I�cab2�lavs� for )before sale af the ProP�Y P���P Y P,���sa�� � — --
<br /> -��PP �Y bF�Y �� an �r of sate oontai.a�I in tHis � - -
<br /> Seciuity tnst�a�or i(6)e�y o f�j n dgmeni e n f�n�ng d n s S e c�i t y I a s h u m��.q'h o s e c o n d i t i o�s a n e t h a t B o 7 r o w e r t a) -
<br /> J �.PaYs�.end;a aIl s�s wgich dieu wo�id 6c dae unstez this Secanity Iasunuaent and ttte Nate as if aa a,scele�ation had --
<br /> �:{6)cums aciy defanIt of any other covenants a�ageements;{c)Pa3r�atl expeases iacuned ia enfo�g tbis§� ___- -
<br /> IQSt�ament.i�Iuding, but nat tamited to.Yeasonablz attameys'fces; and(d)ta�es such astion as�,ender may neas Y =_—
<br /> ' requlte W assura�hat t�ie lien af iLis See�ity Inst�nent,Lender's rightc in the Fm�rty and Bormwer's obligation to pay the ' _------=—_-- -
<br /> • snms secated by tLis Secaiity dasttument shall continae onchange�. Upan reinstaLement by Bonower, this Sec�rity . -
<br /> �nstn�ment aad t�e obligatians�ted ueieby shall remain fulIy efferdve as if no acceteratiaa had occurnd. However,tbis `-- —_
<br /> " e#g6t to�'snsta�st3aIl nnt apgly ia the case off aa:eleiation aader paragrapb IT. . �. _-.--
<br /> 19. 69ie oY Nate;C�ng�of�.aan SersiIcer. The Nate or a pamal interest in the Note(togethet with this Sewrity :.���:=-_— --
<br /> •.�-�� --
<br /> • ; Lostcumeat)m��r 6e sold oa�or mor$times without piior notice to Bouower. A sale may result in a change ia the eatity ,... -.����_g
<br /> �,..; _. ::::�_
<br /> _ . (Imown as!he"Loau Sen+icer")that coIlects mnntIilY PaYmenu dne irader the Not�and this Secarity Insi�rmnen� 77tese aLso __._:k h",�,,�,•�;--_
<br /> may be one or moze changes of tt�e Loan Servicer umielated to a sale of the l�iote. If there is a change of the Loan Seivfcer, ;,� z .�_.��.-,
<br /> . �onower w�I 6e given wiitten ustice of the chaage ia accordance witb patagraph 14 above and applica6le law. 1He notice . :��.F, �
<br /> will.smte the uame aad add�ss af the new Loan Servicer and the address to whicb payments shontd be made. The nocice w�2 . ��-..n���'`�sr�`F�`-�
<br /> .s�-.-:� 4_Fi'-•��-.
<br /> r.�"'
<br /> a]so conta'sn aay otber information re4ui�d bY aPPiicab2e law. '.�` ., '���
<br /> 1A. Aa7ard4ns Sebstaac,�. Borrower shall aot caase or permit dce p�esence,.us�disposal,storag�ar ceIease of anY r��;_��
<br /> Hazardaus Su4sstaaces on or in the property. Barmwer shail not dfl,nor allow anyone eLse to do.aaything affecting the . ,:;s � "` ;�"a,.'
<br /> ' Pm tha�is in violation of Envimnmenta2 Law_ 7he two seatences shall not I to the .'t���`'
<br /> Pei?5► anp he Pr�ding �PF Y Prese�nce.use,ot . r_s�i:�-�:_
<br /> storage on the Piaperty of small yu�wtities of Hazardous Substaaces that are generaIly reco�ized to be appropriate to normal ,.��,����,-��
<br /> resideatial uses�d W maurte�rE of the Pragerty: ����~-
<br /> . Y., . �d"'�!t..;"
<br /> -= �'.��y=�-._-_.—
<br /> Borrower sLall�Samptty gi.ve Lender written notice of any investigation,ciaim,demattd lawsuit or other action bY�Y - � ��_=�.--�-r:..
<br /> ovemmental or ea or rivate mvolvin the and an Har.andous Suisstanceor Envimnmeatal � ��:-?��T�'
<br /> � g ��Y aS �Y P P�Y� b �rtY Y f`.:.....
<br /> Iaw of whiab Bormwer has actaal lmrnvtedge. If Bormwer leazns,or is noti�fied by any govemraental or regulatary `,. ' �; ':��=�::`:=�'�'
<br /> •
<br /> ' aut�ority,tbat azry cemoval or other remediation of any Aazazdous Su6stance affecting the Property is necessary,Boaower -'�-°�'`
<br /> ,.-`�.x_
<br /> shaIi pmmptty take all necessary teme�ial a..�tions m acca�dance witb lF�vironmental I.aw. L�,-� `..,..�",_�:
<br /> » ..,��.�.�_.�.,
<br /> . As used in this paragragh 20,"Ha7ardous Sutsstances are those svbstances defined as wxic or ba7ardans sabstances[ry :r,r-�. ..,, :
<br /> Envimna�ental Laa aad the foltowing substaaces: gasoline,kerosene,othcr flammable or touc pe�olewn pradnets,toxie • ' n����,:
<br /> ...._-...-.----pesticides_�nd Germicidesa volatile.solventstimateri?ls coa��asbestos orforma2de6}rd�and radioactive matenals. As . .` - .'�`�
<br /> used ia this paaagraph 20."Environmental Law"means fede�ral�laws and laws of the ju�isdicuon where t�e PiapGr[y is farat3.... .-_. .. .`- .,,' ��.'��_
<br /> that relate ro health,safety or environmentat protection. � ' l•
<br /> NON-UN���2M COVENAIVTS. Borrower and I.ender furttter covenant and agree as follows: .. .. . '. �+� ',-.;
<br /> 21. Acrelerattoa;Remedie� Lender shall give nol3ce W Borrnwer prlor to acceteraflan following Borrower's � . . `.'��'°= -
<br /> - breach of an�oove�t or agreement in W1s Sec�Ity Iastrument @nt aot grIor w acrderatfon�der pasagraPh 1? - ---"��--
<br /> �niesa appllcable law pvvides otherwise). Tlie nuttc�shaA spec�fys (a)We dcfanit;(6)thc actlon�equtee�to eure the - . � �
<br /> • � defaNt;(c)a date,not less tLan 30 daps from tfle date the uotite ls given to Bosower,by which t6e defanit mnst be . .� � •'�—
<br /> cared;and(d)that fa�are W cm�e sS�e defanEt on or trefore the date ed Ip the notice may resNt tu acceie�tIon of - ' 'z`
<br /> the s�s secared by tLLs Setarity II�irameni and sate of the Pronert�y.The¢oUce shaD farther infor�Borra�wer of ��" "�—
<br /> ,.�:_•�v!
<br /> t6e rlgUt W c+einstate a�4er acceleratton aad tae s�tt to bring a coart udion to assert the noa-ea�tenre of a defan[t or ' •: ��` _----
<br /> a�othcr dPSense of IDorrower to acceteratfon z�sale. V the defadt is not cared on or brfore the�3e spec3fled in . , i��"���=°
<br /> � the•antice,Lender at itg optton�y reqndre i�iate payment fn fo11 of aA sums secured by thls Se�.�y�nstr�nent i. � . , .��`-"
<br /> ��.__
<br /> withont fi�rttier demand and may invoke We powes of sate and any ottter cemed�es permitted tsy applIcabie[aw ' ,; ;;�.%�'-
<br /> Lender s6aI1 be eaHticd to colled a!1 eapenses incarred i�puusving the remedies provtded in this Pu*3graPb 2�. •=,�''�—
<br /> _;�.•�•__—
<br /> Inctndin�but not Ihntted to,reasonable attomeys'fees and�of titte evtdence. • � .:;t--�_
<br /> if the pc►wer of sate is iavoke+d,ZYvstee shaU reoord a notioe of defaWt in�each connty in whfcb aay part of t6e ' � • ,'� ��,.-
<br /> P�Opesty is lotated emd shaD meD Co !eg oY s¢c6 nottfe fn the mrn*�* reseribed 6 a llcabie 1aw to Barrower and to '; �
<br /> P P Y PP ,.. .. . =�:�;-
<br /> ttie other persons pre�crI6ed by appfIcable Iaw Afiee the tfine requtred by appltcab2e law,�astce shaU give publlc ' i't�:�...
<br /> nattce oY sute to the pe�sons aaA ta the manner prescrfbed by appllcabte taw 'IYaste�wiWout demand on Bosrower, � '�f'�
<br /> sLaD seD the Property at pnblic aadIon to the highcst 6tdder at fhe time aad place and tmder We terms desIgnated In • .. , �
<br /> the notice of sate in one or more parcets and in any order 7tastee determiues. 7Trastee may pastpone saIe oi aII or atry . _
<br /> pareel of the Property by public annoancement at the Nme and pluce of any prevlously sc6edaled s,r� LendQr or its �
<br /> des�gaee may purcha.se the Property at aay sale. - • : '
<br /> Upoq re�xipt of paymeat of We prlce bia,'ilrustee shall deliver to the pnrchaser 7lrostee's de�conveying the � � -.�'.�:';;; .:
<br /> Piroperty. Tbe r�itals in We�ostee's d�d s1�aII be prima£acte evideuce of the truW oi the statements made Werein. � . " � ' �
<br /> 'Itastee shaD apply the prnc�eds of the sale tn the foIIowtng csder: (e)to aU ca�aad expenses of esercisIng the powrr � �'�"�i°.,�"
<br /> ; �,
<br /> . ,(
<br /> ,� �
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