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<br /> ' � • PAEiTIES:Thls Deed oi Trust ia made an .7nTftTA14Y 2'��,'2995 ,.among the Cirant�, rnR�rn..�ag nun , .j�»`zr r,:t�-
<br /> ._f � ' , - �Sp,,;,M n�., imcaaun nsm wraa ' ' ('8arrower'?��, •'T»z -
<br /> . , r. � .r, ARTIIND R AAACft� A'[°I'AANSkV .. . � � a �j . •"
<br /> � • . . ` wMae�estdence address ta nts ue� �e�p,,, n��..a *s�g�_ u i�_, CountY.NebTeskB("Ttuste9"l.snd the BBnIIflefBN. �� , �+t. '�;
<br /> -• cnua p7Z� � IIT �TIIttTC�T JG-I.AAAT A. SA('TATTAN .9 CO OfBtiOR 6 t7�d - �.. ��i,r,-t a-� -
<br /> < • '" i� S � rP �" _�'- -
<br /> `� " � tind exisdng under ffio taws ot �RnsAa whose addrass is »� ceuTtt t�escaas aTaxarr
<br /> ,�t, '_. ' � 1'3AnA�n t�**�IDF,NSB4�Aaar cngQ2�1��0 — �- � (�L8RQ8P�. • .. ,�'
<br /> �• ` .. - -" CaHV�IlAHCE Far vahie recei�raE,�otrower iaevoeabry gresrts et�convays to Trustee.in vust,with powev of saia.ffie teal property.of wfifch � �`',�
<br />- �•. � � � " r� Bat�awer Is faxrfuty sstse0. describad below artd ail 6uifffmgs,fixuues,and extsting artd future Improvemer�therew and afl rlghts-of�nray, "'�'; ,
<br /> << .� ;i .. � ' easamarns, rer�, issues, pmfits, incomo, tenemerna, hereditamarrts, prIviteges and any appurtenaneas there�mto befangfig (all caitad the `��:��f.-_r
<br /> ';� , .. . 'vroA�Pl. . H '�''..':""
<br /> PRQPH'fTY AOORE58: e�i e tin►nrcota , rsunuo =sin*m ,Nebraske FARtAt _ , �-
<br /> , ' ` � IE�QA!OESCRIPTtON: f50°'� (�m �cnee� *�'�� -..
<br /> ". �:;,i. • ' . - IILJIT SIGAT (8)• (3PlRAt�B BZ(�HT I8?• �NIIDDLSTOWA CONDOMINI[JMS. TO T�8 CITY • - _ �—='-
<br /> - __. =.-�--'=-=-��--�- ----�-----�.OF-.�ID..IS7�1ND,.EAT�L--COIIN'�3i. -NSBRASE{A._ . _...-�-- -..._-� - -- .. _... . ...._ ..._... . .. .. . __ ..._.....-�---. .-----� - --- -.z-�-�� ` 'z'`.-;
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<br /> , . _.i ._. . '_' . . . . ."s.
<br /> � � �� ' � located in �T•Y• County,Nebraska; . `
<br /> � � TiTiE�Bartower covenants and wartaMS titte to the properry,except tor � ' r��' .
<br /> . - i
<br /> - � . . . �." . ' � c
<br /> - . ' •� • t ;s;f��.i
<br /> -�, �•--...-`.-�—•---- �- SfCURED OEBT:This deed ot vust secures W Lender�e � _ . .
<br /> payment of tha se�ured deUt and the parformanca of tha co�anams and a eemems i � �-���-
<br /> ` ,' contained in thia deed of trust and tn arly othor dacumorn tncarporated herein.Secured debt,as used in this deed of trust,inctud9a any amounta � � "
<br /> � � � Bonawer owea to Lertder under thIs Qeed of trust o►under eny insWment secured by thia deed of trust, and all modificatlnns,extensions and � . ,
<br /> -t �� tenawaTsthereof. {. � � .
<br /> � ' � The seaued debt is evidented by tUst a{!insuumenta and agreemants secured by thi9 deed of bvst and tha detes thereot.l: . - ; �,' `'f'
<br /> � � . • ' � A ARO TlSf4AAV NATA nN11 CR[RtRTTY A[SRRTiMP.6IT DATR� TANilARK 13� 1995 ! � •.
<br /> � ye�'.
<br /> ,� . . � ❑Cvtor�AQvanas:Tho abova amount is secured even though all or part of(t may not yet ba advanced.Fuwro advanees are � . .
<br /> � corrcempiated end wUl be secured to the same extent as ii mado on the date this deed of trust is executed. ��
<br /> _ _ _. _ ❑Revohdng line of credit egreement dated ,witb initla!annual Intereat�ate of 95. � , ', � ... ' � .
<br /> . . � All emoUnt9 owad under thia agreement ere secured even though all amounte may oot yet be advenced. Future advances under E � , .
<br /> � � .� . the egreemert are contemptated and witi be secured to the eeme ente�es if made on the data this deed of wst is exeeuted. !
<br /> _ • , ( ���
<br /> TAo ebova obilgation is due arW Deyal�(e on mmurn► v �9, �A95 if not paid eaAier. .
<br /> . ' ' The total unpaid 6atance secured by thia Qoed of trust et any ona Ume sha11 not exceed a maxlmum principal emount of �
<br /> ... .. .. ._. _._ . uturrra�t �rneaaun ven�e�v ar�m nue sni�ee Oollara 1819,n4s_se 1.D�ue interest, I •
<br /> % ' � ptus eng amounts disbursed unQet the terma of this Qeed ot uust to protect tha sacurFty of this daed of trust or to pertorm arty of the : • •
<br /> '`, • . , ' , � covanarts eontained in this dead of trwc,with Interest on such disbutsemer►ts. � .
<br /> .. . I � _ . . • '
<br /> � � ' ❑WrI�DI�Etat�:The Iptorest rato on tha obiigation secured by this deed of trust may vary according to the terms o}that obligation.
<br /> � ❑A copy of thv foan agreement eontaining tho turma unQer whiefi the interest rote may vary is attached to thie deed ot trust and ` .
<br /> N: . . . .: made a part hereof. ! .
<br /> .� -- rt ,
<br /> . . . _ RIDERS: 0 Commercial pp� ASQ7(3ATiViRNT OP R1it3T4 _ ❑ ; , � .
<br /> - � � OES(3NA7[ON OF NOMESTEAD .
<br /> � .#�: • � �, . Putauant to ths Farm Homestead Protection Act,dosignaUon of homostead ❑ is attached to thls doed o}trust and made a part hereof
<br /> ;� � . ❑ has Eeen dlscielmed;the d�scisimar is attached to Uils Qeed of trust end made e paR hereof. .
<br /> ,- . . S(tiHATUHFS:By styntng b�tow.Botrawer agrce tn ths term�ans covenanb eaMattNd in this Qeed of trusL tnciu�ng tfinse an pags 2.end tn ; . . .
<br /> •Y� � '. arry�s dneri d by Bortowa , . . .
<br /> .
<br /> . BRIAN S SAN td GAY '
<br /> ;. � .. Tha toregoing instramerrt was acimawtedged hafaro ma on Wa �3TH day of ?nN[1AttY� i Qo� , �
<br /> . , _.- __.. .. . _. bV AA7E10 T f7AV t�m ICf7C ta M[LnYr,tMCAn1Qfl AND W2� . . �
<br /> � ' • ' - (TivaWl ' -
<br /> . ., .. ' ���� Ot (Namo of tmpua$�a VmtnmakDl �
<br /> . . Fatru�tty
<br /> � � � on bchait of o co raU o partnership.
<br /> � '« � . GE .�A6N
<br /> ��. . � arnrm�aa� g: 6/30/97
<br /> . . . ._---= E. t�,,.te�) �
<br /> — � ----� -- E.';£c�- i' �� - +`ttti L-z ;r,xu :,,:•__._----. : ,
<br /> � ± . This nstrumnrt�was pruparaA by
<br /> ��' '� �198�559STEtAS.nve..S1.Cl0UD.MN6830/11�800997Q361)FOHLSOCPJATO�NE8f/9/91 ApPLtt 00003214 �rg�.���L;NE���KA .
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