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<br /> '�`' � : .� ` r Pto Insoranee. Barmaer shalt kecp tde improvements nn�c ea'�snng�hec�er et+�tfte __--__-
<br /> 5:,Bais�rd o pertY
<br /> , ,� . � . . Property iasured against toss by fire.ha7ai�ds indu3ed�vithin the serm 'eatetcded coverage' aad any other h�c�ds. inictudin� _---
<br /> - << -• ' tion�s or flood'uig.for�vhich I.ender requin�s insu�ande•T6is insurance sS�a1k tse�aintained in the amounu and for the periods _ _
<br /> ;.;L:..__�r,.:�' . that Lender requ�r�es. The insuranoe cairiee groviding the insurance shall 6c chosea by Battower si;bject to Lende��9 . - _-
<br /> . .�-^^°TP--:, which shall nnt be unreasanably withhetd. If Bor[ower faits to naintasn coccrage d�ed abgve,lxader may, _-----
<br /> < - y ., �....; option.ubtain coverage co pmtect[�der s rights in the Property in accardance with par.�graPh 7. �
<br /> ��� t : ,�. All insuranee policies and tene�vaLs sl�all be acceptabte to Lender aad st�ll includc a stand�rd rno�tgage clanse. i�ader
<br /> ` ., ', „ ; , " shal!l�a�e the right to hold the policies and cenetivais.If I�nder requires.Borrower shal!promptlY g�ve te LeRder a l�re�apts of.
<br /> �, , paid premiums and cenewal notices.In the evenY of to�.Borro�rer sHall give�ro�pt natiae to the i*��nce catrier and Lender.
<br /> _ - • ., ` Lender may matce proof of tass iY nat made promptty by Bormwer_
<br /> . . Unless Lender znd Barrawer othenvise agree in writing,insurance pracecds sl�ail6e applied�o resiordtioa or c�ep3ir of t8e .
<br /> °'�� . , property,damaged.if�he restoration or n�pair is aonomirally feasi'ble and Lender's security is nnt�esssened.if the restoratifln or
<br /> . . repair is not�couomicalty fean'bte or Lender s securety would 6e tesceaed.the.insuranse pmc�s shall Qe'applied to tRe su�s --
<br /> - � : secured•by ttvs Securiry Inswment, whether or nat t�en due. with any excess paid to EomoMer. If Barra�ver abandoits the ' —
<br /> � , � � . Propexty,or does not answer cvit4in 90 days a antice from Lender that the insut3tice�arrier 6as offer�d to seitle a ctaim,then
<br /> � Lender may collect the insura�pinoeeds. I.eader may use the pcuceeds to repair or restore the Psaperty or to pay sums
<br /> ^ . � s,ewred by this Security last�,�nt.whtther ar aot then due.The 3Q-d3y period nill 6egio when the nntice is givea.
<br /> ' . � `:. ` - . Unless Lender and Bor[mver otherwise agree in crritiag. anY aPPlic3tioA of proc�ds to principal shall noE eactc�or
<br /> . _. .:-_._.:_._�. _ -----.- --�-°�°ne.the due daze of Me monthIY Pagmeuts ieferied ta ia p:uaBraPhs 1 and 2 or change the amavnt of We payments. If
<br /> s c•V under paiagtaph 21 t�ie�iupert�r�s acqwredliy I�ider�'Borruw�er'szigt�t�to anyins�rance poticies and procceds resulting fiiom ._ .�.
<br /> , r� ' � - ' dsimage w the property Prior to the acquisiuon sltall pass to Lender to the e�cteat of the sums secur�by this Securityr� ,�nt ---
<br /> • . �tr� immediateiy prior to the acquisitian. .
<br /> • �..
<br /> • �'`� b.O�apaacy,Pt+�er�a�oa.Ma�. �+a**�•and Prot�fon oYthe Yropestj;�ormwe�s I.oas fipg�cation:Le�s�otds. .
<br />- � . . :.. ,...,.•;:
<br /> . .-. -- `Borrower shall acn►py:esta61is6.aIId use the Property.as Borro�ver s principal.rardence c�rithin si�iy days atter the execution of -__
<br /> _ � ' this Se�vrity lnswment and shal!continue to oc�upp the Property as Sorro�er s priacipal residence for at te3st one year after _
<br /> " + . the date of occup'ancy.nnless Lender othenvis�agre�s in writing.which rnasaent sha11 not be un�easonabiy v�itl�hefd.�or untess =
<br /> s
<br /> ��r, eutenuatina cinvmstances ezist �vhich are beyond Borro�vee s rnmrol. Burao�er shall noi desu+uy. damage or imgaic the
<br />-- . Pcoperry, alto�the Property to det�riorate. ar wmmit waste on the Property. Sorrovver si�a11 6e in defautt if azty farfeiture
<br /> � t in Lender s d faith'u t rnuld msuIt in forfeitun of tke .
<br /> tha
<br /> beaun 1 dgmen
<br /> � �vh°ther civil or crimiml.is �
<br /> 'n .
<br /> 'on o
<br /> i TOG�0�1 a
<br /> . aca
<br /> . g-
<br /> .
<br /> P
<br /> ' ' . Property or othenr•i's•e materially impair the lien created 6y this Security Insmunent or Lender's securiry intetest.Botro�ver may
<br /> ' cvm such a default and rzinstate.as provicted in paTagaph 18.be causin�the action or proce�ing co be dismissed with a mling .
<br /> '�, ' � - ., that, in Lender s gaud faith determination, pml�des forfeiture of the Hmroner's interest in the Pcoperty or other material �
<br /> .. u�rment of the lien cceated by this Secasi�}r Instrumerst ur Lender s security interest.Borm�cer sh�ll also be in defautt if _ '��_ `�
<br />--- _ � ' � Eorro��er.dwing the loan appfirativn process.gave materially false or inaccurate infom�ation ar statementc to Lender(or faited • ' �
<br /> • • cQ provide Lender with any material infom�ation>in rnnneaion�vith the loan evidenced by the Note.irccl¢ding,but not limited � '
<br /> - • • � � to.representations conceming Borrower s oceuyancy of the ProFerty as a prineipal residertce. tf this Seauity Inst�ent is on a ' „-_,'
<br />� _ • • :" lea�ehotd. Borro«�er shali compty with all [he pro�isions of the lease. If Bomowec acquires fee title to the Pmperty. the �,�:,�
<br /> -_ teasehotd and the fee titte shal!not cnerge untess Leuder agrees to the merger in writing. '�:`�
<br /> - 7,Firate�ifln of Lender's Rights in tfie P�mpe�t}.If Borro«er fail�to Rerform the covenanu and agreetrtents contained in , • �.��,,;:y .
<br /> `" � . , � this Secarity lnstnune�u,or there is a legal proceeding that may significan8y affect l.e�er's rights in the�erty(such as a �. �� ,
<br /> @ net
<br /> 1'• '
<br /> ' �. proceedirig in bankre�ptc}.probate. for condemnation or forfeitune or to enforce la�vs ar regulations>.then Leader may do and ,
<br /> , pay for wliaiever is necessary to proteca the value of the Property and Lendei s rin,,hts in t�e Propertp. Leader s actiosfs mag :':;; . "
<br /> �� ��� . inclade payinz any sums secured by a lien which has priority over this Security Inswment. appearin� in court. paying , ' • -
<br />- � ' masonable attomeys'fees and entering on the Property to malce repairs.Although Lender tr�ay take action under this Qaragtaph , : �-'� .' '•
<br /> • . � . ?.Lender does not have to do so. ' . :
<br /> . qnv a��itmc disbursed by I.ender under this paraaraph 7 shall 6ecoine additional debt of Bosroner secured by this ._ ._... .
<br />_ � �" � Sec�rrity Inserument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other temrs of Qaymenl.these arnounts sha91 bear interest from th� . • ,.
<br /> � . date of disbursement at the Note rate artd shatl be payab2e. wizh interest. upor� rtotice from Lehder to Borro�er requestin� . .
<br />-• - p���_ .
<br /> y. , • . 8.Atar4gage Ins�rance. If ixnder required rrtortg,3ge insurance as�s condition of makin�the toan secured by this Secusiry ,
<br /> � Insmrmem. Borro�ver shall pay the premiums req�ired to mvntain the mortgage insarance in effect. if. for any reason. tAe s.�
<br /> •- �� � mortgage insuraace coveragc required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect. Borrower shall pay the premiurt�.required to "• ,
<br /> j"' � . � � . o6tain mverage substantially equivatent to the mortgage insurance previously in effect.at a cost substantially equevalenc t�the f � ..
<br /> I �
<br /> . � cast to Borrotver of the mondage insur�nce previously in effect, from an altemate mortga�e insurer approved b�r Lender. If � •
<br /> '. • . : � � suhst�ati�llg equisalent mnrtgage i�sur.u�ce roverabe is aot avaitaDte.Borro�ver shali pay to Lertder each t[tdnih a sum equaS to �
<br /> - �.. � ane�-nseifth of the�re3riy mortgage insusance premiucn being paia by EarroK�er�ct�en the insunuice covetage tapsed or ce�ased to � •
<br />_ � � . • ��.' � be in effect. Leader�rill ascept.us`and retain these paytnents as a loss resetee in lieu af mortgage insurance. l.oss resesve � • •
<br />' . � � � � Fann 3u2a 9rsa � � "
<br /> _ . •� „:�� • � ' i . •
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