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<br /> � af sale,aa�the s�i+�iasladiag t�e PaYmcnt oYthe 1�ust�'s feRS a�ctuYlly taa�rrc��aot tv eaceeel 4ive �'''v o�� ` -=-�=--�«--
<br /> ' t�te p=Imdga!ama�E af tHe Qate at�e Sme arf tP�e declaratlon of d�faalt,aad erasoaa6le a�tameys'fee.s as permfitet� ��=:='=_'
<br /> � � tiy I��v;(o)to aIl sams secm�try th�s Sec�arlty.I�strumeaR:�(c)�a�ea�to the peesor�a�s peise�s IegaIIy ent€tied . _k._.--.--- -
<br /> to[w . � , .
<br /> , Z2. Reconveyano� Upon payment of all sums secumd by dxis Security Instramena.i.eader�&alt reqrcest'IIvsce�m ; �� _ - -
<br /> ' . reconvey sP�e Prfsperty sud shall surrender this Sec�nity Ins�u�at aad atd nofes e�rid�acing debt secured by thia Seciuity �,-_-:�__---=�_ - .
<br /> t
<br /> Insmimer�t w'IIv.�tee. 'l�usstee shall,iECOnvey the Propercy without nraaanry aad without charge to the pc�son'ar persons •?�����Y�.--__
<br /> ."Y�_"���:-
<br /> � leSalIy entitted to it Such peisan oz pe�ons shall pay aay t+ecordation costs. . . '•:�:?==-:-_--- �
<br /> - 29. Sv6sttl�ite Trastee. Leuder,at itg option,may fiam time to time remove lkustee aad appoint a snccessor trustee to _ . g„`,�-,
<br /> < :�x'_Y-.;��',
<br /> �ay'IIvsdee appointed hereundcr by an insnument recorded ia the coimty in�vhich this Security Instrument is recorded. � '���, �'�.��;��
<br /> Vlliithaut ccmveyance of th$Pmperry,the successor uustee shaU s�d to al! the dtte,power and duties confetted upon . . '`�"�•
<br /> Ttastee herein and by apglicable law. , � � • .�_L :��• __-
<br /> IA:Request[or Na�oes. BoAOwer requests that copies of the nbtices of defauit aIId sale be sent to Borrower's addiiess � ..e ,,
<br /> wlnch is E6e Ptoperty Address. ' • _ ` , ::'�;�_ ;_..
<br /> � ?�. Rtders to thds Secnrlty Insbr�cnt If one or mnre riders are executed by Horrower and recarded together witt� ' ? - -;�_':a r�-•,, •
<br /> . this Security Insunment,ti�e coveaants and a�reements of earh such rider shall be incorpoiated into aud shall amend aad ' � °:�'.�.'�_',�d
<br /> thi
<br /> supplement the cove.�ants and agceements of ttris S�t�+Insuument as if the rideF(s)were a.part of this Secucitq Instiuufent �.'��`_�����.'��,�
<br /> [Check app�ic�ble 6ox(es)] - ?• -�
<br /> _+, GY�;��i�
<br /> [�Aaiastable xate Riaer _ ❑canaomini�m ttiaer ❑1-a r�mity waei '"��-�=::
<br /> .," ,� ,.��
<br /> :• �r
<br /> .. .,,�.w,•_i-.���
<br /> �Graduated Yaymeat Rider �Planned Unit Development Rider �Biweelsly Payment Rider �+..'>�•'. .:�i':���,��-
<br /> ' :;.�;-�t--y��;�4-
<br /> ' �Balloon Rider �Rate Improvemeni Rider �Second Home Rider ;, -.:,�, �l,��, . .
<br /> ,� • � '�:.
<br /> .. ' �Other(S)[SP�Y1 . . :�.;���
<br /> �. � . s- -- - _
<br /> .,, ,�
<br /> . . ...�.��.��,�-.�.,T.-
<br /> -�-----------.......BY SIGNINGBEL:OW,�Borrower-accepts-and-ag�ees-to the-termsand-covenants-coatained in this Secvrity Instrument. . _.._ ..... ._ -: :.,.:
<br /> and'ut aqy riderls)executed by Borrower and recorded with it ' �, � ° � f ,i.
<br /> wmess: wimess_ � - _��,
<br /> . d:f'.
<br /> _.:_.� .
<br /> . _ . . . _._._ �_ . _.. .._. _..-_. -_�.� . . _ � •• '. .-:+ f
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<br /> , � . � f:�� .�. ' .
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<br /> RAtSFRT RING . -Eort�ow�a N�1, SA T RIN(i � -�n �`,'�� ;c: ..
<br /> ,,
<br /> ' � , ---'�:.� _
<br /> � � (g�) (S�) . '''',}�,.:F
<br /> _ -Borrower -Botrowcr ���
<br /> COUIIL}I SS: S� -.
<br /> S'1'ATE OF NEBI2ASKA, }� � ;, :,. —
<br /> On dus ZOth da of Januar , l99S before me.the undecsi ed,a No Public . ` '�� � �
<br /> y Y . Sa �Y �,��;�.y.
<br /> duly w�nmissioned and quali8ecl forsaid county,personally came ROBFRT J RIIV� ANID 11�LISSA T R1PIG ���f'�="
<br /> HIJSBJ�ND AND WIFE ,to me kaoara to he the - •�1/•.�
<br /> identical pe�sons(s)whose name(s)are subscribed to the foiegoing insuument and acknowledged the execution thereof to • �
<br /> � th+ef r voluntary act and deEd. � . . . .
<br /> Wimess my haad ahd na�ial seal at I S�� • in said coaaty.the � '�� :. •�,. • ..
<br /> d'ateafor�said. . �. ��'�;:,::r.�.
<br /> �36�(t161FI��FfiY?Sfi�Fe�rut� l��j . . . �_
<br /> R08ERT�i L REED . (���'•`'�'
<br /> YyC0s1I1►EtP1Wf3�I991 NotaryPubJic , - <,
<br /> REQUEST FOR RECONVEYANCE . .. . ,;}..
<br /> 'iT0 TRUSTEE: .
<br /> The undersigned is the holder of the note or notes secured by thi::Deed of'�vst. Said note or notes.together with all � '
<br /> other indebtedmess secured by tl�is Deed of 7ivst.have been paid in full. You are hereby directed to cancel said aote or notes . . - �
<br /> , and fhis Deed of'Ii�uus�which ane delivered hereby.and to rewnvey,without warranty,all tlie estate now held by you under , �
<br /> ttus Deed of Tlrust to the person or persons legally en6ded thereto. . "
<br /> ? , .
<br /> . Date: : .
<br /> Fomt 3�?.8 9/7p Ipage 6 oJ6 pages) . .
<br /> _... - -- - n•T"-,-. .-.�..�.- . -- - �r.nw..�.�7y��1 . . ."- ' _. ' - •. � �. ,. r. . .- . -
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