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w . �c. ,�, n . . . . . ; .. ' ` r . . . . _.i.. :�F�,. ,�'.yr .-�� . <br /> _� �- . ' �r �.. �f� • � ` . ... - ; .' _� . � ��-' , . �M.'- '.- �.. .u:�.�G s. . L -i.� -�4- _ <br /> t - -C'' ' - , � �,.�.�a, � - <br /> � k 4 "�.�.' c ,c.. � :i'• '� u .,..::�L"�' ''3 .t- •�.s'."a7e5na'1�'I�Tr�.ti�. d�Ce� +�; <br /> Q J`3� � �1� .7c t_Y'� - ' � '�CR" � 1+�C3'�' 'f`��-.�a'b•.� .`.4.`�$ !a ��r-g, �. <br /> . . . <br /> i:- -� _: . �� . ; <br /> _ , <br /> . �. .. . <br /> .�. <br /> i' <br /> .. � . . .- , ... . . . <br /> -��~ c • .. �• � ° . . . '_-- - _ _ _ _ ——. . .T_' � -.... _--_. <br /> . "�.. . _� � - - . • ' �`�•rq - -- � <br /> _ - ���. � ' � � . . ��v��r�a.��.Aa� ��a l+9�.::�0�� � � - -- <br /> .. • ' ' ai�r��-� t�xearrn�uryrnacx-xauc�ysi . � ' � �_..�_.�.�- <br /> � . . . ;`,�i��+��: �. -- - <br /> ' � TtiiSADIt�sPAH1�RkTEttmERt�audeth{a 13TH dayot JANUARIP ;e9 95 , --_-- -- _ <br /> .. . ' aad is lao�rporated inro and aheII be dermed to amend and aupyl�mt the Mart�e.Detd ot' Sewrity tkr+d(the•'Stc�rr(ty[nsirumeAl")nt '-=�=-- <br /> . , : ' ,_ <br />.a.�.: ... _, , <br /> the aame date gfvaf DyY tho uudasi�uB tthe••Barrovrcr")to aeatcr eorro�rer's Adjusta6ts Rnte Note(tde"Natd7,ro 1�Q�E�.�,QEA�.lHiRA�#l� °���—_—-- <br /> �'"•,: . ..` ' ' , , tSlAHD tehe"Lsada••)bf the sazce datr and coverfag the proD�Y�esaiEtd in the SeeuritY tnslrumint aad lacated W: . , _ - - — <br /> ``.�• , � � 'f 726 OUREEN ST.� GRANO ISLAND NE 68801 � _-==_ _ - <br /> . .: _ . (PropertyAd�r�ss) � . �"=�'°"�_�-=- <br /> � - .- ..- ..-_ Thfs no�can�prafi�s fIIowiag(or cR�g�In a4y l�t tate aaa my moathiy -- - - -- <br /> ,; , <br /> � paymenis.aAts nots atso Umits tke Rmonat m�IateRSt nte�an cQsege et ony ane Hmt seed � � -- <br /> ... atso�e mintmum�ml the muimnm rate 1 masl psy. , � • — —_° <br /> � ' �. ° �.. ADDTiTONAL COYENA1�3T5.Ia addidon to tlte crnenants and agraments made in the Soa�stty Instrumeset.8orroiver aad Lea�4er � -- <br /> � . fanhawvwaataada�rwasfollows: . - <br /> ��, <br /> ,. �' : A. INrERE�T 6A�AND MOIVTSI.Y PAYLI�NT CHANGE9 <br /> • f The Nou provIdes for an inttial interest rafe of 8•�5 %.Sxtfon 4 of the Nou provides for chauges in the ituetrst rate and the � � <br /> , . . _ ..'�).`. mo�9Papmmts.asfoIIows: - -• • • --- — <br /> •- ' 4. INTBREST RATEAND MOIVTHLY PAYMFJYT CHANGES . <br /> -� - � (A) AulcDate� — <br /> `. . . ' . Tht tnterat rate 1 w�l pay may d+.ange on the fi�st day of IhAY ,i9 96 ,and oa thst day rverY =— <br /> ,;_: , ..:• . �Z monthsther�f�.Eachdateonwhichmyiatarestrateconldchangeiscalleda"ChangeDate." � <br /> 4.. .�.' .._i'__•.__T.� .. _._..__ .. ._ __...._. _ ..._..._.' __.___ ' '_' ._ __ __.__".'.____.''_...___'__.'.__'____._ .... . ._ <br />. . . \ _ _.__'_ ...'._ <br /> . • �/ � ' • — <br /> ' • Be�nning wlth[he first Change Dace,my finteresc rste w�l be 6as�aa an Iadex.The••Index•,is dte woeklyaveRageyidd on UnSr�States �"- ,�_ .�.-._ <br /> ve af �_w� <br /> . - ---- 'freasury seattidts ad�sted to a coaztant mat�aity af 1 yeaz;as miCe a4altable by the Federal Raerve Bqard.The most aant Inda�figure -- s <br /> _ � '. avaitable as otthedateas days before eacb Change m2r��s called t4e"Curreat IndeR." ' �e`--- - <br /> �'- " ` ES the Indea is no toager.ava�able,tLe Note Ho2der wDi chomse a new tndex ahicD is Eased a�on compardble tnfotmatfon.7'6e Nete mm� <br /> . . . Hol�eer an11 give me notla of this chmf� _ . �� <br /> . . . , (C) C9lcaftttion ot '��_ <br /> . � , ' . BeforetacbCE;.�eDate�.tlteNouHoldetwIIlc2'.tnlatrmyaewinterestcateQ�g��ng T�REE AND ONE-HRLF y���g� 1�� <br /> . . � --. points t_ 3•5 Qlo)to the Curreat Inda aa3 rouadiug to tl�neareat 1/Btb of 1%,sub3ea to the Iimitn stated in Scctioa 4(11)beiow. ���^� <br /> _•. Tlds munded amount w716e my new interess rateunq'1 the aeRt Chaage Date. . � �` <br /> • T6e Note Holder wlll then dete�iae the atuount of the month,'y paymeat that would be safficient to repay ia full the prtn��l I am •' � <br /> a�pocie0 to awe on t6at Change�ate in substantiatly equal payments by the maturity date at my new interest rate.She ranit of th�s caiealaBon : .� <br /> ' ' wiD6ethenewamam�tofmymonthh►Dayment. � _`'J� <br /> ... � .. . �) IlmibonlIItuatRateQtangea � � ` . :�� <br /> � � � The interat rate 1 am required to pay at the Puat Change Date will not de greata thaa ��•75 % os less than. � � � ��� <br /> i. , .4� <br /> interest ratearill never be increased or deaeased on any singte Change Date by more than �� ;�� <br /> ' ' � 2•� � from the rate of intuest I have 6ea�paying for the preceding twelve moaths.The minimum Iaterest rate oa tf�ts loan wiU aever be, `�'��� <br />'�. , .: , •, �� las tban 6.75 %and the ma�dmam tntaest rate aill neva 6e greates tAan 13.75 %. .�,,;�' . .� •,.;�. <br /> - . ' • (L� Eftective D�te of ChuYes ~-� <br /> �';_ji, .. ,�� _ <br /> My new iaterest mte will become cffativeoa each Change Date.l will pay the amount of my new monthIy payment beginNng on the first ���/�`"� �`.s °-` <br /> � � • �• monLtity payment date afterthe CGaage Date undl the amount of mq moathty paymant ehangq again. f�'�`-5=�� <br /> - , � ' � (F1 NotkeolChte� •�'`� �'_— <br /> " �. 79�e Note Holder wiD ma7 or de}iver to me a nodce before each Change Date.The natIce wi[1 advise me of: - y� <br /> . (� the ac�sr intaest rate on my toan as of theChange Dat� . <br /> . • �: . ('i� the a�oaat of m montht �' � .. '• I <br /> y ypaymentfollowingtheChangeDatr. <br /> - '' " � � ' (ii� any sdditional matters which Ne Nore Ho1da is reQuired to disclose:and ; � � ".�Yx i' <br />-: ''. . (v) theaddnssoftheassociationywcouldoontactregardinganyquestionsabwttheedjustmentnotice. � • y�l� 1". <br />.-i. ._ -. ... - : . / � _ _ ..�•'_ <br /> _ . . _ . . . � {rJ1A1{Va��NW\J ( ' T,J� . <br /> °,'F � . UnSform Cavenant 4 of the Se�rity Instrumrnt b amcaded to aad as follows: � , : r I �{ <br /> - .. � � .!: <br />�, �.; ,. �.Cbtr�es:llea�.Horrowar ahail pay aU taxes,assessments,aztd other charges,fines.and imyositiaa9 atMbutabte to tAe Pro�erty which may . • �� �' . <br /> . sttain a yriority over this Seciuity Iastsument,and lrasehotd paymmu of ground rents.itairy,in the aanner provided under DaragraDb 2 hereof ( _ `, �' <br /> _. � . ; or,if not paid in sncA mznner.tiY Baaowa making payment.whm due.mrectlY to the paYee thercoL Borrower shaU promptly flenfsh Lendtr � : �� <br /> , .. aU noticea M amounts Que under this ParagraDb,and in the event BoROwer a6aU make paymrnt dtratly.Borrower shaU promytiy furrtish to � . j� <br /> � ,r , � . I.enQa raetp�evfdencing snch payments. Borrower shall Cr�D�Y�8�aay lien wbisD has prlority over thi�Saurtty Iastramea[; � . <br /> : � � hov:rver,Borrowu shal!aot be rcqulred w dtscharge aoy such Uen so long as Boaowa:(a)sh�D egra in wliting to the payment ot tlie ..�, <br /> •s _ . oDUgaHon serured by sucD lien in tne manner aacptabie to Lmder.(b)aball in gand faith wmest snch lien by.or defe�dag,al�st rnforammt of j . � <br /> � � " . _ sush lIm proacdings which in the opinion of l.ender oyerate to preveat thr tniorcement oJ the tien or foKtituse of the Pro�erty or aery { ;�-�� <br /> _�. , ,, . part theraof;or(c)ahall secuse frmn the hofder of such tien an agreement in a form satisfactory to LenQtr subordinating such pen to this � � � � + <br /> - SecuritYfasUumeat. ' f � � `,�:•�% <br /> " If Lenda dctem8nev thaz all or aay part of the ProDerty is subject to a liea ahicls may attcln a priority wer this Securiry fnstrumen� � � . . �i;.� <br /> �. � • Leader sLaU give Borrawer a aotice identifying such lien.Bortower sha11 satisfy such lien or take ane or more of the actEoas set forth above ` � " • <br /> ' • arithin ten daqs of thegiving of the notice. i • � ��" <br /> '� � . � . � ' . <br /> ' �.i <br />, _i .. . C. H�Z� i . . � . .: :( <br /> _ � ; , __. __ Uniform Covenant 14 of the Securityi Iaswm,ent ia ameaded ro cead su folloxs: • ` • , s.l . <br /> • t1.NoUa:Exapt[or any notice reQuircd unda apDllca0le law to be given in anatAer maana.(a)any aotice to Bonower provided for in this ; '. , : .` <br />_ � Security[nshument shall Ee given by deliverina il or by mailina it by�rst ciass mail to Bottowet at the Property Address ur at such othu addras ,' � <br /> . " as 6mrower may deslgnate by nrstia to Lender as proviQe�.hetein.and(D)any noticY to LendeT shall be piven 6y first dass maii to Lender's � � <br /> • . BdGress stated herein or to such other address as Lender may designate by nodeC[o Borrosver ax provided hereia.Any rsotice provided[or in this � <br />_ ° • ... ' � <br />- , ' _ Seeuitv!��«shall6`d[emcdtohaveAtrn�eiventoBnttov;Marl.endcswhmrir•erfinthemannerd?�igns*!Q4�e�ein. �_..____ _�.:� _ . <br /> •y�_ .t - ---- . -1 <br /> ' r <br />. . . . + . - :I' _ <br /> . . ; . _ <br /> .... ' r � . '; <br /> :�f[ � . � I� . � <br /> s, . ,. : . <br /> , . <br />. . ...� .• . . . .. . <br /> � .. <br />