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a._�._.. ..�. . . . . . . . . ` K'�`� __ _. <br /> ' - _-�t•�:,s' ;s 4 ., � `:�'. '� „ w � � _ -.---- - <br /> �. • . � `��r�� - -- - <br /> -� � : ��F`'- -- ti. ' z -§,�-�� ° ` ----- <br /> - _ _ .ft n�� �F1 s,t , �,�o-�:� �,�X`1 � _`�'}"�._- <br /> ���-_ ��..- - <br /> iz. ' �r`�`� � - — — - - —_. <br /> - - �c.i .4;� . � . <br />-....�.. — —_—,. --.__. - __. _. . y �_-. <br /> _ _f� . , _ . . - . . .` , ' � . . -- <br /> �,� ���� ' . . <br /> - . . . � ��+ . . _— -_- _ -- <br /> z�;;;� t�)���Q dy{,snd�r[��VI/�Msr.My[orbearencs by I.erd�tr 1�axsrelatng any�igb!or romedy hereunder�ar _w_--- <br />=��� atherwl�s�ftord�d by apA�t�t�taw.ahall not 9a s Walver ot or pr�ctuQe th�exercise of any auch daht ar retnedy.T�e �� <br /> procurerm�ntallnturnrtc�artl�epaymes�2ottsx��oratharltensoicharpnabylenderahallnotAsswaiverafLErtder'ertsbtw 4, 4 __ ` <br /> „-��?� aa�eferats the mat�rity of tS�e lndabtedneas seoi�rtd by fhta OeaA o!Tru�t �a covenartb and esreemenie heretn ecn- ` <br /> s `�;�°_= ' (03�MO��+doini and�N 6f�f�Y:C� __�.__-- <br /> tafned sh3l1 bind.and tbe righ�hersunder ahail trturo�e re9pec�ve auccessora and esa!¢ns af Lendar nnd Tirust�r.AI! r <br /> •���'=-� � covar.ants end aQroaments o1 Trustcr'shatl be jotnt an�Qeverei.The r.aptlonsand headtngs of tha paragrdphs o!tMa Oeed ot _,4?��___ <br /> �'4 ��� Trus4 ere fo�t conven[enca anty a�d are rtot to be used to interpret+or deflne the pravfstans hereof. �- = __ <br /> ,. �' (e),R�Qu�ita Na�cn.Thv partfes hareDy requa�ttha4a capy af any nottce ot Qatault�ereunderand s coAy o!any natice s����.:._-_-- <br /> �� ' ot eale hererander be ma�ed to eacfz pary tu L`�fis Daad a#Tiust ti!fhs adQsess 8e2 forth aDova in the manner prescribed�y .� _ <br /> :. =�+.: BDA���bi�taw•Excepi tor any other ao4fae[etl�tred under appltcaDia layr to be gtva»irt enather manrter.arry notiee prevfdad• ti S� r <br /> °' faNn tlita Lieetf ot Tru�t shail be g[van by maltteg suaP�not[ce by certifted ma�l eddr�ssed to tha othsr partEes,atthe address set � t �j � __ <br /> tit'` {Q�h a4iova.Any nolIce provlded for tnYhis 0eed at Teust shaU ba eHective upon maHing tn the manner dealgnsied Re►� . -_ <br /> _�._._ TNy�pr is more than aria Rersfln,nottce sertt to the address set torth a�ove shall be rto�ee to a11 such peracna. �i"�:� � <br />"`�:-�`�� (fj[rt�pec�On.l.ender may make or cause to be made reasonable entrEes upon and tnspecttorts oi tha Property.Provtded ; `;::«:�_.�:,-- <br /> ' � ' that Lender si�tati give Trosta notfce prfor to any aucb inspectlon specttytng reasonable cause thereior retated to tender's •_�.�;�=;�=__=_-- <br /> � intetest[n tha FroperlY ' � "�.�'� - -— <br /> -'� , (gj Raconr�yaec�.Uaon payment of eU sums secured by this Deed of Trust Lender shail request Trustea fo reconv�y tfle '' _ 'y°'� <br /> �^-��:.-, <br /> ;.�.�-�'�, � Propertyendshallsurrenderthfis�eedotTrustartdallnotesevide�ingindebtednes�sacuredtiythisDeedolTrusttoTrusUe� _,_.,-_-___ <br /> --�r �- Trustee shatl reaomrey ths Proaerty wlthout wartartfy and without charge to the person or persons tegslly entitied theret�. ���rr,�, _ -- <br /> "�`"' TrusLar shatl pay aii cosis of recordaUon.if any. ~� ` � ;� __-. <br /> _.,�3„r�.� '•�:.- - <br /> =*=i`==�: A c[L As adslitfonat secuNty tor the payment of th9 I�ote.Trustot here�y granis '�? � _ <br /> e��'_=�.. <br /> ,;,h...�r (h}P�rtonal PI^apury:S�� ��+rtf� -.�#��-.�_-=_ <br /> - `�� Lender under the Nebraska Unlform Commercfal Codea securiry interest in aq,and aH�er personaf propertyt ;,��:;._____ <br /> _�-,r'���,: used dn cormectfon with B�e reat estate or improvementa facatedthereon.and not otherwise dectared os desmedto be a paK of , , � ,.�� <br /> � �' the raat estate secured hereby.This instrumem sfiail be conetrued es a SeenritY Agreement under sBId Code and the t ender �"-�+�++%? <br /> �i �._- __. $���ava gf!the d�►.�+ ets�rernESliss ai s aecure�party under sald Code in adtlt�on to the rights and remedfes createdh Bhall , • � . <br /> .- - �_ L��a�;�?-_ <br /> � - . . .--.-.-----.-andaccordedthei.enderpurs�a_n_ttothtsQeedoi7YuskProvidedthatl.e;�dersrightsandr�smediesurtdofrthtsPe��P _.; <br /> , :., . . . - �_._. _ <br /> � be cumutaUve witt►.and in no way a limitatla�s o».Len�e?s�glifs�and re�[8dtes�ander any ather sewrriY sgteem�snt slgned by------- . .y:��_ <br /> '^:�.� - Borrower or TnisMr. � `'' �=:.'�.�;"-�-- <br /> -• � (Q Uau an�F.neumbr�RC�s.7rusinr hereby.wacras�and represanis that there is no defautt underthe provislons of any .t:.;�i: �,z.�- <br /> s � <br /> .�,� 1 mortgage.deed of trus�tease or purchase contract describi�g 81i or any part of the F�operty,or oUier contrac�insVUment or � .'�' :T , . <br />--- -- agreemer►tcons�tuttng a tien or encumOrance against all or aiiy paR ot the Propercy,(coftectivety."Uens�.exlating as of tlie , _.��~ �._ <br /> c <br /> .��i`L.,.,,= date of this Ceed of TrusL and that arry arsa all existing Uens remafn unmodifled except as d� lenQer(n Trustofs _ --�.--�'' . <br /> ' wrttten dtselcssse of liens and encumbrances provfded tor herein.Trustor ehail timety pertorm sU of Trustods obitgations. � <br /> ' " covanants,represer�tattons and warran8es uader any and aft exisfting artd future Uens,shall promptty farward to Lender copies <br /> cfall nottees ot detaultsent in connection with any and att exisKing ar fuWre Uens,ar�shall not wiUiout Lender's prior wrttten •� 1 <br /> crnssr�t in an y manner madify the provisians ot or atlo�r any future edvance9 under srry exisUng or tuture Uens. ;•�;��: <br /> � � (�AppUeal�on of Pnym�tifs.Untess otherwise requtred by law.sums pald to Len d,-�a hareun der,i n c i u d{n g w(t h o u 3 G m i t a t l on � '.{;� ,, . <br /> paymenLs of principal artd(nteres�insurance proceeds,condemna8o�proceeds and renb and protlts,shatl ba apylled bY <br />,•.�.,_:.'.,� LanQertothe amountsdue and owtng from Tru�tor and BorroweNn sach order as LenQer in ib sote disareUan deemsdesfrable <`_ <br />. - (f�S� any proviston oi thts Oeed ot Trust conflicts with applicabta faw or is daclar�d invatid or atherwtse �„* � <br /> � Y, unentarceable.such conflict or invafld[ty shatl nat aHect the other provisons of this Dped of Trust or the Note which can be •. , <br /> -=:;,�,;•.,;' gtv�neffectwithouttheconflicttngprovision.andtothtaendtheprovisionsotthisDeedotTrustandtt�eNoteareCecfaredtobe �•`f <br /> severable. <br /> ;�f:� ..;� p)Tirrtrt.The terms'?ruator"and"Borrower'ehail inctude both singutar and ptural.and when the Trustor end Borrower �� ��•�<<� , <br /> are the same persan(s),tfiose terms es used In thfs Oeed of Trust ahall be iMerchangeabte. �'��. <br />�J""�" � (m) tiov�mins Law.This Qead of Trust shail bo govemed by the tawa of the State of Nebraska. "' � <br /> 5't,. . <br /> :. ' �,*- , f.' <br /> �`�!.. . ' �� ��i i <br /> °'•'��` Trustor A8s executed thia Ceed o!Tivat as of the date written above. . ����� <br /> ;_'- . � �a'>.�/'� �f:}' <br /> . : ,t��: v Hp ti . � :. : . <br /> ���;z� � . -=: <br /> G Garrie stor eband `` �� '' %% <br /> ._ _ ,�� . �a :;,;� _ <br /> � �-,...� _:l�- ` . <br />-;:�', � ��-..� <br /> , ' � � arbara K Garri r �4ife : : '.+i � <br /> . .. .: . �.y�'�._, • <br /> �. .t: ` <br /> � - - - _-3� .. <br /> '. i .. . <br />.-�j-...5` ' . � �� � �. -. <br /> A{� <br /> �l�r7�.: ' �� _' '_ <br /> ���•,'��.�.��` " .� . . <br /> _ � . <br />,-".,y(�� .. . <br /> __ .-�,� . � . . <br />- _"s,�' . . , ' � . .. _ - . <br /> '�:�y��".t.:� � , . . . ' . . _ <br /> �:SY-'�-'�., . '. . _ . . . . , . <br /> T.�.-� . <br />__J,��:;5� . . . ' : .. - _- ' <br /> -_ f/ <br /> _ . . . � • . . . . - • _ <br />_ ;:�;�` - � � <br /> „;_ _ . , '�. <br />-.�: �• <br /> _�;._ =f;�.' . 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