY a ono-tsme
<br />� � ' . 4 . 1 ����.� ��ep°�ng semoe used by.L�der.in co�oaron witb this 1om,aales aFP�1e�'p�� . : ';.�---
<br /> � Ls made app iote�st to be p�d.L�cter sh�II aot be t+eq�i�ed to�y
<br /> . , �� . _ . _o��v�se.Un�ss ea sgceem�nt. or licable 1sw�er ma m wnting,howeYer.t�st int�s4 sWII bs _. .. .
<br /> � , goaawer any mtemst or eammgs on the F�ds.Baitawer Y 88� gof�e F�s,s�ring credib md -_
<br /> � paid on the Fuads.Lender sball give w Burmwer.withant c�8�.F�mad� '�S F�ds ac+e pIodged as a8ditioaal. .. .. .
<br /> al ,
<br /> . � d�bits ta tiie Fm�s)s agd theg�pose far whicb eash de�it to the '{� � ;...t.
<br /> _ � . � secarity for all svms sec�ue�by this Sec�uity Inst�ament �to 6e held by appliahle tsw,Irader sbill�t to . , _
<br /> - � ' If tl�e Fimds held by Leudes.exceed the amo�mts pe� of licab2e law.If the amaunt of the�cmd�heid by _ �.�
<br /> � � Bormwer for the excesa F�mds iu accuidaace with the cequi�ts aFP � _
<br /> Lznder at aay time is not sufticient w pay tLe Escrow Items whea�dua.L�de��S►so natif j+Bonovver in wating,aad.ia '..:
<br /> . . sncd�c�Bo:rower shaU pay w Lender t�e amaunt uecessarY w ma�e aP the defici�acy. Bomowet sbnU matm aP the .. :., ,
<br /> �fl:."; ,
<br /> at Ixader's sote disc�ehan. �faad M Soaawer ,
<br /> � � ' deficieacy in no�se tbaa twelve monthly PaY�• or sell the prapetty., p�
<br /> • � . � Qpon payment in fitll of all sums se�vred by this Seeasity Iastniment,Le�.der sl�all Pmm�tiY��' to the � , �':f���� �
<br /> .. .., . ._. � .. any FuaBs held lry Leadet: If. �der paiagruph 21. Leatder shaU acquize -�- -- , '. .',
<br /> ' • aoqnisiaan or sale of the P�operty, s1�a11 aPPIY�Y F�mds heW by Ir�der at the time of acqnmt�on or sate as a ccedit ,
<br /> � a g a m s t the svms secuied 6y this SecuritY In�ni- vi d�s s a t h..n w i s e.a U p a y m e n t�r e ce ival l ry Lender uad�r . • • `
<br /> � 3. Applicatioa of PgymwLs. Un2ess appli c a b l e 1 a�'Pro �
<br /> . patagtap h s 1 a n d 2 shall be a p piied: fust,to aaY P�PeY�t��Ses due tmder the Note:seennd. to amouats payabte ." "-.:,�i:�-
<br /> aad L�.st.w any iate due�d e t t h e N o t e. , .,
<br /> . ' tmde:pazag�s h 2:tLitd.to intere.si due:fou:th.to Pnnc�pal d�: ftn��inpositi��utab2e to the , �r�
<br /> �: . ' 4. C6�rges;Liea4. Bossower sh�pay all taaes.as���8�+ � �� �my. .
<br /> . .. , ; p�operty wbich may susia paoriry over this Secarity Insttument, a n d I e a s�old P d Y m e a ffi B�� , .
<br /> goaowes s�11 pay thcse ab' ' m the ma�er prmnded im Pa�2+or if��pacdW L�r�►.�E°oa'f'er� � . .
<br /> . . � � p�,t�m an cime auectiy to�°�peison awed pay�t•B o s m w e*s�1d'��ct,i�y,gosower s�au paom�IY�w I.mda r � � �
<br /> " - � w be paid under this parsigrapL.If Borrawer matoes these PaY�� ' � . . :
<br /> • � � . � reaeipts evid�cing tlie paYments. e aa lie�which has priority over tbis Secarity Inst�umeat imless Betrawer.(a) i ` . .
<br /> . . . Bormwer st�U ptomptlY dischu8 Y , i ` •.4.. .
<br /> � agt�es in wciting to the paymcnt of the obFigattoa secured by the liea in a maaner acceptable w Leazder:(b)eaat�in �
<br /> � �� good futb the lien by, or defends e�aias�enforce�t of the tiea m.1 ro�in88 whc�t► ia t�e Lender's opinion . .
<br /> . operate W ptevent the enfarce�nt of the lien: or(c)secuses fmm the�r of 1he lien¢n agteemeat satisEacxory co .
<br /> -- - . I,eader snbordmating the lien w this Security Iash+sment.If Lender deteimines that any put of the Ftapertx is sabsect w a
<br /> � fiefl arhirb may Atminpswrity over tLis Security Iastr��. Le�der may giva Bonowes a aotice id�f}+faotic� �
<br /> Bmrower sbaU satisfY the lien or taZce aae us more of the aslions sei forth a�ove wi�10�g or h�etected an tho
<br /> � � . S.Ii�d or Ph+opedy Ias�uana� Ba�ver shaU Tcaep t�e impmV
<br /> •� . . . . propeity insa�d a8aiasi la.rs by fira. ha�rds inel►Wed wiWin ebe teim 'extr�sled wvewge' and any ot�sr Liat+d.�. : .
<br /> . Fara+80 9190 WaQ f 61
<br /> :. ' : . � �ll� ���� .
<br />. . � � euua+s svsr�eaas w�.s�.aow.e�w eeaot u-eooas�•zs+u w�+neo-�NE a�se+
<br /> . • �.
<br /> . • , '
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