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<br /> ��� _ , _ � . . . � • � `f •. .
<br /> '"�� . . antand �ree asfollows:�t����� � <�•4 �`
<br /> 3 `` '�� . NON-UNIF'aitM COVENANIS. Bomawer and I.ender fiirther coven a �:_4
<br /> ,�.,:,;�� �q, ga�e�Iosu�e��oecdmre. If Lenderreq irires nam�diate paymetrt in fnll under paragraph'3.Lender may invokc thc • ....
<br /> _�-� power of sate and any_ather ren►ediesge itted 6yapplieabte 1aw. Lender s6a11 be enutled ro coltect atl expenses incuRed • � �w�--� }„`_:
<br />����:� • in piusuing the remedces provided in diis��aragiaPh 17.inctuding,but npt timited to.reasonable attomeys'fces and custs of , _
<br /> ` - title evidence., '
<br /> �'� �; If the po�rer of sak is invoked,'[ir�stee s6all�cord a aotice of defuult in esch county la�vMch eny pa�t aY the f�. �_�
<br /> ".�: pro�y�s Iocated ansl shall.maii oopies af surh aotIce in thetnanaer prescribed by a�icable luw to Bono�cr und
<br /> --��:��,.� ca0te law.11�ustee stpaU ve „ � .��:,��;...
<br />.�.,:,:�. to t�e aiher peesons prescTiib� bp a�epticabte taw After the t�me required by app � . . . -�_
<br /> �``-.• . � pnbtic nct�ce of sale to We persuns aud in the manaer prescrtb�6y agpl�rabRe law '�ustee,�st3haut demau un ' - _
<br /> ���,;. �3flsroW�r�,s�h�U s�fl t1�e Pro�rty at ps611c auctioa to the h�hest bidder gt the tlme aad ptnce und na�der tite term9 . —
<br /> t+;� d�ated�s tP�e no t lce o f s a l" e�i i o n e o r m o r e pa r c Ris aad�n an y order'Ilrustee deYer�nes. 1Ydstee tnaY RostponQ . � �;
<br /> �.-�-���-` s a t e o f a l l o r a ny l a r c p J of 4he Pro p e r t y by pubifc annopncemQOt nt thP time aad place�aay previausl�r st l�ed u t e d.
<br /> '--;.�" ' sale. I.eader or z t s desi�uee may mc6ase t Te P ro P e r t Y a t anyd e iver to the pwc6aser'I�ustee's dee�9 mnveying t6e ` "` — �
<br /> of a wt o�t6e�rice 6it1,Trustee shail „� � _`
<br /> �`=. . Upnn�e�pt S� :
<br /> p m
<br /> ,�.,.:� , p�P� �redtaLs in the 7lrustee s deed shafl6e pcima facte evtdence af trutb of the statements mnde t er . v _
<br /> � `..,�,. 'l�u s t�s L a D a�P l y t h e p r e c e e d s o f t t c e s a t e i n t h e follo�i a g ordes: (a) to ait casts and expenses of e r��Y ejnS the x�ta��',�_..
<br /> � ::��'..-' pocver a4sale.and ttfe sate,iadading ti�e payment of the 7t�ustee's fees adauily incurred.not to e x c�e e d fO _ �,��
<br /> of the psincipa!amonnt of the notc at the time oT tfte decfarutton of dePault,and eeasoaabte attorneys'faes as V v
<br /> . ~ � pernaitted by law;tb)to all sua�s secured 6y th�s Seaudty Instrument,and(t)any eaoess to ttie person ar persons , ` ` �,��y"'�=:
<br /> '���:,,'�•�:�•: . , �'��-�_'S'�',�_��..��.�_—
<br /> -_-�:�,_.. ., legaliy entitiedtot� ��"""' ---
<br /> -->:�;�;`,. 18. Reooaveyance. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Security Instrumen�l.endes s[�Il tequest 7tustee to , -�`—
<br />`.`�;`-;;��;�:�,� reconvey t[te Propercy and�ha11 surrender this Security Instrument and all notes evidencinS debt secured by thfs Securiry _
<br /> �y,:� Instrument to 73rustee. 'IYusiee sha11 rewnvey the Property w►thout waaanry and withaut charge.to the pe�aon Qj persons �� ---
<br /> . n�F-..` legall entitled to iG Such person or persons shul!pay any recordation costs. �' .
<br /> �_� —
<br /> ;�:�_�:,.j . �q g�by�itute 1}ustee. Leader.at its oprion,may fmm time to time remove'tivstee and appoinr a successar avstee �_..,_.,__
<br /> `.',"�; �� to any 7lnstee aPPointed hereunder by an insuument recorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is cecorded. ---
<br />`�~��`^•��4� Wit4iout conveyance of the Property.the saccessor trustee shaU succeed to all the tide;power and dudes conferred upon
<br /> _•Y:. . .
<br /> �_ '-��• Y 'guste�herein and by app�licable taw. _ �
<br />:�;�.��.;a.. :. , . =
<br /> . ,r . 20. Request far Noticxs. Botrower requests that copies of the notiaes of default and sale be sent to Borrower�s =__
<br /> s-=�;:L=.;.�_..: adslress which is the Property Address. � ---_-
<br /> ,..... _.�_
<br />_. �_�� . �r .
<br /> . . , - -�-------------�-�------� �----�------------�----- ---�------------ --- -�------�--
<br /> _~-' :��'�'� Riders to t6is'Securtty Iosh'amen� If one or more rideTS are executed6y�onowei and recu�tled together with this----- . . . _--
<br />__�_w�:- � .
<br /> •°�`�' •: gecuriry Instrumen� the covenants of eash such rider shall be incorgorated inw and shail amend and supplement tne —
<br /> "�.�•�'��� covenants and agreements of this Security lnstrument as if the rider(s)were in a part of Wis Security Inswment
<br /> m��—
<br /> ,.,:. _. . ' � - —_- =
<br />_._.- .: . � .. [Check applicable box(es)]. - - _. _. .. - - --: .. .- � ---
<br /> , ..�� - - - - .. . . _ . .. -. .. . , �
<br /> ��;�.
<br /> ' �`5 �Condominium Rider �Graduated Payment Rider Growing Equiry Rider _
<br /> _ ' :'���
<br /> `�'�'``.�� Planned Unit Develo ent Rider 1{C Other iS ecii'
<br /> � pm P. ��GAfE ADDII�ID[AA
<br />.'f-' .w/.'Y�=�' � �
<br />_:.�.w�f.•__.; BY SIGNING BELOW,Borrower accepts and agrees to the terms cantained in pages i through 4 of this Security
<br />-��"`-��� Instrument and in any rider(s)executed by Borrower atid recorded with it.
<br /> i�; '
<br /> `9!'i�'��.,�r, � _
<br /> _--:.�+:':_ ��� � ,
<br /> �.�q.' - �71��.E�S. . .
<br />--5�. ;c,q.�.}- p � ,.
<br /> .ft- 's'l`�' �.7�� �2
<br />��;fG"r'� j1 _-__ . BOTiOWCT ' r r.'
<br /> '�-.-'�� � QUI {mVItY 6VAI =�..;� _.,
<br /> �---
<br /> ��a . � � (Seal) �'s::•. y��
<br />--'''�__`,., r'r_-,e +v
<br /> �-,�_:.�`�." . . Botmwer
<br /> —�'� � . ANGEI+A /�1NN IC3i PP
<br /> -::�.4.�:,° (Seal) .�.f::__�
<br />_-�'�� Bosmwer '��=•
<br /> �'"`. ' �:����r/
<br /> .'�l.,. �S�T
<br /> ' bomowcr �'1��
<br />- ��:, • '�!�a:
<br />..����3-�� n2'r
<br /> r-`'�=_T�. .`, ' . . ..
<br />"°_sr,',:•? ." STATE OF NEBRASKA. HA1,L County ss: .�
<br /> i i;-,,�, , . . .
<br /> 1� '••T�`- pn�S 27th day o��u�,y� 1995 :6efore me.�thc undcrsigned.a Notary ,
<br /> e.-:�.,�...}� . • .
<br /> t.�_ • Public duly commissioned and qualificd for said county.personally came
<br /> ---=`�` �UIN1�N I�dBY HiItIQIT & ATd(�33.A ANN WRICf�f HUSBANI) AND WIFE ,to me known to be the .
<br /> - _ ----�. � ..
<br /> --_==:;,,�-;.
<br /> -��' identical person(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the foregoing inswment and acknowledged tlie execution thereof to be . .
<br />-�;��: � voluntary act and deed. �
<br />_- __ their in said county. the .
<br /> _ _�� �mess my hand and notarial seal at �D ISLAND „ � •
<br />= _--�— date aforesaid. . .�, .. � .
<br /> ___=;�.`
<br /> �` N[ C.�f � i Nalary Publtc . �
<br /> �__:R . . •
<br />�:�.�.�:, .. GEtifRAl NOiAA9•Sl�te ol NeDt�s1� , •
<br /> --:.-;�;—z,: I �t08ERTA 4 REE{1 ,
<br /> --_:-�_,�� Yy Cc„u�E�a 1ut�30.1998 �QUFST FOR RECONVEYANCE �
<br /> .w.,..,-�.� " :. � .
<br />"';':�..:. ,__s;�;. TO TRUSTEE: �_
<br /> -=-=-�`_� � The undersig�ted is the holder of the note or notes secured by this Deed of?ivst. 5aid notc or notes.to�ethcr with all .
<br />-�.���-� , other indebtedness secured by this Deed of'Iivst.have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to canccl said note or
<br /> - - �'' � rtotes and this Deed of'Iivst,which are delivered hereby,and to reconvey.without arartanty,al)ihe esCate now hcld by yau ,
<br /> ��'y..��•,'. ': undcr this Deed of 7iust to the person or prrsons legally en6tled thereto. .
<br /> -,:=�1; ..�: • Date: • � . . .
<br /> ==� �- -- ----- --
<br /> T` - ' ° ' IW8e4 nf4 page�l . ! •
<br /> - - 4 ' .
<br /> �� � .
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