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<br /> =�^r:� :_ � • � S. Aamrd or Prop�rrty Instuauce.Borrower shall tceep the imgroveruents now existing or�hereafter enected on the =-_---- --
<br /> �'4 •:, . t
<br />_ . .: Propertg insured against loss by 6re,hardrds included withia the term"extettded cuverage'artd aay other hazards. incluAing • • --
<br /> << ��`�� . tlands ar flooding,for which I.ender requir8s inswance.This���i�*+ce shal!be maintained in the amaunts and for th�periads �.
<br /> �n
<br />.,.1�. �• . , tha4 I.ender requir�s.The insuranae carrier providing tiie insu�uace shalI be chosea by Borrower subjecx to Lenders apgmva4 �. --- ____
<br />-;�, . .. ` "� ` �,� which shall aot 6e unmasonably withheld.If Borrov�er fails to maintain coverage descri6ed a6ove. lxnder may.at Lender's
<br /> y' . :;-.`:'.: . optioa.obtain rnve�age to protect i.ender's�i�hu in the Property in acxordar►ce with paragraph 7. �
<br /> : ; .',; h 'n �—
<br /> '�''- '"-''^-�`'-'I: . , p1►insusance po3icies and renewals shall be-acceptable to l.ender and s1�a11 imclade a standard mosgage clause. Lender
<br />.,_F;'Y�:\.,' 'Y . -
<br /> = �'�� • .. - shall have the right to hotd the policies and renewais.If Lender reqnires,Borrower shatl promptly give to Lcncier all receipts af
<br /> #;."' ;,.; .. � paid premiums and re�wal notices.In the event of loss,Borrower shali give prompt nati�to the insurance carrier and LendeF.•
<br />"�::,:�s-:�.��< ' � °� Lender.may make proof of loss if nat mmde promptly by Borrawer. •
<br /> :�. , . ` ,. .�: ,,� Unless I.ender and Borrower atherwise agree us arriring,insurance proceeiis shall 6e applied to resEorauoa or�e�►air of the
<br />-�� �..`:� • � . . P�perty damaged,if the resroratioa or repair is ecoIIOmicaUy feasible and Lendes's secariry is not lessened.If the resttaratifln ar .
<br /> � tepair is nat ecor►omically feasible or I.ender's sec.�rity would 6e lesseaed.the insurance pmceeds shall be appLed ro the sums
<br /> ` � secured by titis Security Instrumznt..whether or not then due, with az�y e�ccess paid tn Borrawer. If Borrower abaadans the
<br />.:�.,. .:�.�`; , ;:
<br /> ' Property.or does noi anbwer within 3U days a naiice from Le�rder that the icisu'rance carrier has offered to settie a ciaim,then
<br />•.�• ` ,.t , „ proce�s rep �Y FaY �, '
<br /> �- �• i•' � Lender may collect the insuranc� procee�Ss. Leader.may use the to air ar restore the PrQ or to ,
<br />.„._�,--y-- -,..'--__ ,-' ' secured by this Security Inswment.whettier or not then due.The 3d-day�eriod wiU begin wken ti�e nati�.i�Y.,,i'ven. .
<br /> � �. . ��_,:::..�z_. � _._..Unless_7.ender.,and.Bor�ovter_o�henyise a�e in writing>_.?nY..aPPUcation of,pr+o�eds t�principai•s:�all not extead•or
<br /> � � . ' postpone the due date of t9ie monthly paymenu referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or char�,�a'rhe amount of.the paymeats. If
<br /> °. � imder paiagraph 21 the Properry is acquired by Lender.Borrower's right to ar►y insuru�ce policies and praceeds resulci��from
<br /> � ,' • i damage.to the Pcpperty prior to the acquisidon shall pass to Lender w the exter��:f the sums secured by this Security Insmiment
<br />_�;::...�.::�..�.. : .� � _ immediate{y prior w tfieasquisipon. . . � .
<br /> � • _6.Occupancy,Preservation.Ma[ntenance and�rotaKiott ot ttte Peoperty;Borrower's Loan Applicaifon,I�Ids.
<br /> • � � . .. .�� Borrower shall occupy,esEablish.and use the Ptupert}+as Borm�•er s principal residence within sixty days aftu the execution of `
<br /> ': � this Secvriry Instrument and shall wndnue co ocxupy the Property as Borrower'g pri�V�residence for at f�st one year after
<br /> . � . � the date of occupancy. unless Ixnder athenvise agn�°s in wriring,wiuch consent shall not be unreasonabl�witLhetd. or antess
<br /> � . .. ° extenuating circumstances_exist which aze beyor.3 �3orrower s control. Borrower shall �o� aemoy, dainage or imgair the
<br /> � • '"' : Property.allow the Property to detesiorate, or commit waste on�the Property. Borrowet shall be in default if any forfeitvre
<br /> ,���'.`;�• action or prace�ding. whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good faith judgm:nt could resnit in forfeiture of the
<br /> .. Property or othenvise matetially impair the lien created bq this Security Instmment or I.endei's sec(trity imecest.Borrower may
<br /> � � � . • cun such a default�.reinstate,as provided in paragraph 18,by causing the�.r:on or proceeding to be dismissed with a sulin� _
<br /> + ,� • � that, in Ixnder's gQOd faith determination, precludes forFeimre of the Borr�:;er's interest in the Prapecry or other materiaf _ -�
<br /> � '`-=.� � � � impairment of the lien createcf by this Secvrity Instrument or I.ender's securiry interest. Bonower shall alsU be in default if _
<br /> .;, .ir;;,�=- Eorrower.dnring the toan application process,gave materially false or inaccurate information or state�►ents w Lender(or failed -
<br /> '� ;V:��•: •� . to pmvide Lender�vith any material inforn�ation)en connection with th�toaa evidenced by the Note.inciuding,but not limited r=�
<br /> ' �=.-�7r- to.representadons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a prir.cigal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a . �:�--. _
<br /> ."�.` .�� � - leasehotd, Barrower sttaU comply with all the provisions of the tease. if Borcower acquires fee title to the Prop�rty. ihe
<br />-�''''�"_'�'•� ' �• � leasehold and[he fee title shall not merge unless Ixnder agrees to the merger in writing. t__-=�_
<br /> _- _ ..-•'f z. .: �� -_
<br /> -_-�*�°���' . .:=, 7.P r o t e d I o n o f L e a d e r's R i g h t s i n t 8 e P r o p e r t y.I f Borrowes fails to perform the cm�sants and a g r e e meats contaiaed in
<br /> _:�„-�=�'.�•., this Securiry Instrument, or there is a tegal praceedin�that may si�nificantly affect Lender:s rights in the Property(such as a �
<br /> "- •�� �. pnoceeding in bankruptcy.probate,for condemnatiora or forfeiture or to enfarc�;laws or n�,vlations),thers I.ender may do and �—
<br /> � �' ., pay for whatever is nccessary to protect the value of'the Property and Ler�da's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br />- �� �• - include paying any sums secured by a lien which has priorit� over this 5ecurity Inswment, appearing in oourt. payisg __
<br /> '� : , . rea5onal�le attomeys'fees and entedng on the Properry to ma.ke repairs. Although Lertder may take actton under this patagraph �=_ -
<br />-��z 7.l.en8er does rtot have to do so. � . , �-R� `
<br /> sa��:R��
<br />-• �;,. '�" ' An y amaunts disbursed b y l.cnder under this paragtaph 7 sfiall�beeoine additional debt of$ortower secured by this
<br />_�. . . Security Instrument. Unless Borrower and Lender agree to other terms of payment,these amounts shal!bear interest from t he �t_
<br /> � �� � �` date of disbwsemcnt at the Note rate and shall be payable,v.in'� interest. upan notice from Lender to Borrowcr requesting �' '�
<br /> � = � � � payment. 'i�•
<br />. .._•�i._� t•' � . . ' .J. ''
<br /> � . 8.Martgage Insurance.If Lender required mortgage insurance as a oondidon of makir.g the loan secumd by this Securiry
<br /> ��~ -°'�-° � • . Instrument. Borrower shali pay the piemiums required to maintain the mortgage insurance in effect. If.for any rc�son, the ++��'
<br /> =:�-.�...t ... ...-• -
<br /> ����±:y�.: '=-• �• ' mortgage insurance cover�ge required by Lender lapses or ceases to be in effesl,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> �-�sy_':�'�". '��"� obtaia cove�ege substanrially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previovsly in effect.at a wst substantially equivalent to the • •
<br /> '-�°�''� ' '' wst to Borrowe�of the mortga�e insurance previously in eftect.frnm an aitemate mortgage insurer approved by l.ender. If •
<br /> :�;:;�•�•• � su6standally equivaiea�t mortgage insurance wverage is not available.Banower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> �?fi'; =•:•'_• �• one-twelflh of the yearly mortgage insnr+��e premium being paid by Borrawer when the insurance coverage lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> _'�;�; .�::" '�-:. � _ be in effect.I.ender wiil accept.use and retain these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve . '�
<br /> . . .�
<br /> �S-•� ;�- � .- Form 3028 9/90
<br />