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<br /> _ �� .Y� L�j`<.E '� ' � t,.. '� �q- ��l�Lw;`�S �w.h��bf� .,_i.�..L�f.L._�.4..�,.�la..dSi.c y`TS.+ — __� . .
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<br /> � .: C�95- �t��� ��-� � -
<br /> ''d� � .: .< �. • ' DEED OF"�t3UST WR�i FUTtBRE AL�YAON��S t , ~��- � ----
<br /> z y � : �:� � Tlf13 DE�OF TRUST.ia made aa ot the 25th' �� Ja�. =.19 gs�Dy 8rt�BritOng _ �'yy��/` a �, � --
<br /> �� X ' .�
<br /> . . h {aw ._.�. t Ji.rtC �"f'_ _
<br /> �4�r �� _ the Tn�sior.. David Dean {3artia � Rosem�rie tiartin �- hueband nnd vife � �„ `.' 4 �� --
<br /> �..- ; � ' 810 15cltartin Ave Grand Ielend NE f�801 `r` t�° ,
<br /> -,�� F���;�:, wtsase mailing address is {heretn°'[n�sttu. wh�thet ane or mors)� u, —
<br /> - -"�-._3 . . ' - � ,.: .. . . �=+.+r..�-.
<br /> `r��j . . • �ST�� Five Pofate �Bar�k, a Nebraeka Coraoratibn _ � , � , - -
<br /> — �4.;:`; . "°`�-:f xfiose mailing address is�.0. Box l�07 Graad Ioland. NE 688�2 ' - ' " T -
<br /> _ ihe►etn'Ttuetes"►.8nd
<br /> � ` s�� Five Pointe 8ank , . ` -
<br /> ;;-..�.Tr�..;��:J � �: the�ensfictary, • . , ; _ ' _
<br />�` '� 2015 H. Broadvell Grand Ieland, t�E. 688t'12-1807 � � � -
<br />__�; °. .` . yrha3e maifing 8ddress is - --- therein"t.onQsr"�. . '
<br /> _;.�.i'. . . -
<br /> =�;..:, ;..�•�'.`,:`` ` FOR VAWASLE CONSfDERATFON k►cluding Lendera extensEoa o!aredit tden44fled�eretn oa�id Dean !lart�n � . . . • .
<br />�::���"'.t ;_.:.�.,.,. � . ..
<br /> ..�;;.=:;. : . ` 8 Rasemarie ltartin , : ,
<br /> (heretn"Bor�awer'.whetrter orte or more)an�the trust�eiein cr�atea, .
<br />�� y, �.��, the racelpt of wh3ch is hereby acknawtedged.Trustor hereby trrevocabiy eronts,trBneTero.COnveye�rfd easlQn�to TrWteq,lAD . � �
<br />,.,r,.�.�,r>t.� �.. 1R11ST,WfTHPOWEROFSALEforthebenefltandsecurttyofLender,underandsubjecttothetarm�andcondlUonsharelnafterset •
<br /> _ - � fOLo'L 1����o��7�G�lbet�sw'�hird Addition, City ot Grand Ialand. Hell County. � ; � �"'•� � ..-
<br />�� � . pebras�a. . , . -
<br /> �' . , . -
<br />� .,,;. . �
<br />��=fl � , � , �
<br />�� �� Tcgetfier wtth efl buildings.improvements.flxtnrea streets.aftey�.PaectagewaYs,easements.dphb.Prlviie�a�end eppurb- � ' , �
<br /> �; � � . . . nartce�tocat�d thereon or tn anywise perlalning thereto,�nd the rens,tssuos artd proNt�.reverelona end rem8lrtders lhereof,and
<br /> �---.��-�-=- suc�+personat prape►ty that is atffiched ta the improvemeata eo aa W const�bite e Bxtur�Includta�,but nol8mit�to.Aeatlnp artd . . --_..:m�• `
<br />�� ' , . , _ _.. ..- ..-ccoling edulpmeti�8n��sg�tifel�Vith��h�itam�tead ormaritai intereats:if anq,w0lchinteres�are herebyretese80 andwaive�aii- - ---- .- . �;`
<br />_ .�� : • ��x o4 writch.inc[uding reptacemerds and additfons thereto.is hereby dectared to be a pa»o!the real eatate aecuras by ttte iten o!thla � ���
<br />� � Oeed af Tn+st and ait of the toregoing betng referred to herein es the"Property". , � �=;�_�
<br /> �r, •• .•�
<br />��_� _ ' „�_, . This Qeed of Trust ahaU secure(a)the paymen4 of the pHncipal aum and interest evldenced by a promiaaory rtote or C�edit ' ' ° .`
<br />�° � Janua 25tb 1995 Fe-tiruary is� 1�96 -- --� i �"` '
<br /> 3r�,• � �� .. .� z' • egreemerrt dated ry having a maturity date o1 . , � ,
<br /> . 76,728.86 � � ' �
<br /> �.: '. • ' (n the origlnal principal amount of$ ,and any and all modlflcaUona.extension�and renewata • �
<br />- . ' thereot or thereto and any aad ail tutu�e advances and readvances to Bonawer(ar any of them it more than one)hereunder ' • ..�.
<br /> � , �;,.}" purauant to ane or mote promissory notes or credit agreemants(heretn calted"f�tote"�;(b)the OaYment of ottter eurtt3 advat�Ced by -��- : �� ` �
<br /> -��-• Lenderto proTectthe seaurity of the Note;(c)tha pertormartco otail covenanps end egreemonte at Tiustor settorth hereirt;end(d)ell . . � ��' '
<br /> • prosent and future indebtedrtess and obligatlon�of Bonower(or any o4 them(f more than one)to LsnQe►whetiter dfrecL inaireet, �:'�'� �
<br />_�' ' absotute or conUngerri and whsther adsing by note.guaranry,overdreft or otherwfse.The Note,thia Deed o!Trust and any ertt!all .. l '
<br /> ��� � • � otherdocuenLSthatsecuretheNoteorotherwisaexecutedtnconnectiontherewtth,includingvifthoutltmitatlonguarantees.aecuriry . , � ��
<br /> :� ••� � , .� ._.. .,
<br /> a reements and assignment9 of leases and�ents,shail b9 raferred to herein es the"Loan Documents". �� '' �� �
<br />�� . a Trustor covenanls and egrees w(th Lertder as toltow� , --,. - ;.%` :• �;
<br />=�., � 1. P�ym�t at fnd�bUdnrzs.Ali indebtedness secured hereby shall be pai�when duo. . �
<br />� - . . . 2.T[Ba.Trustor Ia the owner o!the Property,has the right and authoriry to convey the Properiy,and warranta Nat the 8en • . ,.. +� �..
<br /> -- �• ' created hereby ia a flrst artd prior lien on the Property.excBpt tor Itens and encumbrances set for1A by T►ustor in wrlUng 8nd � � >- �
<br />'��;�� •. , - detivered W Lender before execuUon otthis Oeed of Tnts�and the executlon and delivery ot thia Deetl of Trust does notviolate eny . . ,�..`�r�:<�_
<br /> contract or other obligatton to which Trustor is au6ject • �%%'
<br /> �'� � ••`�` ' • ; 3.Tuy.Au�s�m�nU.To pay before deitnquency e11 fexes,spectal assessmenta end eil otAer cha�ges against the Properry � . :
<br /> � u�
<br /> �• ,.w, now or hereafter fevie�. • • -
<br />�� �.. .'+•_-_.�`•"' ' 4, tmurane�.To keep the Property insured against damage by flre.hazarda tnctuded wtthio the term"extended coveraQ9',and • • ,
<br />_.� •�'�� '.� � such other hazards as Lendar may requlre In amounta and with companles ecceptabte to Lender,naming Lender as en addiUonal { • � •
<br />-_ _ . :.,� i named inaured,with loss payabie to the Lender.tn case of toss under such poticfes,the Lender(a euthorised to adJust coiisct artd f � • � _ .
<br /> -���� � ' compromise.all ctalms thereunder and shatl havethe optlon of appiying all or part of the insurance�roceeds(i)to any inQebtEdne�s C
<br /> J�. ���, ' secured hereby and in such order as Lender may determine,pi)to the Trustorto be used torthe repairor restoraUon of the Property • '�+�.
<br /> � � .� .� � or(IiQ forany other purpose or object saUafactoryto Lender without affecting the lien of this Oeed o!Trust for the fuil emount secured
<br /> . . hereby before such payment ever took ptaca Arry applicaUOn ot proceeds to indebtedneso shatl no!extend or postpone the due � . �
<br /> � . date of any payments under the No�,or cure a�y defautt thereun der or hereun der. • . . . .
<br /> �_.. ' � 5. F.�crow.Upon wrluen demand by Londer,Trustor ahall pay to Lender,in such manner as Lender may deslgnete,auftictent
<br /> '" ' suma to enabte Lender to pay as they become due one or mare ot the toftowing:(i)a11 taxes,assessments and olher charges egainat
<br /> •� � � • . the PropeRy,pi)the premiuma on the property insu�ence required hereunder,and((iq the premiums on any moctgage inaurance
<br /> � � ' tequired by l.ender i.� _
<br /> - . . . - 8. MaMbnane�,R�ptlrs and Compltsnc�wlth Laws.Trustor shail keep tha Properiy in good condiUon and �epalr,ahall .
<br /> ; • promptty repair,or reptace any improvement which may 6B damaged or deatroyed;shali not commit or permft any waete o� � .
<br /> � ' .. ,��• . : daterloration of the Propdrty:shall not remove,demolish or substanUalty alter any ot the impravemente on the Propertyr.sha0 not . . .
<br /> ��`� • � commlt,sutfer or permi!eny actto be done tn or upon the Properiy In vioisUon o}any tew,ordlnance.or regulatlon;and ahatl pay and . .
<br />�• �'��� � prampUy dlacherge at Trustor's cost and expense all liens,encmmbrances and charges tevled,tmpoae�t or aasea�ed aSainat t?►e .
<br />='��" '- � Property ar any paR thereoL . �.
<br />�"' ����`+ : 7. �mlt�nt Dom�in.Lortder la hereby assigned all compensatlon.-awarda,damages and other paymente or reilei(herelnefter ; . � • �
<br />''�`'` . � �� -�'� °Proceede")inconnectlon with condemnatlon or other taking otthe Property or part thereot,or far conveyance in tteu of condemna- � ..
<br /> V"°�'� ' tlon.Lender ahatt be entltled at ib opUon to cammence,appear in and prosecute in its awn name eny actton or proaeedl�Do.and . • �
<br /> �
<br /> • ehail alao be entitted to make arty compromise or settiemenl in connecUon with euch taking or dam8ge.ln the event any portlon ot ( ' .
<br />�, .: ,; .f;�,�. � the Property Is ao taken or dameged,Lender ahall have the opUon,in Its sole and ebsofute dlacretlon,to appty ail such Praceeda. � , •
<br /> � •i���•: . etU►dsducUnp theretrom ail coeta and expens�s Incurred by i!in connecUon with suob Proceeds.�on any Indebtednea�seeured �
<br />�° �''` • hereby 0nd in such order as Lender may determine,or to appty ail such ProceeQs,after such Qeductlona to the reetore8on o!ths I � .
<br />� ' RropeRy upon auch sondNionsas Lende�may determtne.MyeppiicaUorto!Proceedsto InQebtedness shall not extend or po9tpofle
<br /> �=:�� �•. tha dua datu of any payments under the Note.or cure any defautt thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplied tunds ahall ba pald to r ' , �
<br />- ' � • � Tructor. . ' .
<br />- ` 8. PaAormanc�by L�Rd�r.Upon the occurrenae of an Event of Oetautt hereunder.or if any ect Ia taken or tegal proceedtng y . • .
<br /> � cammeflced which matorialtyatiects Lende�'s intere9t in the PropeRy,Lender may in its own dtscretlon,but with0ut obli�attan W do i . � '
<br /> • r: � , eo�end without notice to or demand upon Trustor and without reteasing Trustor from any ob�igaUon.do any eot whlch Truator ham ; �. ._
<br />��.,� ' Apn�d but faltla to do and may elso du arry other act it Qeems nscessary to protect the security hereof.Trustet st�e11,immedietelr ;
<br /> � , � upon demandthere,�or by Lender payto LenGer eII costa artd e�enses incurree and 8uma expended by Len6er in connecUO�with
<br /> ' � the exerclae by I.snder of the toregoing rights,together w�th interestthereon atthe deteutt►ete provided ln the Note,whlch sheil be • ' �
<br />' �� . , . � addad ta ths Indebtedness secured hereby.LenQer st�all noi incur any IiabUity�ecause o!anyMtng R may do or omit to do , � , ' � • �
<br /> � � hareunder. � •
<br /> ' : . . • .. : � ., � �
<br /> ' �
<br /> . :� '�
<br /> ,- .
<br /> , , . � .
<br /> , � .
<br /> . . .
<br /> . � .. ,. . . _ .... . . .. ......._.,._. . . _. . .
<br /> , ' • " • .` �---. .
<br />