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S .. `. .E `� f . , c f- 4 c ', 4.. , , ..' , ."r.,` _ �{ _ <br /> - .�` , . . • ,� , �� � • � �i <br /> _ t: ` � � • . . � . f►��-1oa /� . ��...�� <br />- � ' •G_ .. , , . , . �f� � - .t�. "�'^i�.1 <br /> �' , , � � 5.HA�rd�PrapeaAy Ins�a� Ha�owca shail�keep the�mpmvematLs now cad�ting ar hez�tear eaected on the P�operty : `"r�«`,s:.;�:�: <br />__ H -,:,���:..,-�:��r`. <br /> ,_._ ;, _,' _ 'ipsared e�t Ioss by 16�l�rds includEd wittdm the tea�"ext�caveaage"and�y ather.6a�trds.iaoludmg Qaads ar ::�,. %.. .,-., E.= <br /> --� --- �g,f�wtiich Imder r.�qair�s insmr'atce.T6#s�sl�t b�m�ain�ueed ia dee amoant�aud f�!t��s ttt�i L�tt� -- �~s��. - <br /> , , ' ,—. , e ;,� <br />�' . �,. �quaes.Zhe�smre�r�uer pmviding tha�oe sball be,chase.n by Bmrower suhject m I�dea's apgmval wi�ch shaI!nnt '�._�r <br /> � � 6e�sonably cvithheld if Bnanwe�fa�s to mamtam coverage de�ed above,L�en�may,at T�auder's agiioa,obtain �,f°� . <br />-r;r'.-- . .. . ,<. cavaa�tn ptotect Lender's aghts m the Pt+apaty ias aocardance whh pazagraph?. ' . ' <br /> •- - . .-. - � All�pu]Icies and�ewals shali be acc�eptable to Le,n�er and sGait iachtde a si�d�d mo=tge�e clanse.Le�dct sita�t ��_�- <br /> - � , . . have the right to hoId the polictes aa�reuewals.lf I.endea rzquir�s.flaaower shall F�P�Y�e ts Lendct all rece3pLS af paid <br />' � `. . , p�emn��ncl renewal naticas.In tbe eveat af�OSS,Hamwsr shaIl give�aompt notice.m the msurance cattiet aud Leader.Latdes -- <br />-- " . may maYe Pmof of loss if not raade pmomptiy hy Baaowea. � --i <br /> � ' ` Unless Lea�an�Bonawer othe�wise a�e m wiinmg,ms�ance ptooeeds shall be applied w r�ar iepair af the'� <br /> ���� <br /> � . � .� . _ Ropeny damaged,if tI�iesta�aIIon or�ai�i�eoon�y feasible and Iendes's securiiy is not les�med.If the xe�an aar <br /> -.: � � • � iepair is aot econamicaIIy feas�Ie or I.e�dra's seauiry wanW ba le,ssaied,ihe iascuaace pmreeds shaD 6e agptied ID the suans � - <br /> ° ` , s�by tvis Sec�riry Iast�a�ent, whether ar aot then dne,with say excess�gaid to Boaower.If Bouawrr ab�duns the . <br /> -� . �. � Piopcaty.or does not answea withm 30 days a notice fram Leatder t6at the ias�ce�8aa o�m�a claim,then <br /> � � �nder maY colIcct the ms�aance procerds.I.e�dea may ase the pmceeds to regarr rnr restnie the Pmpecty or w pay sums sec�retl — <br />_ �� .. by d�is Sec�dty Iastcumeat,wbethea ar not titcA due.'Ihe 30-0ay period w�l begfn w6en the nntice#s givEU. . � <br /> --- : ..._ . . - - . -- ---��Uti1�a I:Prrdet�td-Banawex otherwise-agre�in�wrIting;�y�agplic�l3�n of�aoceeds oo gtmcipai shall-aot eR�or.gastpo� _- <br /> . . : tha dae date of We mm►tb1Y P�Y��s re�'eaed to in patagxaphs 1 and 2 nr cbange the aruomit of the paymea�t9.If imderp�� ( :_ - <br /> � ; � 21 the propeaty is acqufrEd by Leader.Bmmwea's right ro�►y iasurance policies and pmc.eeds resuWng from damage ta the e:= <br /> .. . � �P�Y P�m the acqmsitinn shaU pass w Leader to the ext�t of the soms se�red by thi�Sec�inr InsorU�mca�t immc�diately �-`•� <br />-_, ' �� � _ . . . prinr w d�e acqaiisition. ..._ . . _ .....'. � ext - -.. . � . =-_ <br /> th <br /> C�_ <br />_, � , ' 6.Ooa�aa�cy.Pceservattoa�Mainteaanoe an�Pmt�tinn o!the Property; Borrawer's Loan Applks�tIoa;I.e�Eaalds i�s�;'�— <br /> � , Borrawer shaII occapy,establish,an+d ase the Propeaty as Bom�wea's priaapal residence wit6m sixty days aft�tfie ex�n af -- <br />� -. . , . tT�is Seauity Listrument and sbaU cantinne to occupy dte Pmpeaty as Baarmwec's principal re.v�ce for at�ast one year after ti�e Y ��,L y <br /> . date of agrdes in wri�ing,wt�ich consent shall nof be nnreasanabi wif�heId,os�mless � �.� <br /> . . . avcnp�neY,�mlesg Lend� ri Y : j, ,, <br /> " � � � . extenaatmg ecaccamsmnces exist whieh ate beyond&ntmwer's contml.B6aowea shall nat desocoy.damage ar impair nhe Prope�ty. . "�� <br /> � � ' allaw the Propeity w deteaioiate, or oommit wasts on the Propeaty. Barrower st�all 6e m d e�a n It i f any f o r feii�e ac�on os <br /> - ' � Pmceedmg,whethca civt�or begun that in Lendea's gaod fai�judgmeat conld result in forfeiuue of the Pr6petty ar . =�. <br /> .. � . ,. � otheawise matealally uapair the lien cceated by this Se�►Instmme�t ar Leader's aecurity inteaes�Bnrrinwe�may cure sucb a ::'`�.'y% <br /> - -.- ----�_...--:-:_. , : default mtd pmvided 'm gatagraph 18,by causing the action or.PraceedinS�to 6e dismissed witb a ral'sag d�� _ �-s•� <br />_' � � Leader's good faith det�mination.Prectudes forfeio�ae of the Bmrowea's intraest in the Propecty os other mat�ial impairment of '.. ° - "s:�;= <br />_ . � ' the liea►aeated by this Security Inst�ument or I.euder's security interest.Bomnwer shall also be in defautt if 8airower:deuiag the � � _^��'. <br />= � Iaan applicabion ptocess.gave mateaially false or inaccararE infomoation or statements w Lender(ar fa�ed to provide Le�nder with � :�'� � `: ,�'' <br /> ., <br />_ � � ' any material infonnatian)ia cuaaecaon witb the Iuan evidenced by the Note. including. but not timited to.reptesentationa . - „ , ' , �: <br />-��� conce:ning Borrower's occupancy of tLe Prnpeny as a principal s�sideuce.If this Security Insuume�t is on a leasehold,Bormwea ;�.'_.� .. <br />_ . . , sball compIy witb aU the v�stons of tDe lease.If Borrowea es fce title w the Pro < ��� <br />-- . pro .. acq�r peaty.the leasehold aad the fee tide sLall .. . ��. ,��: <br /> - . . not merge imIess Lea�der agrees to the mergea in writing. �i.' ` _ <br /> _ �;��. ^�_'--- <br /> " _ . 7.&lrotocNon oti.ea�der's Rig��in the Pro�yerly. If Bo�mwer fails w perfoim the covenanrs and agn�aeAt�cantaitied ia � ' _-- <br />_ • � this SeauIty insunmeat,or thae is a leSal Froceedi»g that may signi�cantly affect L�►dea's ri�hts in the piropeny(sach as a . : � �� <br /> � . • • P�mB�b�D�Y.Probate.fos condemnatIon or forfeidue or to enfo�e laws or regulations?.then Le,ader may do and pay , ; `� . : <br /> � . . . . ' fot whatever Is necessary w pmtect the vatae of the Pro�aty and Le�der's rights in the Propecty.Lendea's acxios�;may incIude �' � <br />��:� � � paying eny sums sec�ued by a lie� which has priority over this Sec�uity'Insrornment,appe�in8 in comt, PaY1n8 reasonab2e _: .��;��{ <br /> :_. � _ attomeys'fees and en�Ing on the�Faoperty w make repairs.�?rhougti Lende,r may take actiam undea this paiag�aph 7,Lendea '�,..: .. . ' � <br />� • .'.�l . ' M1i � �. <br /> does not have to do so. "'��� <br /> ,r'�. . � Any amonnts dlsbursed by L�dea ander this patagtaph 7 shall become addi@onal debt of Barmwea s�iaed by this Sec�ity � "'"� <br />:� : . . Inswment Un2ess Bomnwea ena Lsr►der agee t� other tams of payment these auaounts shall bear in�,st fmm the date of • ',� ��; . <br /> r ��: <br />� . � .� disb�ent at the Not�rate and s'h2I1 be payable,with interest.upon notice fmm Le�der to Bormwer reques6n�paymeait � ����; �I <br /> .. .. . S.MoRgage Insnranca If Lc��requIrod mongage insr.n�^.ce as a ca�n of makiag the lnan secured by this Securiry , , .� �. <br /> �. .F.. . Iasnum�t, Bairawes shall pay t� premiums requued w maimtain the martgage insurac�ce in e�'ea.If.for any reason,the : ��! <br />�� � � " � mortgage insurauce covedage rEquired by Leadea lapses or ceases to be in e�ec�Borrow�shall pay the premiums re9uired to � . � '.' � <br />��r . : �, <br />_�, � • obtain coveaage subst�iially eqaivatent to the mort�ge insuzance previously�n effect,at a cast subst2a�]ly equivalent w the . • <br />-2-�. �.� � � cost tQ Boaower of th�moitgage u�smance previousty in effect.from an alteanate mortgage insu�e,r a�raved by Lender. If . . � ''' <br /> -_ � . �- su6stant3�allY e�tuiwalent mortgage ins�uance coverege is not av�Table.Bmrawer shall pay W Lender each month a sum equtil to <br /> �_:. u � <br /> -�_ - ano-twelfth of the yeffity mortgage instuar�ce premium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coveaa�e Iapsed or cea�ed to { � � ...;;�:; <br />�ar�. � 6e in effect L�der wiU acceps,nse and retain these payments as a loss reseave in lieu of martgage i�surance.Lass reserve {. : y` <br /> � • . � � <br />_7(N � i . ' � . �' 1�7� <br /> -�- . . � . . . Form 8028 9/90 � .' • ' �,i <br />.; . •'v•' ' . . ��BR(NEJ(0212) Pttpe3of 0 Initlale: � . . • <br />��, b' . _ O , �„I �P` f. .+� <br /> ... . �. . � �. .f a tr�.� � � �: <br /> , r , , . . � .*.� <br /> , . . <br />-� ...._ ` _ <br /> �e� , .{s� _ ; . . ._;_ _ -...-_ . _ . -- : . • • . . . ,�.—.�.�� -,- .._,_._ _.. ;" ' <br /> - ; ' . � � ". : . .. . <br />.` �;. � .' , � ' . • . 1 . , . . . .. ' <br /> 1 . , . . � • . , �_ . . ,� � <br /> . <br /> . . . <br /> . . . <br /> .. ._ . � <br /> - -- __ - ---- -�--- .--�-- -- - - -- - - - --- - - - - <br /> ,_ — — , . . . � .— . - -_— _ -- —- -- <br /> , : . — — - -- - � - <br /> r .: . . . . , . ' . . . ,. . � `� .. . . ,. • . � �..;� <br /> '•,�� . : . : .. .. . � � �, .� , � : . � . . � . : . ; : . � � �.� <br /> .� . � � • . � � � � <br /> �. _ �� - <br />