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<br /> ��4 ��r ' � 01-17—t985 � DEED OF 7ii6lSTt' ��,°� ���� �Page 6 � ° T�,�''-`.,�_
<br /> K 4-
<br /> . �` ' . � . 1.�8tt fi10 ' , _.-- _{COl�it�kivad� L� . , t ��
<br />. c � '' �` , `� ��'Y-`�_ —
<br /> � d�Bds C4mroytsy th�praA�ht ao S�Id.Bui wAhaut arry cavenant a wsrre►dfr.exOless ar tmA�sd The�6c;ital3 tn su�►deed ot any matt9rs ' .":,� , ? _
<br /> • ar facts 6?uD�e conctusftr�Pracf ot the trut�ness fAereoL Rrry p�san,tndudtn8 u�ou!UmlMttcn Tn�.star.Yrtatee.er Lender. maY .
<br />' ' * qI1ICtt�.Qt61JCt16Q6f. •� - `-, ,.�
<br /> ,``{;`..� .;,
<br /> . . • . . (bl iV tti8y Q3 penN3isA by 6zw.BRer deduC9ng fl!l CDSts.tees end a�enses atTrtu�e 8nd at th[s Tn�st.InCluQiny COSts Ot e�Ader�6 af . ..: .
<br /> ' ' � ti�e tn oonnecBan v�th saio.Tntstae sha7 apD�l 1�0�a��m pal�nt at p}aD sums e�ended under tha ffirms ot this Oaed ot . , ` �
<br /> ne
<br /> ' • Tnu4 a tmder tAe�of 1he Nate no!ttt9n repat�UxIUding but nct iimited to aaxued(Me�and lat9 charges, pl)811 oY�er sums than �-;'-;
<br />. ' • `� � secured herqbY.enQ•Q�the remalnder.N e►ry.to tt�i pmson nr persorts tegalty e�rtiUed thereto. . . � � '�: =
<br /> " . � (c)Tcus�e ma�tn We manner pmvided bytaw postpone�te o1 ef1 or arryr porttodof ifw ProPeAY• � ;
<br /> � � �demediaa KoI Esct�ra.Trwtee ana lender.and each ot thert+,shaD 6e en�Hed to entarce paymeM and pedormanee oi arry tndestednsss , . • � �
<br /> or obQSatlor�secured by Uus OesO oi 7rust en0 to�cerasa ell d9fi1s and powers under thts Oeed ot Trust,undertha Nate.under any cf tAa � ,
<br /> � . •- Re!ated Qoprmer�s.cr und°r an1►ofher�ment or Bt►y faws now ar h�tler iR la�eo;nots�113r,stsnEtnB.some ar atl nt suct►tnQebteQcsass - _ -_f..� � _
<br /> �� . and abtlgaVo�ts sec�ued hy this Oeed of Tns!may now or AereaRer 6e othervdse sscured.whet�er.by mortgsge.dsed of Wst,atadge,Ilen, • • , i .
<br /> . ,r �. � asstgnment pr oU�wise. tYefther the acceptsnce af Ws Oeed olTrust nar Rs e�crwmem,wAether by court acHan or pursuant to ihe power oi - (� , ,
<br /> safe ar ather Pos+ers co�d In tNS Oead af Tnut,sMD Dreju6tce or Us enY marner afl�t Trustee's or Lende�s dgM to�ea6z9 upan or
<br /> -- • eniarce any other sec�nity rtow or hereaft�he[0 by Trustee ar Lender.B beln9 eqresd that Trustee and Lendsr.and each of Ihem.s�aA Os . - . .
<br /> . .-�.�:. en�ed to e�dorce WS 068d at Ttust and en71�s�naw�i�eaRer t�eld by Lenper ar Trt�stee In sttt�orEer and manner es theY or ' � • _f" (
<br /> �of fhgm may(n the�flbsptuta dtsc�e6Qn dete+m�lne. No remedy canfecred upon er rese�ved to Tnutee ot Lender.Is I�tendsd to 6e
<br /> ' .�s. ' �tusiv�of acry other remedy tn thTS Qeed af Tnst or bq taw provlded ar p�rtdtte6.but eseh shell be cumutaEVe and shaD be in aOQRion b • . .
<br /> evary otherrpmedy pNan tn Ws Oeed of Tn�s!a now ar t�aceafter e�4s8ng at taw or tn equuiiyy or by sfatule. Every power or ramedy given by the � .
<br /> Q
<br /> ,,., ' ' No t e or ang o f ing Reiated Dociiments to Tiustse�Lender ar to wt�icA either of them may Oa olhenMse en6Red,may bs e�oarcise0, , � , �
<br /> -�,, ' spr�cur�erdty or independentfy.from tlma to time and es�ten as may be deemed wq�edtent by Trustee or lender.and effh°r of ihem may . . -
<br /> ptusue trtcpnsfsteat remedfes. Rothit�g(n thts Oeed of Tn�st shalt be construed as prohibiHng Lender irom seeking e deFciency�udgment .
<br /> � � ` agaTnst theTrustor to the�Gen!such acNon ts psrmiited by faw . . . -� . `
<br /> ,. . Requeat Fpr t�iottce. TruStor.an behalt ot Tntstor and Lender.hereby requesis ttmt e eopy o!arry Notice of Defauft and a copy ot erry Notice • ; � � �. ,
<br />,�,: ,.�.� of Sate under this Qeed of Ynist 6e maHed to them at the edd�ass�set tortA in the first paragreph ot th3s Oeed of Tnisl. `.
<br />- • � Wetuer,Qtctfon of Remedie9. A waiv�r by arry peRY o!a breact�of a provlstan of this Dead oi?rust shari rtot constitute a waiver oi or � �• `�.
<br /> prejuQtce the paAys rfghts othervrE.;e ta demand striat compltanca wftA that provisfon or arry ather prou(ston. El9ctlon by Lender to pursue anY • �
<br /> � • remedy provfded tn thls Deed ot Trust.the Nate,(n eny Ra►ated Dacumerd.m provtded by taw shaU not exctuda parsuit oi any otAer�emedy, _ . , - _T
<br /> . ,. �
<br /> �`F `� __...�d.�n_etecUan to maks_e�end�d�s or to tafce ae5on to pertomi an ebAga�on of Tn�stor unQer thts Deed ot Trust after feHure ot•T�stor tv . - :..._...
<br /> ._.. ... :�- -- .
<br /> ., _. _ _...._. _ peAortnsha0noie�fedfen��B�Co�ecraieadATSU7t"8ttdt66xerctseranY�fitsremedies: - _ . . ._. _. ..-- ---...---- - _. ,__..__.. .--�.-_ . --
<br /> � A.{`tomeys'FEe�Expenae�. U Lender Institutes arry sutt or ecHan to enforr,e arry ot the terms ot thfs Oeed ot Tnist,Lender st�he entitted to - �° -'
<br /> recover sucb sum es tAe couA may adJudge�easonehte as attorneys'feBS a1 trial and on arry appeal. Whether or not arry court action ts ,i__�
<br /> � ' � invcfved,a0 ceasonab[e expenses incurrod by Lendet wNch!n lendets opinfan are necessaq►at any Ume for the protection ot(ts Interest or ihe � �`�,_
<br /> ' .. r enforcement af i5�tghhts sh9ll become a Oart o}the lndehtedness,payabfe on de�and and sha(1 bear interesl at ihe lVote rate from tAe date of <`�- '
<br /> tg •�..•-:�.'� 4
<br /> ' � " ` e��endture un6lispaid. E�enses cuvered bY fNs 0�9�Dh incfud�without U:nilaUon,however subject to any limits under epplicaDta taw,
<br /> � • � Landets attomeys'fees whether or nat ihere[s a lawsuil.induding attomeys f2es for Oanlwptcy proceedtngs Qnctuding etioris to modify or ' � . ';
<br /> • ' • � vacate any aatomatiC stay or injurtctlon),appasts and aary eMtcipateG post-iudgr.renf coltec6on services,the cest of Searchtng recorQs,obtaiNng 7�
<br /> m
<br /> ' ' Utte reporp pncluding foreclastue r2port5�,sunr@Yo�s'�eAo►ts.ePpraisal fees.tiUe in�urance,and fees tor the Trostee,to tha ext$nt permitted by •�:,
<br /> �. • • appucable faw.trustor elso+nnll pay arry court costs.In 8d�iton to aA other sums provlQed by taw. ,
<br /> . , 4.
<br /> ' : . ` Rtghts o!TNStee.Tcustee shall have a�of the rights and dWes ot Lender as set forth In ihis sedion. ' ; �� _ �.�•- ! �
<br /> � POYY�i8 AHfl OBLIGATIONS Of YRUSTEE Tha toDowtng provtsions retatlng to tt�e poweis and ob6gations at Trustee are part o(this Deed of . •.
<br /> .. Tn�sL •� Y" ���
<br /> ..�..e`
<br /> � _ • PowerB of TnistCe. In additton b el!powers of Tn�stee erising as a matter ot taw.Trustee shell ha+re the povrer to take the following sctions , •l��.
<br /> � ' with respact to the Properly upon the wr(tten request of Lender end Trwtor. (a)join(n prepartrtg an0 fittng e msp or ptat of the Real Properly, .;,;�s ti
<br /> _-..-----= - - indudlnp tt�dedfcaSOn oi streats�othcr flgldsto th0 pubif� (b)1����9 en11 easement ar creaHng any restricdon on the Real PcopeAy; .. . . _
<br /> ' ' and(c)jotn In any subordlnaUon ar other egreement atfacting this Oeed of TNSt cr ihe interest of Lenaer under th(s Oeed of Trust . •
<br /> � . Trustee. Tnistea shaA meet s0 quaQHcatlons require0 for Trustee ander app�csbte taw. In addi8ort to the dghts and remedtes set torlh above, � , , . ..`.`j�_
<br /> ' wtth respect to e6 or any paR of the ProDarty,the T►ustee sha0 have the dght to forectase by no�ce and sate,and LenQer shall have the dght to ,. �., , �:.�;
<br /> . _ forectose by judicial foreclosure,t:�e�U►er case in aCCacdance w(1A and to the fuU extent provlQed by appUeabfe taw. ' '• � r-:.
<br /> � SucCessot Tnustee Lender,etlenders op�on.maytram Ume to Ume appolM a sucressor Trustee to arry Trustee appolnted hereunder by an � ';��.�
<br /> instrument executed artd adcnowteQged by Lender and recarQed In the o�ce of the recorder of HAU.County,Nebraske. The Instrument sha0 • . .
<br /> � conteln.in edd(UOn to eD other mabers repuLed by sffite Iaw,iha nam�of the adginaf 4ender,Trustea.and Trustor,the book end page(or . , , •
<br /> � computer sys46m reference)where this Oead af Trust Is reccrded.and trie name and address of the successor irustee,and the insUvment shatl • .
<br /> � � be executed and adcnowledged by etl th0 beneflcisries under tha Deed ot Trust ar their successors In Interesl. The successor tru�ee,wtthoN • -
<br /> • cenveyance of the Properly.sha7 sooceed to a0 fhe 6tlo.power.and duUes conierred upon tAe Tniste0ln this Deed ot Trust end by epplicabte �
<br /> � �.�.Thfs procedure tar substlri.on of tNStea shatl 8ovem to the wcctuston of eD other provTSions tor substituHOn. . ' ��:
<br /> • HOTtCE9 TO TRt)9TOR AHD OTF�R PARTIE9. Any nOtice und9r ihb Oeed ot Tnut shaU be in writ(ng 8nd Shall be eHec��a vrhen actu9i[y � . �y„`_ ..
<br /> ' � delivered.or vuhen depo51t80 s�+6th a nationally�e+eopnize0 ovemipht courler,or.il�r.w'ad,shall be deemed eHectn�a when Qeposited in the UniteC ,.
<br /> � • States metJ ftrsl cta�,repl9tered maV,pastage prepaia.ClceCted to the addresses s!:awn near ihe 6egtnNng ot tNS Oeed of Trusf. Any party may �,. . �
<br /> � to change t e perly Bddress.uA11 cop�o�oUces�of i rer�,tos�irret from t atthotder�ot any Oen which8has p odty overtt is OeeO ot T usttshatl be enl �I
<br />- '' � ' to Lendet9 ad0re59,es shown near tt�.a beginn►ng of this Oeed ot Trust For naUce purposes,Trustor agrees to keep lender and Trustes intormed i.
<br /> . at ae Umes of Trustofb cune�addr�. �
<br /> .. . � • �
<br />�•• • • MISCEl1.ANE0US PROVISION9. TAa foQowinp mTscelteneou9 provtstons are a paA of tNs peed of Trush j ' �
<br />� � . � Ilmetidments�ThLa Oeed ot Tn1.5t.topefher wtlh eny Refatod Oxuments,constltutes the enGre understanding and agreement of the parUes es � �
<br /> to thp ma�ers s0t toAti In t�ls Qaed of Tntst. No afteraUon of or amendment to lhis Deed ot Trust shalf be effECUve unless ghren in wdUng end
<br /> ,� , .,. slgr�ed by Ute p3rty ot paNes scag�t to be charged or bound by the atteraUon or amendmen� ; ,
<br /> Mnual Reporp. H the Property fs usad for purposes othse ihan Trustors resldance.Trusior shall furrtsh to Lender,upon request,e certi(ied ; ; �
<br /> �• . . ' sffitement of net operat(np Income recei�red from the ProQerly Quring Trtutors pre�AOUS fiscal year In such form and detail as Lender shall , . �
<br /> � reqiQre. 'Net opetaUng tnCOmg'shaU mean aD C89h rOCelpts trom the Property fe�.9 e0 ce5h ex�endtures made In connection wllh the operatlon �
<br /> 'r. • Ot thB PropeRy.
<br />� � Appllca�te Law, Tffb OtaO a!Tiust Aa been QelltrereA to Lender and aeeepted by LenQer In tAO State ot NeEraska.Thts Geed of Trtut i
<br /> - atuil bs povemed by ind wtlstruM In�ceordtrtCe wllh M0I3w!Ot the Stdte of Nebreska.
<br /> _ � i
<br /> = " � CapUon Headfi�. Capttoc�head3ngs M thls Oeed of Tcust are for conveNence purposes anry end are not to be used to fnterpret or deflna Ihe
<br /> - . ., prav[slons ot this Oeed o1 Trust ' .
<br /> ° � � Merplt TRSre SAall Ca n0 merper of tha Interest or�tat�ereated by lMS Oeed ot Trust vrilh any other tnierest or estata In the Property at any ' '
<br /> - _ • tlme hetd by a tor iM0 benefi!ol l.ender in any capecity.withoul tHe written consent o1 lender. : •
<br /> � . .� . � MulUpte PeNe�. AO obQgaflor�s of Trustar under ihis 08e0 01 Tntst sha(1 be Joint and several,and all references to Trustor shafi mean eaeh and '
<br /> • . . ' every Trustot.This means that each of thg pel8o�s!SNng betaw is resporuibfe for NI obrgaUons in tAls OeeO ot T�ust. � �
<br /> �
<br /> m • • Savatealfly. II a coui!cf comp0tenl Jurisdidion Qnds erry prwtsion Of thfs Deod ot Ttus!to be invalid ar unenforceahle es to any person or
<br /> � cUCUmstance.such 8nding shaU not rsnder that provision ima➢d or unentoroeabte as to any other parsons or cUcumstancas. N tsasible.any ; �
<br />.— � � SuCh offandir�provtsion sh�fl4s deemed to 6e m0�ifted to be wiWn tha tlmits ot 8nfarCeBbiL'ty ai vatidity;however,i!the oNending provislon
<br /> � �' • � carcnN be so mod'ifle0,it sha0 bs strtcken an0 aU oih�r prcvisiar�s ot tdis Oeea of Trust in aU other respacts shall rematn valid and entorceabte. ,.
<br /> � � Suoces�ors an0 As�t�t. Subjeet ta Iha Ilmita8ons stated.in Ws Oeed of Tnuf on trartster of Tntstor's(nterest.tAts Daed of Trust shafl be
<br /> � - • 6lnding uAOn end tnure to the benefii at fhe partIw,thsU suoCe�'.sars an0 assfgrris. If avmership ot the Property becomes vested In a persan
<br /> � oth�r than Tn�star.tonQa, wllhout noIICe to Trustar.may deal v6tA Trustafs successors vdth reference ta this deed ot Trusl and Ihe �
<br /> ��,: , � _ _ � tnQebteCngss by way ot fer�t3at8na9 ar e�gnS!on vdlhout re',easing Trustpr irom 1Aa oblfgattons of this Oeed ot Trust or liabiliry unQer the , �
<br /> =-=_=---�---_•--.
<br />: � . --:- - fRQB�lbdlk?�5. � d�c��` _.
<br />. g,, .
<br /> _ , . • � . . {• ,
<br /> � `. .
<br /> � �
<br /> ..
<br /> �
<br />