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i�. . `Y ni S _ .�: ._ .r.r�.e,'.^�������', � . �3LE�� Cr'f�"'..y.rc^F'�`"-_. - -- -- - <br /> ,•- ` '•` <br /> -.'.. -' . '4�� .. ` , _ .�i _=t , -:: r4���_e � . '' 'S � �`&G�'���c^����.�r _•�,-9.---- -- — — — <br /> y�- " c _ <br /> .' �c� ' <br /> i - <br /> - ��, r . . ., `. ... '"'` .�i..�r�3i�3.c. "e�''�s`'i# - — <br /> ..a.. , � v t:.d`n�� .:,..r�e����'. . <br /> � � a � .. _ ., y. �_ — ' <br /> -.`_' _ • - -- . ( - -- - ---- - -- -- - <br /> - � � �c z� ` . ` , 'V��` ��Yd�� . _. <br /> � . • • � � ' COYElt1l[�1T� ��, ' ' � -- <br /> -5�.: ,,. .� �, .:' � � ` � ,� ' ° . . �. '� '• ' - <br /> �::�.•- �. �` �. s� t. R�nts. Boreowu��e�u co m�ae ett.�»y�o°iou on stas��ra�ae�4 wMn due. us�ss Barrm�nt and t�n�+r a�r��rw�l�e env � � _ <br /> ~--�.: - •:•-i;: , Pa'�nenia f.�n�r{acsivu trorr►Bacrowu or or w�r'� wUt 0s rpp7lW.tu�t ta MrtY amau�8ar�awa�avey�an tt�s�CUt��QN�t <br /> =-:F-����,.�`'�r•.,7 n�p=red�e�ezeisaa i��t�Gi�f�n,�y+nim�iunD ths i��r�°d.�i i a'a�ie��na�i'��`4aw"+•"`os,�•a��raa a.�t occ�.s�.�rw;on:fe w�t) � <br /> ` � �.�ms A�rut TiW.Borrawu wUl'pay ell taxef.asiesamenb,gnd ather cfiupe ettrihs�teDto to tM prapsrty wt�n dut��nd wk!drf�rtQ UUs - _ <br /> � . � ` to trie prope, a�erry cUtms whisb wou;d imp�ti8i Hin ot t1tl�da� trust.�ddu msy rapulr�Barrawir tn astign rtr�/riphts,ct�tmt ar --- <br /> z � � detenses wtu���r�Owe�may have a�inft partfaa who suppty labor ar msmrtats to tmprov�ar m�tnm:n tM propscty. . . -� <br /> �4 <br /> _`,��� `, .T:. , • c� . . • . <br /> < <. 3.Uutuaae:.Borrower wtit kaep the pmperty tnsured under terms aeceptabfa to 4end0r at BmmKrat's expinse and tor tender'� bet�f�'t:AH <br /> F � � ° tnanrancx Qotides ahelilnetude a atar.dard mortpaqe dau�e in fiavor af Ler�r.Le�r wJU be nnmtid a3 toas paYea or af thb insurad on ahy�act� --__---- <br /> , • ± �� � insivarece potiey..�1n}r ins�uanee proeeeds may 6e�pD��.���de�s dtsaetian,to eiUmr the�estoration or repa�of the dam�nd proparty <br /> � . • � ar m the sacursd deht If Len4er mquftea maRgage inaurartee,Borrower egreao W mafntatn such insuran�inr 8s teng es iender requires. <br /> .._�,�-,. 4.Fro�cty.Bnrtower w71 keep ttte ptoperty tn goad.conditi " ' . �-�_�-�__~-- <br /> Qn�r►d maice eU repairs reasonabh►neeessarY. - <br /> --___ _ _ T .�. . . `�^*,-_. <br />- ' ' "� 6.E�ns�s.BoROwer agreea to pay afl tendsr's eEpensas'fneWdtng reasona�ts aimmeys'tees.if Borrowar breaks anll�verea��n thls deed . �c��_. <br /> ' of tnrst or�a erry oMIgatton seeureti by U�is,deet7 of trust.�onower wiil pay these emaunts to Lender as lxovTCed in Cw�naM 9 of Wa deed bf =_--_ <br />-- ' , utist. - • . . - <br /> -:''� �. . � ....._'. .;., � 8.Prtar S�y tnt�nsb.lJntess bor►ower fusi obtains LenCer's vmttars u�ent,'fl not make ar permit any ahsr�yes to 6ny rior <br /> .d;., � � security tnte�ests Bortower wfU peltorm a11 of Bortower's oDGgaftons undar arry pflar mar�age,deed of tr�ut or otRer seduityr agree�� <br />_ . inctudirtg Bmrower's cavennrtrs to maka paymeRts wt�en Bw9.= • • - <br /> `"�, 7.Assi�anmt o!Rmts md PmSb.Borrowar�aigrss to LenQer the rer�end profits ot the prcperty.Unlesa Borrowar and Lender have epreea <br /> ��`' otherwise in writing,8ortawer rrtay cblfect and tetain the rertls sa Iong as Borrower Is not In defautL If Banawet detautt9, I.endsr,LsndeTs <br /> • :, : • , agent,or a court appni�ed receiver maY m7ce possessien ar.d managa the praperty snd calJect the rertte.Any certta Lecades coQsctB sha1168 <br /> .�N -_, • apDGeO first to tha eosts of managtng tha�uding eourt eosts ar►d attamsys�fees,eommisstons to reMat agents.and any ott!et <br /> "'�;� � , necessary retated�cgenses.Tha remaininp amo�mt of resRS w7t1 tFren apyly to paymerrts on the sscured debt as provtQed tn Cavewrt 1. __ <br /> f��"�� �' � 8.�ds•C�tdartdni�mso;Ptann�d Unit O�vMopm�rKt.Borrower a&rees to compty with the provisiuns of airy tease ff this deed of uust is on <br /> ' a teasahold.i�ttils deed of trust is bn a urrit in a conCominium or a planrted unIt deveTOpmet�t,Borro�ker wUl partarm a11 a!Borrawers duaes -- <br /> undertlrs covenar�,bydaws,ar regu[ations of tha e0ndaminium or pia�ed unit develoDmerrt. �- <br /> �,.,� •, . - 9.AvtAarity atl�r to Parform tct Barrowfr.(f Borrov�er tails to pe�fortn any ot 6orrower's dutes�mQer this deed of trust;lendet may ���==-- — <br /> ,'� � • peHortn the dudes a cause them m 6e pertormed.lender may sign Barrawefs name or pay arry amount if necessary for perfortrrance.if any --�-� <br />- _ ' � • conswctian on the propeRy ls discontinued or not can(ed on tn a reasaaehts mannsr,Lender may do whatevet is aecessary to proLect Lender's • �. <br /> " seeurity imerest tn tFte property.7'his may inatude comptettng the cansuucdnn. ���r-- <br /> ... . .. . . ... ., <br /> ::_ . _ . . . .. . . . ' .. ._.__.. - <br /> �� ---�---- - -- . --Leiaer's faitu�e�io pe�form vinil�no�pre�c u3e Leitde►irom exercising aiiTBf it�6ttietr righiBlmife7r"tha lau�oT-thfs deed�oflrusL----�- -�- %����:r. <br /> .. s -_ <br /> � • � any amaunts peid by lendet to ptoLect Lertders securiry[rtterest will he secured Ey thts Qsed of trusi.Such amatmte wfi!be due on demanc! �-,,=: <br /> '� • _' � � • and witl bear interest hom the Qate af tha payment�mtil pai�In furi atthe irtterest rate in eNect on the secured de3i. . •; <br /> ' ; . `e..=- <br /> • ;. ' � 10.O�tadt�d Acutuation.ff BoRO�nrer fatfs to make any payment when due or hreaka arry covenarits undar this deed of trust ot enY � ��;.. <br /> obiigation secured by tlds deed of vust or arry prior mortgage ar Qeed of trust,Lender may accelerate the mawrity ot the seeured deDt end - <br /> ,-+.= - -� - - - �� - -6emand immeNate paymeM and may invoko the power of sata and aay otfier remed�es permitted by appBcabie faw. - '� . <br /> ' • � t1.Requnst tor NaUes ot Deta+�t It is hereby requssted that coptes of the notices of defauR and sala be serrt tu each persan who is e party . <br /> ' • .� , � hereto,at the address ot eaeh sush person,as set fmth herefn. • <br /> .. „ ' . <br /> ` • . � 12 Pow�r of Safs.ff the LenQer invokes the power of eala,the Trustee shaD first recotd in the offlce of the cegtster of deeCs of each cuunty <br /> '�� . � ' • • • wherein the trust prapert�►or sortre part or pereei thereoi is sitt�eted a notfce at defauft corttefiing the inPormatton required by taw.The Trustaa <br /> shall also mafl wptes of the notice of default to the Bonower,to each person who is a party 6ereto,and to other persons as prescribed by <br /> . • appllcabte law.tJot fess than orte ma�after the Tnastea recards the notice nf detauit ar two mortths it ttte trust properry is not in erry • <br /> ' � . incorporated cftyr ar viltage and is used in farmtng operatlons cartied on by the Vustor,the frustee ahall give publlc noUce of sate to tfle parsons • �-�-- _ � <br /> •. and in the manner prescrihed bv appD�icabte law.Trustee,wkhout demand on Bonower,shatl setl the pmperty at pubfic aucUon to the hlghest • � �- � <br /> . `� ` _�,; triddor.If requ(red by the Farm Homestead P►otection Act,Trustee shail offer the propercy in two separate sates as required by applicabte law. <br /> � � • Trustes may postpone sate of ali or arry parcef of the property by pubitc announcement at the time and piace of arry previousty achaduted sate. �-�y; <br /> Lender ot ite designna may purchase the ptaperty at any set0. .�; <br /> - - -.._ ,_..----- +tJti <br /> , Upon receipi af payment of tAe price bid,Ttustee shall deitver to the purchaser Trustee's diaed corneyin9 ffie property.Tha recitiais corrtatned In . , #� <br /> " • Ttustee's Qeed ehall be prbTte faeio evldIence ot the tnrth of the atatemente contatnad tAerein.Trustee shaii appty the praceads of the eale in the • � <br /> fatlowing order. (a) to alt e�ensea ot the eate, includirtg, but not limited to, reasonebte Truatae'e taes, �easonabto attorney's teas and _: <br /> a� • . • � reinstatement faes;(b)to atl suma secured by Mis deed o!trust,and lcl the Oataneo,if any,to tha porsons legalty entttted to receive it.. �-;.'�n-�:,� <br /> � . � , 18.Ponetasw�.At Lenders option,tfiis deed of trust may be farectosed in the manner provtde by applicable law tar foreclosure of mortgagea - ' �� `' ���%��.! <br /> on reat properry. ' �/_/" - <br />_; , 74.fnsn�cHon.lender may enter tho property to inspeet it if LenQer givas Bonawar notice beforehand.The notice must stete the roasonaAte ,� � : .. <br /> cause for Lenders tnspeetion. . ••• • <br /> � . ' 16.Cand�mnttlon.@orrower assigna to Lender the proceeds of any avyerd or ctaim for damages connected with a candemnation or other taWng • � � � . <br /> -� � • . of aIa a any part ot.the property.Such proteeds witl6e appiled es provided in Covenant 1.Thts assignme�t9 subjact to the ta►ms ot any prior ; . . . <br /> , .. ,. • sec�utty a�eement. t;, <br /> . 18.Watw. exercisinp any remedy aveilabte to LenQer,Lender daas not give uD any rl hts to later use any other ramedy. By not exercising ' � '.Iie:r�.`'. � <br /> .. ' • any remedy up n Bonower's detauit,Lender does not waive ony right to iatar wnsider the event a defautt if it happens agatn. Y • , i; <br /> . � 17.Jotnt end S�v�nl UahIItM. Co-afy�un; Suecsssoro and AssTgns Bound.All dutlea under this deed of uust are joint and severai. Any � ' � r, • <br /> , BoROwer who co-sign9 this dead o!trust but does not eo-sign tho underivtng debt instrumentls) doos so only to grant and convey thet f • <br />� � � . - � ' - Borrower's Intereet in the praperty to the Trustee under tfie terms of thia deed of Vuat.fn addftion,such a Borrawer agreoa thai the lender and <br /> - , arry other Bottower under thia deed of bust may extend,moditv or make any other chanees in the terms of this deed of trust or the secured f <br /> , . � ' debt without that Borrower's consent artd without reteasing that Bor�ower trom the terms of this deed of trust. • <br /> � � . TAo Qutioa and benefita of this deed of wst ehall bind and benafit the successors and essigns of lender and 8onowe�. � . <br /> �.,.. . ' ', 18.Hotte�.Unless otherwise raquired by law,enV noUCO to Borrower shall be given by Qelivedng it or by maiiing it by certifled mail addressed to ( . <br /> .- , ,.S. .:.. . Bonawet at the property addross or arry othor addross that Bortower has given to Lender.Bonawer w�il give any notice to Lender by certifled � <br /> . mail to Leader's adCrasa on page 1 of tfiis deed of trust,or to any other address whieh Lender has designated.Arry other notiee to lender shall � <br /> , . , be sont to LenQer's address as stated on page 1 0}thia deed of trust. E, � <br /> ' Any noIIice shalt be daemed to havo been gir-en to Borrower ar Lender when given In the manner stated above. � . <br /> • ' 79.Tnru�to o!fh�Proputy or s B�nHki�l tr�t�nst in th�Bartowu.It aN or any part of the property or any intetost in it is sol0 or banstorred � • <br /> ,. � without Lenders prior wriYten consent, lender may domand imrtTediate paymont of the socuroA debt. Lender may afso demand immediata � , . <br /> +; , dan�w^end�ymon6in the�biave situetlor�t.s�it is prohiDtted by tederal law as ot t1i�e date o!his deed�oi�us�nsterrad.Howavar, lsnder may not ! . <br /> � <br /> . ,; . . . : . . <br /> ' 20.R�tmivsyanes.Whan tho obligation soeurod by this daad of trust has boon paid,nnd Landar has no further obllgation to matco advancos � <br /> � � . under the insVUmenis or aaraemorrts securad Cy thia deed af trust,the Trustoe shatl,upon wrltten request by the Lender,rewnvey the vust '• . <br /> o6ipe��The Lender sAafl deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's suecessor in interest,the trust deed and th0 nOte or othot evidenw of tho , <br /> • . '�� . ��' " gatton so seUsfied.Borrower ofiaU pey emr reeardation coste. � <br /> � 21. Successar Tniatee.LenQer, at Lender's optlon, may remove Trustee and appoint a•successor trusteo by fUat, maiting e eopy of the � � . ' <br /> � - = - substituU9n of Uustea as requirad by appliaable taw,and thon,Dy fiiing tAo substitution of trustoo tor record in the office o!the tegis'ter of deeQs , <br /> �� . � � � of each county In which the trust proporty,or some part thereof,is situated.The successor trustee,wkhout conveyance of the properry,shall � <br /> sueceed to ell the power,dutles,authority end tlUe of the Tn�stee named in the deed of ttust end ot any successor wstee. <br /> . . . ,� � Ipage 2 0121 <br /> ' • B1Wf(ERSSTSTE6IS.IKC..ST.CLOU0.6LY6B301(1-8D0397•Y341)fOiUNOCPIM6NE8119191 � ' <br />��. i_.____.—�_:�_ � <br /> - - - — - - - <br /> �a. , �.._.-.-._--._,. r . . <br /> � <br /> � � . � . . � . r - _ -. <br /> . 6 <br /> ' I <br /> . � <br /> . • — ----_--. ��._..«.._..r___---_ . ---- - <br /> _._.�,__.._�._ _ �,_.__._�- - <br />