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<br />._. . �c � � : = e�'i � d i�3•'s Q c-► ,
<br /> . : . .- _ . QEED�f TRdST � _ i � �� _ `�. 0 `,.','�� W � ' , .
<br /> � -=L;-z- . , - •` � - � �y �' ? - —�--_ c ....
<br /> � • �� PAlBTIES:Ttfia Daed at Trust is mads on Ju��tm_�St_ie� �g .@mony the(irartar. eavrc _ u o� ... ,
<br /> .,, , . . 1'earrower'1, . '
<br /> • " At7RND R RAACR� nevnnnwtiats -- d� . �
<br /> � . . 'whnss reitdancs ad4►esa is on nex �on,•��A raiA*+�.��, County.NebPaske t'Tnrstee•1.mid tha Benefidery. ��
<br />. . � , � � . . F���� ww�m*nc. � •r�wr,j�fRRAMaTTAN _ .BCOtpOl81�Ot10fa8AIZB� - . .. �
<br /> . .,..,...,,.,... � c
<br />- , < ` and exisUng under the tawa af' nmr�uafiKt► whose address is a�� ��i�A Lo�s'r' G'�'R�r. � �. .
<br /> �•LenQet'i• ,,� ,
<br />- `. .-. ~.. _ - CCI1�/Eyp(IICE;Fpr value teeehrad.Bartuwer Urevocably�ante and eamrsys to Truatea.in Vust,wfth power of sate,tAs�eal propeRy.of wh'sch -. -,
<br /> �� �� . Borrower ts lawfuty seimd, deseribed below and a11 6u7d1ngs,fuRUres.and e�usting and hrture improvemsnts theraon and aIl rights-af-way. . ����° . ,,
<br /> ,. • easemtms, �ents,issuea, profit6, income,tenemerrts, here�me�� privileges and arty appurtenm�cea tt�ereunto betonging(afl csiied the � . ,. , _
<br /> � . "o��nY'! �.�n,,,,, TQT_TLt}� .Nebras6ca _688e� ,. . .
<br /> ` FROPEii7YA0DRE5&:_G3e _ vT.z•r,�emrua �i ._. - -- --- , ,.
<br /> _ _.. _. , LEOALCESCRIPTION: �� (Gevt , Rivcaa� • ,.:
<br />" ' '� -'. . �-� ': • LOT FNS (5) OF FAIRACRSS �UBDIVISZON IACAZ'S� ON PART OF T� SOIITAWE3T � �
<br /> S .'. � �.
<br /> :_._�.--- ...- ---•--- -� --.._..._..(�UARTSA-..OF�BCT�Q�_T�RPB._I3�_..=N_.TOWN3TiIP ELEVStJ (11) NORTFI, RAAI(3B NINE -. �- .-----,- - --- -
<br /> .
<br /> . ,.: . - _.
<br /> ` (9) WEST OF T� SiRTS P.M. IN AALL CbUt�1TY. NSSRJ�SI�I. . - . . ._ _ . .. . _.. .----. .... � . ..•� .
<br /> ' .. '.. �. , . �. � .;•.
<br /> � s� �
<br /> ,-. .� . :. _.. . . _ . ° _' ... ����'`
<br /> � � . .. . r. � ' `� . ' .. " .
<br /> - - . . � � . . . .
<br /> .. . . . . . t , .
<br /> -°- '" - • �• .. ..
<br /> "' IOCBL¢d itt (�RANO 74LAND�Aa[.t. COUfltyt.N8bf03ke. . . . ;.� ;'',,
<br /> . . � 71Ti�Boaor�covenerts and w3rtarrts ti�e ta the property.except for � '=:� :
<br /> • � . •.. : ,�.�,.
<br /> - �� ��-- -���--- gECppID OEST:Thfs deed of trust sewres to Lender repayment of the sequed Qebt and ths peAarma�ce of the cavenm+is and agreemertta . _._,___ `-'�� .<`
<br /> •• aarttaineti in this deed of trust and in any other Qocument inearyorated herein.Secured debt,as used in thia Qaed ot uust,indudes any amourtts �'',. '�>
<br /> ' Borrower owes to Lender under this deed of trust ar under any instrumem seeured by this deed of trust,and a11 modificaUons,extensions and . • . • ,
<br /> - ' - ronewNa th�r. • . ` ' --
<br /> The seaued�abt is evideneed by IUst atl Irevumertts and agreamerrts sewred by this deed of trust and the dates thereof.): ;L,�i
<br /> � � - " � - --------- ......�...., ,..,fl�..�,,,.�. nrmon _Tnw�rranv �n 1995 '. �i/j,.
<br /> . . • �f'�" .-
<br /> �Fut�Advanus:The above amount is secured even though atl or part ot it may not ye!6e advancad. future advances are . :
<br /> •, contemptatad and wiil be seeured to the sam9 extert es if maQe on the date tfiis deed of trust is oxeeuted. ,
<br /> ❑R�valving line of usdJt agreemer►t dated ,with lnitial annual interest rete of %• � • � .
<br />-+ � Ail amounts owed unQer this egreement are secured even thougb a0 amounts may n�t yet Ee advaneed.Future advances under •
<br /> _ • the a�reamer►t are contemA�ated end wi!!be secured to the same extent as i}maQe on the date this dead of truat ia exeeuted. . .''' •
<br /> � � ' . if not Paid e�dier. �' ��
<br /> 4 • TAe ebove obtigg8on is due and p$yabte on '""""^° � '°A� �
<br /> i,..
<br /> The total unpaid batance secured by thfs deed of vust et any one ttme shall not exceed a maximum pripcipal amount of ` :
<br /> :. ' .. �� _,_ .. ._. �......�.. ..�......n..,..w.e.n�v�n...snn etv wvn et�t ntl �0��8�5�8��1(1� �1 �.Plus interesL [ . . .
<br /> T � ptus anN amounts disbursed under tAe terms of thls deed of trust to protect the security of this deed ot trust or to perfarm er.y of the � r
<br /> � � wvanants corftainnd in tM1:s deed ot trust,with intarest on such disbursements. � '
<br />'�'• � � [7 Wrcia6i�Rat�:T�e interost rate on the obligaUon ssiicurad by this deed of trust may vary aceording to the terma of that obligation.
<br /> � � � : ❑A eopy of tha toan e�eement eontaining the tarms under whieh the interest rate may vary Is attaehed to this deed of trust and �
<br />`�, �. . ,. �� made a part hereo}. �•
<br />`� . • AIDER$:O Comma�eiaf � re�Trsr�n�eo�t�n no oT�AITS ❑ .
<br />- . OESIfiqATiOAI OF HOM�STFJID � �
<br /> e� . P�asuant to the Farti�Homestead ProtecUon Act,designatlon ot homestead O is attachad to thfa deed of trust and mado a part hereof ..
<br /> n ,
<br /> - • ❑ has Oeen disdaime0:the disctaimer is attached to this deed of wst and mads a part hereof.
<br /> .-'�� SIGNATUAES:By aTg+in9 M�aw.BotrowN s�rH to th�t�and eav�n�ns canninfd tn Ws di�d at�nrs�trredtdnp thas�m�Pag�Z and In .
<br /> _ . .. . �ny rtA�n�d�Dov�1�9�by Batmwa. �,� _ _ i � .'
<br /> - ' . � .. ' 'r -�l.�- f�; 1.���L:d�,,ri�`::�C-fcf•, ���.� . �
<br />[�� , ll��,�xt. � � �,c��T�
<br /> _ ORVILLS fl PED SN S=d92RA M PEDBRSffiJ II
<br />� . . i •
<br /> �.' '• . , . ACifNOINLmt3lIRENT:STATE OP NEBRASKA. 1�Nfl ISLAND f�tAl.T. CaUflty 6S: � . ,
<br /> `-r-• � TAo f�egain8 instrumert was ecknowtadged Eetaro mo on tAls i nTR day of.•Taxr►t►�tv, �A95� ; �„�
<br /> �� '.. .___ .._ ' ..._. � ffAt/fif R L. DR11R44R! ER�+ ftT]LttR1A M PR[1RR�.'A'h H[fCAtLt7If HNlf D72PQ _ -_ —— � � .
<br /> - • . - • R�thWl .
<br /> � . • I
<br /> �` Caparetpa Qf. (MmneotCwo�atwnoiPa�mmWOl � -
<br /> . • �w B p�■a be 1996 on bnhatf o!tno eorparation a parmership. � "
<br />�� � � �• My eommisston osyires: 12/29/96 /��.� � �� p� � '
<br /> . O�•K '
<br />��_�"- �.- '...__..—..- _— . , �� PfiDYC f.YIICRTR__ � . '`.a�`v"'remttryPt�iU - - .
<br />:':{ .. _ — . �._—___ TIIiSInSUUtifOfltYJ39QfBp8fOdbY �_& aifaA2R . � — __ _______� . _'—'_"_ _"_ '
<br /> ��` . . 91983d�tif(ERS'SYSiE�AS.�C»ST.CLOUD 6fN 68�Dt IiBC0�97-Y30U iOiC'A OCRMTGNE 811891 lpepD!0!?1 NEBRA►SKA .
<br /> APBL# 00003107 �
<br /> � C�# OOOOOOOOOd
<br />