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,� ��i�y . _ Y . . . . .vt;r.:.. _ �. . . . . . <br /> � �-_G t " -�y ��� 4 t, � � . _ _ c ` . _ � . , `�. p ... ' � ' �c t� `-5 :a - <br /> Y �c��.'_ .: � 4 i`� 'v 4 ` 4 `' Y . - , �f p . .. ti - y�,�� C� , <br /> 3� . . .�'7 'F�- . G:._ � .. , , � ..}�`,' ' . <br /> ' ' Y� . `� .7J� V` (' . . }- ��;. �- . � .. . "_`S <br /> �" ;' 1.- ' -C 9�� , �'. . �F� . . 'cF • L' : . , , 7. ' ' . . . . . � ��a• . <br /> - ... .. - . . �4.` Qr . f' ;`. �s . . ` ;1 • � i , � � i � � .� ' � � . . . " • .. � . � ..o �,tat a• r``, - - <br />..� .F . _ .` . • � _ . .. , - �`�:._ .. .... r. , _ :!: . ,� c . . . . .. <br /> — . . .f �•...f. .,x.' �5 <br /> . � _ . . . . - . . � . . <br /> _ _ _ . ..r . . . � . . . . .. <br /> � ' . . . � i[�._.i <br /> -_� .. Y r_ . ' . , • � r � �''t' <br />=���` . . . ..,. . , . � . �6�. 1���� =t�` �-. <br />=- , << , . ���,�.�� � <br /> -- :� . 'I�p��1�R wrrH an me imgrov�ue�Qow or h�e�tea en the pmgeacy, . ? ; �:t.` <br />--- ; " . �aow aT ha�after a paYt of tlise pmpaty..All re�Ia�emeats and�tioas shall cttso 1ae cavaed by.this Stc�ulry Insm�n� • - <br /> r �::'. <br /> • • � `�• . AII of the far�goiag i�refea�t�in thfis Secar�Y 1ns�ameai aa the"pcogeriy° • ' <br /> -= �� . BORROWFsR COVENAN'CS ohat B�owra is�wFa1tY seise8 of the esmre Ilemby caaveyed and 5as the right tn�ant and <br /> '�:-,. � --'---- •= for�ces of rer�rd.Borrower waar�ts and w�7i <br /> � . •- - convey the PropertY and tbat the�capercy_is aaencumhered. exc�i , • � <.. <br /> ,�--- � -- = defend gea�aIIy the titte to tF�eRopcatg a�tail c1�aiQts 9ad d�nds.snb,�t�any encumb�nres of re�ozd. _'. E,-- <br /> -F - . � . � . , THIS SfiCiJRYTY.INS�R�illylSrfl'combine,s anif�m coveaanta fas naiional ose and uaa-anifaim wvenants with limit�d . - : <br />�'1� �o cans6�wte a anifarm sacariiy►iasu�uncnt covertng ieal gmpertY• ' � ' <br /> :� , � � �� v�iations by jiuist�ctinn n � . � . : � <br /> � .. .. .. . _,- U1�OR1N COVBNANTS.Bauower mW Ir,�dea caveasnt�ad agree as foltnw�. : � -�= <br /> � � ,..` ..- .�.°_ 1.I�aymmt af PrinciPal aad�ateresti prepayment and Late C6argea Banawer sha13 pmmPUY PaY whea� due the : :`� <br />_� � • • p r m c F p a t of aad inLe�stun the debt cvideac�d 6Y the Note and any pn�aymentaad lars c4aiges dae c�der theNat,�. � . <br /> - � . 2.Fands fur T�m and In.�t�xnc� Sabject to spplipble Iaw or m e writte�a wnivcr by Lend�.Botmwer s h a ll pay Lo '�`f•�K�_°- ' ; <br />_4, . . rx <br /> 1� � ,` .. . Lmder on the day mssntIitY Paymemts an dae undes the Nore,unril the Narc is par�in f u D 1,a sam("F�d s'�f o r.{a)y e a r t y t�s '`'`.s-. <br /> `«. � � r � and a�sments which maY at�p�itY over this S�urinr Inst�eat as a lieu an the Ptap�ty:@�Y�IY��FaYm� ., .,�, ":' <br /> .�` ' • .K bazatd or insuranoe�niums:(�Ye�19 flood p�e�ms.if �,.. 4`'= - "'' <br /> r � .. � - ur gronn�reats oa the Prope�ty.ef anY.(c)YeazY�► P=�Y �� `'�� ',� y <br /> ��� -� , � 1e Haaower t�Leuder.m aecardance wiih the �' <br /> >� ��-: anY:�e)Y�Y��Se insoaaace p�n�s.�f any:�(fl�Y�PaYab bY :<.F+_ . <br /> ' pmvisions of gatagraph 8,in lieu of the paymeat of mo�ge insuiance Pr�s.'Ihese ite�s�e called"Hsccow Iterns.° ;:,�,,,�;�. , <br /> :z, � . ; <br /> .s S:. . �, . �des ma9,at aay tim�collect�d hold Fimds m an amo�t not to exoeed t�e ma�amam am�at a lender faz a fedeiatty�eiated ;, <br /> . : � mongage Io8!maY r�q�for Baaowra's es�ow acconat under ths fcd�al Real F�lat�SeWemeut Ycocedures Act af 19T4 ag .:..:�;,�+ _ <br /> ._���.- . .. ' -� amended fmin time Lo ti�e.12 U.S C.Serdion 2601 et seq. ("RBSPA"?,unless��law�ai apglies to the Funds sets a lesset ••:•;:`..;�,. <br /> .--. -- ----e ( - - --.__amoubTlf�6D;Ii�n�ter:may:ar�7►-ume;-coltect�and-ho3d-Fiands-in-an amn�t-not.w-exceed.t3ae.le.c�amQ�lt t,ender may-.---- . .-- ; .:.� ,°.� <br /> - . � � estimate the amount of Fnnds due on the basis of cmreait data and teasonable esdmates of acpendimres of fufine Fscmw Items ar ?" <br /> , , . „ _ • -,;,�;,-8;:.- °� <br /> t � - . atheawLse m accotdance vrith aPP}icabl�law. : .�:,�,! <br />- .� , :'•_ .:' 'l�e Fua�s shall be helc!in an insbimtion whose deposUS are insuced by a feda&1 ageacy.insu�m�t�itY,ar ea►tiiy(mcludin8 " °.---_ <br /> �. � - <br /> * .. . . <br /> .:-...;_-�. .�.. . . � _Lender.if I.ender is snch an:insdmrian).or in aaY F��al H�me Lo�Baa1c.I.cnder shall appt3►the Fimds to pay the Escrow+ ';• r.-::�-,� <br /> . --- - - :.. -- <br /> , Items.Lender a�Y nat ct�arge Haaow�for hold'mg and aPPlymg the�i�nds,aunualiy analYunB the esc�row accauat,or v�fying �`� <br /> � � � d�Fscc�nw Ite�s.anless L�dea pays Bo�wer interest on the Fands aad agDlicahle law peimits Lendea w malce such a char�e. r�.-:!; ,� -v <br /> .•.�. : . .. Hawever,Lc�ader may reci�re Barmwer w gay a one�dme charge far an iadep�demt real esmne t�repomng senrice ased by . . �� <br /> .-v �� �.• . . . • L . <br /> . . __ . I.ender m coaaection witb tdaiis 2oan,.unIess applicable,taLV pmvides aa�ise.Usiless an ag�+eemeni is made ar applic�ble�law. , <br /> •s : <br /> � requires mt�est to be paid,I.emder shall not be reqai�ed to pay Boa�es any inteaest ar eamiags m die F�tTs.Boaowea and .��r� <br /> ai e <br /> ' . � ' . I�nd�may ag�ee m amting,tsowever,that int�est shall be patd on ttie�ands.Lend�shall give W Baaower,wi�hout chmge,an ;"':;� ' . .��•x�, <br /> nd <br /> .�_ , � � annaal accovntmg of the Fonds.showing ctedits and 8ebi�.c mo the Fands and the pmpose for wluch each deL�t4 cLe Fuads was ;.,,,.� � `•; <br /> �� • �aiad�.'Ihe Funds sre pledged as additional sec�ity far aIl snms seaured by this Se�rity►Iast�ument ..�;'�t'1,; . . . <br /> : . . � <br /> �� . :.,.,__�..... . __,.:._-,° If t�e Fimds helfl by Lca�d�eaceed die amounts peamiited to be held by applieable 1aw.Lemdet sball account to Brnsowea far ---. <br /> l �;� . <br /> :S' ._' . . . _. <br /> � the�F�mds in accardance with the reg,�ia�em�tis of applic�ab2e faw.If the sumunt of the Fnuds held by L�ead�ai any time is •. f ", ,�-� <br /> :��� not suffiaent W paY the Esc�aw It�s when dae.Lender may so notify Banawet m wridng,and,in sach c�se Boirower shaII PaY .�;i,�,�' ' �,r� <br />� • . � w Lender the amount necess�y w maYe up.the deficieacy.Boaower shall make up the deficIeucy in nn moia than twelve �;; . ..;�. , . %;. <br /> - - . . . monWly Lend�'s sole Qiscretioa . .. • `� . ; <br /> -;� �: . . • U n payment in full of all sums secu�ed by this Sectnriiy Ins�umez�i.Lenceer shall prompdy refand w Bmmwet any Fimds •��� ,�_: ._' . <br /> � �. � <br /> � pu •�. :s <br /> -''. . �: � ' _ ' ` 6eid by Leuder.If,aader pa�"�aDh 21,Leadea stiall acquire or sell��P1oDaty,Leader,Prior w the scquisitinn or sale of the , � <br /> x r�'��' .,.., - <br /> -� �•. � . � .. P�tp.sha11 aPDZY SRY F�ds held by I.endea at the time of acqnisi�ian ar sale as a credit aga�tst tbe sams sec�ued BY th�s :.�;ae�'; ;- y�' <br /> r'., ... . - - See�aityInstrament - _ - <br /> � '. : , . 3.App9icabton ot Paymentg. LtNesv applicab2e Taw arovides otheswise.all paymenm received by I.ender aader P�P� ; ,., <br /> •-�, . 1 and 2 shall be�lied:fast,to anY iRe�aYmeat chazges due unde,r the amounts payab2e�mdea parapaph Z: - �`A. , �, <br /> ?�: �• ` . . . thirA,to inu�t dti�o 4�����Pal dne:and any tate charges dae aader the Noie. , .. . "-�'. ,, <br />:�;� .; .. ' .. � 4.Charges;l.iens. Bouower shaU pay aU taxes.assessmwts,charges.fines and impositions aun'6ntable W the Property ,.;�� .+ <br /> 'v3w, <br /> w h i c h may suain p r iori t y ovrr t h i s S e c�I t Y I n s t i u m e n t,a n d I e a s e h o l d p a y m e n t s o r g r o a n d r e a t s.i f a n y.B o r r o w�s h a l l p a y t h e s e .,�. . ,�..,i 1 <br />'�`"':�� . _ o b li g a ti o a s.m t h e��provided irr p�a�h 2.or if not paid in that manaet.Bonower�shaU pay them on time directly tu the � ._ . .,p:.��1 <br /> --�..'� .� . .. p a s o n awed p a y ment Boauwet shaU pmmptly fumi5h to i.s�dea aU aotices of amomtt�w be p a l d'un d e r t l t i s pazagrap h.I f � .. '.•�. <br />`-- ��j, Batrnw��S these pay�a�ts directly.Barrower shall prompdy fms�i�.,'�to Leader receipts evidcaicing the payments. . '-,��; <br /> -- .. Homowa s�all promplly discharge anY li�wluch has priarity aver this Security Instrument un2ess Barrowea:(a)a�rees cs �°�":,,: <br />_.'.' �:F <br /> ;_� � . � _ .. . writiag to the payment af the oblig�iva�se�ed by the�isn in a mannea acceAtable to I.endea;(b)cantests in goud faitb the 1iea� . ,,:�t:. <br /> -�'� : . � by, or defea�ds agdin�ct enforcement of the lien in, tegal Dmceediags whicb in IIie L.cudea's opinian op�e m prevea�t the � <br /> � , . - . . e�forameAt of the lie,a:or(c)s�s fmm the holder of the li��agreement satlsfacmry to Lender subordi�sting the lien w . � � <br /> �:�.., this Secariry 1as�ument If Leader det�smines that aay part of the Pra�ty is subject w a li�wfish may suain paority over this . .� �� <br /> -'�" � .� � �. SecurilY Instramc�►t,Leader may g i v�e Barrower e n a 7 ice i d e n t i f y i ng t�te llen.Boimwed shall satisfY the tien or take one or more �. <br /> - , -,;:� <br />-=�= ' � of Ihe actians set fortL above witb�in 10 days of the giving of noticce. % <br /> e. � <br /> ._�,' ' _ � . .., . Fo�m 8028 9l90 t ;f� <br /> !. �r� � <br /> ��, ' � ' � ��R(N�tas�2) � vip�2ms m�f�ai.:�— :.� • .� <br />.—'�� L ' . ' , 'y•r�� <br /> �i� �• ' � , . � - 'E• � <br /> '_..��n .. ���-� _ ��-......� .--'1+r—�.� —^""�� , . . , . . . . . . . . . ..�� . �1{ <br /> ��: � • . i , <br /> -`=� � . . . . � . . ' • - � � • . .• . • � . � � . �:� <br /> i-$' .� . • . �, � _�:. . � ' � . . - � .. . .- � :. _ _ .: . • � . , ..t _ I� _ <br /> r�# t � ' . , ' <br /> �' ? : . � . • � : . • . �E <br /> ,�: . . .. . � . � . . <br />- .'z.,• �, . � ' � '. ' .. . .. . ' ' • ' ' , ' • . . • . <br /> , . . � . <br /> . . , . . . <br /> . <br /> , . . . . . . � . . . <br /> . . . <br /> � _ . . . <br /> . <br /> ,�-- �- _ _ , .. ,�---- ---- -•-- --= ----- - �- ��-- -- -- - - — - - � - _ . i�l <br /> ---� --___ - - - -- - — - -- - -- -- - <br /> , • . _ __ _� - — - -- -- - <br /> �• ,. . . <br /> �_____ <br /> _ , . , . . . . , . . . , . , . <br /> , . . . . . , .:E <br /> -• _ , , . . : . .. . . . . . � <br /> . ' � � , ..� . • . � . � � • • ' . . . �� •- <br /> . � , . . . , . � .� <br /> �.�.. � � � � . .. . � . . . � � � ' . << - <br /> , • • <br /> . <br /> aE• • • . - _ - -- — <br />