.__ ' � --' '_ - _ _ �.._ -- _ Y- �_ —
<br /> .—� . �.. ' � - _ _._
<br /> -. . . ""�----�--�. . . � .
<br /> \ ' � � �t �V'i y_# L�!_,�` �L., � _ i �- ._.� .R_ ` ! ._J.i_ `�' tor( �,,- '� �i. .. ._—
<br /> __•r - ---____r^^^,.� .r� ,GF,y . ' . `t• .< < - �—~ - . . � . . . � c+a�f� r .�.. . —
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<br />--_ ' II)iH�BFf ti ` . _
<br /> _� . �S`` • .. ' . f__ . _ a '.t ' _
<br /> — .• ,� �� � ' • �����• ='�_�E'��r�;,'�'a.,�._
<br /> .:� ,` .�_ - MORTGAGL�ADDE3�iiY3UM � �.0��� �`
<br /> — . - ��.� � ..
<br /> t . ., . '. `. .. �r _
<br /> . , ��The fotiovring are addec►da la Ihe Mortgage. Ptease c�eck the apptir�bie addendum. The addendum chedsed shall 6e incorporateJ iqlo,and - '�
<br /> � ;.�,�.�.'. � , , ,_
<br /> :. �� � ` . . r�orded wiih,the Mor[gage.The t�im"Mortgage"sha(1�edee�n�to inctude°Deed of Trust;if apptrca6te. . . ' `.' � ��: � , �r.
<br />�;� `t. . . ��,<.
<br /> ,
<br /> ,�� � .. _.
<br /> < :,. .. ; X FHA and FmHA ADDBNDUM � ' � ", : �! .,-
<br /> �
<br /> ��-��'� THI�TAX-EltBMP'F�ANCINti RiDER ismadet6is 2�th ��pf January , ,19 9�:2nd is � _ _ _
<br /> �- • incorpor�ted into and sba116e de�ta amend and suppiement the Nladgage;t1ee�1 oiTcus!or 5ecudty Deed�"5ec�uity instmment'�of the � •Y ;, �: _ �
<br /> _.. � . � same date given 6y the uade�igned�'Borrowef)to secum Borrotver s Note("Note" to � � ;� -. � �� `
<br /> — � oow�us ��. savirtc�s . . � ... . .
<br /> -�
<br />.. .�` 4h.,�...�. -. . � .
<br /> - � � �' ("i,ende�')af ihe sune date and covering the property d�;crit�d in 1he Security lnslrnment and lac�ted aL• � .� ��:' ,�
<br /> � � - QtAND I5LAND, 1`IE 68801 . <. _� "� -
<br /> lOT WEST 14�i S.TREEr ' � :;s;� _
<br /> _ .. F� . . . 1j;�.'�t .^. .
<br /> : . � , . � (Properiy AdaressJ . . . �:..� ,
<br /> . � . , � ` #;��w �.�
<br /> . • :.:�.,. �' • � �s
<br /> __ � , � � , ' ��''��-
<br /> : .: `.. In addition to thecoveuantsand agreementsmade in theSecurity l�sstrument,Bo�rower aml l.ender Curthercovenant aad agree to ameud. � 'r.� .�""°`��°'°'•�= �
<br /> ::,i��;=���'-
<br /> � Paragcapb9of t�e Model Mor[gage Focm,entitled"Grounda forA�celeration of Debt°asby adding additionalgrounds[oraax[ecation as , �r•:���.°,
<br /> � �,r
<br /> .` . � � � " Po11ow� . - ���`"..
<br /> . . >>
<br /> • .:. .: - � ',s r�r[.�.
<br /> �: ..... _ _.._ .':-.; . . � � _�— ie�er _
<br /> C _. . . -.
<br /> � -� �� � • �• ---- - -�----Lender;ursuch�ofitssuacesso�svr-�ssignsasmaybeseparate+nstn�mentassumeaespons�'bilily-forassudngcampliana6ylheBorrower.._...__ �
<br />, . � `•� wiU�Ihe Frov�ions otthisTaa-Exempl Financing Rider,may require immediate payment in full of atl sums secuml6y thisSec�rity � -=�------�
<br /> . ,' � ` •'�s u� InstNment if: . � . ,,,,��
<br /> ,. .-`_ - -�-� '-�=
<br /> .�: -. =---
<br /> ..... :. .. ..� � . ._
<br /> � - - - - - a)Allor artatthePro d issold�o4othenvisetraosferredb Borrowertoa urehase�oroiherttansfecee: - - - - � � "
<br /> . � . P--- Pe Y Y P �.
<br /> ° � � �' (�Who cannot ceasoaa6ly 6e ea{�ected lo occupy the pro�erty asa principal raidence��ithin a reasona6le time aQer thesate ar � �.�:�; '
<br /> , - , icans!'er,all as provided in Sedion 143{c)and(�(2)of the Intemal Revenue Code;or , . y
<br /> . , '�, .
<br /> ., , (u)Who has had a presentowners6ip interest in�principal�idenceJuring any pati o�lhe three-year period endi�gon lhedate � _•
<br /> . � ' �• . o[the sale or trans�er,al)as provided in Section 141(d)and(i)(2)o�the Intema)Revenue Code(exapt that"100 peroenC'shalt be .. .' :,�,. �
<br /> . � � subsGtuted for"95 peroent ormore"where the latterap�rs in Section 143(dHl));or � ' . ; �; ,�
<br /> � - . � v .
<br />�` • . '� � (ui)At an aoquisition costw6ich isgreater than 90�erce��t of lhe avetagearea pucrhase price(greaterthan 110�reroent[or . ��' �� .
<br /> .. �:;�.
<br /> �, : . targetcd area residenoes),all as pravided in 5eclion 143(e)and(ij(2)of the Intemal Revenue Cade;or � � . ���-�, ;;
<br /> _ . , ' �Y..'�_,'.�..
<br /> . �:� :._
<br /> . . ' �� _
<br /> . ` , (iv)Nho has agross Pami1y income in ex�ess o�iheapp1ic�6le�ercentageof applic�ble median�amiiy inmme as provided in
<br /> .'� �� ' .. � � Section 149(Q and(iHZ)of the intemal Revenue Code:or � ;
<br /> �. � . - • � '*,.� .
<br /> ;;� �. � . � . � � (b)Borrowet fails to oacupy t1�e properly Jescribed in the Security Instrument withoul prior�vritten consent of Lender or its : � -. r:
<br /> ' �� � .�� � � suaoessots or as�ignsdescribed at the beginning of theTax-Exempt Financing Rider,or ;.
<br /> ' � , '�: ' .. ,';�4`,, ,�
<br /> . ' � ' (c)Banower omits or mistepresents e�act that is material�vith res�ect to the provisions of Seciion 143 o(the intemal Revenae Code :
<br /> _'� � �� • in an application for lhe laan secared by ihis Security li�strument. � � -.� - -
<br /> , .. . . • ., .
<br /> . - � References are lo the internal Revenue Cade as amenJed and in effw,�t on thedate of issuance ot bonds,�he proueeds of whicti wiU 6e � . . '�
<br /> � ��. �. � � , used to Gnance the Security Instrument and ace deemed to include the implementing regufations. � . , �
<br /> � � • BY SIGNiNG BELOW,Borrower sooepta and agrees to Ihe tenn9 and provisions in lhis Tax-Eaempt Financin Rider. . . �
<br />- ,. � � : � �a. •
<br /> • . Bo o� t Qt1l rON �
<br /> . . _ .�'.�. JanuurY 27, 1995 ' `
<br />=y I � �,�� Uate , Borro�ve A1�ICEi.A AMV wRI . � � • .
<br />-_�, ;;�_�. . . � . . � .
<br /> - �: � � VAMORTGAGBADDENDUM �107 iYEST 14741 STRE�.T ' '
<br /> s::. . •�} O.♦wrt1 *�,+
<br /> � ' . IIIVf�,D 1.7LX„Lf l,i'i 68a01' � . �.
<br />_ . • . . - . t • .
<br /> - ' �. � � . °. If,so lanB as Ihe Mortgage is ontstanding,al)or any p�rt of the properly is soid or transferred by Qottower without Lendet s priot�vritten i � �
<br />- coi�senl,olher than e transfer by devise,dacent ar by o�eration of law,lite Lender may,at Lender s option,declare all Ihesums se�vred by the � .
<br /> � � � • N4ottg�ge to 6e onmediately dueand�►yable. : � .
<br /> . � .
<br /> - • �.. �. . . � • Borro�ver ' ;_ .
<br /> • , i
<br /> � �
<br /> ,� �. __� -__ _
<br /> . � '' -- , — -- Jonu�eY Z7� 19f#5 -------� _=_--
<br /> � . �;� . , �. _ Date � Dorrower �
<br /> � :� . , : ` , . . � �
<br /> . ..
<br /> ' f_. . , .
<br />� : �� .. � .
<br />