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<br /> = � a��:�;:•. °� : TOGETH�R NITN cill the improvecn�nts naw ar he�eafter erec�d on the.Pl'oPertl+,and a!1 easem ^c�appurteiwaces,and .
<br /> 'r:_�<<�,'`'-'�� • ' fixtures natv or hereaftcr a part o� tAe pro�ferty.�Alt repiaozmenu and additions shall also be cave`ied-By this Se�urity
<br /> - . ���•,. Iastrument.AU of the faregoia�is teferred to in this S�cauity Instyument as t�e"Propert}+' _--
<br /> ��(- . = gORROqyER,CpVENpNTS that Bonower is[aivfully s�ised of tlte.estate heszby convey�and has the right to gaai►t u� �
<br /> +�,:.a-��=-�:, wnvey the Property and that�he Praperty 'ss unencumbered.exoept far eucumbraaces of�ord.Borrower war�anu aad will : __.
<br /> -;;;: � -� . defend generally the titla to the ProPertY against ali claims and demands,sub�ect ca acry enwm6r�sas of ce�ror�d. _
<br /> � �r:�;�.:
<br /> x .�.,�"' .:_ti..., THI5 SECURITY INSTRUMF.PiT oombines uniform caveuants for nauonal Qse and noa-unifoim ooveaants with limiced _
<br /> ' '+�"� S' ' variations by jurisdiction to oonstitute a nnifoTm security instr�unent coverin real
<br /> ,^.,� .. m g Pti'aP�Y•..
<br /> � ,.��,t.;�,.,.�� .
<br /> ;'.�.: UPiIFORM COVEP33ANT'S.BorroNer and L.ender ooveaant and agree as follo�vs: .
<br /> � ti,__,. . l, l�ym�t of Peiadpal aad Ynt�st; �Yment s�nd Iate Cbnigs. Borrower shall promptlY paY �vl�en due the ; ,
<br />_ ���_�.7 �. � .. , .
<br /> .;;�,:�.r n 7�a: • principal of and imerest op the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment aud late charges due under tfle�Note.
<br /> x�y�'� ,
<br /> •�-�,��..�•,: 2.Fands for T�ead I�asnrance.Sub,ject w applicable law or to a cvritten waiver by Ixader.Borrower shall pay to�
<br />_ _ .;:... � I ender on the day montlilY Paymenss aze due under the Note.until the Nate is paid in full.a sam(`Funds")for.(a)Yearly taaes ,
<br /> �' :,,;"`� '�' ���cmenr��v[iich mr;attain prinriry over this Sec�uity tasuum�nt as a tien on the Pmperty:(b)Yearty Ieasehold gaymeats
<br /> " '� or ground'rents on the Ptoperey.if any;(c)Year1Y ha�ud or propeny insurante pcemiunas:(�Year1Y fload insarauce premi�s,
<br /> -�" . - ` if an.• (e)Y�-[y nortaag�insurance prerniums. if any:aud(�anY su�s.E}ayable Gy Borrower to I�ader,in a�cordanoe wit6
<br /> .:`y?,=�`':� ''` the pinvisioas of garagiaph d.in lieu of the payment of ruortgage insnrance premiums_These items are ralled°Es�ow Itans.'
<br /> ..,.TJ:, . �. � .
<br /> .��r�=, �1 �� • l,eader may.at any time. collect and hold Funds irw an amount nat to eaceed the m?�;m„m amount a teuder f�r a federally .
<br /> •,;•' _ rt.��.f related mortgage Ioan may require fqr Borro�ver's esc�ow acoonnt uader the federal Real�state Seutecuent Pcucedures Ad of
<br /> :' ;:,
<br /> .y_,
<br /> '_ .�'--.,�-- --.-.-.----197Q as.ana�nded_Crnrh aime to_tiace,:12_IT.S.C.Section 2601 et seq.(°RESPA°l.mttess anotherlaw that applies to the Fends,.
<br /> � � �. ` '-�'° seu a tesser amoant. If so, Lender m�ay. az any rime.caSlect and�told Fuads in an amaunf aat to exceed�the[esser amo�ani.
<br /> �`.� ,. .• ,,� '`"�'�,� Lender may estimate t[��mount Of Funds due on the basis of corrent data and reasona6le estimatcs of expenditeues of f�ue
<br /> � :� Fscraw Itemc or othenvise in�ocordance with applicable law.
<br /> '�:' ' "� Tke Funds shall be held in an'institution wkose deposits are insu�d by a fedetal ageney. ��ity, or ea�ty
<br /> _ i.'`': . ':�. -- - (inclading Lender:if Leader is sach an insritution)or in any Fe�feaal Home Loan Bank.Leader shall apply the Funds to Pay the -
<br /> - `-r?' �scrotv Items. I.ender may not charge Borro�ver for hotding aa�appfying tfie Funds.annually analyzing the�srow arrnuni.or
<br /> ! T _. ` verifying the Escmw Items.anless Ixnder pays Eorrower interes4 os�the Furtds and applica6le taw.p�mits Leader to make such ' ., —_ _
<br /> :,, . .+��:
<br />- .' � a charge. However.Leader may cequire BorroNer to pa}a one-time charge for an indepeadem real estaie tax repOrting seririce
<br /> . ''� ' used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless applicable !aw piovides otherRise_ Unless an agreemem is made or
<br /> � .' ,r•' applicable!aw requirs interest to 6e paid.Lender shaU not 6e requir�to pay Somn�vet an}intetest or eamin�on ths Fuads.
<br />- � ' Eomower and Lender may agree in�+rriting.ho�ever,that interest shali 6e.paid on the Funds. Lender s6nll give to Borrotver,
<br /> ' -�-;�-::...
<br /> r:•;.'�.�%'�-.._-...: �ritlmut char�e.an annual accouraing of the F�ads. showing credits aad debits to the Fands and the puipase for cvhish each -
<br /> ' '-='r":• _ debit w the Funds was made.The Fuads ace pledged as additionaf security for all sums secured by[his Sacurity Insuument_ ri� .
<br /> - �R'����=,� � if th�Funds held by Lender exceed the amounu permitted to,be hetd b}r appficable l��v,I.ender sba11 actonnt to BvrioA�er
<br />-� � for the excess Funds in accord,ance with the cequiremenu of applicabte[a«. If the amount of ths Funds het8 by Lender at a�+ :�;; �.=�-. t
<br /> '. time is Rot suffecient to pay the Escmw Items«hea du�,l.ender may so aotifg Borrower in�►�riting,and.ia such case Borru�ver �i-��_�'.'�_,�---_-
<br /> "` � �� � shali a to Lender the amount to make [die defici Borro�eer shali make u the deficien in no rnore than '�y{�^"'--
<br /> , ._ . .. ,.. p y rte�e.ssar} up e¢cY• P cY .,...«c,.
<br /> .'_'KI+:+.
<br /> - � rnelce�vnihly paymenu,at L.ender s sole discretion. .'��s,,.;-r..•:� %r'�
<br /> . •�.�n.__-
<br /> �• . - Upon payment in full of all sums secund b} this Securitg Instrument, lxnder shall pmmptly refund to Bor�awer any ' �,:�,�._ -
<br /> •-�.a'�..' . 1•,^'�'� T �
<br /> � �' F�mds h�td by LeAder.If,uc�er paragrapfi 21.l.ender shall acquim or sell the Prupert�.l.ender.prior to the acquisi:ion or sale , � .
<br /> °-_�..a'`r'.� �� � .
<br />— ����€'�`x'. of the Property.shall apply any Fuads hetd by[�der at the time of acquisition or saie as a credit agaiast the sums secated by , ': y �.,�;
<br /> y�;;f+�.. . [hi5 SCtlfiYilt TILSti9Ii1CIt1. � � . , ,�r sr..r__..
<br /> ' . 3.Appfication of P�yiaenis.lTniess applicable taR pro��ides uthernise.all payrrten�s received by LeAder under para�apt�s �^`` ;�s .� .
<br /> _— , .. � , . r.._
<br /> - . 1 and 2 shall be applied: first,to ang prepa�rment charges due under the Note:second.to amounts payab2e under p�raaraph 2: � �� : °.-
<br /> ttiird.to incerest dae:fourth.to principal due:and last,to any late cha;ges�uc uuder the Nate. • •. .
<br />_ ' ��';i 4.Char�es;Lieas. Borrawer shall pay ali t�[es.assessments.charges.fstes ami impositions amiDutabte to the Propeny d,'4. �
<br />" .. � _, whicP�t�}attain priorit} oveethis'Security Insmtment.aad te�ehald payrneats or grourtd rents. if an}. Borrower st�all pay �� ,� .
<br /> - , • . these abiigations in the manrter paovi'c.ect en paragraph 2.or iF rt�t paid in that manner. Borrow�er shall pay them an tinte directlg •
<br /> _ � tu thr person o�ced payntent.Borro�r•er shali promptly fumish ta l.ender aU rtotices of amounts to 6e paid urcder this paragraph. '
<br /> '�; ', .�. �,;.�;.`._�, If Borro��er makes[hese pay�ents directtg.Eorrouer shall promptiy furnish to Lender receipts e�idencing the payments. ' •. .. .
<br /> Tj��� • Surrutr•er shall prompdy discharge:en}• lien which has ptioriry over this Securit� [nstrument untess Borro�ver.ta)a�rees in , . .
<br /> ' �"� `•'''� cvritinp to the a�ment of the obI's� on securc�i b the lien in a m�nner ac tabte to Lender:�b1 wntesty in gaod faith the lien �-
<br /> �� �, . P : w� Y reP • ' .�
<br /> '�•� ��s��'�A�"^• • by. or defends against enforcerttent of the lien in. te�al proeeedings «hi.h in the lxnder s o�inion operate to precent the � , ,
<br /> �:::;-,�.,,.....�
<br /> _ :���^��r .� enforeerrtent of tt�lien:or Ec)secures from the ho�cfer of tt�tien an agre�nent satisfactor}to Lertder SuErordinating the lien ta
<br />±.��::.�^��T.�-�i4n� : . ' .
<br /> . �� this Security Inswsr.ent. li Lender determirtes that a�r part oi the Propert} is subject to a lien which mzy:utain priority over
<br /> � ' ~� tttis Security Insttument.Lend:r m�y gice 6orro��er a Rotice ideatifyin�the lien. Borso�eer shall satisf�the lien or��►ice orte or • , .
<br /> _ :- �- - m
<br /> - '�•_s�=•=w;�-: � more o.f the artiuns set fvath a�ove�vithin lEl�vs uf the gi��en�of rvutice. , � . �
<br />" :,-;*��^';#�-�+_ ,• .
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