� �.,..�.�,.. _ , . � � -- - . < <. _� . �,
<br /> �4 .� r - ` '�•,< <�..�� , . � �:e� . `i �.-.`~ . . . _ . . F f . . .} st..c 2 `e ��, 4 Y . r -.
<br /> . 4 �` � . . � . ` ` . � ' - 2 . . �[�.`.�.
<br /> _i , i�. . 1.`� ��'�.f"� 4 � . , . _—
<br /> �t� � . �.� � - . . . "–
<br /> - ' S. . � , .. .. ' 4 _
<br /> ' . . � . - � _ . ' �'2:. . _� �.
<br /> _ � � , � �►95�Q�S�Q , -: _
<br /> � • . ' � a �{y�����p.TrusLCa sha11[caep ttia Propert�in campGance r��alE appl(cabie tavics.ordinaRCes and regul8tions . �_
<br /> �°,�°. "•' ` ` setating tfl Indttsbiai hygtane or em[Fronmentai protectian(col[ectively reterred to herein as"Erevironmenta)traws"►Tnrstcr sha!! . -�-'�.` ° . -
<br /> �' :
<br /> ` keegtheprppartyfret�iromailsubst3ncesdaemedt��hazardattsortoxfcunderanyErn'uonmeniattaw8(coltactiveSYret�'Tredm ,. , -. � °�
<br /> � , het�eiR as"Hazatdous Ma�rlafa"�Trustoc hereby�rarranta artci represe�s tc�ertder thai there are no Hazardous Matertais an or . .. �
<br /> � . � � underthaPropedY.TcusrorhereDyegreestoindemnIfyandhot�harmtessRsnder.itsdir�ctcr�of&�s.err�toyeesendageeLAar�d . � . ,• _ �
<br /> de
<br /> . , enY successors to Lenders irttere5t irom�and e8einst any art�a1t c(ala�s.dam�qe9s tosses and liabii�tos arising In c�nrtec�on�th ;•t f
<br /> . .� �. ---. < . . t�a{xesenc�a a DREP�RES�ENT�U�tS.AN�tRU3TOFYS08��O�tSPURSUAMTOTFIE.FOREGO GIND£MNiTY.�S`�tA1J.� . -_.-. ,_ _ ,�
<br /> - � -- �►+R�RANTtES AN �•
<br /> `.-��` ' SURViitE RECE3i�t►tg1fM[t�OF Tt{�DEED OF TRUST.' f� .-
<br /> - 10.�Amint et Re�l-TrusLor hece0y aSSIgns ta Gender the rents.issuas 8nd Drafits of t�e Property piavidt�bYat Trtss�r
<br /> 5heif,unUtU►eac,cur�enceofar�Eventot(JefauttAereunder.hare4RerigrtLaceit�Ctaadretalrtsuchrenb,issuesartOD����eY . . . '
<br />- -�, c ` becortse due end payabt�.Upan ths occuaence ot an Event ot Detaul#,Lender may.either Irt peraon ar by agen�witte er withaut
<br /> _- . . ---- p�r�ging any aotion arprocesdin&or by a receiver appafnte�by a court and�rithoui regard t�tRe ade4ua�Y of iLS securit�!•.enter � ,,. • ,
<br /> . , upanand take possession ot the Prapsrty.or any parttt►ereot,in its own name or tn tRa name of theTruat$�atrd dc�anY a�wh�h it • " .. . •
<br /> �� ' ,. .:. . . daemsrtecsssarf►ordesirebletoprose�vethsvalua:m�rKetaDitityorrentabitityottheProperty.orar�yparEthereoter(n�ere5tthereir� ,
<br /> - � increase tha irtcome tneretrom or protect Me security hereef and.with or wttRout taking passassiort o 8a��g��� a L y I•..:.r.
<br /> . . . otherorise cvt�ect the reeLs.issues and profits thereot.inctading thase past dua an@ unQa3c�an0 SDP Y �.; ;"
<br /> � eXpBnsesotoperatronand coltectton including attomeys t e e s.u p o n a n y i n d e D L d n e s s s e c u r a Q h e r e b y,a l 1 i n s u c h ordecaslende► '�..���"
<br /> ..- .` , may deisrrt�irt�TRe er�tedng upoR artd ffikfng possession at the Properry.tiie co�lectton of such rents►issuas ans#Pro�ts a�d the , � , :,�'+.�� �'�
<br /> tt �
<br /> � '� . . . application thereof as aforesa[d shatt not cure or waive any detautt or notice of deiault hereunQer ar imatidaLa any ect dChe+in ,`<<`-�="_=�9
<br /> �,�.,,� _,.:
<br /> r�pcnsetosttchdefauftarputsuantiusuchrtaticeofdafsuliand.notwithstar►di�rgthecor�auanceinpossessiartoltRePropachFftr � �;,:r_r:=,;�.
<br /> ' ' tt�Collecttor�receipt and aGAticaSon ot r8nls.issues or Proixs►and Tnistee and Lender shatl be entittec!te ex3rctse e�erY rigttt ��:_---
<br /> .. . '� pravideQtorinanyottAelnanQocsimentsosbytawuponoccurrenceatarryEventofQ�JJaut��rtctuQis�gwithauiUmifationtl��igt[itD .o,..s:
<br /> u
<br /> exsrcisa ths power of sat�Further,Lendeo's r!ghis and cernedies under tAis paragraph st�ai6�s cumulative wittti anc!ia na+eraY� ��,�°-
<br /> � ', . •:.: ''%
<br /> - . . . • timitaYio»on,tenQefs�ightsa.ndremediasundsranyassignmentotteasesandrentsrecordeQagairtsttDePropertY•lert�t�s� �,�
<br /> _i.: ..
<br /> ` _ ..,.:;..•.� .: artd ti�e recefires shali be Iisbte w aocount onry thosa�reids actuslty reoeired. _
<br /> _: -., .-.--------_ -_.._ ' - --
<br /> .. _. ...11:�£nRbot Os�f1:The fotiowing sha(!-constiU�te an fiuent.ot!]efauit urtder th(s,Qeed ot frust ..--..---- ___ -
<br /> � . (a)Faiiure�paY anY instal(ment ot principa!or inter�st ot any atAer sum secured�iereSY�►en dus:----�-- .-�-�-----� --�-^ _
<br /> ��: --
<br /> � • ' (b}Abreachofotdetauttu�deranypmvisioncontainedintheNpt�thisDeedofTrus�.anYoftheEoa�nt?ecumen�s.orany _---
<br /> ' . .. ptherlienorencumbranceuvaretheProveRY: —_.---
<br />- • � '. (c)Awritotexecutlonorat�chmsntararrysimitarprocessshalt0aenteredagainstTrusmrwNChs�hatEOecemeaitenan _
<br /> the Praperty.os.af►Y�tCRian_?1!erecf or interestNerein:
<br /> � � (�There sAai!be fitea by or against Triisf+or or Borr0+x8r an acIICrt under any present ar tutura tedera�t etafla ar athe� ----
<br /> '• � statut�taw or regutation retating tp banlwpt�i.insoivency ar otl►er retief fer debtar�o�there shalt Oe a.ppotnted any trusLee� _
<br /> � • , recel+rErorliquidatorofTruffiororBOrrorecerorofaltoranypartottltePr,oQeriy,orihsrents.issuesorproittstttereol.oe'Ctustot -
<br /> � � ' or Borrowec shal!make any generai asslgnment br the bereafit of creditar�
<br />�- - -- - ,•��'. . (ej The�s,ate,transfes,tease.assignmBn�cornreyanse ar turther encumbrance ot alE or any part o4 oc any fr�Uerest In tne
<br /> -. , , ' p�erme�ooxecuteatea eottheProprrythatdoes ot�tainenruPtiontopurchasesndUreLertnowAttchTdoesnctexceed
<br /> Y. • � • ans year; �
<br /> .. . . tfl R�andanment ot fAe Prapertyr,or
<br /> - � � • (g)IfTr�st+orisnotanindividual.theissuance sate vanster•asgl9nmer��°�Yay�Ceorencumb�r-�cectmCrethadtatotat ,
<br /> - . - • ' -� -. - -- � ot.,.--Parcent ot(if e Corporation)its issued and outstan0ing stoCK cr�ft a partnerspi�l a totat ot� Dercern of
<br />_a � � p3stnership interest9 d�iring the period this Qeed ot Tn�st remafns�lien an the Property.
<br /> • . �� R�;q���rjt�nvppnp�bulLtntheeventotarryEventofDefau{tL9ndermay.withoutnotIceexceptasrequiredby
<br /> � - � � � - -- law.decfare all in�eO�Qness secured hereby to bs due and payab(e and the same shal!tpereupen QecOme due and qaya�te __
<br /> � wilhaut any presentrnent demand,protest or notice of any kind.Thereafter Lendf3r may: -- �
<br /> " • (a) Damand that Trus�ae exercise the POMIER OF SALE grartmd heretn.end TNSt�e shal��ereafter cause Tcusaor'a �p_.�
<br /> • • � intsrest in the Property to be sotd and the procasds to beCtstribuied.alE!n the manner provided ia�the lVebras&a Tru9t Qe6d3 • rr,�
<br /> ,� -
<br /> , , ' . qCt �'�:;���--
<br /> � � (b) ExerciseanyartdallrigAtsprovidedtorinanyottheLcanDocume�orbytawuponoccurtencsotanytErentofQataW� __ _�
<br /> . . _ � . -:;�.�.
<br /> . � (c> CommenceanacKiorttotorectosett�isDeedotTrustasamortgage.appatntarece►ver,orspeci�icaliyeniorceanyotthe ' �`:r ,_____
<br /> .' " • �..' covenantsAesecl ��.
<br /> �� • � � Nlo remedy herefn coMerred upon or reserved to Trustee or lender is lntended to da exctus[ve ot any other remedy Aereln.irtth8 �-,-=-.y
<br /> .._ Loan Qocuments,ar Dy taw provided or permitte0.but ea�b shali De cumulative.shall De in addttion to every ather remedy gi�ren �.,f:^ �;,�• -
<br /> • ° � ' hereunQer,ip the to3rt DOCUments or nqw Or hereafter existing at taw ar in equiry or by statute�enQ maY D�QxenC�se�c�ncurtBntly. „�,�,,;,�__
<br /> � Ind�DendentiY or sucCeSSiva4Y• (nt a . :.^`_�v`'
<br /> �� . _ . - 13.Ttu�t�.The Trustae may reetgp et any tlrt�e without cauS9.end lertder may at erry time and wit�out cause appo � .$'i
<br /> . � �'"„ _ successororsubstiU�teTructee.Trosieasha!lnot4efiabtebanypa�ty.inctudingwithoutlimiCationlender.8orrewer,Trustqrarany '
<br /> purchaser ot Ute Property.ibr any loSS or damage untess due to reckless or wit(tut misCanducL and shalt not be required to�hean}r •
<br /> • actlon in conneetiort wiU►the enforcement ot this Deed ot Trust untesa indemnifred.in writlrtg,for a11 casts�campensatian or ;
<br /> � ' oxpenses which may be associated tAerewith.tn addition.Trustee may Oecome a purchaser at any sats of ths RropertY(judfeial or ,
<br /> ' under tbe power of sffie grantea herefn);postpone the sale ot all or any portion ot the Properry,es Drovtded by law:or selt tA8 . _
<br /> - .: . •� -� Property as a wRota.or in separale parc�ets ar lots at Trustees discretIon. .. •
<br /> �4, F�yar�EYp�n�N.(n th8 6vent7rusflea seltsthe Property by exercise of po�rer of sale.Trustee st�af!ba erttitteA to eDDN
<br /> M
<br /> � _ .,, � any sate procqeds tlrst to Dayment ot atl casb and expenses of exerclsirtg power o!sate,inctuding aii Trusieo s tees�und L�nder's
<br /> anQTrustee's aitomey's fees.ao0�alty Incurredto e�ent permitte�by egpticabt�law.tntt�a6Yent Bqrrawer orTrusLOr eYerese�any
<br /> • ' , �ight provided by tavu�to cure an Event of Oe?auit Lender shall Da entittea to recover hom Tr�stor all cosb en0 expenses actuaity _
<br /> . � � ' inGUrred es a reSUlt ot Trustor's defaut�irtcluding without limiffition aft Trustee's and attorney's fees,to tNe extent parmitted by
<br /> • applicaEte law.
<br /> " ' � t5 Fusu�AdvarteM.Upon request of Borrower,tender may.at ib option,make additionaF and tuture arNaj►ces end re- .
<br /> ' � advancestoBocsower.Suchadvancesandraadvances.withinterosttRereon.sAaiibesecuredbpthlsQeedofTrustALrtotirrtesl�ali �. .
<br /> � � ,: ' �' the prirtcipal amaunt nf the frtdebtedness sscured Dy thls 0eea o!TrasL rtot inctuding sums advanced to protecttheseeuriry of this , �
<br /> � • , Oeed o!Trust excsed the originat prirtcipal amaunt stated herein,or$ �50.QOQ.40 �Nrhichevet is greatBr• . E � ,
<br /> - f8.Afi�fi�OW P[QY1�OtU� i
<br /> � � ' (a} Borrrotiru bt�t RNu�Extension of the Ume iw paYment ot madiitcatton of amortization of the sums Sesur�d by this '
<br /> � ' ' •�� • ' t?eed otTrust granted dp tondor t�any successor in in�eresto!BoRO�xer s�alt rtot operateto reteaso.in any manner.tAe liabtliiy F • ,
<br />- � � � � otthe0rigsnatBorrowosandBorrower'ssuccessarsirtinterestLendersAal{notberequiredtocammeneeproceedingsagainst �
<br /> • ' � � suGhsuccesSaro�retuseto9xtertQtfineferpaymentaroUterwlsamedilyamort�r�tionoithesumscecurodbythi9QfledetTrust E . .
<br /> � -- - - � - py reason of as►y demands made by the a�iginai Bonower and Borrowe►'s suceessois in interest i
<br /> . - ' ' • (b} L�t�diP�Po�r�s.WitAflut aNactirtg ths 11aDiliry o!a�other person Iiabte tor the PaYmeRt of any obtigadon hereire ; .
<br /> � � •• � mentioned,art�withaut affectirtg tAe lien or e�arge of this Qeed of Trust upun any pnr�on of the Rcoperry notthen ortneretotore
<br /> � ' • .. . reteasede.�sect�rityforthetutlamountotallunpaidoEligatior.s.Lendermay,fromtimeto6meandwithoutnotic8(i?reteaseany ,
<br />_ ' " " � parsonsoliabte.(ii?ex�ndthematurityoralteranyatthetermsotanysucho6tigatians,(iii)grantotherindulgences,t�v)retease
<br /> � � ' ' ' ���• or recanvey,ar cause to be reteased or recanveyed ai any time at Lender's option any parcet,portion qr alt of the Property.
<br /> �-------- � o�tt�►ein menticned.ar(vi)make campos:tiflns cr otAer .
<br />_ �—..---,_ (tq take or ret�asa anY�b'ter or eddi�tssto#sa�:cilfi tor 8nf t�!!!:'3ait ---:_._.._--._.- . .
<br /> � , • errartgsments wiU►debtors irt retation thereto. , -
<br /> , 1 � s
<br /> . �,
<br /> • .
<br /> .. ,
<br /> , ' ' _' . f
<br />- _ . . .. ,. .___... _ . ^ _ ._.
<br /> . . ----^--.—__..,..--'��...-.�.�.,....�,._._.__ __..._._._. ... . . .. . . . _ _ '". . . �
<br />