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<br /> = periacts that Lead�r ceqaires. 't&�ins�c�ier�ravidipg tfie�shall be chose� y oXmwer subjea to Leade�'s'
<br /> - . � ap�mvaS wtich shall not be uureasoaably withhefd. I�Bortower fa�s to maintain coverage desccibed above.LencLer ma�y.at ` .
<br /> - ' I.eadea's optio�obtasn cnvetage to p�otect Le�ider§aights in th�Property Fn accordansx wi�pazapafg�h•?. . •
<br /> y� , , All insutance poli�ies and reaewats shall tte aoaegtabie to Leader and shall incladc a standard�ortgage cla�sae. Lender ' . ,
<br /> - � „ •. shalt have ttis right to hold the�salicies and renewals. If Lendet requites.Borrower stiail promptIy give to l.eader t�ll�eseipts � '
<br /> -� of paid premiums aad renearal notices. In the event of toss,Barrawes s�all give p2�n�pt n�tice to the iusuiance c.aaier and , .
<br /> __ • }xnder.'Ler�der�ay make proa€of toss if�ot xnade graatp8y by Borrower. ' ' ,
<br /> = L'nless Leader ans�Br�sower otherwise agree in wr'sting,insurance proreads sha116e applied to iestoiarion or repair of
<br /> -- _ ' the Fmperty daznaged, if th�restaration ar repair is economicalty feasible aud l.ender's security is not tesseued. IP tt�e ,
<br /> _:�� s�storation or iepair is not ecaromically feasible ar Lender'�sec�arity vraWd be tessErted.the irtsurance pracxeds shali he
<br /> . applied to the sim�s secuned by this Security Instrument. wttether ar noi then duq�with any excess paid to Bormwer. If
<br /> ---� - 8ortorfet abaado�s ttse Plvgetry.or do�.s aot answer►�ithise 30 days a aotice fros�s Lender lhat the insura�ce ca�sier has .
<br /> ��'� offered to seuie a ciaim,tlien Lender may coIlect the insnrance proceeds. Lender may ase the praceeds w repair or restore
<br /> -=- Yhe Pmp�rty.er to pap sums secwe�i by this Security Insuaineni,whether or not then due. Th�30-day periocl will tsegin when
<br /> = the notice is given. - - --
<br /> _ 6Jnless Lendet and Bmrower.othen�rise agree in writing,any application of proceeds W principal sha11•not extend or . .
<br /> __ - postgane the due date of tir.e manthty gayments refemed to h►paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If .
<br /> under pazagraph 21 the Property i�aequiQed by Lender.Barrowe�7s righ2 to any insucance policies and proceeds msulting . ,
<br /> - .from damage to the Property prior to the acquisition shall pass to L•ender to che extent of the sums secumd by this Security
<br /> � Instr[amnt immediately grior to the acqnisition. . �
<br /> - 6. Orw�ancy, Pre�rva�on, Maintenance and Pro4ection of t�e.Pmperty; Barrower's L.oan Appllcatton;
<br /> _� Lease6olds. Boimwer sha91 occupy.e�lish,and ase the Progeit}r as BoirowerFpiincipai residence within s5uy days after
<br /> = the eaerutiou of this Security Inshvment ana s�all contu�ue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at
<br /> least one year after the date of occupancy. untess Lender.ntherwise agtees in writing, whic�a consent�shall not 6e
<br /> unceasonably withi�eld,or unless extenuating circumstances eaist which are 6eyond Borrower's contml. Borrower shaIl not
<br /> -- � dest�oY.damage or impair the Property,allow the Piogerty ro deteriorate,ot eommit waste on the Property. Bomawer shail �...
<br /> ____ ' be in default if any foifeiUUe action ar proceeding,whether civ�or criminal,is begun thai in Lender's good faith judgment _
<br /> could resatt in forfeitu�of the Property or atherwise materiall};.impair We lien cieated in this Securit�r Insdrument oi .
<br /> —_ --- - -�---Lender�securiry interest-Borrower may cure�such adefault and ceinstate;as provided in par.�aph 18;-6y causing ttts action ._. ..._.
<br /> _� or proceeding to be dism9ssed with a niling tha�in Lender's good faith determis�arion,precludes forfeimre�che Botsower's •
<br />-__ intecest in the Property or other material impairment of the lien cieated by this Secwity Instrument or�.endePs security �
<br /> -•== isrterest Borrower sha11 also b� in default if Borrower.during the loan a�licarion pmcess. gave rnaterially false or
<br />_ - , , inaccurate information or statemenu to Lender(or fuled to provide Lender with any material information)in connection with
<br /> - _ _ . the loan evideaced by.the.IJote. inctuding, but.not.limited to,representatinns concemin�Borrower's occapars�y of the
<br /> � Property as a princfpal msideace. If this Security Instrument is on a teasehold,Sc*�rower shall comply witji.all the provisions
<br />_-==_= of the Iease. If Borrower acquires fee titte to die Praperty.the teaseHold and the fee tiQe sha11 not mcrge unless I.ender agtees �
<br /> o-- to the merger in writing.
<br /> -- = �. PsofecGton of lxnder's RJg6ts in the Property. if Borrower fails to perForm the wvenants and agKements
<br /> "- contairted in this Security Instrument,•or there is a 1ega1 proceeding that may significantly afFect Lender's rights in the
<br /> `— P�+nperty(�sch as a proceeding in bankruptcy.pro6ate,for condemnation or furfeiture ar to enforce laws or regulations).tften
<br />-:�::es Lender�}!do and pay for whatever is aecessary to protect the vaiue of the Ptoperty and Lqnder's rights in the Ptoperty:
<br /> --= Lender's actions may include paying any sums secured by a lien which has prioriry over this Securiry Instmmeat,appeating •
<br />�--� in coust,paying reasanable attomeys'fees and entering on[he Property�a make tepairs. Although Lender may take action �
<br /> -- imder this paragraph 7.Lender does nat have to do so. �
<br />—__ Any amounts disbursed by Lender under this paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Bosrower secwed by this
<br />-�=- Security Inswment. Unless Borrovver arcd Lendet agee to other terms of paymenG these amounts sha116ear interest from the
<br /> -- - date of disbarsement ai the Note raie and sha116e payable.with interest.upon notice from Lender,to Borrawer requesting
<br />_. __ paymen�
<br /> — S. Mortgage lnsuranc� If Lcnder'mquired mortgage insurance as a condirion of making the loan•secured by this
<br /> -- Security Instrumen�Bonower shap pay the premiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any ,
<br /> reason, the mortgage insurance coverage reqaind by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effect, Bonawer shall pay the .
<br /> premiums required to obtain coverage substandally equivalent to the martgage insuruice previously in effect. at u cosq
<br /> substantially equivatent to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect.from an altemate martgage
<br /> -= insurer approved by Le�der. lF substantially equivalent mort�e insurance wverage is not available.Bortvwer sha11 pny to �
<br />-�= I:ender each monih a sum equal to one-iweifth of the yeariy mortgage insurance premium`be9ng paid by Hateower when the
<br /> _� insurance coverage tapsed or ceased to 6e in effect. Lender wiA accep�use and retain these paymenu as a Ioss raerve in lieu
<br /> -` of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve payments may no[onger be required.at the option of Lender.if mortgage insurance
<br /> coverage(in the amount aicd for the period that Lender requires)provided by an insurer approved by Leader again becomes .
<br />-��� avaitable and is obtained.Borrower shall pay the premiums tequired Lo maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or to provide a
<br />=y�`� loss resenre.until the teyuimmen[for mortgage insurance ends in acmrdance with any written agreement 6etween Borrower
<br /> and Lender orapplicable law.
<br /> �=� 9 Inspection. Lender or its agent may make reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Properry. I,eitder shall
<br /> �— give Borrower notice at the tiine of or prior to an inspection specifying reasonabte cause for the inspection.
<br /> _� ' 10 Condemnation. The proceeds of any award or claim for damages,direc�t or consequential.in connection with any
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