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<br /> . F.. . ' � 1T.Transfer of the Pragerty or a$eneitcia!Interest in�r�'oc�er`.If all or arry part o the
<br /> _ :, , n Property orany mierest in it
<br /> ��'� � is sold or uansfe►red(or if a 6eaeficial�nterest in Borrower is sold or transfe�red and Borrower is not a natural petson)cvithout� __-------
<br /> � '` �". � Lender's nor written conseni. I.eader ma at its o tion. ire immediate
<br /> :`',4 . : ..�'` , . P• Y• P . �N PaYment in full of all sums secured by this
<br /> � Security Instrument.However.this ogtion shalt not be exentiscd by Yxnder af eaercise is prohibited by federal law as of the date
<br /> ��' , . : . � of ih'ss Sec�irity Instrument. . . �-
<br /> ` . ,- � ' , ' If I.ender exercises this option. Lender shall gi�e Sorrower notic.e of acceteration.The nodce shall provide a period af nbt — � ��
<br /> �� less,than 30 d$ys from the date the notice is delivered ar maited witlrin which Borrower must pay ail sums secured by this ' ' -
<br /> ' . Sec+�riry Instrum�nt.If Boaower fails to pay thes�sums prior to t�e eapiration of this periad,Lender lnay invoke any remedies � �`- -
<br /> �" -� - . - .. gemutted tsY this See�ritg In�hument wnho�t fwt6er nodce or demaad on Bflrrower. , _---- -
<br /> .- � ' 1$. Borrn�ver's Right to Reinstate. If BorroNer meets ce�tain condidons. Borrower shaU have the righi to have --
<br /> � `,. : � , enforcemem of this Secarity /nstrument discontini�ed at any rime prior to the eazlier of: (a) 5 days (or such a.her perind as
<br /> , . . . ' applicaBle law may sFecify for reinstatement) before sale of the Property piu�snant ta any power of sale contai�d in this
<br /> '�R. . , Security jnsuument;or(6)entry of a judgmeni enforcing this Seeiuity"Insunme�t.Those conditions are that Borrower:(a)pays
<br /> � Lender all s�uns wirich then wou�d be due under this Security Insuument and the Note as if cln aeceleration had accurrecl;(b)
<br /> • , <� � cures any defaWt of any other c�ovenants or agreements;(c}Pays Fill expenses incurred in enforcing this S�er�ty jn�+tm�„t,
<br /> . � incIuding,bat not limited to,reasonable aitomeys' fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender tnay reasonably reqaite to asstire
<br /> '� ° . ' � t6at the lien of this Security Instrument,Lender's rig6u in,the Property and Boisowsr's obligation to gag tSae�.:�nc secured by
<br /> .� • _ this Security Insm�ment shall continue unchanged. Upan-reir�statement by Borrower, this Secvrity i-:n---**+�±±r snd the
<br /> , _ . obligations secucad hereby shalt temain fully effective as if no accelesatioa.had ocCUrred.However,titis r�t to rerncrafn shatl •�
<br /> ' ', ' not apply in the case of acceleration under paragraph 17. "
<br /> • � "' ' ' 19. Sate of Nate; Change of Loan Servtcer. Ti�e Note or a partial interest in the �Tate (together with this S:ccarity
<br /> D
<br /> } � Inshument)rnay be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may resnIt in a change in the entity(f�own
<br /> r•�: � . � as the"I.oan Sen+icer")that coliects montlily payments due under the Nine and this Security Instrument.7'�ere also may 6e one
<br /> �':�;� � '. or more changes of the Loan Sen+icer unrelated to a sale of tt►e Note.If there is a change,of ttw Loas Servicer,Eorrower wiU be
<br /> • • given written notice of the change in acwrdancs with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The notice wi71 state the name�and
<br /> ' `•': ` -"- `" ' . address.of�fie.neAr.I.oan_Senricer_and th:.address Lo.�vhich a ts-shauld-be-made.The-natice-will alsocontain an other
<br /> r---, ,-�----. .-- - �--- informatian required by applicable law. � �II • Y
<br /> • : � 20. Hazardous Substances. Borrower shall not cause or pertnit the presence. use, disposal, storage, or release of any
<br /> . � Hazardous Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shalt�not do. nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> � , " ' Property that is in violaaon of any Environmental Law.The preceding two sentences shatl not apply to the presence,nse,or
<br /> ° -•- ; '•� • � _ storage on the P of smail gaantities of Ha7ardous Substances.thai are generally recognized to be appmpriate to narmal �
<br /> - - - - -1°P�Y �.-°
<br /> , '. residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. - . _ -
<br /> ° . Bornower shall promptly give L.ender written notice of any investigauon,claim, demand.lawsuit or other action by any �.�,ik°'.
<br /> • . , govemmental or re�latory agency ar private party invoh+ing the Property and any Hazazdous Substance or Enrironmentat Law �'+�'�
<br /> � , of which Borrower has actuat knawledge. If Borrower learns,.or is notified by azsy govemmental or regutatory authoriry,thai �,.r:�.�;.
<br /> �,;.•;- . � any removal or other remediation of any Ha7ardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary.Borrmver shall prompdy take
<br /> . all necessary remedia!actions in accordance with En�-i�onmental Law. . �„'_�
<br /> . � . As used in this paragraph 20, "Ha�ardous Substances"are those substances defined as tozic or hazardous substance�by '�
<br />_ . Environmert�zS Law and the folloivi substances: .�-�'=
<br /> ng, gasoline. k�osene. other flammable or toxic petroleum praducts, toxic �_
<br /> • • pestecides;�.�.herbicides,votatile solvents,materials cantaining�bestos or formaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> . • ' this para�,�*raph 20, "Environmental taw" means federal la�vs and laws of the jurisdiction where the Fra�r�ty is located that __.-
<br /> • '' relate to health,safety or environmental protection. � , � . �_;.:�_.
<br /> •� � ' . - NON-UMFORIVI COVEI�ANTS.Borrower and Lender furtiier covelmnt and agee as follows: � -==
<br />, ___ 21. Atceteration;Remedles.Y.ender shall give rtotice to Borrower prior to ar.celeratton fo1lowing Borro�ver's breat6 ;�r 'f';�"�
<br /> : • of any ors�-enant or agre�nent in this Security Instrument (��t aot prlor to acceleratton under paragraph I7 ualess . _, .����.
<br />_ • . applfcabRe la�v provides other�vLse). Tiie nottce shall speclfy: (a)the default;(b)the actton re�nired to core the default; --- -� -
<br />• (c)a daie,not tess than 30 ds►ys from the date the nofice is given to Borrower�by which the def�ult m�+st he cured;and �""��--
<br /> . �.,..: ;.�-
<br /> ' . (d) that failure to cure tl�e defauti on or 6efore the date specifIed in t6e notice may resalt in acceleratton of the sums ��°'�'i�,::-
<br /> ' . . socured by this Security Instn�men!and sale of the Property. The natice sball further inform Borrocver of the right to � �'=`�
<br />- • . reinstate after acceteration and the right to brfng a court acttoa to assert the noa-existence of a defautt or any other °��!'--_
<br /> ' , defense of Borrower to acceleratlon and sale. IP the defatilt�not cnred an or before the date s - �����=�-
<br /> . pecified in the Qoitce. ��j..w,
<br /> • _ I.ender,at its optlon,may sequire immediate payment in f�af all suuns secured by this Security Instnrment wtthout ` �*
<br /> ,-.�z..:.� �
<br />_ • � �farther demand end may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permttted by applica6le law.Lender shall be
<br /> �-�: .. • . entitied to col[ect all expenses incurred in puisaing the remedles provtded in this parn�raph 21,inctuding,6ut noi limiteil . `` �-'�.-�'��
<br /> � � � to,reasona6ie attorneys'fees and casts of tttte evidence. "•. �
<br /> 4 ' • ' Ii the posver of sate Is invoked,Trustee shall eecord a notice of default in esch county in which any part of the �` / ���:��
<br />= �� Property is located and shall mail coples of such aotice ln t�enanner prescribed.6y applicable law to Borrower and to ' � �" �
<br /> ' � the ot9mr petsoas prescribed 6y applicable ta�v.After the tlme�.�quired by appltcable law,9'rustee shal{give publlc natice � '� +
<br /> � �i ., : ;, � of sa[e to the persons aczd in the manner presc�lbed by applicabie law.'Q'nistee,without demand on Bonower, shall seil .. '
<br /> . the Prapesiy at public auction to the highest bidder at the time and place and under the terms designaterl in the notice of • }'
<br /> ' ��= sale in one or more arcels and in an order Trtrstee determines. Trust�ma y parcel of the ' �.�
<br /> � b� ' . • P Y y postpone sate of all or an
<br /> • ; . Properiy b3�pu6ltc anaouncement at the time and place of any previously scdedaled sate.Lertder or its designee may . .... ,.r•+ '�
<br />_�.� .•;t. , _ . Purchase tbe Property at any sale. _ • ��
<br /> .;.�.r�. . � : � ��
<br /> .. � . �t
<br /> '� . � : Form 3�28 9/90 ��
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