'. -,�,; � .S .. . ' . .,.. . �i . , � � - � ' ' � • �, . • � . . ` � `` {
<br /> . � � " . • � . ,�, �`Y -_3 t • ��. -
<br /> ti.. - � '` . s �- } '. .�. • " i ' .+-� . --���.�w�.�_
<br /> �°�`.. . ��, :y. ' _. . � . , . .; ':���`�=�-y�!�
<br /> � . . _ .� ` . , l `S�G...'F4S�--:
<br /> ' �L �. . ' � , ' _ , r �g� , <� � -_ 6
<br /> .. : . t � 09�-1?158.�► • �pF.'.���''�U� f`;�C�'��Fl�it� P8��4 ` � ..,r�... -_
<br /> Q.oSn�io � � �Cardtaws� � , � , . . . �'�;`�
<br /> ' :.c i __ . , '.r:..
<br /> ' ' Se�aufty tnttreal.QAOn�uast bP tender.Tc�acor sha9 exa,wts 8nanctnS stat�ma�tsan�ts&e wha:s�cer a�her edlon ts re4u�d 6Y�ndar � . --_��.,;
<br /> r�at
<br /> . ' ` ta p�tect and con6ttuo LQndefs sec�u[ty trttees��tt�e Re�and Petsonaf Property. tn add9on to recorc�rt9 lhis Oeed of Tn�t tn th9 reat •
<br /> ` Y� P*oD�cecords.Le�dsr may.et arry�me and w�hQUt fttrther autharTxe�on fcom Tn►stor.ffie m[eCttted CotuiEerDsds.CoP'os ot reprodacUorls ot �+�'•. :
<br />- •� ;: ihis Oasd o!7[u5t as a Qnandng statemen� Tcustar shal�eUr�b�use Lender tat aif e�er�ses[ncurted in pertectln9 or contlnutng th[s securRy . � .
<br /> • � � interest: UACn�e�r�St�aA assembte!he F'atscc�a!ProFeriY tn e manner ana at a p►ac:e ressanabry cornreniant to trustor and Lendar •
<br /> , .art0 m3ke It avaIIaDk�ta Lentter briWn three(3)daYs after�ecetD!01 w�itien demand trom Lend� , , • � :
<br /> ,�. m a
<br /> ��.
<br /> . . `•���'. Ad�ea�a. The maNn9 eddre�es of Tnutcv(debtar)end lender(secured Oer�Y),from wtsch informatlon carv:eming the secttsib�Me�st .. ; .. ...
<br /> gra�ded by tNS Dea�af Tces!rt�.aY 6B obtalnad(esch es reqvUe�6y tha Unitorm Comn�en�e)Coda).are as s�u6ad on U►a�rst Aage of this Oeed : ,
<br /> • , ., of TN5t • ' • ... _ . . `.�., : •
<br /> .. ...-..-.--=-.. :.'` FURTH�R ASSURItI�tCE.R:AlY�OANEY-►I�.FAC4. The toflowin8 P�ufsio�s retaUng ta frMher assurances and attomeY-�n-fact are a part of tNs < <:� :. . • ,
<br /> -_;-f _� OesGc�tTat§t , . , �--
<br /> . ` Furiher Aawraneas- At erry 6me.and irom rime t�6me,upon cequest ot Lender.Tn�stor wW make.ezecute end deilvver,or vn�►cause to bB '� ._
<br /> mad9.�cecuted a deQ�red.ta Lender or to L�tndefs dgsigr►2e.an4 vlhen raqu�ted by tender.caus9 to be fi�ed.recordeA.refited.ar .
<br /> . t .
<br /> rar6eorded.as the casemay be.at such 1Unes end tn such o�and pia�es Lender may deem eppropriate�arry and a0 such maRgages. • .
<br />_ . - -..- , dEeQs ot ttust,sec�rftY deed9.seetuitY eqresmertis.BnancTng sNdtemertt9.con8nuaflon statemer�.trutrtimerds oi furttiet assuranCe.certiRcaies. -• .- � - . -
<br /> - - �- : - - end oihar docume�es may.tn the Sote opInton at L.ender.be nec�ryr or Qes3rable in order to e�eCtuat�comA►eT�.Derfec�.continue,os • ' .
<br />' • • ' preservg (a)t!►s obRQaEnns of Ttustor under the Nate.this Deed ot 7n�st,end the Related Oocuments.and (b)the Rans en�secudty InteresLs , ' �. .}'
<br /> � � cxested 0y fhLs Oeed aiTnist es&st end pdar[te►LS an the Properly,whether ncw owned or Dereafter acquUed by Tn�stor. UNess protu'bited by �• . �
<br /> " • � law or aqraad to ffi9 con'.rB�Y by Lend:�in wrlHn9.Ttustor sha0�etmbu�se LenCeF far eA costs aad expanses incurred tn connec6on wifts the `, � ';-
<br /> mattars reterted to(n Ws psrapraph. . . .
<br /> - - , pttpmey.(n.Facl. (f Trustot faIIS to do aRli ad tt{e tNnBs refened to in tho pcecedtn9 paragraph,LenQer may do so for end in tPie nasne of - ,.. .
<br /> .. .. � '�n�tar and at TnRta�s e�ense. Fcr such pury�es,T��y�`��Y appolMs Lender as Tn�cr s attamey-in-fsct tor the p�p�e ,
<br /> - • af makirtg.axe�Wng,deQveflng,fi6ng.cecor�ing.and dotng aU other Wngs as may be necessary or destrabb.in Lender's sofe opinion.to - �•�� .
<br /> , . aecompGsA the matte�s reterred ta in the prece�n9 D�eS�Ph- , ..` .
<br /> • � FULL PERFCRMA�[CE If Tw�Oays aU the ladelriedrtess vrhen due,and oth'ertMsa pe�fartns eD the obIIgaUorss fmpase0 upon Tnutor unQer tNS .
<br /> Reed of T�ust.Lender sha0�r�te and de�to TNStea a request[ar ftAI ceconveyance and shaD�ceeuta ertd de6ver to Tnster suitabte � ::� . .
<br /> •, � • statements aE termina�on of finY�ctn9 sffitsment on ffie evldencinD Lender's seauitf►tnteres!in the Rents and the Personal Proge�ty- Ae1l , • . .
<br /> -�: . :: • , .
<br /> . ,, ,
<br /> : ,, 4 . . • . . recanvey8n+�tee requfred Dy f8w S�aA f�Paid byTtustot.H petmitted bY BPP�ceble faw. � •. . .
<br /> ,<.
<br />_ .. . .... -.. ,. �...�_:::�_
<br /> __.__._ ._. .-.- ..- -� ---... -�DEFAULT Eacfi-otthetaIIowl�9,etU►eoD�ortalLsnder,.sha�co�anavec�ntdafauftC�vant.ot.Defaul�7unQertNs,Oeadof7rusk _.. .
<br /> � � . • �� pet�t pn��p�ea�.Failure cf Tnbtor to make any paymer�vrhen Que an the lnQebte6ness. � � • ;:.`
<br /> DeiauJt on Other Paytrtents. FaUtEe o!Tnutor wHhin ihe Hme ro4uUed by this Oeed of Tnu!to make arry Daymertf fcr taxes or irtsurance,or . �•.�• _
<br /> � any other payment necessaryr to prevant fiQng of or to effed dischaBa of any�en. � •/,:� _-
<br /> � � CompAluty OpfeWt. Faiture t�comply v�ith_enY ether tem►.obagatlon,covenan!or condNon cantatned in tfiis Deed of Tn�sL the Note or in . ,,_���
<br /> a�ry of iha Retated Dacumerib. tf sucA a taIIure ls ciirabte and it Trtistorhas not bean givan a noUCe ot a breach ot tha same provision of this _. _ _.._� , .
<br /> ' � '� Deed af Tnist wfWn the preceding iwe&e(12)months,(t may be cured(and no EverR of Defaull tivill have ocaurrad�it Tnrstor,after LenQer ,
<br /> � Sends wriSen rtoVice demertding cure of sucb faiture: (a)cures the failure within Hftee�s(1�days;or (b)if the cure reqc:..^es more fhan fifteen
<br /> - � (16)days.immeAiates�(nflixtes steps sut�dent to cure the feiture and theceafter conUnues and comptetes aU reason�s and neces5ary steps . ;�., ;
<br /> • . suHictem to produce comQAsnce es soan as ceasonabty pracHc�. • ..
<br /> � � Fats�Stefementa. Nry werraMl/.reDresentatlon or sffitement made ar;tznished to Lender by or on behatf of Tn►s�or under thts Deed af 7rust, � � ;
<br /> ' tha Note or the Reiated Oocltments is felse or m(sieaQlnp in aay matertat respect.either now or at the tlme made or tumished.
<br /> � ' ce as a oln business,ihe tnsolvency of �. :� ' .: -��;•''�
<br /> � DeatA or lnsolvEncq. The deatb of Tn�stor or the dt�sota9on or tertnina�on oi Trustofs ex�ten g 9 ,,,.
<br /> � Tnistcr,the eppot�mertt at e cecelvar tor arry paR of Tnutors prop�tS►.arry assignmant tor ths benefd of cradito�s.any typa of cceditor wurkou� ' . � F�•�•�
<br /> .. , .. � at the commenCement af enY Pr4c9B�ng under any bankNGtc+Y Cr(rtsoNenCY laws bY or e9alrtst Tn�stor. . . ;�,:;r!f�i
<br />_ .._..._._._._..__ FOteda�tm,FartettUro,etC.Commena'1aarA ot bredoSlJre or iarf�tttae D�ooeedM9s.whether by judictal proceeding.sett heip.repassession. ._. ._:. _ �
<br /> � nr eny ather meihod,by anyr cre�tor of Tn�tcr ar by 8ny govemmental agency egainsl any of the Propercy. However.ifiis subsecHon shail not ,..
<br /> � . . toret�ePhue p 8�cee0Inp.0(owded�fhat Tr�ustai gTiv�as Le derwdttee naUw ot such dtalm and thumishss rsservss or a surety bon0 to�tho ela(m . : � ',: °
<br /> sa�siactorytolsndes. . � ' '��
<br /> • BCeaeh o!Oiher A�reemenL Any breach by Trustor under the terms ot any other egreement between Trustor and Lender lhat is not remedied �����
<br /> �•y i'.
<br /> � wfthin 8r�1 prace p�tad provided therein,Inctuding withoul amttation any a�eement concemirt9 arry indebte0ness or other obligaHOrt of Tnistor . . :
<br /> •� . to Lender.whether e�Qs9np now or tater. . , •� '
<br /> � � Eirmts Af(eCttnp Quarantor.MY a}tha precedlnp events xcurs wlth rssAect to anY(ivaiar►tcr of any of the tndebtedness or such Quarantor .,
<br />_ � . Cl�a beCarnes irtcompeten� Lender.a i�BopU�n��b�to ts Oer.an�n dotng ott chtua th Even o Defautt.�ume unconditlonally . � .• .
<br />° . - - -- the oDUgaa4ons er�U�p unde►iha at+araety . . . .
<br /> •� • " trt�ecuAly.LenQer tn qeod faitA Qeertls Itselt Usecure. ; •. y`.
<br /> RltitRB AHD i�NfEDlES OM OFFALLT. Upon the occurtence of a�ry Event o?Oetault anQ stany Ume thereaftar.Tiustee or Lender,at its opUOn. ; • `� �
<br /> � may eaercise any aae or more o!thg toQowing Aghts end remedies.in ad�tion to eny other dghts or romedtes pmvtded by Iaw: j ,
<br />�:. , � . ACCeteretlon upon Oefdult;Add(Uortd RemeQlea. tt atry evenl ot de(aNt occurs wh►ch�S not cured wilhin fifteen(15)Aays after noUCe.as per � .
<br /> � �-- - the terms af ths Note secured hereby;Lender may dectare all(ndebtedness secured by this Oeed at Trust to be due and payable anQ the same � _
<br />-` � ' • shell th6reupon 6ecoma due an0 payable w(thout anyr prssentmaM.demand,protest or no9ce oi any kind. Thereafter,Lender mey: �
<br /> •' ' . (a) Qthar In person or by egent,wiib or w(thoN b8ngtag em/action or proceeding,or by a recelver appointed by a cour!and wtthous � • .
<br />::- • �eyatd to th9 adequacy of iLs sacuriN.entec upon and tefce passession of th9 Properiy,w any parl ihereof,in its own name or in the name , .
<br />� �. , a}Trustee.and do any acts which(1 deoms necessary ar deslrabl�to presenre fAe vatue,marketabWty or.rentabiNry of the P►opaAy,or parf f
<br /> of the ProDeRY ar MterBSt tn ttta Property;inaease the Income irom ihe P�rcperty or protest the secudty ot the Property;and,with or wilAOUt �
<br /> -' �-� taking possession of the Rroperty,sue for or otherwlse coflect the renb,Issuos an6 profib ot ttre PropeAy.Inctstding those past.6ue end i
<br />� ' ' . .. unpaid.and eppty tha sart�e,tess cosls and exaenses of opera�an and catlecUon,including attomeys'tees,to any indebtedness secured � � .
<br /> Ey tNs Deed o!Trt�t,ell In suep orQ�as Lsnder may determine.The enteflng upon and tokirtg possassion of the Property,the co�iecUon �
<br /> � of such cenb.tssues end profils,end Uw BpD�Catla�ihereot shail not Cura or walve eny detault ar noUce of defeuit undet thls Oeed o1 Trust �
<br />� � � pr(mratidataarry ect Qane In response t0 such defaWt or pursuant to Sueh nottce of defaulh,and,nolwithstanding IAe coMlnuance in �
<br /> � . � p�ssion ot itf�PtoAeRY c►!he coUecUOn,recefpt and appttcaUon of renb,issues or pro5b,Tnistee or Lendsr shatl be entiUed to , •
<br />= �. e�(se every tigM provtdsd t�in ths[Vots w tt�Reated Dacume�s a by faw upon tho accurrence of any event of detaNt,Inciuding the , ,
<br />=:. . ' dghi to e�eccise the pawer of r�te; ;
<br />� � � ' (b) COmmertce en acNon to foreeiosa this DeeO e!Trust es a mor�age,appolM a reeeNer or specmcauy entaree any m the covenants .
<br /> �' . � �. - . AeraoH and 8 � .
<br /> ---���-, � , (cj DeAver to Tmstee a written dectara�on of detault and demand far sate and a v�itten naUCe ot detautt and elecUon to cause T�ustor's ; � �•
<br /> � . • Interesi tn tt�Property to 6o sotd,wh;ch noticce Tnrstea ShaU cause to bo duty fi(ed tor'record in the approprlata off�ces o9 the Cvunry tn ,
<br /> _ , whkA the PtOperty i!loCated:erid I
<br /> _ • . ' - (� yym tespg�t}p g0 or any paA pf ing Pe�sonaf Propprty.Lend�r sheD hava ell ttre rlghts and remedles ot a secured paRy ursder the ; � .
<br /> _ � ' . Nebraske UNtam Commerctal Cade. .
<br /> _ . . FoteCJo�ure f�}1 Powet Cf SdC. tt Lend�efects to toreda59 by exercise ot the Powor of Sate heretn conlaineA,lender shail nolity Trustes and :
<br /> �: _.__ : shatl deposit WifA Tn�teB Ws OaeQ of Trust end 1hB Not�en0 SUCh reoelpffi and o�Adence of expendifiues madA flnd secured by thls Oeed ot : • • .
<br />-_ ' .. . TnulesTnts�eerttayre4uU�e• ;t .
<br /> ' .. � • (e) Upon�tpt of such notice from l.ertder,Tnatee snaU catue t�be recarded,puD�s�ed 8nd de4vered to Tnutor such Not�e af Oetautl ; .
<br /> �� • and Noficcs of Sate as thon requlred by law artd by thts Oaed olTNSt TnisteB sha0,wlthoul.demand on Trustor,after such tima es may :
<br />-- ' � then 09�eqrilred by tativ an0 aft�recarQalfln of suM Hotto�o!Oe}atA!end after NoVOe ot Saie having been g(ven as requirad by taw,sen � ,
<br />.° •, � th9 ProDedy►81 thB Qma and pi3CE1 af sets fixed by H iri 5uch No9Ge of SaI9,eilher as a whota.ar in separate tots or parcets ar items as ,
<br /> �_ ' ; '• � Tntstes StiaO dGSm�edianL flnd tn sucA ardet as it rr�y det9rmins.81 pubIIo 8uctlan to the Nghest biQder for cash in lawlut,money ot :
<br /> �; --.- --- frteUrtii�ti5'�1p8Y+u+i6fliii+3L'rnao2�'a. Tstt�aaLl�.;gdrs•r,Xlo°.sY�e�strch=�t4►Atm�.Se�st:�;ts�gnodandsufficianideedar r�:__.—..__ _---- . .
<br /> -- . .. . � ' .
<br /> �� '
<br />