,� .. ' . ..�. . .. ,1 . . 4 ' , —. . J..,.s .'r.::� ` ` � F .4. 4 ' °-�..
<br /> �`\ . . 1 , ^. + G . � , � 4 �E.
<br /> . .,�! _. ., r' � • , __.4 • s ` � r „ �. --
<br /> ,7�f � . t� ...t- , . - . - , - - •, r , `y _ . `- � ' • -.
<br /> .-�'a _ , � h _ � _`-.Cl: '��. � - " - . ' � � ' . .. . . _ ' . . . - r- .� tit y. '- . -
<br /> _#� � � ..3. .
<br /> ` , _ �;`'j`� " . _ - _ � . .� .�-
<br /> . .. r� ' . L' Y ' _ _
<br /> _ .� � � .. . • . • � � g�-�tD4�i�� . , _ _--
<br /> . . . . . • . DEED O�TRUBT WiTk FUTURE/1D11I�NC�S , s•. .� � �—
<br /> � �. .', . tHi8 DEED 0�TRUBT.Ie mads as ot the 06th�04 3on. � ,19 y oY fln�flmOrtg . ,..� . , •.�. .
<br /> � . . t7artr D Stelt: 8 WAC�d3A LEE STEL� . AuoDand end vif� �• �
<br />_- • . ;.; ,. ' thb Trustot. ren vood Ur Gsand Island tte.�s88tt2-7Z20 � • . ,
<br /> : wt�ose malArtp addcess fa (hsrein'Trustor,"whather one or moc+e), �. ' s,` � -_�..
<br /> , ' Fi�re E'oxnte Bar,k, a Nebsaska Carparation ' . � � . �� .���,,
<br /> . , «�. �.
<br /> _ • � - ' - - • the Trusta� ::
<br /> ax . rend Island, HE fi$B02 ' '
<br /> • ��``:�'„, wNose ma41t� eddres��s . . ' � $ :
<br /> 9 ((harein"Trustee"j,ar�d �
<br /> _, � � ve o�nta Bank . �
<br />= tha Benettctary: , � .` � �
<br />__ � : � 2015 N. Broadvell Grand Island, NE: 68802-1505 � • �� � �; � °T��
<br /> '. � '_. . whose mailing address is ' (herein"Lende��. ;, '�� � �.:�
<br /> ' � Piark D �te2k ; '
<br /> � ; `� . . FgF�V�l�L�EC�I,�I�D�ERAT[ON.inatuding LenQer's oxtenston of credit idenUfled hetein to �
<br />_ �3+..-Ts s¢�i�
<br /> . . , . � `�' : . ' , ' ��;�,�L:�;���sc�
<br /> , . . (herein"Borrower'.whether one or morej and the trust herein cresEed. � •:+;
<br />= • • ' the teceipt Of whtch(s h@reby BcknOwied$ed.TNStoi hBreby irrevocabty granTs.transters.coR�eys end assJgns to Truate�(N :',;+��=_
<br /> � - - • 7RUST.WRHPOWEROFSALE.farthebenefitanalsecurKyotLender.underandsubjecttotfie�ermsandcon�tIonaherelnatterast �'
<br /> �
<br /> . . . • � fottA.the real OroFerh.Cescribed esfoQow� .,. ---_,.,�:u�-
<br /> : . . � ' ` . The Flesterly One-Hal f (W-�) of !ot Two (2) , B1 ock Twenty Seven i 27) , � ��
<br /> Original Tocvn, now Ci,ty of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska '�•":'; -
<br />.- ' ' ' , • if•" •_4_,-___
<br /> . ' .��CY�'S �_ .
<br /> .—`'`_- -.._ _ , _, . .._....?agetfter_wii�_eli.6uildin4}s,tmpravemenb.flztures._streeb._alleys,�assageways,.easements..rc�hts.prtviteges.and appurt�._ . ._... .; �r..�_
<br /> �• " • , , nartces located thereon or in anywise pertalning thereto.and the rerns.i�ues and profiLS,reversfcsts and rematn6ers thereof.and ,-._•.:*;:--.=j�
<br /> . . • such ersonat property that Fs attached to the tm rovemante go ae to aor,stiwte a tixNre,includin ,but rtot lim[�tD,heaUn and 'j �`"��'-
<br /> . P A � 9 8 ,,' `.,�.:�:.,
<br /> - . cooling equlpmen�artd tmgeJ�er withthe homestead or mariffiI irrterests,ii any,which interests are hereby rete.3s�and waived:a(1 ��b;:�:�° -
<br /> .'`'�� . �. ofwhlch,inctudingreplacement�andadditianstherew,isherebydeciaredtobea�rtcithecealestatesecurecf�ythe(tenoithb ���'�'�—
<br /> _ ..;,. . .- Oeed ot Tiust ar�d ap of the toregoing being referred to hePein as the"Rropetty': � .:� �----
<br /> _ ', _ _.. . _ ____ _ •'�`-:�$���_
<br /> ''' ' , This Deed ot Trust sAall secure(a)the payment of the priricipal sum and interest evtdenced�y a promissc�t rtote or credit � • �� —
<br /> . ' Januax y 6th 1595 January 6th i�0 <� - _�_
<br /> . ' . . agneement dated having a maturlry date of, . ?�` .�' •a--
<br /> . . '��'' 13,618.45 f - —�
<br /> � . � :. ..'4 in the origina!p�incipal amount ot$ .and any and ail modiflcatlons,extensions and renewats � • _
<br /> - thereof or ther�and any and ail tuture advartces end readvAnces to Borrower(or any o!them If mare than one)�ereunder i
<br /> ' � . pursuant to one or more promtssory notes or credit agreements(heretn called"Na�'�;(b)the payment ot other sums advanced by '�'� ��_
<br /> x. � • : LenAertopralecttnesecurityofMeNote;(c)fhepertormanceolallcovenantsandagreementsofTrustorsettorthher�in:and(�all =-
<br /> = • ' ' . present and fuWro indebtedrtess and obligaUons of Borrcwer(or any o1 them it more than ane)to Lender whether direct Indirect ��• � �
<br />- _._ . .. ___ absotute or conUngent and whether adsln8 by�ote.guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note�thia Deed of Tiust 8rtd eny end aat `,� � -.- `3+
<br /> , � • _ otherdowenffithatsecuretheNotaorotAerwiseexecutedinconnecttontherewith,inctudingwfthoutlim(ffiUOaguerantee9.eecudty , �•*
<br />- . � • egreementa artd essignments of leases and rents.shall be�etened to heretn es tha"�oar►Oocuments". ,� :.�-
<br /> ,. . . Tniator covanarrts and agrees wifh Lertder as 1'ollowa: ...s�; . --
<br /> � . . 1. Paym�nt ol tndal�tadnw.All tndebfedness secured hereby shall E9 patd when daa `�'�'�� : .f.'}�
<br /> � 2.Tlt[s.Truator is Ne owner of the Property,has the rlgfit and autho�Iry to convey the Rroperry,and warrante tAat the Ilen � r�•� �
<br />- � ' created hereby Is a Arst and pdor tlen on the Property.except tor liens and encumbrartces set torth by Trustor in wdfing and � y�• � � '
<br />- ' •� . detivereAtoLenderbeforeexecuUonoitt�lsOeedoiTruat,andtheexecWonanddettve oithisdeedofT�ustdoesnoivtotatea °'"' �'
<br /> ry �l► ti�-- ��-
<br /> - ' � ' contrect or other obltgatlan to whtch Truswr ts subject ��•' ,:+�,,.�_
<br /> �..:. . .s
<br /> � � � 3.Tacp.Au�n�nl�.To pay 6efore delinquency atl texes,specfal assessments and alt other oE�arge�agains4 tAe Property ,�r % ��
<br />- . • now or hereatter levled. � �'��_-
<br /> ' � � 4. fMU�ne�.TokeepthePropertylnsuredagainatdamagoby8re.hazardsinctudedwlthintheterm"extenrledcoverage;and " �;:�=
<br /> _°. : : Such other Aazauds aa Lender may require�in emounts artd with companles acceptabte to Lender.naming Lender as an addiUena! . , ��_—
<br /> _ • named lnsured,wlth loss payabte to the Lender.U case of toas under such pofiGes,the Lender ts authoH=ed to adjust cottect and .. � �
<br /> � • � � compromise.a11c1a1msthereunderandshallhavetheapUonofapplyingallorpaAOlthefnsuranceproceeds(i)toarrylrtde�tedrtess � • ��•,
<br />_ ' secure0 hereby and In aucb order a9 Lender may Cete►mina.qi)to the Trustor to 6e used tor the repalror restaretton of tne Properry • -
<br /> � . or(iiQforanyotherpuryoseorobjecteaUsUictorytoLendarwlthoutaffectingUYetlenotthis0eedofTrustfotUfefuUpmount8ecured - � ���
<br /> ..� ' . , e
<br /> � hereby befare such payment ever took piaea Any appllcatton af proceeds to irtdebiadness ahatl not exeend or postpone the due � '��.. ` '��'f��
<br /> . , " d�o?aml payments unQer the�tote,or cure arry default therevnder or hereunder. . ; i�:����
<br /> _?� • • 5. Eacrow.Upon wrltten Qemand by Lender,l'rostor ahall pay to Lender.in such manner as lender rr�y desfgnate,suf(icient • �+"'"..
<br /> _ ' aumstoena6fel.�rtdertopayastheybecomeduaoneormoreoftt►etollowing(i)alltaxes,essessmentsandothercharge9agalnst . ;�},
<br />° : ��.. � � the Properiy,(Iq the premtums on the propercy tn�urance�equired hereunder,and(ili)the premlums on any moRgage lnsurance • .�:
<br /> � . , raqutred by Londer. '. �
<br />-. ' • � � 8. Matntananeh R�paln and ConfpBufc�wHff Isws.Trustor shall keep the Proloerty in good candiUon and repatr,shatl � •:�...,1�
<br />= , • � promptty repalr.or replace any improvemBnt which mt�y be damaged or destroyed;shall not cammlt or perm(t anyl waste or ,. .. '; �;�.:
<br /> m
<br /> _ , �;:; "�. �� dete�icratlan ot the Properg,sfrat)not remove.demoifsh or substenUalry alter arry of the Improvemenb on the Properry;shatl naR 4'
<br /> _y . commit aufter or permfterry actto bedone in or upon the�ep�ty In vlofaUan of any law.ordinance�or regutatlon;end eAall pay artd . ' '',��
<br />_ � prompUy dtscharge at Trustora cost and expense all Nens,eneumbrances and charges tevted.Imposed or assessed agalnst the . � � .
<br />_. Propenq or any part tRereot .:•?.
<br />_. : • T• Emin�nl Dandr�.Lea�er ts hereDy asstgned all compensaUon,awardA damages enb other paymanb or relief(Aerelnafisr ( ,� *�
<br /> - - � . "Proceeds'yineannectlonwithcortdemrtatlonorothertatcl�goftheProperiyorpartthereo�,ortorcamreyanceinlleuotcortdemna- � , �t�
<br /> _ � - �an.Lender ahal!be entltled at Its opUOn to commence,appear in artd proseeute io its own name any ectlon or proceed�ngs.and � •. �
<br /> j � � sAatl atso be entltted to make any compremise or setttement in connectlon with such ffik(ng er dam.aga In the event airy porHon oT � � ":'•��<
<br />�=F � � � � ' the Property ts so faken or damaged,Lerrde�stiatl hava the opUon,in Iffi sote arsd absatute diseretio�,to appty atl such Proceeds� - 5 ;.
<br />=�. �. " � � aftErdeductlngtfietetramal)eosbandexpenseslncuaedbyittnconnecUonwithsucAProcCed9.ttponttnyindebtednesssacured � ' , �:. �,
<br />_� � � . h�eby and in sach order as LenQer may determtne.or to eppfy all such Preceeds�after such de6uctions.to the resGo►a�an ot the � • �. ;� . �
<br /> �` ; Properryu�onsuchcondi�crtsast.endermayd6termin�.AnyepplicationolProceedstoinde6tednessshallrtotextendarpostporte ,� � .� 4.�
<br />_ � . the due date oJ anyr paymenb urtder the No:e,or cure arry detault thereunder or hereunde►.Any unapytied tunds shall be Qald to ! ' � 3•
<br /> ��. . Tn�stor. . ; , .�
<br />__ • - - ' 8. Rulortna��b�t L�ndK Upon theoacurteno9 of an Eventof Oetautt hereunder.er ii any ect is taken or fegaf proceeding � � . • i
<br />-- •. � � oommence�wwnicttmaterlalty�RecbLertder'etnierestlntheProparty,lendermayEnitaowndlscretlon.butwithoutobl(ga�ontodo i.. • r : �
<br /> _� ' so aM withaut nottce to or demand upon Trustnr and without reieasing Trus2or Bom erry obtigatlon.do any ect which Trustnr has ? � ,
<br /> • agreed but taii�to do and may aisa do eny other act ti deems nscassary to protect ttfe securiry hereot Trusror shall.ImmedsaLely ; � •
<br /> .'� � � � � � uyoa demartd thetefar by Lertdet,p�yto I.enQer afl casb end exponses incurred and sums expenQ�d by Lsnder In cannExtlon with � � . '
<br /> • theeasrclssby Lender of tha4oregoing�ig�f�r.tegether witA tntereslthereon atthe defaW4 rate provided in the Hete,whteA shafl be
<br /> "!' '��• ' _ , .';`'r • �1�L�8C�t9 C�i9�_____�'_____�__64G'��!£��_�Ph3!!Q4�!i!!�!!E!!St ie e ;�3s�o!;sr,�siisg it es�;da ar art�ta da ` - —- - -- -
<br /> `• • . . • . � hereundet. .
<br /> .� s• . . . - . .
<br /> '� ' , � � `� . � . .. .� '�
<br /> r
<br /> •� � , f� .
<br /> � .�. .. . �� . ._._...�..___�__.._._._..._._� �._ -- � f __ .._ .___ _ �
<br />