�- ':��t '; . '_ ' <t. _ . ` 4 4 +., - i: r.'`-," . •t';� �.,''c.•`�y:3i:13h�'�'3..�-fZ'".�,,,.�.�� ----
<br />�=�Y.: ^ - ' � ' ' `, ' i- .=x � � _ �4-r A..c=--.e.�:����..,�...���.-- ----.
<br /> —" , ..fi, f� ,(��,..s;f"�'. ::t.,.`a ,,- - � r.�;..,Yd::a._�—��'' -------------
<br />��� �` � f. '. � • � ' , , ����s'�� , , ,� . - -
<br /> ` cova�axts ��r+ � , . � ___
<br /> - �. �� � � 1.Pay+n�tb.�ortower a�e$to make aU payrimems on"the se�ued dabt wttsn due. tlntess Borrowei en9 LeaQer agre�uthemiaa. any .�v =-
<br />��,; �-�' paymems lendar raceivss hom Barrowas or ioi Sartox�e�'e b�neiit wAl�e appAed fust ta any ama�ts Borrower owrs o»tt;�sscurad dofst _
<br /> �6�; . . ..�. ., excNsivo of Entuast or prirtcips},sq�eond to irttsras4 e�d tAen to prisscipal.i!parU�!B�D�nt of ths scerued debt cecesra for anye�aasnn.it vr�i , �`�s-- ---- �
<br />�:, �cot reduce or exeuse an sr.h�dutstt�Aa,Yr!'►e�t ttntit ths aecisad detrt ia pa[d(n fui). ` ��_ _
<br /> �.•� .�: ..�:.,� ... . �
<br /> —� ^ • � • g.A�im�s AZa6gt TIBa Ho�iower wIICpty.eQ tR�t.aa'sesamer+te,and ather charge3 attn'butabie to the roperry wTien due en�i witl defend.titta ��- -
<br /> ttl the pran�y� �uut ar�t/ct�ictt�Mradd tmt�r t3a I�en of t4iis Eesd ot vust.tender rn�yr raquire�crrower m aas:gn snY dgAte,ctaims or x _
<br />� ' .' detensa�wt�!ch�Yrtt ir i�'�iJ'i•'�����i�'►o suppiy tebor ar materteia W improve m mai�tn the ptoperty. ,,t�€',���,�- � _
<br /> t' , , '� ` �.trucuranc�. Baaower witl Reep ttiti+�pro�erty insured und�terms acceyta0te to�enQer at Bonowera e�ense and for Ler�IIet's benefi�'AD. , ,�;,�u��
<br /> - . . insutance po f i t(os a h a l t Iq e t u d e a e t e n d a r d m ort�.�e a t a ufa i n tevor o t L e n d a r.l e n d n r k+r m e e n a m e d a�l o a s p a y e e o r a s t h e I n s u r d d o n a i ry a u c A r - �-�:'�-� •
<br /> 6 - t h f n LenQer's df�ueifon,to ei�er the ramtoratton ar ropaU o!ths Qameged bropercy - 3''•`
<br /> � ia,eurence palicy.Rny insurance proeeeds may e appiia d,wi :,�r�'; ;;.-�r.
<br /> � � • , ar to tri�eacured deDt I�lnnder mqulr�a mqr[gega lnawnnea,BaROwer aprees to matatein sueh insunnee tar as tong as Lender roauirea _, Y
<br /> t
<br /> � " � , . _
<br />�:_ .� ,.,_ �� 4.Irap��ty,Bonowar wUl k�ep the property in good condii(on and make atl repatre rcasonaLty�err�saitrp. _
<br /> �� 6.�a.Bonawer a�reea to pa�(e0 Len�er's exDen ea.Inttuding resaaartebte attomeys'teea.It Borrowar hreake arry covennnta tn thLn dqad � ' ,
<br /> � of trs�st or tn mry o6Uganon eecwed DY this deed ot tru�8orrowe�wiU p�y 4hese emounte to IBS►det as ptovtded tn CovertarR 9 of thIs QeeO of ,
<br /> . .. . ._ Uult. � . .;�.� . -
<br /> � � 8.Prtut Sauuftl►t�rtsts.UNass Borrower fhst obtaina Lenders�wiitten cpnsern.Bonower will not make or permit any ehangos tq any prim ' � -
<br /> - � � see�ity irNerests.Bonoufer wiD perfarm efl of Bonovret's o6iigatFons undet any Dna�mortgaga,deed of uust ar att�er seeiaity egreemeitt, _ . _ _,
<br /> ._ .. inoluding Borrowe�'s eovananta m maYe paYmertts when dite. • . �.� ' ..
<br /> - � � �`` 7,�af EimAs md Oiafrts.Bonower essign$to Lendar the rertts and profi�of the pioperty.Uniess Borrower and Lender have agread . • � ' ti
<br /> ' - ;� � o e tn writtng.BaROwer may coitect and retatn the rertts as tonp as Borrowar is net in defauit if Bortower defautts.LenQer,Lender's •• .. .,.•�
<br /> . ' , egert,or a eourt appoinied teeeiver may take possesston and manage the proAenY er�d cattact the rerne.Any recns l.sndsr coflaeis shail be , -.��:;`.;T
<br /> ,� '; . ` . eppfied first to the costs ot managing�the property,indudin9 court costs and attomays'fees,eommissions to►errtat agertts,and arry ather .. , ° _
<br /> ,��_ t. . 4 nesessary retamd ezpenses.7SZe remalning amou�tt of rertts wi11 than eppty to payments on the secured deDt as proviQed tn Covenant 1. ,.,.>•'^:-''_
<br /> � � 8.4asdu�ds•CondomtNumf�.P�anmd Unit Qsv�opmarrtr.Barrower agrees to eompIy with the provisions of any lease if tAis deed of Vust ia on � �f--
<br /> � a leasehold.ii thfs deed of trust is on a unit tn a condamfitum or a pfanned unit devetopmanL 8orrower wiil perform ail of BonoweYs dutiss ;� _
<br /> ' °' � " under the covenarAS,bydaws,or reguiations af tAs condominium or pianned wit davetopment. . . • , _
<br /> . •, : '
<br /> ' 9.Authoriry ot L�ndw to Parfortn far BcRO�r•1t Bcrrowet tails w pedorm aml of Bortowe�s Quties under this deed of Wst,lender may
<br /> � perfarm the dudes nr cacue them w be pertomred.LendEr may sign Bartower's name or pay arry amourrc ft necessary tor performance.If a1ry � ,. '� ` ,;;'
<br /> , �� " �, constnrctIan on the propeRy is�sw�rttnued or nat esr►iea on in a reasonaDte manner.Lender may do wfiatever is necessary to pratect Lendars �
<br /> ' . � . sacurity inGJtest in the property.ThLs may inetude eompfaiing the construetion. ;., �,:
<br />��--_,--°-------:--- _. _. ---�Len�ei'^s fe�Sure io per�orm tinnll riot�Ctude L�trder bam�exereising any-ofits otherrigfitsvnderthe�aw er this Qeed9f�tr�uY.-.._.. __... _._ _.. -----.--.. —�..�_�.---• ".
<br />�;� , � � � A�y arrtouMa paid by Lender to protect LenQer's seeurity irtterest wQl 6e sewred by this daed of VusY.Sueh emounts will be due on demand � . .��
<br /> . .. ._ az x 1 w i B C e a r f n t e r e s t fr o m t A e d a[e.a f t h e p a y m e r R until paid in WU at th0 irterest rate in effect on the seeured dabt. �. . `�.-r
<br />_ _..' ,,.,, 10. Oetsdt artd Jleul�ratlon:If Horrawer fa�1s m make amr pab�nerrt when due ar breaks any covena�s emQer this Qeed af wst or arry ' -�'T, �
<br /> obOgatlon Beaued.by Ws dee0 of trust or er►y prior mortgage ar deed af trust.Lender snay acceterats the mariuity oi the sewre0 Qebt and ,
<br />- -- ' . -demana immediate paymerit and may imroke the power of sate atfd anY o���iaa permitted by appiicable law.- _ ;'�� -�.... ."°y;�
<br /> . ` � . 11,ft�quast tor Hottcs M Dsfeiit.it fs hereby requested that copies of the noUces ot defauit end eale be 6ent to each person who fa a pariy - �,
<br /> � . ' hereto,at ths address of eacb such parson,as sat torth herein. � - .
<br /> - � � • 92.k�wu of Sala.if thv lenAer tnvokes thB power of sale,the T►ustee ahail fiirst record in the offtce of the register of deeds of eacN county • 4 ,�.
<br /> � � �- � afie�e�n tho trust propertY a some part or parcel thereot is siNated a notice of defauR containing the informaUan required bY taw.The TrusLee
<br /> shalt zLso ma8 capies of the notice of default to the Bonower,to each person who is a party hereto,an0 to other porsons as prescribed by .- � -, " .��?.;
<br /> � appGcahie law. Not tess than one moMh efter the Trustee records tha naUce of Eefauk,or two mor►ihs if the Uust property�s not in aayr . �.
<br /> • � incorporated ciry cr N'I►age and is used(n fartning oparations carcied on by the tcustor,the Trustee shall give public ooUce of sate to the per�..cns , : •
<br /> � and in the manrter prescribed by apppficabfe law.Trustea,wit�out demand on Borrower,shatl se11 the property et public aucUon to the Pug".est r�,;;�.
<br /> ' � • bidder.ff requlred by the Farm Homestead PaotecUon Act,Trustee sfiall oHer the property in two separate setes as re�uUed by apyfieabte[a►v. •
<br /> • ' � Truscee may post�orte seie of etl or any pareet ot the proyerty by publia announeoment at the time and ptaee of any prevlousty scheduled sate. � , �/���a
<br /> ,, : Lertder or(ts desfgneo may purchase the proparty et any sate. : -, .':.{- .
<br /> . :- ��-�---.._,____..__... . --- �- , �
<br /> � � • Upon raceipt of paYmem of the pdce bfd,Trustee ahail deliver to the purchaser Trustee's deed conveying tha property.The redtials contairteb in • �� � �
<br /> • Truste9's deeA shall be prtma facie evidience of the truth of tAe¢tatements contained therein.Trustee shall apyly the proceeds oi the sale in the
<br /> � � fottowing order. (a) to ail expenses of the eaia, including, but not limfted to, reasonabte Trustee's tees, reasanahle attame}/e tees and � • ` ;
<br /> • � • teinstatemertttees;(b)to a11 sums secured by this desd of trust,and ic1 the batanca,it any,to the persons(egalty e�itledto recerve rt. • � �'
<br /> � � � � ' 13.Forocloa�u�.At Lenders option,this dae0 of vust may 6a fcreciosed in the manner provlde by appticable taw tor forectosu►e ot mortgages , ; ��l
<br /> an m.at propeny. '� ..
<br /> � , 14.[r.�n�cflon.Lender may enter itie property to inspect it if Lender gives 8orrower notice GePOrehand.The notice must state the reasonabie -,,
<br /> • cause(or tendePs inspecdon. •
<br /> ' � i ns to Lender the roceeds of an award or ctam for dama es wnnected with a condemnation or othe�taking �� ... � . �
<br /> _ 16.Cond�mniN�.Bartower assg a v
<br /> - of afl oreny part of�he properry.Sucfi proceeds vaii!6e applied as provlded in Covenant 1. his assignment is subjoct to the terms ot any�rior _.
<br /> ;�_ ' •: ��. sewrity a¢reemecn. '' •.
<br /> a y remedy upon Boower s defauit,LenQer dioes not weiv emri+ght to tategiconsiter ih e�e�i e defe�i�t n happens agai��By not eaereising _ •�.,-. �
<br /> � : ...._ . ..
<br /> • � • ' 17.Jaint aid Sevsni . Cas:q�rs: Suerasson and Asstyrq Bamd. All duties under this deed of uust are joirtt and saveral. Any � �•
<br /> z � _ _ _ Borrower who co-slg�a thia dead of trust but Coes not co-sign the undeAyIng.debt instrument(s) doos so onry to grant and comrey that • •
<br /> - �� Bortower'e irrietest in the propeRy to the Trustee under the terms ot thfs deod of trust.tn add;tion,suct�u Borrower agrees�that the Lender and
<br /> any athor Bortower under this dsed o!vust may extend,modifv or make any othet ehangos in tha terms of this deed of trust or the aeeureQ
<br /> - - � dabt without that Borrowera wnsent and wlthout reteasing that Bortower ftom the terms of ttils Qeed o4 vuss. ••
<br /> � - TM duttes an0 benefits of Mis deed of trust shatl bind and benefit tho successora and essigns of Lendei and Bonower. .
<br /> 1fl.Notle�.Un�esa otherwise required by law,any noUee to Borrower shall be given Cy detivaring it or by maiting it by eenified mail addressed to ..
<br /> -.r.. . Borrawer at the pro�erty a6dress or ar�y other addresa that Borrower has qiven to Lendor.Borrower will ghre any notiee to Lender by eertified •
<br /> i .'. ' mafl to Lenders address an page 7 01 this deed of Vust or to eny other address which tender Aas designated.Any other notieo to Lender shall
<br /> s . ; - - ba aent to LendePe address ae stated on pago 1 of thla deed of trust.
<br /> �� . . . Ar►y noilee s�a0 Ce deemedto have been given to Bonower or Lflnder when glven in the manner steted ebovo. �
<br /> � � 19.Trwtsr o!th�Prop�rty a a B�n+!(ei�t Inhnst tn th�Bortnwa�.tf atl or ony part of the prupeRV or am►i�rterest tn it is so'd or trensterted
<br /> wlthout lsnder's prlor writton consart, Lendar may domand immodiate payment oi thB secured deAt. LenQer may atso demand immodiate , ' •
<br /> � • � � Qem�and ipaymentin thve ebove 6ituaUon�.s it it is p cAi6idta4 by t dociiai lawres Of th9 deet0 ot thi9 d edtof�ust��ned.Hawever. Lender maV not
<br /> � 10.Rieoavay�nN.Whor the obUgatlan secured by thls deed of 4rust has Ooen paid.end Lertder l�as no turther obti8ation to make advancas I �
<br /> ' • under tJie Instrumenta os a�eemems soeured by thts dood of trust,tAa Trustea sRail,upon writton raquest by tho Lendor,recon�oy the ttust �
<br /> _ tt e r
<br /> , � ' '^ prapetty.The lenQet sAai!tletiver to the Boaower,ar to Bonower's successo►In interest,the Vust daed end tne�oto or other eviQence of the ; .
<br /> o06gaUon so aatleited.Battower shall pay ony�ecorEation coste.
<br /> � � � Y1. Suceeaar Tru�. lendor, et Lende►'e o Uon, may ramove Trusto@ and ep0oint a sueeessot vustae by first, maiGng e eapy of tho ;�� •
<br /> - cuLstitution of trustoa as raQukod by appiicabte Paw,and then,6y filing tho substitution of trustoo tot toeord ln tho offiee of the regis[er of deeQs ; •
<br /> � � � of eacA ecuntY in wAicti tho irust praperty,or somo pan tharaof,is sttuated.�Tho suceossor trustoe;without convoyance of tho proporty,sha11 i .
<br /> . sueceed to all the powa.duttos,authorlty and titte of tns Trustee named in tho deed of Vust and of any succosso►trustao. �
<br /> f
<br /> � ' • � > ' '
<br /> , . ; . «
<br /> � � -., --- - � .
<br /> . i'
<br /> _ , �
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