.` ' • `, r?'4"_ . � . _ - -. - �'` �•�•. �`"` �,�. -.su�aeaax�-�-- -_. . .. .
<br /> . I ;i t��` :a� �<,._ (. •.<.o. - ��.�ek�iaetsfFi:ti'�.=,� a :.�.�-'�= - - — — _- -
<br /> _ �o':i,`.>��'v, °t� .. , ,. _ —__ , _..
<br /> �: .' p �t�� � ' c . � .. —_- _----
<br /> ;._.`_ �:�`jfo'_ � . . . � — __
<br /> —.h'` •_tz `} ' ___—--
<br /> �;,rr' �:� � , . . � �
<br /> — � << ,_ ' �� __. -
<br /> 4k � v
<br /> ..�� j �" � F�V���` � cswcr�w..� . -------
<br /> - ,� '�' �r• � 8.Huardau M�+�?custor sl�alt keaD the P►op�rtyr in comptian�with all agyllcabte taws�ordtrtances end regWatfcna ��t�--�- ___
<br /> dst �vzl,.r
<br /> ��l4� ��r w.
<br /> .F..
<br /> . . .M . .retafirtg 4o Induatriat hygtene or environmenta!prctection(cottectJvvety c�terred to here�n as"EnvironmentaS Laws�.Trugtor shati� ��, ^ -
<br /> i i; • � {,
<br /> ,,,��,,;. ,, <�,�'� � .keeptAeProperty�t►eefromellsuhstancesdeeme�taaehazerdousortoxtcundetanyEmitronmerrtalLavrs(caltect(vefyreterredto -
<br /> ' Rermtn a:�°Hazerdous Materlata'�.Trustor hereby war►ar►ts an�representa t�lender that thero are no HerBrdoua Maf�tlal9 an or r,� ,v 4
<br /> ,,,�,� undartheRroperty.T�rherebyegreestotndemnNyandhoidRarmlc�saLender.its�irectors,ofNcera,emptayeesandagents,and f� _ -
<br /> _ -�,�r;r?f :u �eny aucceesoratn O.er�era tnterest trom end againsteny and ail ctaims.damages.losses and Ita�iiitias ertatrtg in connectIan w(tt� '��� ° - _ _---
<br /> - • the prsaence,us�disposal or tr�naAoR ot eny.Hezardoua Matedats on,under.irom•or a�out the Praperty.'fHE FaREQWd�[C �'r�-�� ...
<br /> : `.y"`' 10.AtttQnm�rt!oi Rirtts Trustor hereby asstgns to Lender the rents,tssues and proflts ot ihe Property;providad that Trustor. ' :��-t--
<br /> ' 4 - ��"�.±�-�'-,-;- � -t
<br /> <� � ��i,,y. shall.ur�tIithecccwrrenceotanEventotll&laul2har�r.havethsdghitocollectandretatnauchrenls.i�uesandprofitsastt�ey "' `� �,�
<br /> ., � become Que and payabie.Upon the accurrence of an Evem ot DetaW�Lender may.etfher in person or by agent.witt►or wtthuu4 —'.f '
<br /> b co . -°�
<br />��� =� �:�..�'� �' bdnging any actton or proceeding,or by a teceiver appointeQ�y a caurt and without�egard to the�dequacy of It8 sacurity,er�ter >..,
<br /> ��:°.° .°. upon and take possession of the Prcperty.ar eny paRthereol.tn its own name ar in the name of the Tivste&and do enyr acts whfct�it , �;;��
<br />�"�---�r-�=��'s�= �.�= • deemanecessaryordestrabletcpresenrelttevalue.marketabtltiyorrentabilit�roftheRroperty,orarrypartthereaforirKeresttherein. .'f� ��1� J•-.e.:�.-�.
<br /> .'.-y.;. . ' _L`;�-'
<br />` `� . . . tacre�ee the[ncome thereirom ar proiect the security hereoi pnd.with or without taking passession of the Propertyt.sus br or . ;._::_',-.�
<br /> :+'':[ . �. .
<br /> `�.," '• otnerwise cotEect t1►e rertts,�(ssaes and pro8is thereW,including thosa past due and unpafd artd apPh►the same�tess casts and . . •i � • : , �-:;_-"_
<br /> �+ ;,�:;: _�. . •
<br /> - '�_' •;• `•. expenaes of operation and coltectton inciudtng attomeys'tees,upon arry indebtedness secured hereby.all in auch orderas Lertdsr �;�:�;,�,�Vk'
<br /> , ,... . . �:
<br /> maq determine,7he entering upon+and taking possession ot tAe PrepeRy.the col►ecUon of such�ents.issuas end profits and the , _=_=-
<br /> -'�;�� ", applicatian thereof ae 8toresatd.ehati not cure or Waive any deisult or noUce of defauit hereunder or invatidate anY act done tn , •.�`��__�,,-�_
<br /> �•�c,
<br /> - ..� • . respOnaetosuchdetaultorpursuanttosuchnottceofdefaultand.notwithstand�ngthecorrtinuaacetnpassessionofthePropeRyor ,�.'�'•_- �
<br /> the coilecUon.recePpt and auDllcattan ot rents.issues ar profits.and Trustee and Lendsr shall 6e enUUed to exercise eve�f►ri9ht . ��. �;:���.:--
<br /> � •• k provIQedtorinanyoftheloan0ecurner�tsorbylawuponaccurrenceofany.EvantofQeTaut�inctudingwithouttimitationthedghtto . ..�.���.y_
<br /> • exerCise tlle powet of 8afe.Further,Lender's rights and remedias under this paragraph shail 6e cumutative witb.and in no way a . � .�;r;.�_s
<br /> � IimitaUonon.lEnde�s�ightsandremediesunQeranyassignmentofteasesandrentsrecordedagainsttheProaeriy,Lender.Trustee �,� " �:<?�
<br /> - - : -�=. and the c�ecehrer ehail be liable to accaunt anty_Urase rents actualiy received. ` .',. '`�`
<br /> i:„ .�,.•::.
<br /> - •�� � 11. Er�nls ot DNault The toltowing shail constitute an Event of Defautt under th(s Oeed of TrusC . �. •. ��"~; _
<br /> .. ,, ' � . 4.• . �� � - �:
<br />- --�-�-- (a)Failure to pay eny InstallmeM o}prirtdpal or interest o!any other sum secured hereby when du� � _ .--.,
<br /> . . . . .. . �,
<br /> � � ,� :°•� _ _ _ ,:• -- ='�=. .
<br /> .;. Zb�-AI�rB�Criisf�ritefau{tunderanypsovFsioncontained{nthsNote:this0eedolXcus�anyoftheLoanOocumeMs,o[�[!X.
<br /> ...------...-- --� _.
<br />- • " f .�>�. othar lien or encumbrance uCOn the ProRerry: • • � ' ��
<br /> • , ,. ?� (c)AwrltofexeauUonarattachme�toranyslmitarprocessshallbeenteredagainstTruatorwhEchshallbecomealienon
<br /> ' �° Me Properry or any portion thereot or Interesttherein: , "� � ��-_
<br />_` ______,. �,� (�There shail be flled by or against Trusior or BorroWer an action undar any present or tuture federai,state or otAer • • ',,,,=�'�
<br /> . • - --affitute.!aw or regutattan relatlng to bankruptcy,insotvency or other relief tar debtor�or there shatl be appointed any trustee. �, . :
<br />- _� .� . recefver orlEquidat4r ofTn�stor or Borrower or of ali or any paR otthe Property,ortha rents,issues ot prafttsthereot,orTrustar � � � � �e•:.
<br /> • �� � . . or Borrower shall make any general.assignment Tor the beneflt of creditors; . � `' �� l
<br /> - '� �. • • � • (e)The�sats,transfer.lease.asslgnmen�canveyance or bMer enaumbranct+of alt or any part of or eny interest in U►e •� : ,�,�;�
<br /> , Prope►iy,e(ther valunTedly or invotuntarity,without t he express w r i tte n c o n s e n t o t L e n d e r,p r o v i d e d t h a t Tn�sWr shali be , :,, �s�=
<br />_ permitted to exec u t e a Sease o 1 t he P r o p e r ry t h a t d o e s n o t c o n t a i n an o ptIOn to purchase and the term oi which does naiexceed _ _ � . �+� •
<br /> L :
<br /> � . . one year, , _ .;�.: .�'�'� � .
<br /> • (�Abaadanment ot the Property;or J
<br />_ ' ' (g) lt7rusLOr is notan iadividual,the issuance,sata tra n s fer,ass ignmen t,co nv e y a n c e o r e n c u m b r a n c e o f m o r e t h a n a t o t a l . �,.�%.��°.
<br /> _ , ::�'.,• '
<br />- • � ois---percent o1(N a corporaUon)its issued and outstanding stock or(i1 a pannership)a total of percent a} � � . :jr�,,
<br /> • partn9rship interests d�fring the pedod thia Deed of Trust remaina a I(en on the Property. -.-.- .. .?�..•;� -
<br /> � 12. R�tn�diq;Aeut�aUon Upcn D�taufi in the evant of any Event of Deisuit Lender may,without na�ce axcepi as requ(red by
<br /> .� • . '„��. ,.. lew.de�lare ali indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte . . . � .
<br />= • � without sny preserttment,demand.protest or noUce o}any kind Thereafter Lender may. �,,���
<br /> �, . • (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,artd Tntatee shall thereafter cause Trustor's •`�� '.:���_..
<br /> . . I�terest in the Properry W ba sotd end the proceeda to be distributeQ all in the manner provide0ln the Nebraska Trust Oeeds -- � �i� �
<br /> z� � . � . a� ... .
<br /> - �•: (b) EwerctseanyandallrtghtsprovldedtorinanyottheLoanOocumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventOfOetaut� • -��
<br /> . . . , • ;
<br />�:-;:;':'-:=-:� ana . . . .. .
<br /> � (c) Commence an action to foreclose thls Deed of Trust as a mortgage,appotnta receivar,or specifically enforce any otthe
<br />- - covenants hereof. .. ::; ."...._
<br /> No�emedy herein conterred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exclusiva o1 any oiher remedy herein,in the . •
<br /> Loan OoCUments or by law provided or pertnitted,but each ahall be cumulative,shatl be in addition to every other remedy given : ...�;� ,�,;
<br />-= ' herounder,in the 6uan Oocuments ar now or hereafterexistirtg at taw or in equiry or by statute.and may be exercised concurrentty, • .
<br /> . • .- Independently or succeastxery. � • .
<br /> ' 13. Trttstw.The Trustee may res}gn at any Ume without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a
<br /> ' ��� .••"�� • , sucCessOroreubsUtuteTruatee.Truateeshallnotbe0abtetoanyparty,includingwithoutlimimdonLender,Borrower.Trustororany
<br /> r'` �' ' ' ' putChsaer of 1Ne PropeRy,for any loss or damage unless due to reCktess or wiiltul misconduct,and Eh8i1 no!be requiredtotekeany .
<br /> ' actlon in connactfon with the entorcement of this Deed of Truat untess indemnified,in wrlting,tor alt costs,compensaUon or
<br />� � , oxpenaeo which may be associated th�rewith.In addiUon,Truste9 may becoms fl purchaser at any sat�ot the P�Aperty Qudicial or •
<br /> - unser the power of eale granted heretn);poatpone the sate ot ell oi any portion o1 the Properiy.as provided by law;or sell the
<br /> PropeRy as a whote,or in ssparate parcets or lots at Trustee's dlscreUon. � •
<br /> � � 4 � 14. R�s�nd Exp�ntN.in the event Trustee sefla the Property by exercise of power of sate,Trustee shatl be enUUed to ayply
<br />_'��,t��:' � •- '°• en taf�proceeds flrot to paymeMo!ail costs and expenaes of exercising power of sale.Induding all Trustee's tees,and lendefs • �
<br /> a]�'�:�;��,t�_,,�.' • :.�, endTnistee'eattorney'etees,actuattylnaurtedtoextentpermittedbyapplicablelaw.IntheevantBorrowerorTrustotexercisesarry .
<br />��<�-,r_•:�. .. ;?;�. r1aM provlded by taw to cure an Event ot Oetault Lender shaU be entttted to recovar irom Trustor all costs and expensea ectuaity
<br />���":'��.� Incuned ae a re�utf of Truator's detaul�Inciuding wNhout Iimitatton all Trustee's and attomeys fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> r,� eppticable taw. • .
<br /> '°�� : Y, ;= ' tb. futura AdvancN.Upon request of Borrower, Lender may,at ita optton,make addlUonal and tuture advances and r�
<br />�� � ��' odvartces to Barrower.Such advancea end readvancea,wltA interestthereon,shail be secured by tAla Deed olTrusL At no Ume shall f .
<br />_:�L �� • '.:��i. � the princtpsf�mount o1 the Indebtadness securod by thia Oeed ot T►ust,not Including sums advanced to protect the security of thia �
<br />=��� Deed o1 Trua6 exceed the orlginal princlpal amount stated hereln,or$ 901 �""��whiehever is greater. f
<br /> ��;.. :
<br />�.��:. 18. Mt�cNlaewous Provlilons. �. . ,
<br /> � �•���•� ` (a) OoROwN Not RN*n�d.Extenalon o1 the Ume Mr payment or modiftcaUon of amorUzaUon of the sums secured by tAla ,
<br />����' • ,�`� ;, ..
<br /> - - • ;�. . DaedalTrumtprtlntedAyLendertoanyeucaessorininterestotBorrowershailnotoperatetorelease.inanymanner.thellabltity �
<br />�,;;.,' ..�': 4',� �• ot the oripinal Borrower and 8o�rowePe succeasora in interest Lender afiall,not be required to commence proceedlnpeagalnst .
<br /> �' - sucheucteasororretueato0xtendtimetorpaymentorotherwisemodityamortizaUonoffhesumsseauredbythis0eedotTrus!
<br /> � , : ' Gy reasan ot�ny domands made by the original8orrnwer and Borrower'o successors in interest •
<br /> .� (b) l�nd�r'�Pow�n.With0ul eHacting the flabiiiry ot eny other person�tiabt9 tor the payment of any oEtigadon hetein
<br />_;. � � mBnBoned.end without eftecUng ttie lien or charge otthis Oeed o1 Vust upon any pallon of the Properiy notthen or Meretbtoro E .
<br /> - • . � rete�sedeseeCUrftytorthetull8mountofallunpaldobtigaUana.Lendermay,tromtimetoUmoandwithoutno�ce(i)►eleaseany `. : .
<br /> ','. ' peraon�o Iloblo.(li)oxtend thA maturlty or alter eny of the terms otany such obligadona,pii)grant othe►indutgences,(ih refease
<br /> - � � or rocernvey.ot cause ta be teto98ed or reconveyed at any Ume a!Lende�s option any parcei,portion or aQ af the Property, .
<br /> � (1!)tako ar reteaso any othor o►udditlonal seaurity tor any obiigaUon herein menUoned.or(vi)make camposlUona or othe� •
<br /> _ _�_ ; � � � arranQementa with dabtora In relatlon lhereto. • �
<br /> .. •
<br /> --- � __�:_ �s •
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