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<br /> ��'�`�.;. PAATIES:�'liis Reed of Trust ts made art� -TIINi1ARY 12� i a9� .among tfie tira�c►, r.amaaan; rmnnc�msvs ` - ` -
<br /> -��� • m m�tr aae- � an. n�vn arm v►va --� _- - - i'8orrowet'1�� r < � .
<br /> 82 .�_,�--
<br /> - �`'�`'it... � nATaf14] T2 ALnCS��,,,,A7RYS�NrdV � � ��� . •�"- ��'��['�'.
<br /> � whose residence adQross is oe aas ooQ, r.,�..,�t re,�„w� sr.i� � � County.�fe6rasUa 4'Tmstae'1.and the Bera9fidatY.v,�A ;,.=+-:':-r_*��-.:�-�F�
<br /> �;.,-r � '�` �� �,.s.�,,.� errsr.�a n T.A�jj� *�enr�a�rrnu . .BCOryot8ti0A0fg8NZed �. "�'�'S
<br /> ` . � tr. � 77• anttmv TnRiiem CTqRi2T � '?.v,a..7.,,--�.
<br /> .°"2 � art�e�d5t;r.g undar ths faws of t�me aara► uVhase sddress is . � �•_-
<br /> •�,�.��•i���. - ���rn rerwa�n ivvenaevn cA902 tA04 . _ ('LE71dE/'). �� �-a~��
<br /> . ..�..,F�� CdHVEYAHCE Far valun received.6orrower irrewcahiy grar�and com�ays to Tnistea,in trus�with power of sale,ths r8a!Pra�eiN.of whicti I s-�.
<br /> � `"_'�� ��' ;�'�%�, gortower[s IawEu1Y sa�Zed.des�d befaw�and aI{ttuifdl�gs.�ues. and existtn9 art�tuwre impraverrtents lhereon and ati rigrits-of-vvay. •� .� _
<br /> � ��1�' easemems. �.�ssuas.Dmfrts, incosme. tenemerts.heredltame�l. PrivHeIIes end an1►aDPurtenancec rnere�mic botonging(aA caited the �r�`�_
<br /> :F.:�; �.. . , , � �a�' '
<br /> `:r'r*' ���Y��- ,�,."�.
<br /> '�4:.� � PROPfsiTYA�DRFSS: att een m� , rsRnun rcLnr�m-- -- .[Vebraske �aan?� � �> i���'
<br /> e' ��'"`� LE�3A!BESCAlP�TyI�OFt: tsmeD � crM taa com� �?�;Q�'i�-�N
<br /> " �'-�5�ih, �c • /�L��/�I ��� MAA�/0.�1�II1�lv�an++ � , ��T -- -
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<br /> . '. ,". . �'. �, ' LOT TFIIRTY FOUR (34}�, WES`7fJi]i7fi PARK SUBDIVISIDN;-�ETTY� OF- GRAND -dStAND;---------� ,
<br /> :�._'. : • • • HALL fAUNTY, NEBRASKN. , � .���_
<br /> j.s�,_ �.;a ' � . . ' '�y��
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<br /> .. . . , �. � �
<br /> '� � , . locatedin � anr.�. Ca�ty.Nebreska. � � -- . �� ,*--
<br />���, _ • . ��. � 7rti�Borrower coven...�:ts and wuranta titte to th9�peny,except tor . • .. _
<br /> r N!-_
<br /> � . . . �:-., '
<br />.. >•'.i.�:;;_i;::'. -. . . . . . �
<br /> � 4;.�
<br /> - - ��tr'� SEC4_'�OHT:This 4eed ot trust eecures to Lender tepayment of the seaaed debt and the¢�ormance of tha cCVenants anA agresmertts �.•+l'r._
<br /> . "�� ���_.. ,,,•,,.;_ �. cort��ed in Nis deed of trust and tz cs1►other Qoeumertt tneorporatad herein.Seeure0 debt,as�.ed in this deed o!vust,inGudes any emounts ; . ' '` . � �"_
<br /> .- =y�,.��,:.., .: ,• Harraticer owas to Lendec under this deed of trust w under eetiy tnatrumeni sewred by tlds d�ed cf U�cst,and aU mod�catians.extensions and ,. .............� •.,,.,;�•._
<br /> • � renewals thereof. � � ' �'r�:
<br /> �,°�'_�`:' '� �:� TAe sewred debt is evidenced by Wst all tnsuuments artd agreemenis secured by this daed of trust end tho dates thereof.f: � <.,:
<br /> � •� e�'•��-' ' � �swnn�nn� amf�fwn►1T Tf�TCT .T2IRTRTOV 1'� 7 A��i ' ��
<br /> �;�.:�^y'��xj-:�; . A DRA"� --�— .
<br /> .x: _._. ,..;...,., --... ., • ,�'�-
<br /> '}alc'��.b;,�L�,:..�.i..c_��,.,:� � _. . ..�...,•,.._ .'
<br /> _ � �Euwri AQnnc�sz The above amoart is seciued even though ell oT part of it may rtot yet be advanced. Future aQvancea are ,
<br /> . ;:. ,.; CarrcemDteted and w+`fl be secured to the same e�ctent as If made an the date this deed of irust is execute6. �
<br /> �. ..
<br /> s��s uGf:,�;•�
<br /> ..:.�„�- ❑RevoNfnp Itne of creGit a�eeme�rt Eated .with imtiat annuaf interest rate oi 96. .
<br /> r'y_�.y:�, i. . . . .
<br /> b��. , .. AD amout�owed�mder thts e�eamera are seeured bven though efl amour�m may nat yet be aQva�tuad.Future advan�es under
<br /> _ _ „, the egieement are cor�tem�tated and�vilt be seecued to the same4naent es if made an the date thts deed of Vust ia exeeuted. G ' ,�;_ .
<br /> � , } . �.. _•,...-: ��L.. .
<br /> •�`•yx� ".. The aLova oDUgatfon is duo and payabte on �*^v �e �Qoa if not palA earller. .
<br /> �,'' : A.. • , .
<br /> 2� The mtal urtpatd balanee sewrad by thls deed of vust at arty one�ime shail not exeead a maximum prineipal amount of
<br /> ' � orrrw�nan �raonaaun man srmmnsro ATRtiTV TpOtiR mm +�,/�nn Dol[ars(8 S'�'�A> >� , 1,ptus interest,
<br /> :,��;,,, _ ptus anyr amounts disbursed under tha tarms of this Qeed of trust to protect tha sewrity of tt�is dee0 0!trust or to pertorm any of tho .
<br /> covena�rts co�iRed in this dee0 af Wst,wfth irrterast on sueA dlsbursements. '
<br /> f . . �.
<br /> ;�,�� _ _ �• �.�
<br /> ' 0 VrLbb R�:Tha int�est rate on the obligaUon sewred by tAhs Qead ot vust may very according to tfie terms of that obfigation. }
<br /> ��},�4:.:,:.�, r . �A copy of the foan egreemertt coMaining the terms under whteh the interest rate may vary is attached to this deed of trust and �
<br /> -__:-,�:�`�� maQaa paR hereof. '
<br /> -_ ;a s.. �
<br /> �'�>•'-'�i.._��o�:-��� ��FASS 0 COtI1tREtCi81 � AS i[SNN�EN'4 AP Rfi1�3TC ❑
<br /> :��;� .�.�
<br /> �;1fRr:7...;'e:..;'': .'•.'. pESIt318ATFOHOFHOMESTEAD
<br /> _"-- _�•rF�M�rn�-r' .. . . .
<br /> 1���..!:}:.73,�,�:. : "�i " .
<br /> =:=::�_, ;,;;;�. . � . � Pureuurt to the Fam►Humestead Rotection Act,Qesignation of homestead � is attachad to ttds dee0 ot vust end made a part hereof .
<br /> _- �y 1 � t ❑ has baen dlsciaFmeC;the dlsdn(mer ia ettacha0 to tAls deed ot trust and mede e part hereof. ,
<br /> �,, w _;� _'!r , �
<br /> =-3c�r�:.:::-_�.:�a� SIQNATtlRES:61►ri�g trMo�r.Bortarrr a�N to tM tems and ca�ts cartaUwd fn Ws Q�M of trusL tnciud'in9 thos.an paq�2,md(n . .
<br /> -=____ '. �l tidRS drserf6�d�baw eigsd b1►Borrow�s. /f . � � ,
<br /> - � J�J '' . -
<br /> _._-_-..�.'.1�;Yr�lf�. � U� o �Y/- �..I�i..i_.� ��_ �J !
<br /> —=��. .. � �in�m c�ang wsiu � z�a c�owsu k.
<br /> - _._..� -��•F (• �
<br /> �:;:-�_ . . .
<br /> � ��=����' .mT.i. ,,,_.�cow+tvss: � � �
<br /> �;�;=:=: , ' ACKN�WIED��IIENT:STATE OF N£8RA6KA. --- - - -- -- --- i
<br /> =`. . � . The 4aregolnp instntment was eeknowtadged 6etare ma on Mts 1�'�'a aay af TnNrmmr, iw9s l
<br /> �=_ ' • ' bV rruemi ' .
<br /> y'���itt. • •. �aoarwa �f crtam.a+Carpunrona�irtria�l i ' �
<br /> ���y� � ' � a Cc!n Ear on bohatf of tho orparatton or parmarahip. � .
<br /> . .•.� � . My commission e�'uca: 11/23/95 i'r{F � ���� �/p + '
<br /> �sa�p . nttaarsr arr r.a�i�As�lt� ris�f/�W�r��Y Pimxl F •
<br /> ThS4 ittstrlttli:tR tVr..'¢!�j'3t�t3yf r+en-arn ar�rncv --- -- -
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