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<br /> , �-,��- ..,. -
<br /> F �.H�Q0Y4 p���7rustar shatf k�ep ttte ProPe�9 in compItanca wiM a11 apDllcal�te lawa orainartee�and resutattons , � � r} �,.>=
<br /> relBUng to tnduaVial hy�tene or environrt+ente!protecUon(cottec4tvety re4erreE!to harein as"Environme�ta�L�+��?•Tnestcr nhali � ��` . , �_;
<br /> rre!
<br /> ' kea0the PropaAy f ree t rom ai1 aubstance�de�med to be d�ardousortoxt�urtd�r anY Envirocurenutl l.aw��wltectivety referredto .,. `:.�'-
<br /> �� ' � t�eretn�s"Hezardoua Matertats'�.'�ustor heraby warrante a�d reAresenb to Lender th0t thereare no H a ffi r dou�M a�at�on or • ' � : ,._ �
<br /> ttadirectors.a�ice�e.Qmployee9 andagents.and °'
<br /> � undflrtheProperiy.TNStorherebyagreesto��demnt4yandholdAer��tea�l.artdor. ���,,, •�• .
<br /> � any auceessor$to Lendara Intere3t,Yrom and against enY en�all ctatms,damaSes,�flsses end liabfii8es arising in cannecdon w(th ' , r-�. ___
<br /> y �S THE FOFtEQO1K0
<br /> ' ' � � � � the presence.use.8tsposaf cr Uar►spoR of an HarBrdoua Matedats an.untlar.fror:�or about the PropertS►• � � ' �y=_=
<br /> . ;�.. ` , .
<br /> . -. .._ �yg�G�(�VE1/qNCE OF THIS OEED OF TRUST. • --
<br /> - �, - 10.AfttSmn�nt o1 R�nb.Trustor hereby aesigns to Lender the rer►ts.issues and profi�a!the Pro�nrty:9ravtded that Trust� :
<br /> � sl�aU.unt11 tho eceurrenceaf an Event bt QefauHhereunder,hayethe�ighttocoilectanc}retain sucA rents,issuesend profitses�a1� `•,
<br /> � become due and payabte.UPon tMe accur�ence ot an Event of Defa�it,lender may,either in person cr b1►BSe��wi�or without . Y L _`
<br /> ; Cdnginp any actlon ar proceedin�or by a receivar eppointad by a court an�withaut regard tathe adequacy ot its security.enter �c',�
<br /> - . . . - - upon a�take passessfon of the ProQerty.cr an!►P�theteo�in itS awn nama or in Ute name of the Tru artthsreof at in�reattherein, _ _ . `y`_�,.�-,� �.
<br /> , � � - daemsnecessaryordeEtreh[etopreservathevaiue,madceffibilfryorrentabtlityofthePraperry.c�ton of the Property.sueUOrar . . `.:,=
<br /> ` i�crease the income therefrom or protect the sesurity hereof and,with or wtthouttakin9 po � ,; .,, ;E :. :._,::^
<br /> � � � otherwise coitect the rents.Issues and proRts thereof.inctuding those past due and unpatd.and aPPiy the same.tegs costs end ';: . .,y,i�,.•_ _.
<br /> . expenses of operatton and catlectton inctuding atUomeys teas,upon any inde6tedness s0cured Rereby.eli in such order as Lender . ���
<br /> ' ' � �, may determine.The entedng upon and taking possessicn of the Properly,the co��ecticn ot such rents.fssues and proft4s and ttte �`°-° °
<br /> -i=m
<br /> -�- � - � pppflcatIon thereof es atoresaid,shali nat cure or waive any defau[t or no�ce o!defautt hereunder or invalidate am►act done in ,i.�'_+^,._A __
<br /> responseto such detauttor pursuar►ttn such noBce of default and.notwitnstandingthe coadnuanae in Possesg�on ofthe Properiy ar ., ;__
<br /> �,�". � the collection,receipt anQ aDAlicatlon af renta,issues or Droflts.and Trustee and Lender shail be entiUed tn exerclse every�fght _ `
<br /> . ' � � provtdedforinarryoftheLoanDacumentsorbytawuponoccurrenceofanyEventofQetau�.inctudingwidioutlimiffitiontherightto • .� ���,�, _
<br /> exercise the power ot s�ate.Further.Lender's rights and remedies undee this paragrapb shaii be cumutattve with.and in no way a �, . < .
<br /> � ��• Iimitationon.Lender'srighisandremediesunderanyasslg�mentofteasesandrerrtsrecondeda9ainstthefR'operty.Lender,Tnrstee . ••i •. .'.�.-_
<br /> �. ,. . �
<br />°, �•. .; ,. and the reoeiver shall be liable to accourn onty those rents aetualty reoeived. -- __-_----- ---
<br /> =� ' -=�-P-- -:� a�:�asnf�ai 06;'su,'L Tha.faBII�{�8:�?!1 Cansl4hsis an Everrt of Oetauit under ti�}S Oead o!Trust „_. : •� �.�
<br /> (a} Faiiure to pay any tns*siiment of pd�cipal o�interest oi s"ttq other sum�secured�hereby when dus; � � --- , �� .._
<br /> ' � � � � Qb) Abteacfiofordefauitunderanyprov+sioncontainedintheNote,thisDeedofTn�st.anYoftheLoanOocumes��,orany `. R �.
<br /> other lien or ertcumbrartce upon the ProDeriv; • �
<br /> � � . •� (c)A wrlt of executlom orattachmentor arry simitar�rocess shaii be entered againstTrustor which shall becomea Iten on . .;`���
<br /> . . the properiy or arry Portion thereaf or interest therein; ._ . ._.,'�1�� ,
<br /> • • . (d)There ehall be fited�y oraSainat Trustor or BorrotNer an ac�on under any present or tutura fede►e�.state or othev :},_
<br /> � , statute.Iaw or regu(atlon retatin�to bankruptcy.insotvency or othar relief Eor debtors;or there shail be appointed any tiustee. . ��•�' '.
<br /> � ' �ece[ver or liquidator of Trustar er Borrower or of aitor any part of the Property,or the rents.issues or protiffi thereof,or Trustot
<br /> • ' or Borrower sha�t make any ges�erai assignmant tor the beneSt of creditors: ,
<br /> ._._.,.. . (e)The�sate,trenater,lease,asstgrsment conveyance or furtfier encumbrance ot ail or any part ai or any in4srest in ths , - .
<br /> • � Property.e(ther votuntadty or involunterily.without the express wrttten consent o}tender,provfded that Trustor sha0 6e
<br /> ' , pannitDed to execute e fease of the Property that daas notcontain an op�on to purchase and the tertn of which does not exceed
<br /> . • rr
<br /> one year.' • �
<br /> ,. • ' (�Abandonment ot the Property:or . 'r:.;;�:
<br /> ,_ � ? (g) IiTrustorisnotanindivfidual.thelssuance.sale transter,assfgnmentconveyanceorencumbranceofmorethanatotal , ,
<br /> t �`j '.
<br /> . �+ . p��_.percent oi((f a corporattoo)its issued and outatanding stock or(if a partnership)a total of percent ot f_ _� ._._. `:.�;� ..r
<br /> • p8�tnership interests during tha period this Deed ot Trust remaina a Ifen on the Property. { {
<br /> � J � ��, R��;/1ea{�raUon Upon Odau1G tn the avent of any Event ot Datautt Lend�r may,without noUce exceptas required by �
<br /> � law.deciare ell IndebLSdness secured hereby to be due and p8yabte and the eame shatl thereupon became due and payabte k• . ;a�i%,
<br /> ' without any prasentrnBnL demand,protest or rtoUce o!any kind ThereaRer Lender may. t� •; :"
<br /> � <`,. . � (a} Demand that Truatae exercise the POWER OF SALE g►anted here►n. ana Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustor's �
<br /> . � interest in the Properiy to Oe sotd ond the proceeds to be dlstributed,all in the manner provlQed(n the Nebraska Trust Oeeds >�� .
<br /> Ac� . .. . •
<br /> � � (D) ExerciseanYandatirightsprovidedtorinanyoltheLoanDocumentsorbytawuponoccurrenceofanyEventotOefault
<br /> . �- � - � -•- and . ..
<br /> • (c) Commence an action totorectosethia Oeed ot Trust as a mortgage,appolnt a recelver,or specHically entorceany of the
<br />- : � covenanta hereoL . �•
<br /> No remeQy herein conter►ed upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender is intended to be exctusive of any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> � Loan Oocumenta or by taw provlded or permitted,Cut each shall be cumulative,shall be in addition to every other rernedy gtve� •�w.: �
<br /> � hereunder.in tti�LOan Oocuments or now or here$ft�r existing et faw or in equfty or by affitute,and may be exercised concuRentty. , �
<br /> • • � independentty or successtvety• � . •
<br />� • � 13.Ti�uttN The TNStea may�esign at any time withaut cause�and Lender may at any Ume and witfiout cause appolnt a
<br /> successororsubstituteTrustee.Truste8shailnotbeliabletoanypaRy.includingwithoutUmitatfonLender,�arrowar,T�ustorarany .
<br /> '? .• • , � purchaser of ttte Ptopertll.tor any loss or damage untess due to recktess or wilitut misconduct and shail not be required W ffikaany .
<br /> ection irt connection with the entorcement of this Oeed of Trust unless indemnifled.in writing,tor alt cosb,compensaUon ar
<br /> .r ,, expenses which may 6e associate�therewith.In addiUon,Trustee may become a purchaser et any sale ot the Proaeriy Qudicial or
<br /> � � � under the power of sate granted herein):posq�one the sale of ell or any poRion of Me Property,as provlded by law;or sell the
<br /> � Proyeriy as e whote,or fa separate parcels or lots at Trustee's discretion.
<br />�,�� � - b exerc'sse ot power of sate,Trustee shatl be entiued to epply . � .
<br /> 14. F�and ExMnsn.�n the event Trustee se11s t1�e PropeRy y
<br /> � � an y sate proceeds f:rst to payment of ail co3b and expenses of exercising power of sate,irtcluding a�l Trustee's fees.and LenQePe
<br /> � Qnd Trustee's attomey's fees,act�saliy i�curre d to e x c en t perm i tt e d b y a p p l l e a b i e t a w.(n t h e e v e n t B o r r ower orTrustor exercises any I
<br /> -� ' . ., rtght providad by taw to cure an Event of Default Lender shatl be enUtled to recover from Trustor all costs and expenses actuaity � ;
<br /> � • � Incuned es e result of TrustoPs default inciuding without limitation ail Trustee's an0 attomey's i�e9,to the extent permitted by �
<br /> - • •- - � ePPlicabte law. � �
<br /> - ' 15,Future Advas�en.Upon request of Bo►rowe�,Lender may.at Its opUon,make additional and future eQvancea and�e- ' .
<br /> 'Y'� ,, advanc9s to BoROwer.Such advances and readvances.with interestthereon,shatl be secured by this Deed of Truat At noUme shall . .
<br /> � • . � the principai emuunt otthe irtdebtedness secured by this Deed of Trust noi6c50090 m9 whiche er�s g ea g�e security of this ;
<br /> ' Oeed ot Trus�exceed the origlnal�rinCipal amaunt sffited herein.or� i
<br /> '�' •� � 18.dlkeNtte�ous PraYWonr. ' •
<br /> ;,- (e� ga�p�r�r Hnt RN�sM.Extensian of the Sme tar payment or madit!caUon ot amorfl�Uon o1 the aums secured by this '
<br />:_ z ., Oead of TruStgranted by Lender to anysuccessor in interestol8orrower shail not operate to release.ln any manner,the liability
<br /> � : •� olthe oNginal Borrower end Bonowe�'9successors in interest Lender shalf nat be re�uired to commence proceedings against
<br /> .;� • suchsuccessororrefus9toextandtimeforpaymentorotherwisemodifyemortlrationollhesumsseeuredbythisDeedotTrust ,
<br /> --- - by reasan o1 any demands made by tha original 6orrower end BorrewePs saccessora in interesi �`'
<br /> �� '�� (b)L�ndK'�Row�s.W��out eNecting the uabltay of any other person tiable tor•the payment of asfy obfigaSon herein
<br /> mentinned.and without afiectlng the lien or charge oi this OeBd of Trust upon any poRton of the Property notthen ortheretofore .
<br /> ._� : ,' . • , releasedassecuHtyforthefullamountotallunpaldoblfgations,Lendermay,tromUmatotimeandwithoutnoUce(i)reteaseany
<br /> � person so tlable.(li)extand the maturltyor aitet any of the terms of any suc�obligaUons.(iii)grantother mdutgences.(iv)re�ease
<br />_. : or reconvey.or cause to be released or reconveyed at any Ume at LenEer's option any parcel,portion or atl o!the Properiy. ;
<br /> �'- ' ' •- - ---_ •- ty}�gaF rS�sny pihsr ni atic�i�onal security�fnr eny obUgaUon heraln menUonBd.or(vi)make compositions or other •
<br /> '�� ' � artartgemenb with debtors in retatlon therew. ;y • � �
<br /> :J .. , . ' �
<br /> .
<br /> 6
<br /> �-� .
<br /> �. .. .. . . � . . . .. . .__._.. . ._. -_�._.. . .. _._._ .
<br />