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<br />-��.:"•�;`:'��.'` payinents may no longer 6e cequired,at the option of Lender,if mo�gage insutance covera�e(in the amouttt and fa:the pedQd �
<br /> �
<br /> _"�_,'.��,,,; ,` `,� � that Lender req,►ims)provided by a�insurer appmved by Lender again becomes available and'u o6taiaed. �arsower shall,pa� ,
<br />-?`; '-� "'��',� . t6e premiums required to maintain mortgage insurance in effect.or eQ provide a loss reserve.untit the requirement f�or mmr�rtgage
<br />--r="�'"�`�`�`• � ' insuranee ends in accordaqce with any written�grcemeat between$ormwes�and Lender or applicable law., .. .
<br /> `� ' 9.Insp�tIon.Lender or its agenY may.make r2asoaabie enuIes ugorz and inspections of the Pragerty.Lender shaif give
<br /> - '" Borrower notice at the time of or prior to an inspecrion`speeifying reasaaable caase for thz inspection. .
<br /> ' 1Q.Coud�aatton.'�'he prosaeds of any award or claim for darnages,dimci or wt�ses�uentiai,iri connection with atty
<br /> -,-;-"``�`�-:, `: t wnde�nation or other tatring of any part of ttis Property,or for oonveyaace in iieu r,f cundeamaaon,�e hereby assignad aad . , .
<br /> - ! slxa(1 be paid to Lender. ' ' , • .
<br /> '' ' ,' .�:�. ,� In the event oF a total taking of the Prnpercy.the proceeds shall be sppSied to the sums sec�ed by this Seturiry I�trucnea�
<br /> ��i`''�� • wheth$r or not then due:`with any excess d to Borrower. In the event of a art�al taking of the Pro u�whlch the fair
<br />'��'��-F-:..:. ;'.. � ma:ket value of the Property srL�ia*ply l�efoae the taking is equal to or greater than the arrsouat of�se�uted by this.� _
<br /> '������ ' `• Secarity Insuument immediately 6efare the t�ng,miless Borrower and Lender atherwise agree in writing,the sums securec!by
<br /> :�.','y ,` . . .
<br />�:'"' ''-"' � � this Security.Ins�n�mem si�a11 be reduued by the aznount of the proceeds mWtiplied by the foltowing fraaiQa: (a) the Wtal
<br />`.`""'�''"��'`��.;' ' amount of the sums secur�d inninediately before the tal�ag, divided 6y(b)the tair market valne of the Prope�ty immeclia2ely�.
<br /> .a•',.`.
<br /> -'', - hefore tt�taking. Any balance shail be paid to Borrower., In the eveat of a partial taldng of the Proppty in wIuch t�feis �
<br /> � � . � market value of the Property immediately before the talang is le�ss than the amount of the snms s�ured immadiateiy before the � � •
<br /> �,=�` `{:.�;;•.:• ;,'":,' takin$,unless Borrower and Lender oth�rwise agces in writing or unte� applicable law otherarise provides.the pgateeds shall. � .
<br /> ��'''`�`'�'::�. � �' � • 6e applied to the sums secured by thi.�Securit�+Instrumebt whether or not the sums ue then dr1e. �
<br /> , . .,f:., s,:•`. � .
<br /> �;,•,:��t:;f::; ,• � �, , � If the Property is aGandoned by Borrower,or if,after rtotice by Lender to Borrower that the candemnor offers to mat�e aa
<br /> '`%{-:�' ''�.. ' � a�vard ar settte a claun for damages, Borrower fails to resgond to I.eacler cvitlun 30 days after the date the aorice.is given,
<br /> -'�'�.�`—'_= `:='•':-':' , Lender is authorized to collext and appiy the procceds,at its op6on.�ther to restora4Ioa or repair af the Pruperty or to the s�.s �
<br /> �„
<br /> .. •;. ;;��. ��---.. ..-�-�--------��-�-- --------- ------- ----- ---�-------�--------- ---�-- - --_._
<br /> . , secured by this Securiry Instrument,whether or not Wen dae. .
<br /> ' , Untess�Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in aziting, a�ry spplicatian of p�ceeds to pnncipal shaIl not extend ar
<br /> , '�� �.` i �stpone t6e due date of the monthly paymeais ceferred ca in paragraphs 1 and 2 or cbange We amouat of scr.���ymeats.
<br /> _" , _.. � . I � ll.Borsower Not Re2ease�;For6earance By Leuder Not a Waiver.Extension of the time for payiueci or inodiflcation
<br /> • . . of�orti�tion of the sums secund 6y this Secarity Instrument�granted by l.euder to any successar in interest o�Bo�rower sha2� �
<br /> ° �, . not operate to release the lia6ility vf the originat�7orrower or Borcower's successors in intemst.I.ender shall noi be required ta _
<br /> � , � �� •. ( commence prooeedings against any successor in ipterest or refuse to extend time for payment aro3herwise�odify amocti7ation
<br /> ;`� � , : � . ` of the sums secured by this Secvrity Instrnment by reason of any demand made by the original Borrower or Barrowec's
<br /> ' 'successors in iirterest. Aay forbearance by Lender ia exercising any right or remedy shall noi be a waiver of or preclu�e tite � •
<br /> . � . • ,.,,� exercise of any right or remedy. � ' .
<br /> � _ 12. Succcssofs and Assigns Bound;Joint and Seveaal Lias�ty; Co-si�ners. The cov�.,�nts and agreements af thts
<br /> • • �.'',,;. ` Security Insuument shall bind and benefit the successers and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> ;,:`�:;. �z.ragraph 17. Borrower's wvenanu and agreemenu �all be joint and several. Any �orrower who co-�,.i�,y s this Security
<br /> tK�trumenC bnt does not execute the Note: (a) is co-sigting this Security Instrumers only to morigage,giars and convey that
<br /> `` � � Borrower's interest in the Propernj under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not person�3ty obligated to pay the sums
<br /> ='�x�'� � secured b this Secari Inswment;and(c�a that Lender and an other Borrower ma ee Fo extend,modif ,forbeaa or �
<br /> ��::,r-.. . � Y LY g� Y Y� Y
<br /> :ag,�., . make any accommadations with regard to the terms of this Security Insuume�t or the Note witho��t ciiat�orrower's consent.
<br /> � "�'�'��;•., 13.Loan Chsuges.If t�e Ioan secured by this Secnriry Instrument is subject to a law which sets maxlmum loan eha�ges.
<br />=='�`Y-
<br /> `•�:� � • and that law is finally interpnted so that the interest or other toan ct�arges callected or to be coltected in conrr.ection with tite
<br /> „ ...,.--
<br />-��c�,:� loan exceed the pemvtted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be redaced by the amount ncressary to reduce the charge � =
<br />=��:�x to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums atready coliected from 8orro►ver which exceeded pe�.s�limits will be refunded to
<br /> -_ - . Borrower. Lender may ctcoose to make this cefund by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by makiAg a direct
<br /> P�ment to Borrower. If a refund reduces princip�l, the reduction will be treated as a partial prepay��t without any
<br /> .. .. ' .� pr���yment charge under the Note. �
<br /> • � 14.Notices.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it or by mailing .
<br /> �� •� � it by first class mail unless applicable law sequires use af another method.The notIce shall.be diracted to the Property Address
<br /> "` : � � or any other address Borrower designates by n�tice to L.ender. Any notic� to Lender sfiall be given by first class mail to
<br /> - -• ' � Lender s address stated herei*.t or any other address Lender designates by notice to Bornower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> '�' �' � Security Iastrument shall be deemed to have bee�given to Borrovier or Lender when givea as provid'ed in this para�raph. -
<br />_=_:;'�.�. '. ' I5.Goveming Law; Severability. This Securiry Instrument a6a11 be govemed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> � � �"-`� ..`:}:;_ jurisdietion in which the Property is lacated.In the event that any pmvision or clause of this Secnrity Ir�strument or.the Note
<br /> .:�,:':
<br /> ;��ayi�'�,� • � canflictc with applicabte law.such conflict shall nos affect other prav3sons of this Security Instrument or th�l�ioie which can be __
<br /> =�•�:�..:,. .:.- . .• given effect without the conflicting provision.To this end the provisions ot'this Security Instrumeni and the PJ�te are declarod _
<br /> ;"-��-•'`,_�,•-:'°' tn be severable. -
<br /> �'r�, � . ,'`�'-"-".��:' .
<br /> ===�: r?��T,� 16.Borrower's Copy.Borrower shalt be given one oonformed copy of the Note and of this Securiry Instrument.
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