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<br /> _- ptavHian or tlause of tt�i9 Security tastnimtnt or tEe Note c8afltcta cvith aDDl:cahie drA,`.suctt cenflic4 shat!aot allett cahes��fsIces of this :
<br /> -- . 5ct�WtfT Iast�umcn�or tbs N�te+�lileh can Ix gtven eifect althont Wc co�fitrKa81xovistau.and co t�is ead the$xovistons oY�t�is SaRttity -__
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<br /> "� 17. lYaa!'e�rbt tle hu�ertsr oe�Htae�dd Iitess�t ta Sorm+rer.If all o:e�y�rt of tha ProptKy ar an inia�st therda is sotd az transfare�
<br /> .!� � . (or it a 6eoaG�!i�urest in Soaawer is sol�or naasf�red aud Borsowu is nat a nanuet Peiava?WIthout Fxadtr's prtar writtea c�xnt,
<br /> - � I.ead�msY.at Leas►rr'a apcIon.doclare all ttce sums sec�red 6y tt�is SxurIcy�.�+,,,,,,�+c so 6c immsdiatsiy du�aad pa�able.Hoveeva.shis�
<br /> _=° . optioqsh�ll not 6eeagdsed 6p L�atdEtif e:ads0is nnt authorFiedbY Federallaw.Le�sder maY waive thea�acise of tEnsoptiea if:(a}Bormaer .
<br /> cause tfl De aabmiitod to I,endes informa8an requIrEd 6Y Ia►derto evaiBate the inteaded traasface as if p ae9v lo�rrae baa�mtde t0 the -
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<br />� Toti�r�t peranitted byapplicablelaw.Lmdtr ma�char8e a rcasonabIs fxas a cendition to I.ender's coassnt to theiaan astivmpilan.
<br />::s� �mdermapatsorequirefhstraasferatatceePallWepmmisssande�8�ameatsmzd�iatheNouandintLisSecurltptn�st�ument. �
<br /> ,� "IPLaiderexercisessnch optioato scahrate.Lender a6at1 mati Borraw�nntioe of�an iaaa�rrdaace with�h 14haeof.
<br /> .`•� SbcbuotIoe ShaAprovIde aperiodof not I�ss tUan 30 days from the dau the nodx is ma�sd anthin wLIch Bonawer�YP�3►the adms deciued -
<br />-� due.If Bormwer faiJs to pap sus�sams prtas to ttu eapiratioa oF su�h gsr.'nd,Lender maq,wtthssut fiirther nnticx or demand oa Barro�rer.
<br /> �� iavoice aay remediEs p�rmittedbYthfs Se�itF L�s�tn�•'.- ..---- ._. ._ ... ._... ... --.--------.-- . . � .
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