�� - '. . ' `^� �" . . '. , . _.'.� ' .4 _ _..�..��-.. �L � . .. .�. (.. - e _ . .. , ' ��, —___
<br /> •ry,���j \y . 'r � i. : 1 , . ..`. , '4 '�.L _ . ' . , a, �+ • � .� sSt-�' '� . ~ - �
<br /> i i F' ' `�' �i... .^.�� f . ?F' ,
<br /> -g+l�� R.•5� _ F ��� _ ,'(:+' J . . -Y'c't(�r--�_
<br />- ':'. � _y:. . ` ` ` - ' . . . ,
<br /> , 1 �'.
<br />•,x a' ' ` { ' . • . : ,
<br />�:�:.� : t . , ��tD0i9S : . _ �.
<br /> .� . _ .. .. � _ . . � g�-� , .. ,� °�
<br /> ;��`°� '. . .r , ` , . . ;
<br /> i�� ::. , .� : .
<br />'"�•. , . � 9�.tit�rds�u�kU�rlats.Y�uator eRait FuEp tts�Proyerty In camptlahCe wlih atl apDlfcahte laws.ordinanc�a an4 cegutatllic�s ,
<br />:,��. � ..•� .�� � ` " r�t,f*Inp ta Inct�atr[at hyp�asie or e�viconmeatet Rroteatlon(coltecttvery rotened to h�reln es"Enviranmenut Lew�'9.Truator al�alt ,, ' � .
<br /> ���� �� "' � • keep U+e properry tree from 041 eubatnnse�dsemed to W hainrdous ortoxic undergny Ertvironmenttl Laws(cot1aaUvefy reterre0 to
<br /> -=f, t6 :' . . � Mrfines"HauMauaMaUrlata'7•yrustarherebYwamaatsendropraaenatoLa I�4ih6ector�e,��ofe1teae���aYse��08Qen�,a�it��4 --.� �� t; :.
<br /> � �- c�rtdtrthePropeRyr•��rhereDya�ree�totndemnifyandhaidhartntessL,ender.
<br /> � . � •��:� u .� any aussesaa�a to LendePe Utareat Srom and�Insi any an6 a►!e►afm�.dameSs�,to�ses an8 IiablE�tiea ertein�fn connec�on with f .:
<br /> tl�e�resenee.use,dl3posal or trenspaA ot any Har.araous Matertals an,un0er.hom ar ebout tris Rroperty.THE FOAE�i01PiG „_
<br /> � � �, ,: SURttN�RECd��fA�:CE OF?�il8 OEE,�OF TAU��'L . , .,. .'
<br /> , ten+ide�tlr3lTreuiot - � : - - -
<br /> 1p,�s�n4 pl R�nb.Tnletor Aer�by esslgns to terider the rents,issuea and protNS af the Prope�Ry'p �
<br /> shall.unttl the occureert�nof en Eventaf 0etaulthereunder.havatho rightto zoiEeetand reffiIn sact�rents.tssues andproti4seatt►eY �
<br /> , . p � -
<br /> ,..� .�... ` � beeome due and payable.Upon the occurrence of an Event of Detault Eender may,either tn person or by agent�w(th or without
<br /> .: . , bringinganyactionorproceeding,arbyarece[ver�ec1�e6 [bowunam o�rinthen meoltheTrustee.eaddoianYe�bwhicf�tt � ..
<br /> • .. �,..-�� upon and take possesa�on ot the Property.ot�rry PaR . "-��r,_
<br /> . deemsnecessaryordesiraatetopresen►ethevetue.marlcembilityorrentabpityoithePropeny.oranypatitl►er�otorinte�esttherein. ���•..r..�
<br /> � '< increa�s Ne income theretrom or protect the securHy hereot and.witlt or witt�out taking possasston of ths Pro�eRy,sue tar or :�-�i;..
<br /> � � r
<br />',�` •, � ` .: otherwisa Coftect tfie renta.issues and protite thetebf,incfudfing those paat dae artd unpald,and appfy the sam�tess caab and � .
<br /> � ex�nsesofcperatIonandcoltectJontncludingattomeys'tees.uponanyindebieQnesssecuredhereby.a111nsuchcrdereaLender j� `
<br /> "� � � ' may determina.The etttering upon and taking possesston o!the Propercy.lhe collectlon oi such rents,tssues an0 profifs and t� : y _
<br /> � � e p piication thereof as atoresaid.shall not cure or waive arry defauli ar nattce ot dsfault nereunder or Emratidate,any act done in
<br /> �:'.•,� . ' . .�� . responsetosuchdelauttorpursuanttosuchnottCeofdefaultand.notwtthstandingthewntfivanceinpos�esstonoftheP�oD�h°T __:
<br /> �. � • the coliectlon.raceipt and aDAIIcaUon of renis.[ssues or D�.er►d Trustee ar�d Lender shall be eMiUed to exercise e�►ery�IgM ��y�
<br /> provldedtorinasryolthei.oan0acumenffiorbylawupanaxurtenceafenyEventof0elaWt,indudir+gwithauilimiffitbnthedghtto -
<br /> � . � � ' exerc£sa tha power ot sate.Wrther,Lendefs rigMs and remedtes ued$r this paragraph shali be cumufative vrith,and in ao way a ___�.-- _
<br /> . � lim:�onon.f.endefsrfghtsar►dremeElesunderanyaSSIgnmentofteas�sandrerttacecordeda8ainsttheProPertY:l��1er.Truatee --___
<br /> � _., . and tl�e recehror shatl be llabie ta acccunt only.thasa rents actusiN received. _-_-
<br /> ,
<br /> . .._. . � �
<br /> ` � _ �� -`-�----- `- . . - 11:-Er�nb ot�SUR Tt►e�tollowing shall constttute an�Yent ot QeTa�ait under!f►IS Deed af Trust
<br /> •, .;. , .. � - -_ ... any instailment ot principaf or interest oi any otfier sum secured b�reby�whc-�-du�� ---�--- -_._...._ ...-- -..". -- _
<br /> , . (a)FailurstopaY —.-------
<br /> '" � (b)Abreachotorde��li8urtderanyprovisioncontaineslintheNote,thisDeedofTn�st.anyofttatcan0ac�=�sr�s.orarry
<br /> � `' %.``;� `. - .. ! other lien or encumbranoe uD�e'ha t'�oDatN:
<br /> L..'. .
<br /> � (c)Awritatexecu�onorattachmentoranystmilarprocessshailbeentsredegainstTrustorwhtchsha[I�mealtenan. -
<br /> ,-.
<br /> _ -,.. .'. ,- . . . f� °� -
<br /> - .. .s�:.'�p the Property or any portton thereot or interast therein: esent or f��are eral,state or a�er _ . .�
<br /> , . , . • �� (c�Thes�shaiF be fited by or agaiast Trus2t�r or8orrower-an acCOn underany pr f���y����
<br /> sTari�te,ta+�.�r se9utation retating to bankruptcy,insolvertcy or qther�sf for debto�or there sha0 be appo ��.
<br /> :� _ - �• • rocolverortiquidatorotT�rorBorroweroroTallor�zypaROttheProperty.ortheients,issuesorprofttst�ez�'norTruator ��
<br /> ,: �'� . .: . a�8orrowez snaU make asr�generat assignmeM tor t}:e C�nefit of creditors: �ot or an ir�rest in the ��_,
<br /> � � .- - --��- -,I (e)TRo,�'�transfer.iease.esstgnment cor�v2y�.�or turther encumbrancv�f all or eny p Y. _ ___
<br /> � . ..; Property.�i�ge ccluntar(IY or invotun�si,'�+.witho��t t7:a exprass K�� �nse���nder,provided that Tnistor ahaU be _-�-
<br /> 'ii3:p.-
<br /> • . , permittedto�ecutealease ottheProy�sep�atdoesr�tcontainana(�omtopurchaseandthetertnofwhichdoesnotexcefld ,ry _
<br /> '• . one year.� -
<br /> .(f�A�andonment oi the PropertY.or ___
<br /> , ,, (g) If Trustor ta nat an irtdivtduai.trie issuanco sate.transfer,assfgnment conveyance or encumbrance ot mcre than atotai _
<br /> . . -.-- 'at�„__perCent of(if a corporaYlan�Its issued and outstanding stock or(it a P�erehfp)e total of C�r�M Q� • : ��.:
<br /> ` ' pgrtnership interests during the period this Deed of Trust remains e Iten on the Property. � --
<br /> � 12, g��;AeeN�atipn Upoe�Q�fauH.trtthe event ot any Event of Detault Lender may,without notice except as required by r v
<br /> ' ' . +• taw.dectare ai1�ndebtedness secur e d h e r e b y t o b e due and pa yabte and the same shall lhereWon become due and pagabio _
<br />- : �' without ar►y presentmsnt demand protest or noUce of any kind Thereafter Lender may. ._�
<br /> (a) Qemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF 3ALE graMed hereln.ar+d Truste9 shall thereatter cause Trulittorffi
<br /> � interest in the Property to be sold artd the preceeds to be distributed,all in the manner provlded in the NeEraske Trust Oeeds _:� _ .
<br />-_- _ ,.�,:... •• A� ..-�:+e�.
<br />�°"'.'"-"`' � (b) Exercis0anyaa4a11rlghtsprovldedfoNnanyoftheLoanOocumentsarbytawupanoccurrenceofanyEventotOefaul� ,___v
<br /> E=�--
<br /> � �--- -
<br />- ' �d(c) CommeRee an acUon to forectose this OeBd of Trustas a moRgage.aPPotnt a receiver.or spec(ticaliy entotCe s�Y afthe , ���
<br /> ` - " Covena�s h@reoL
<br /> � � No remadS►herein tonferred upon or reserved to 7rustee or Lendes is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy Aereln,tn the ;,:=:==���t
<br />?. ,. . � . � Wan pocuments or by taw praviQeO or permitted,but each shal!be cumuladve,shall be in additton to evary other remedY 91ven •;;,�.�.�,;r,:
<br /> x, . . heseunder,tn the loan Documents ar now or hereatter existin9 at taw or in eQuity or 6y statute.end may be exercised eencurrentty. �,4�,.
<br />. �Y• _ � inQependently or sucoessive�►- A�a���e wittsout cause.and I.�nder may at any Ume and without cause appalnt e '�' :
<br /> � 1g.Tru�t.The Tru&tee maY res►B
<br /> � � succ�ssor or substitute Trustee.Trustea shall�ot be liabte to any parlY.�rtctuding without limitatlan Lender.8arrmrer,Tnista�ar anl► , , �.�;-
<br />— ' cc sso �
<br />�. � � p�u�hasarclthepropeRy.tcranylossordamageuntessdustoracklessorwilltulmisconducLe�dshallnotbereGu:rsdtotakearry � M
<br /> �. acUon in connecUon wtth U►e entorcement o!this Deed of Trust untess indemnifled.in wrttlng.(or all costa.eompen tljc�'or �
<br />�"� . : : expenses which may be assoeiated therewith•tn addition.Trustee may become e purchaser at any sate ot ffie Property Q
<br /> - � under the poWer ct sate granted Aarein};postpone the sate of atl or any portton ot ths Property.as provided by Iaw:or se11 the ��r.�� ,
<br /> . pcoperly e,�a�erhole.or in separete Oar�is o►lots at Ttustea s discretton. ' . .� ' .
<br /> - '. .. • 1�.FNS and�In the evertt TrusKee seits the Propeety by exerGse ot power ot safe.Yrustee shall 0a entWed to apP�1t . - ��.
<br /> ••.�1.T ' .
<br /> � �y�ate proceads flrat ta paYme►K af all cost�and ex�enses of exercisin9 Po�r ot sate.tnctudtng atl Tmsteo e fees.ena Len�s
<br />- .. . : andTrustee'sattorrrey'steeaactuatlyincucredtoextertpermitteddyapPltcab�elaw.IntheeventBortawerarTrustore=eccllesany ,
<br />�..� : � � ' rlght provided by law to ture aa Event of Oefault,Lender ehatt be enUUed to recover from Trustor all cosb98ed expenses aetuetty •
<br /> � �ncurred es a resutt ot TrustoPa dofauit inctudtng wid�out limitat3on all Trusfae s and ettomey's tees,to the extent permitted by ' „Y.
<br /> .� �� . . . r'.
<br /> - ..a. . . applicabt9iaw. ..
<br /> ' s .. . • • • 15.Fudtn Adrane�.Upon tQauest oi 8onowet.LtsnQer may.at ita optlon.make a d d l�ona l an d t u w re a d vances and re� .' ��
<br /> i-• '
<br /> : �,_ .. ad,cancestogenower.SucAa6vancesandrea4vanceawfthinterestthereon.shallEeseCUredbYthi3CeBdo9TrustAtnotimeshall
<br /> � theprincipalamountoltheindebtednes9securedbythis0eedo�TrasLnot9���(���Sa�n��gr���esecurityotthis ;�.,,�f
<br /> , �. �. � Oeed of TtisL exceed the origlnat princly�l amount sta�d herein,o:S ~�
<br /> . . 1Gi.FINc�aiNOtuP[orlMons. � ��.�
<br /> �, , �a�gp�pyrK�tW g�d,Extensl o n o t U t e U m e t o r p a y m e n t o t m o d i fl c a�a n o 1 a m o rt i=a t on of the sums secured by this • �:
<br /> ' � ' CeedofTruslgrantedbYLendertoenysuccessorininterestof8orrowershallnotoper8tetoreieas�inarrymanner.tnetiabitity ��
<br /> - . . : � o11Re origlnal6onower and Bortower'e suceessars iMnterest LendershaU notb9�equiredto commence proceedings against .; �.
<br /> suchsuecessormrretusetoentendtimetorpaymeritorotBerwisemaditgarnortza�anolthesvmsseeuredbythisOaedolTrust .
<br /> � � � fsq reasen of amt demands rtsade bY the o�igi°ai B°nAwer an0 Borrawer's suece.ssars in in�erest :; ;
<br /> _.. ti .. . • � �p� �•s p�,yy;���(�Ung the IiaCitity ai any ather person uabto for the payrrtern ot any obligatton hereln �°: .��
<br /> - � mentioned.andwithoataftectingtt►eUenorchargeolthisCeedofTrustuponanypertienofthePrepertyrtotthenmtReretatare ( �
<br /> - � � � . releasedassecurityforthetullamountotaUunOatdobligations.Lertdermay.tromtim�tutimaendwithoutnotice(�reteaseanY f ,
<br /> . � � person so ltabte(ii)extendt�A maturityorlreeonve ed eteany mo at lea�der's op an any P�ce�Q rtion cr slt tho�P opsrty� � , .
<br /> ..,. , . �. er recnnvey,ar cause to Ce reteased Y ���n e�tiaatinn t�er�n mQnUoned.ar(vi)rnatae�ompositioas or other _
<br /> __ .--- ry�m�e or ret�sse d+'�y s�sar�isr��liCa."sr!�ui�Y � �'
<br /> E�:_—
<br />_� ��:. ' ` � err�ingements wit�dshtare in�eta�on thareto. .y` .. ,k ' -
<br /> - . ' . . , ti � � • ..
<br /> .�:$ . ' � ,.
<br /> _'� .. _ _
<br /> . .. ,
<br /> ;-i y} . •--�__. _ _ . .. . • _'.. ............_' .. .. ._. } �. -
<br />