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.s ti. '�: y . . . . S 1 . t . w .� �,a.v j. <br /> _ a• •,^ :.t�.°s, . . . r ;�r.. , • -.� C . c -\4•Y. . . . .� ..� ra` '`. ,. ,_ � <br /> .—� �. . I� '_"__ q.� �>��'L:! � v " ' .. ` � C•� <br /> - .�,5' ' ' • ` . . . . . • � . - .. ' .�_� '.{ .•�. <br /> }. <br /> . �' � O <br /> - ;,� . � ��95 � 4 �,�,�;� � g�-- � `�:. : . �- <br /> :f t � , . 1.Psymerts. Borcower� m�Ke ail paymerts on tl�e secursd dsffi vifiee dua. Untess Borrower anA Ler►der agreB othtuwise, enY + , r <br /> _ payma�_Lertdar roceivea frorr�Borrnwer ur for BorroweYs benafrt wtll�a appTed ftrst to m�t emowns Bartotiver owea on tha seaued dabs � , t � " <br /> - �-� ' . �'..,- ' �ot er�o��6%C ire�6C�dUScd p ment u�Mil tha se�erf daht���aTd tin fu�Il. �D�errt at dea seaued debt occure fo�ar�reasan,it wiit 1� , , <br /> c= <br /> ���h.� a. . . ' . <br /> 2.GaTma Agdnst TNle.Borrower will pay e11 tmce�s.assessments,ar►d other d►ar6es at�utebla t0 the propertY when due and w,�t dsfend tit!e <br /> t� . , - � to the ptopa�a�ainst atty e[atms v�htcN wau3d Im�air the Ren oi thts deod of trusr.lender may require Bortowar to assign arry�,daims q: . . .. : <br /> , .�,. , . dsfensea wNe orrower may hava against pzrNes whc supply lahor ar materials to improve or maima3n tha propeny. <br /> � . ' } 3.(nsurone�.Borrowsr wiD keep tAe ptoperty In�ured under terms aeeeptabTe to Lender at Batrawefs oxpense and tar Lende�s 6enefit.AU � . , � � <br /> . insuranao policies shaU InciuCe a stanQ�d mortaago ctause in fawr ot Lender.Lender wil!be namad as loss payee or as the insured on any such < , � . • <br /> " � ins�traneo poficy:Any insutanea proceeds mSy 6e a�pfied,wrthin Lendars disaetian,to either tha.restoration or repa'v ot the damaged proporty . <br /> �..'; , or to ttta sac�ued da6t(4 LenQer reQn(:es mortgage tns�uensa.Borrower a�ass to rt�ainrein sud�tnsiusnce tor as tong es Lendar requUes. • � . .. <br /> - � �� q,pr�rty Borrowar wilt Icdep the propertyt in 8oad condidon�and make a0 repaJrs reasonahty necessary. , �o .. � <br /> _ , r <br /> •N,.. . ._. _-.. <br /> T:•��.._' � S.F.r�as.Bortower agreas tn p�rail Lendefs expensss,tndudeng reasonaEta attomays'fees,ff Bortowar breaks any eovenarrts in tNs deed ,. <br />-�. � --_, ,�-�- of vust or in any ctsflgauotr�uy tfils dee8 of vust.Bonovier rnrii!pay tt►ssa ainora�u ta Lertdcx as prosri�d in Cavenan!9 0!lAis Qesd of .-�----- -- - <br /> a . trust . �`s; � _ . . - <br /> � � �� ;:. ,: <br /> `� � 6.Pria S�aafty UtUnsU.Unless Borrower first obtains Lendera wr'stten eonset►t,Bortower wi0 nat make ot permh arty changes to atry priar • • <br /> ... �:1� .. ' , , _ see�uiry ir�tests.@artovrer witl per(orm afl af 8arrower's ob6gatians under any prior mortgage,deed of trust or other security agreemem. _ t,� _ _ . <br /> ��•--. -_ , - . inctu�'ing Bartovrei's eovenat�is to make paymsms whert due. <br />-. .� T As�i�rur�rtt af Ra�ts artd Pto£b.Borrower assi3ns to Lender the rerns and profits of tfie property.Untess Borrower end Lender have agreed . . .-�-'-4 ; - - - <br /> � ��• ' • oth s in wriUng.Bortawec may cotlect and ratain ths reMS as loag as Borrawer is not in defauit.if Burrower defa�dts.Lender. lenders � . <br /> • a cowt appoi�rced receiver�naY take possession and manege ffia praperty and caRect tha rems.Any rer�Lendee eoltects sha11 be ' <br /> ,i'. ` epPUed first to tRe costs of managing the properiy,inctuding court costs ared attomey�fees,wmmissinns eo rernal ager�, and amr mtier - <br /> . � � ' : neoessary mtated exqes�ses.7he remalning amount of re�s un'll then apply to paymertts on the seaued deLt as pravided in Ccwenartt t. , , <br /> ; �.:�`. , � 8.taa:ahoMa:ConQomir�m+a:Pia�ead Ur�it Reva[oPn►mt�.Borrower agrees to comD{y with the provisions of any lease if tttis daed of trust is on �, , , <br /> < e t e a s e h o f d.l f t h t s d�e d o f tr u s t i s o n a u r s i t i n a c o n d a m i rt i u m a t a p t a a n e d u n i t d e v e l o p m e m.B a ro w e t w 0 1 1 pe r f ortn a7 of Borrower's duti� � .. _,_ _... <br /> � ,-', , , undar ths covenartts.bY-lawa.or reg�tatIons of the condominium cr Flanncd cnit d3valopmerst. , . � <br /> � �� , ' g,{�utfimity of L�stdK to p�r[orm for Barrawa.If BoRnwer faifs to ertorm acry o!Bortower's duties under thts deed af trust, LenQer may �� . <br /> . '� � pertorm ttea duties ar puse them to 5a pettotmed.Le�er may sign�rnrower's name or pay arry amoum if necessary for performance.lf any . � � <br /> _ ` ' '' � ca�ntruction on tl!e aroaertv is discominued oe not carried on in a reasonabte manner,lender may do wh..-�c�is aecessary to prQtect lenders , <br /> t�. : � ' . set�uit!►itrterest in tfie property.TNs may tnefude comptetmg ttre constru�tior+. . , . , . <br /> " �_„�._•;_=__ � ._'� Lende�s faTure tc perfoan vnll not Dreotude Lender from exerefsing arry of its other rfghis wMer the Iaw or Uils deed of trust. , . . <br /> �- -�� -. . _ :.- . - - - -•-- ... ----- - <br /> A�amaunts pa�dbyTend'ei�o WtafecYLend�s��ei�irity i�re3t wi0tre-seaured�by:Ws�deed ofibvsL Such-amouf�wiU�be��ue�an demand �. - ... ��� <br /> .. . , .. � . . <br /> . . , . --- _ and vn'U 6sar itrtarest from Me date of the payment untii paid In full at the interest rate�n effect on the seaaad debt. • :.. % �- <br /> ... . _ :/.`"._' <br /> � 10. Orfauit and Aeaf�ratlan. (f Bortower teiis to make ar►}I paymeM wfien Que or breaka amr caversants under this deed o!Vust or eny� ' � ���� <br /> � a6ligatiun secired by this deed at ttust a�any prtar martgage or deed of trusL Lender may accetetate the matiuity oi the secured debt and � .^...;,�. . <br /> Qemand immediate paymertt and may tnwke the power of eale and arry ather remed'ies permitted 6y applicabte law. , •_ , , <br /> -� _�.� . . �. 11:Ra4ust far Hatics af Qefaidt�k is hereby reWesmd that eoptes of ttie noUces of�ft and sate 6e sent to each person who is;a parry. . . � � <br /> �,•. ' . ._�.,,:� hflreto�at ffie addresa of eaeb sueh person,as set farth herein. . �- � <br /> ' � 12.�oxr�r of S�t�.If tfie Lender imrokes Me power of saie,the Trustee sfiafl first recard in tha o�ee eg�':e register_af deeds oi each co�mty � � ` . �' <br /> � . , wfiere§�tlte truat property ar some part a Qarcel thereof is situated a�otice of defauft cor�ining the iRfa7mation requhed by law.The Ttustea � , . . :""�• , <br /> � � ��� shall alao ma3!copies of the noiice of pefaidt ta the Bonawe�,w each person who is a party herem,�to other persons as prescn'bed by .,•: <br /> . . , a�plicabte law.Nat less than one rtornh after the Trustee records tfie notice of.defauit.or two months H ths wst praperty is rtaf in any • . . . :..,_,. - <br /> ' incarporated city ar village and is used in farrtdng oDeraUons carried on by the uustor,the Trustee shall give publIc notice of sate to ffi�e persans • � , <br /> " ' end ln the manner presaibed br epDPn�bte Iaw.Tiustee,withaut demand on Borrowar,st+a11 se�the Rroperiy at pubtic auction w the highes[ ��- <br /> • � � � bidder.N�equ'ued by the Farm Homestea�Proteetlon Act,Tnutee shelt otter the property in two separate sales as tequired by applica6le law. � . � ;-;f''� <br /> ' Trustee may postpone eale of al!or arry parcel of the property by public announcemerrt at We time and ptars of any previausly scheduled sate. ;%,,r�; s <br /> �- . '_ ' Lender ar its designee may purchase t8e proyerty at any sale. ��`. ', i <br />- Upon roeetpt of paymerrt of tha prirs b10.TrustAe sAall dalivar 4o the pmchasar Trostee's deed conveytng the property.The reciUats wrtained in � • �. � � <br /> '� Ttustee's deed shali he prima facie avidtenee of the tnRh of ttse stetements cantetned therein.T►ustee shalt appty tho proceeds ot the sate in the� .- -- . ---'_�_;-.:-_ <br /> '�' � r,.. fotlowing orQer: Ia) to a0 e�enses.ot tfiB sate, inctuding, 6ut not limited to, reasonable Trustee's faes, reasanaDle attomeyra feas and : • ��. _ <br /> f retnstatemant fees;lb)to all sums seared by Ws deed of trust,and(c)the balance,if any,to Me persons Iagaly entided to receive rt. ' ,�.:i. <br /> A . . . . •'/-� <br /> • . , , 79,Fcrodo.�cra.At Lernder's opCron,this deed uf vust may 6e toredosed in the manrter provide by appPwble taw for tarectasure of mortgages ;.,r��`�. <br /> • ' � ., on real proyerty. - � - . <br />-- - ' � �:� 14.(tt=p�etlan.Lender tpay enter the pro08rty to inspect ft if LenQer givas Borrower notice beforehend.The notice must stata the reasonaEle ' � <br /> �• : . • ceuse for Lenders Inspection. <br />_ • .���• 16.�.Borrower assi�ns to LenQer theproceeds of any award or daim for damages cannected with a condemnation or other taWng � �_ � ; <br /> � - �� of e11 ar aoy part of Ura OiaPertll•s�ch OroeeeQs w►U be applied as provided tn CavanaM 1.This assignment ia subject to the terms of any pdor . <br /> 4 aaarrity a�eemem. <br /> t . <br /> � . ? 1Y,Wjtv�r.By exerclsFnp mry remedv avaitabia to LenQer,Lender dees not gtvo up any rights to Iater use any other remedV•BV not exercising ; `�.;� �' <br /> � ' ' � • • any romedy upon Borrower's defautt,lender does not waive eny r1gM to taser eons�dsr the evertt a defauR if it happons aaain. � . � <br /> • � 17, Jotnt�d gtver�l�� Co-sigrNra; Saseu�ars nnd Asti�ts Bound.AO duties under this daed of trust are joirrt and several. Any � � : <br />-- 'Y ' � . � Barrawer who eo-signs this deed of trust b�rt does not eo�sign the und�ng debt instrument(s)Qoss so onty to gram and eonvey that ; • <br /> • Borrox�efs Interest in Me pmpanyto the Tnrstee under the tarms of this dee of addition,sucfi a Raaower agrees thet the Lendes and � <br /> • a ny o t h e r B o n o wer undar ttSs dse0 of trust m a y extend,modi t v or make arry other changes in tha terms ot this deed of wst or the secured i <br /> � da b t withnut that BortowePS conserR and witl�out re leasi�g t hat B flrtower hom t ha tertns o f t n is Qee d o f V u s t. � <br /> . �� .• ' � • <br /> • • Tha dutles end Qenefrts of thls deed oi trust shall bind and beneflt tAa sucCessots and asstgns ot lendar arnf Borrower. • <br /> . , }• • <br /> 18.No9e�.Untess otherwise reQuired Oy taw,any nodce w Bartower shaU be given by detivering it or py mailing it bV���maif addnassed to i ' <br /> • �� . Bonowet at ttte proDerty address ot any otAar aQdres9 that Borrouue�has aiven to Lender.Berrower v�nll give any notiee to Lander by certified H : . . . <br /> ,� � mail to lenQer's address on page 1 of this dee0 of trust,ar to arry atQer adCress whlch Lender has designated.Any other noUeo to Lender sAatl � <br /> �;, : Qe seM to LendePs eddress es stated on page a o!this deed of trust. � <br /> � � . My notice shalt be deemed to have treen given to Bartawer or Lender when glven in the ma mer statad abova. � , <br /> - . � �� 18 Tr�nste c1 t}N P►a�RY a�B�xlfdal hK�nst in 8M Borraww.If all ot any part of the propertY or amr irnerest in R is sold or bansterred � <br /> . • �• witRout Lendera ptior written cansnnt Lendet mey demand Immediate Daymertt ot the secttred deDt. Lender may atso Qemand Immedate ! <br /> _ � " � '.. ,y peyrrroM i}the Bortower is not a reanual peison and a Ceneflciat interen in the Bortower is sotd ar transfer►ed.However, lender mey not <br /> � �emfa�nd payment in the ebove s3tuatIons if rt is prohi�ited by toderat law as o:ths date of this daed of trust. + <br /> + � 2p,�wyanc�,Whon thg oE6gaYion secure0 bV dils deed of bust Mas heen paid and Lertder has no furthe�obligaUon to make aQvances � � <br />- �� , unQer ths Instr�unerttn or a8reaments a+tcweil,'�/�h;�Qa�d ot VusL U�v Ttu3t�e aGOf�u,�on tisrrittor►ra�uost bv!ho LeMer.roc��vey tf�tru�t , � <br /> �� prarperty.The Londer shnll�teliver to the Bonower,or!o Borrowere suscessor m interest,th9 trust deod a�d tt�a noto or othar eviQenea of ths i, <br /> •„h�,. ` � , ohligation so satiNed.Borrowa�sAall pay any reeatdation costs. � <br /> � �' - � ' • Zt, guce�psor Tnrsbt,L�de to�+�I.urd�r's option,maY remova Tnistee and appolnt a succossor trustee by first,mailing e capy ot the � ' <br /> �� -• s�stin�tianot trustee as�e�uir�py'�G�aDle law,end then,bV fifir�q tAe substitutIOn of trustcso for�ocord 1n the oNice af tfis regLter of deeds . � <br /> � �� _ ot each cowny in whieh ths Wst Droperty.or some part thereof,is srtuated.Ths suecessar trustee,without eonvayance of tho property, aha11 ,. . <br /> . . � �ueeeed toa11 the power,dudes,auNmrity and titIe oT tho Truste9 named In the deed of trust er�of any successor bvstee. <br /> • .�. • ` , . <br /> . <a i . <br /> ' ' �. <br /> .� �. � � (pdg02Of?! . . • <br /> �. , Bnrue�ssrsrcnas.�;��i.ceassv-rssncas�ocva�run�ens»� , ' , <br /> .�� . �� . . ' � • , . <br /> - , .. . • . . . .' i <br />