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<br /> ��.� 4�`� payments atay no loager Be reyuired.at the s+ptian c�f f�encicr,if nmr��ja�e insumt��.�coveruge(n unt and or. period =_____._
<br />- � ' � t h a t L e n d tr r e quires)PravidFd b y nn fnsurC� appr+�vc�1 hy l.cn�ce a�!�In h�,�n�rtcs availubRc un�f is obtained.Borro�r$ha1�paY ^�
<br /> - ��`��� � the prrmiums required to maintnin mun�agc nisurui�c in cU'�.t.oF ta provi�Cc a tnr's mscrvc.until tite requirrment for mortga�e ��
<br /> - - �� . insurance ends in ascordancc with aoy�++riqen u�rcemeni i+:t�fi�n 13nrrm�cr anct E,�tt�te���r npplicabtc law. , -
<br /> 4 ,�'`� 9.Inspe�ctfon. Lcnder or[t�agcnc�twy m�kc rcasnnahte cnl�ee,u{ton and in4�crtions o�'the Property.Lcnder sAall give —__-
<br /> � ' � Borrower norice at the timc of or prios tu an inepcctinn F{scrifyin�siu���uabtc cnt�rc fnr thc inspestion.
<br />"� ` ' IQ.Coademttation.Titc ptacecds uf any a�vanl nr �laiu�fur dantai�es,ciirc��or cunsequential. in,connection witty any
<br />-;�Y:`,.'. , �
<br /> � condemnation ar ather taking of any p�rt n�'U�c Prup.ny,or fi�r cv�s�cyanee in licu af condemnation.:�hereby assi�ned and
<br />...�,.�' . � • �. .shall be_pald to l.ender. � . .
<br /> in the event of a total taking of the Propctty.thc prurccJs rha11 bc upplieJ tc�tfec r�ums sccurcd by this 5ecurity InsaumQnt.
<br /> �`�, ,�� +, � whethet or not then due.with any cxccsg�paid t�� Uurruwct. in tl►e��cnt nf a parii:� t�lt'sn��f Ihe Property in which the fair. �
<br /> .;t , .�
<br /> � , c: ���`, ;. market value of the Propecty imniediatcty befurc thc t;►kin iti cNu:�f tn+n grcatcr than the nmaunt of the sums secured by this
<br /> ; ti� ` 5ecurity Instrument immediately beforc chc taking,unlcss�i►rrowet cind I,endcr othcrwis�agecc in writing.thc'sums setured by
<br /> " tius Secudty In�trument shatt be reduced by thc anwunt ��f thc prni�rits muhipli�A by thc foUotving fraction: (a) the totat
<br /> amount of the sums secumd inimediatety bcfarc the takin�;,Jividcd hy It►1 thc fair m:ukct vafuc��f the Property itmncdiately
<br /> ,� �, s � ' 6efore�the taking.Any balance shall bc paid to Qorm+vcr. u� ttie evcnt ��f n partiat taking of ths Property in which the fair
<br /> �s � � market valuc of the Property immediately beforc thc taking is Ic,s�han the amnum uf t6c sums secured immediatel�befose the
<br /> --.:_.. .-:..s-,_.- �, •
<br /> - .•. .... _ .: ___. _____ __.taking,unless.R�at�ower and_Lendcr othen�isc agree in writing or untcss upplirabte law athenvisa provides.�he proceeds shall ,
<br /> . � ' .°. .• . . '� be applied[o the sums secared by this Security lnstrument whe�i�er i�r nnt dic sums aic tticn due.-""�-"-�"�-���-- � �- - -" '
<br />, . . • IF the 1'roperty is abaadoned by Bonower.ar jf:after natice by I.ender t�i 8utrower that the candcmnnr offers to maYe an
<br /> ' � � ' award or settle a ctaim for damages, B�nnawcr f:sils to rcxpnnd tu Lcndcr withia 3U days of'tcr the datc thc notfcc is given. •
<br />- _ .' r . Lender is Quthorited to rnllect and apply thc pmcecds,ut its optiun,cithcr to restoratinn or repair�f the Propefty or to the sums
<br /> " � •- - • secured by this Security Instrnment,-wheth�r or not then.due. `- - - - - -- - - �
<br /> � ' [Inlsss Lender and Borrower otherwisc ugree in writing. nny applieatiun �9t pr��cceds tn principal shall not extend or �����
<br /> • ' ��-_�Y � postpane the due datc of the monthly payments referred to�n paragruphs 1 and 2 ur change tti�mm�uat of such payments.
<br /> � • • �' : •' �� 11.Borrowec Not Released;Forbearance By I.ertder Not a�Ynlvee.[i�tcnsfun uf thc timc(or paymcnt ar modification _
<br /> • • • of amartiaation of the sums secnred by this Security Insirument granteJ i+s l.ender tn ony tiuccessor in interest�f Bono�ver shall =._=_
<br /> ;. • , � , � not operate ta retease the liabiliry of the original Bonowcr ar Borrnµ�cr's yuccc5�nr+in intcrc�t. l.esdcr shall nat bc tequired ta �;
<br /> >.yY'-..
<br /> commence praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time fur p:►yment or ntherwise mndify am�rtization
<br /> • of the sums secured by this Securiry Instrument by rc:uon af any dem�nd made hy the original Borrmver or Baac�wcr's ��':
<br /> ' � successors in interest. Any forbearance by Lender in exenis�ng any rigM or remedy shaq no�be a waivCr of or pr�clade the - .
<br /> � exercise of arry right or mmedy. , � �.�
<br /> • • �� ' � � I2. Successo�s and Assig�.g Bound; Jolnt and Several Ltabllity;Co-sl�nerw. The ravcnauts und a�rcements of this F ._
<br />-' ,, •;
<br /> . .. Security Instrumen! shall bind and beneGt the successors and assigns of I.ender and Uorro�vcr, sut►je�t to the pmvisians of �
<br /> - ., :�� paragtaph 17. Horrower's covenatt�s and agreements shull be joint and several. Any Eiorrawe� who casigns this Security �`
<br /> << � � • instrumeat but does not execute the Note: (al is co-signing this Security tn.rtrumem ��nly to mortgage. �rant nnd convey t6ut _
<br /> .". �• � � ` Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of this Security ln5trument;(b)is nnt per,o:tally ubli�ated tn pay the sutps
<br /> ' � . secured by this Security Instrument:and(c)agrecs that Lendcr and any othcr Hor�wcr may;�grcc iu cxtcnd.mudiCy. forficar or •�s i
<br /> -=;•.� make any aceommodations wi[h resard to the terms nf this Security instrument ur the Note wichoat that linrns�vrr's cansent. _
<br /> ,�% ` � • 13.l.oan Chs+rg�.If the loan secured by this Security Instrumcnt i�suhject to a law whirh scty n�aximum luan ch:uges. _�`
<br /> � t � . •• , and that law is finally i�tterpreted so that the interest or other tnan chargc�s coUccteJ or to he collected in cannectiem wi9h the �:�;�;,;°»,�
<br /> � � loan exeeed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall�c ceduce�hy the�mount nerest:uy t��reduce the charge �.�F•.-._
<br /> _ ,�. ; '. . ta the permitted limit;and (b>any sums already colFccted f'rom 8orrower which exceeded penuitteQ lin�itti cvill he refundcd to i .-"��-_
<br /> Bonower. Lender may choose to make this refunJ by reducing thc principat uwcd �n�cr the Nute ur hy m;�king a airect �'' Y
<br /> .. _ payment to Honower. lf a refund reduces principal, thc reductiun will he trcatcd :i� ;� p:�rtial rrepaynicnt without any ��.�sT.�"
<br /> ` ��� ' � prepayment charge under thc Note. . •
<br />`it.� •:- . • . �-
<br /> • . 14.Notices.Any noticc to Borrowcr providcd for in this 5ccurity Instrumcnt�1ia11 hc gi�•cu by dclivcnng h ur hy mailing �,
<br />� ' � _ � � it by first class mail unlcss applicable la�v requires usc of another mcthod.7'hc notire shall hc dircctc�l tu thc P�upesty Addrcss _ �
<br />", ' . � or nny other.address Borrowcr dcsignatcs by noticc tn I.cndcr. Any naticc to I.cndcr �hall t�� �;icrn hy fir�t cta+r mail tv . , __
<br /> s'�. ,�� . Lender's address stated hcrein or any other nddress Lcnder dcsignatcs by nuticc to 13armwrr. Any n��tirc pr��vid¢d 6�r in Ihis � -
<br /> =�' • Securiry instrument shall be deemed to have bcen given to B�irrowcr or Lcndcr whcn diven a�p���vidcd in�hiti paragr.iph. • _
<br /> ����'• �° + 1S.GovernlnR Law; Sevembflity. This 5ecuriry (nstrument shafl bc E:avctned hy fcdcral law uuJ �hc law ut��hr „ �'
<br /> _,,�,..Y,,».
<br /> �'"�; �'•.'•�. �• jurisdiction in which the Propeny is located. In the cvcnt that any provi.riun ur cluu.re uf thi�tircuri�y In�lrumm�t nr thc Note . _
<br /> ° �"'" " conflicts with applic:�le law,,uch wnflict shall not affcct othcr pn�vistons of�his tircuriry Imtru�nr�it ot�I�c N��tc���hicb r�m hc
<br /> '.�,�. � � • given effect without the conflicting provitiian.To this end the provisiuns uf�hiy Security In��rununt ami d�c N��te iire dLClarcJ -
<br /> ' to.be severable. ' � y�
<br /> _ � ' 16.Borrocver's(:opy.Borrower shall bc givcn onc canfurmcct a,py uf Ihc Nutc and ut thi�Srcunty In�uumrat. �� i;�,:
<br /> ' . ' innst 3020 OrDO . r`—:
<br /> .. � • . Pa(IO 0 ot O •. �
<br /> . ,. . , � i . ' ' � - �.
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