a ' �.' . : . ` . t. � ` ,� _ ' � , • . . ` . � � `� t ` `. f
<br /> . . �. . > . .- -_ � .- � � � • . . � : - , ` . __
<br /> • ___, , �.
<br /> .,... :� .�<_
<br /> • . ._ ` ,. - ' � � . - E.� 4, ' � _��-.:
<br /> _ .`,� �� � � - � -�o��a � , �� -
<br /> .� . QEED 4F TRVST WiTN�4�TUiiE AD1/ANC�B ��S , . -
<br /> . � r',� .� � 3 th .tanuavw .19�5 by and among � ; � , S.`. -
<br /> .. � } THiS DEED OF TRUST.is mada as of ttee�.—day oi , < < : • _
<br /> � � D Alm �i 4 Mnrci K AEm Lig� hLCband and wife_ ` ` � ;-
<br /> � ' �. � the Tntstar._RO�._-_-.—Si�..,S—�— �3 ' � • ;;,
<br /> � ° �, � . ����in���s 9�ZQ S 90th Rd. Wood Rivet NE�68883 �p�erein"TrusMr,°whetrter ona or mor@? ' . . _ '
<br /> �', '
<br /> ' ' ` � � ' Five Points Bart[c Nebraska�Qtoora io �. � '.
<br /> � � Ute Trustae • . .
<br /> . � ��.
<br /> -�-��.'-, A ��� 4a(�� i'r.a�d lalar�d NE6asin9-95A7_ - (hetetn"Trust89�.end . - .-.
<br /> -:—� . who�maiting eddress ts�a . - ---—•--� --.
<br /> . . � .,'', .
<br /> . ` tha Beneficiary. . , ..
<br />- ,�._ ' ' , whase mailing address is � � 6ox 1 SQ7� Crand Island n1F 6ftRO2-*507 —(tterein"lendef'}. :� � . „ . . . �-
<br /> . FpR VpLUABE,E CONSIDERATIOEV.inc[udtng lender'��xOensEon of credit identifted hes�tn to Sf1�+P� �_ �/mt�i=ia� R . . � ,
<br /> � Marcia K. Atmauist (heretn"Borro�cer".whether one or mareZ and the trust herein creafe4 ; ;`.,�.�;�.
<br /> � the receipt of which is hereby aclo�owtedged Trustor heteby imavocabtp granb.transfers.ccnvays artd assJgnsta TrusOae.(N � . ..a_. �� .
<br /> ' '" TRUST,WRHPOWEHOFSALE.fortAebeneTitandsecuriryolLender.underands�gectL�the�ermsandcortditIacisAe[et�afterset . �--. ,�«.��
<br /> • � � forth.the real property.described as toltaws _� . :,�a,:';�";;`��`__-
<br /> � See AttaChed Exhil�i# °A° 'i� --
<br /> � ' �,=_ _=
<br /> . < . ' -_
<br /> ' :` . , � . .. ` . Togetner with ail buftdings.improYements.fixtures.streets.a►leys.passageways►easements,dghb►Privite�es anQ appur0a- -- -
<br /> �- - . • natiCe9Y6�th�reo�rorimanywisepertsiningtRereGV.andlherenLSr[sseiesandprefits.raversio2sandren'teindefs9teroof..an� _-_.
<br /> sucri parsonal properiY that is attacRed to Me improvements so es to constitute a fix0ire.tnc(uding.but not ttmi�9d tiD.Aeadng anc� � ,__..
<br /> � , caolingequfpmen�andUogetAer�ritAthehamestesdnrmartffiIiMeresfs.Etany,erhichintere�areherebyreteasedar+dwefire�all
<br /> � otwhlch,fnctudingreplacementsandaddi6oasttsereta.ishorebydeclaretfto,beaDartottherealestat�secure�bytlteli8r►otMts �_
<br /> . Qeed ot Trust and at!o!the bregoing bsing reterred m herefn as the°Propedy"•
<br /> � � . Triis Qeed of Trust ahatl secure(a)the payment of the principal sum and�interest�vvttierto8d by apromtssory�credlt- , ��.��
<br /> , � ' • . egreement dated .Ot/��/Qa R nf/3A/4S _ .having a matur�ly dafle o!..2I1:L90 R 2/tS[,�,o0f! , --
<br /> � in the odginai Pdncipa{amount of$ and ar�y artd all modiftcatlona e�densions errd renewals
<br /> ' ' thereof ur Mereie and arry artd att fuwre adva(sces ar►d readvances to Borrower(or eny ot them it more that►ane?hereundes
<br /> � pursuanito one or more promissory notes or credit ag�eemeam(hecetn caited"NOfla"}:(b)the payment o!otl:er suma e�+►anced bjt
<br />� ' LendertflpraiectthesecuriryoftheNot�(c)thepertom►ancaofalicavenantsandagreementsof?rustorsetfartlfheretn:and(�alt
<br /> • . prese�nt and tuture indebtedness and obiigationa qf Borrower(or any of them if rtrorethan one)to lendee whetRet dlrect���L
<br /> ' � a0sotute or ccntingent and whether arising by rtaUe�guaranry.overdraR or oU►erwise�.The MoL�thfs Oeed ot Tntst artd arty art8 al1
<br /> - - �- � - otherdocuentsthatsecuretheNotaorotheruriseexecutedtncanrtectiontherewitt�tnctuding�rithoutlimitationgu�anteea.securitY
<br /> ' agreemenLS end a�ignments ot leases artd rents,shatl De referred to herein as the"Loan Qocumenia".
<br /> Trustor covenar�ts and agrees with Lender as foltows �
<br /> �" • f. p�ym�nt pt hfd�dnsW.Atl indeb�dness sacured hereby sAa1i De paid when due� _ -�._..
<br /> 2 T�Trustor is the owner ot Ure Propertyt,has the right end autt�arity to convey the Property.and�sarranLS that the�ittn -==:-�::
<br /> � created hereDy is a fl►st artd prior t3ert an the Property,except tor iiens and encumbrancas set toM by Trustcr in wdting and e�!,_r�-_��
<br /> � deliveredtoLBnderbefareexecutionofthisDeedofTrustandtheexecutionanddetiveryofthisDeedofTrustQoesnptviotaLaany _„_
<br /> � ContraCt or Other oDligaUon to whicb Trustor is suDject ��:"��
<br /> � " . 3,T��n�nf�To pay Cafore delinQuency aD taxes.special assessments and aii other charges againstthe PropeRy s:.�
<br /> � � • rtow or here�er tevied `�''� =—
<br /> � - 4. �m�r�TokeepthePropeRyiasuredagalrtstdamagebyfir0,,hazardsincludedwitAintheterm"extendedcaierage".e�d .. -_ _
<br />. , ' �� � such other ha�ards as Lender may requirc3.ia aasoun�and witb comFanies aaeeptab�a tn Le�d�r,naming Lender as anaddtt[errat �'••. � ��:��•.
<br /> a �. . ��-.,�_
<br /> named insured.with foss payahte to the Lendor.(n case of loss under such potictes.the Lendet(s aytAorized ta sdjus4 cbitect and .��ti,-�,
<br /> compromise,ati ctalmsthereunder and sha{I have the opticn of apptying all or partotthe insurance praceeds(i)to any indebtedness
<br /> • ' � � ' secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine(ii)tot�eTrustor tc be usedfor tAe repaic or restoratton ottAe Properry . ` •.�
<br /> � orpii)tora�ryotherpurpoSeorobjectsatlsfactorytoLenderwithoutaNectingthelienafthisQeedotTrustforthehsilamauntsecured . ��-��.
<br /> ' hereby bet0+`e such paymeat ever taok place.My ap�lteatlon of proceeds to indsbtedness shall nat extenq or postpone the du9
<br /> � date Ot any paymenffi under 4he�tote or cure any default thereunder Or hereunder. . . � •
<br /> � 5. Fs:.$�r.Upon�rritten demand by Lender,Trustor shali pay to Lender.ln such manner as Lertder may desigAata.sufficient .
<br /> � sums W enable Lender to pay esthey become due ona or more of the fotiowing(i)all taxes.assessments and other cAarges 8gainst { ..
<br /> � the Property,(ii)the premiums oa the property insurance reQuire�hereunder,and plij the prem(ums an any maRgage insurance t , .
<br /> ' • requited by Lendet. � ' ,
<br /> g. �yM�p�.R�palrs and Cpmpitanp with La�ra.Trustor shalt keep the Properry in good cOndiUan end repair.ShaU � ., :� •
<br /> � ., � prcmptfy repair.or repface any improvemens wAlch may De damaged or destroyed:gha!{not commit or permft any wasfla or ; .
<br /> � deLertoratior►of the Property,shall not rerrtove.demolisA or substantielly el�r arry of tha improvements on.the Properry:shali npt f . •
<br /> � � . commtL suffer or permitany act tD be done in oc upon the Property irt vio[atton of any law,ordinance,ar regulation:and sAalE pay end .
<br /> ' � , promp�ty dischargs at Trustor's cast and expense atl Uens.ertcumbrances and crarges tevted.imFosed or assessed eQainst the ( �
<br /> " � Properiy or any vart thereoL .
<br /> � J. EmieuftQamain.Lender is Aereby assigned aii compensaUart,awarda damages and other paymenb or reliet(hereinafter . .
<br /> � �� "Proceeds')irt cannection with corrdemnattonar otRer taking of the F�operty or part thereof,or tor convoyance In tleu o!cortdemna- , .
<br /> • tlon.Lender shall be entlUed at its optton to commence.eppe8t its and prosocute in iffi own nam9 aroy aCUan or proceedings.end
<br /> - � �' shall eiso he enUUed to make any compromise ar setttement in cortnecUon witb such taNing or damage tn tt►e everttany portian ot
<br /> ' � • the Property Is so taken or damaged.Lender ahaii have the op�on,in its sole and 3bsolu�discre�on,to appty atl such Proceeds.
<br /> ;, • _ aiter deducHng tf�erefrom alt costs and expenses iocurred bq it in cennecUori with such Praceeds,upon any indeDmdness secured
<br /> . , hereb}t ertd in EuCh order as Lender may determine,ot to appty ell suGh PraceeC9.efter sucA dflductions�to the res�oraUOn of the
<br /> ;:.. Property upon suCA conditi�ns as lender may determina My applicatlort af Prviceedsto indeDtednessshal!notextendor pos�one
<br /> . , th8 du�date ot eny payments urtder the Hot9.or cure any defttult thereunder or hereunde►.My unappiied furtds sAall���aid M
<br /> Trusior.
<br /> :,, � � 8. Puformmc�by 4�nd�►.IJpon t�a occurrertce of an Event ot Qefau�t hereundar,or if arry ect is taksn or legai proce�ding
<br /> ,�. � •� CommencedwhicR materialty altect4 LendePs inmrest in the Properry.Lender may in ibown discreUort:bui witRout obiigation to do
<br /> � , � so,ertd withuut rtaUce to ar damand upon Trustar and without releasing Trustar fram any a61lgatlon,Co any act which Trusflor has �
<br /> ,,� .� agreed but fails to do artd may atso do any othor act it deems rtecessary to protect the securiry hareot Trustor shall,immediateiy
<br /> upon demand tReretor by Lender.pay t0 Lender all castsand eup9nses lncurred and sums expended by Lender irt cannection with
<br /> ,� i � � tl�e exertise dy Lender otthefaregaing rights.togeUter with inierestthereon attha d0fauit r8te provided in the M1DOte,which shatl be
<br /> �� .:. :._ � ,.___�_ added to Me fndeDtedrtssa secured hAreby. Lender shail not incur any Iiabiliry because ot anything it may do or omit to do
<br />_ g 1 - . —.—�� nsr6under. - - - .
<br /> ��.: •
<br />