- -Ff ��4- . . . .r ` � ' ` . . , . -G , ' �i' � . �.' .. 1.. �`', . z: . ..t , , , �`�*-
<br /> r ` `
<br /> . f F.�:�. , . - . - _.
<br /> �; , .+ `��� --
<br /> . . � . •
<br /> _��` . , .
<br />- �,° . . , • . Q�, , ,
<br />��5.`�.! ` �� . " 9. Condettmatton; ' �O ���� �� <. �,�'�iE`'s��.
<br /> � 'The proceeds ot any award or c�a�m tor damages,direct or eonsetiaential,in cont�ec�on wrth any .._;
<br /> A � candemnaL•onnrotherrakingoftheProperty.orpaRtfiereat,ortor�onveyaaceinlieuofcortdemnation,areherehyesslgned � � ���=
<br /> . and shaU be paid ta�ender. � . • ����
<br /> . : ` �. , In tAe event of a total taking of ine Property,the proceeds shall b�appliedto the sums se�ured by thls Dee�of Trusi,with G • .�' �`='�`�--�
<br />_ �• ' � the excess.�f any,paid to Sorcower.in the event of a partial taking ot the Proparry.untess Horroxer and teoder otherwise � _ � ��,�„�,
<br />-� ��' � � agreeinwriting,thereshatltieappliedtothesumssecuredbythisQeedofTrustsuchproporticeofth9proceedsa9isequelt0 � �
<br />_ .= , , thatproporEionwhicAtheamoumoftAesumssecuredbyth�sDeedofTrustimmediatelypriortoMedeteotffikingbearstotha � ' b
<br /> �• ' �air marketval�e ot Me oroparty immediatety pnor to the date a�taking,with the batance of the proceeqs paid to Borrcwar. � .� c.`��
<br /> I f t he Property is a bars done d by Barrower,or i f,a fter not�c�by LenCer to 8 oaower t hat t he ean demnar o f ters to m a ke an • � �` �
<br /> . , award or settle a ciaim}ar damages.Barrawer taits to respond to Lender within 30 days afterthe date such n�tice is maited. ` '. �=
<br />- �` ,- � Lender�s suttronzed td colteet and apply the proceeds,at LendePs opfion,eiMer to restoratipn or�epair of the Proparry ar to �
<br /> " ' me sums secur�d by this Deed ot Trust � `` � ���
<br />-�_="�__�. '_�_k __ __ � �- !-
<br /> • Un►esslenderandBorrowerotherwiseagree�nwr�tinq,artysuchappllcatianotproceedstoprincipalshafinotexterMor ��---- �-° �-
<br /> . • postpone the due date ot the monthty instailmenis retened to in paragraphs t and 2 hereof or change the amount of such ,' •
<br /> � :<i:
<br /> ' . , . ms►aliments.' •
<br /> - • � 10.BorrawerNotBeteased.ExtensionottheGmeforpaymentormodificationofamortizationofU►esumssecuredbythis R� � ` :.+� ;
<br /> : ,�, ' � ' Deed ot Trust granted by Lender to anyr successor in interest af Borrower shaU not aperate ro�eteaSO,in any manner,tha � �
<br />_ � ' IiabilityoftheonginaiBo►rowerandBorroviar'ssuccassorsinterestLendershailnotbsrequiredtocommencepro�eedings ,
<br /> . . ' against sLCh snccessor os ratuse to extend dme tor payment or othenvise modity amortirailon of the surtts secuted by tt�ia •_� �:
<br /> , . Deed of Trust by reason ot amr deman0 made by the onqinal Bortower and Bormwe►'s sur.cessors in interest ' � �� '���
<br /> - .' . � 1 t.Forb�arance by Lend�►Na!a Waiva�Any torbearance by Lender in exercising a�y►right or remedy hereuader.ar ��' � . - :;
<br /> . . �othemise aitorded by appticabte taw,shali not be a waiver of ar preclude the eacercise ot arry such�ght or remedl►.The �
<br /> . . , •� procu�ementofinsuranceofthepaymentoitaxesorotherlieasorchargesbyLendershaUnotbeawaiverofLender'sngfitto .
<br />: , . ' accelerate the maturiry ot the indebtedness secured by this�esd ot Trust , •. . , t�...,�'„_,
<br /> , . 12. fdemedies Cumutauve All remedies provided in this Deed of Trust are distinct and cumulative to any other�Ight or � �
<br /> � . rem unde►thisDeedofTn,is[oraftordedb lawor � -,� �`
<br /> . edy y equity.andmaybeexercisedconeurrenUy.independenUyarsuceessivefy. ,� ; ,
<br /> ' 13.SuceessarsandAa�ignsBound;dotntandSeveralliabt�ty;CapUona.ThecovenanffiandagreesnenLShereinoorrtained
<br /> � ,. shatlbind.andthertghtshereundershailinureto.therespectivesuccessarsandassignsofl,enderendBonowe�.subiectto . � � .::_:
<br />_ . ' theprovisionsofparagraphl7Ae�eof.AlicovenantsaRdagreementsolBoROwerskatlbejointands8veral.ThecapLonsand `�_.�;:
<br />- • . headings of the paragc�hs of this Deed of Trust are for�onveniertce only and are not to be used to interpret or dePme the `' �
<br /> . ArDVisions hereoL , �,
<br />- _ � . ., ', _ �0_AtoElu..F�ccepitoranynoticerequ�red�ndecapplicabieiawiobegiveninanothermanner.(a)anynoticetoBpnower-��� � - ---- � • .�
<br /> � . - providedtorinthisQeedotTrustshallbeg�venbymailingsuchnoticebycertifredmailaddrsssedto6orroweratMeProperty .. . --
<br /> '. ' . • . Add�ess or at suCb other address as Borrower may designate by rto6ce to tender as provided herein,and(b)anY notfce to ��;: �°"�
<br /> ; ' • Iendesshall�egivenbycertifiedmail.retumreceiptrequested.toLendersaddressstatedbere�nortosuchotheraddressas � �fc�,
<br /> _ � „ ' � LendermayGesignatebynaticetoBonoweraspro+ndedherein.Anynoficeprovidedforinthis0eedof'►�ustshallbedeemed
<br /> : � : to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given in the manner designateq herein. °- ��
<br /> • � '14.1 "RequesttorNotice.TrustorandbeAeficiaryrequestthatacopyafanynoticeofdefaultandnoUCeofsalemaeteor� -
<br />- � .. executed by the Trustee pursuant to the pravisions hereo!be sent to the TrustOr and Eeneftciary at thei►raspective mailing (�—
<br /> . . • . ', addresses set forth above." -
<br /> ' � , 15. IdnHarm Qeed o1 Trus�Govemfng Law;Soverabitlty.The torm of deed ot trust cart3iines uniform covenants te.� �;'�' �`' . %�,� `
<br /> . � � • nafional use and non-uniform cove�an4s with limited vanaUons by jurisdiation to constitute a�nifortn security instrume�.i ' �:'`�-
<br /> covenng�ea}proper�y_This Oeed of Trust shall be governed by the law ot the j�sr��iction in which the Propertg'ss located.tn. : _ -.
<br /> , tne event that a�y p:o�sion or clause of this Deed ot Trust or the Note conflicts K�th applicabte law,such ce:�ict shall not ' � �, '
<br /> • �. � aftectoMerprovisionsofthisDeedofTrustortheho;ewhichcanbegiveneHectwrtfiouitheconflictingprovisions,andtothis • .;::��'' � �
<br /> , • � , end the provisions of the Deed of Trust and the Note are declared to be severable. �
<br /> . 18. 8.nowePa Coay.Borrower shall be tumished a contormed wpy of the Note and ot ths Deed of Trust at the time ot ' �•��
<br /> • � . execution or aRer recordation hereaf. � :• �
<br /> � . 17.Transter of the Property;Assumptfon.It all or any part of the.Pto�.q�g�t��P_is sotd ortranst�eRed by ��.�; -
<br /> � � 9oriowerwilhoutLender'spr�orwr�ttenconsent,excluding(a)thecreaSi }a�i��¢ . �reRCesubordm8tetothis0eed � ° '= - '
<br />_ - � olTrust,(b)MecrCahonot�purchasemoneysecunryinterestforhouSeh � �����atransferbydevisedescerrtorby ,:;;. .
<br /> -� . � operationoflawuponthedeathofajoinitenantor(d)thegrantofanyleas�g 4� it_�q� �eytearsorlessnotcontainingan ��'���� � ...
<br /> • optiontopurchase.Lendermay,atlender'soption,declareantt�esum9secured�ty eedafTrusttobeimmediatetydue ��R .�
<br /> • an0 payabfe.lende�sha�t have warved such option to acceterate if,prior to the sale or transtsr,l.ender and the person to �� � -
<br /> � , '. � whom the Property is to be sold or transferred reach agroement in writing that the credit of such person is satisfactory to � -
<br /> . � Lenderandthattheinterestpayableonthesumssecuredbythis0eedofTrustshallbeatsuchrateasl.endersha0requesifl �Yy' �`..,�'"��- "
<br /> • - � , . Lenderhasvraivedtheopt►ontoaccelerateprovidedinthisparagraphl7.andifBc�roweissuccessorininteresthasexecuted ,'-� '�`_�"
<br /> • . . � � a w�itten assumption agreementaccepted in writing by Lender,LendershaU release Borrowerhom all obtigations und8r this �.��.�� 'r—
<br />_ . � Oeed o1 Trust and the Note. �����;��. :.
<br /> . If Lender exercisea such option to accelerate.Lender shall mail Borrower not�ce ot acceteration.in accordance witt�
<br /> ' � par8graptfl4hereotSuchnoticesha:iprov�deaperiodofnotlessthan30dayshomthedatethsaotiCeismailedwithinwnich �� • � �,r �
<br /> • , � Borrowe�may pay the sums declarecs due.If Borrower fails to pay such sums prior to the exp,ration of such perlod.Lender . " ' F . �?
<br /> may,withoutfurther notice or demand on 8orrower,invokeany remedies permitted by paragraph 18 hereol. • •, j
<br /> . • ' NON-UNIFOAM COyENANTS.Bonower and Lender turther eovanant and�.greo as foltowa : � .,� „�,. {j
<br /> ' � 18. Aeeeferattor+:�amedles.Except as proveded in paragraph 17 h�reot.uaon Borrower's breach of any covenant or � � t�:,.,r
<br /> .. � • agreementot6onowennthisDeedotTrust.inctudingthecovenac'siopaywhendueanysumssccuredbythis0eedofTrust ��'�: .��':/�
<br /> . - LenderpriortoacceteraUOnshallmailnotrcetoBorrowerasprovidedinparagraphl4hereofs¢ecitying:(1)thebreach;(2)tt:e ` `d�.,
<br /> ' . � . . actionrequiredtocuresuchbreach:(3)adate.nottessthan30daystromthedatethenot�ceismailedto8orrower.bywhick`. . .' ��'�',
<br /> - . � such breach mustbe cured;and(4)that failure to Cure such breach on or before ttse date speCitied in the nO�Ce rnay result in � 3T ,
<br /> , _ ' •a�ceteratrortofthesumssecuredbythisDeedofTrestandsaleoftheProperty.T�enoticesfiallturtherinforr.:Borrowerofthe � .• ��
<br /> , . , right to reinstate afte�accelerat�on and ihe�ight to Crmg a court action to asseA the non-existence o!a defa�ft ot any other • � ; !
<br /> � . defenseofBorrowertoaccelerationandsaie.ftthebreach�snotcuredonorbeforethedatespeclfiedinthenotice,Lenderat � ._`,'�.:
<br /> � Lender's option may declaro all 01 the sums secured by this Oeed ot Trust tv be immediately��e and payabte without fuRher r... .
<br /> � • . demartd artd may mvoke the power ol sale and any other remedies permitted by appticable taw.Lender shall be entitled to % !��
<br /> , ' '. collectallreasonabtecostsandexpenses�ncurredinpursuingtheremediesprowdedintheparagraphl8,includirtg,butnot ���",��
<br />_ � iimded to,reasonabte attorney's}ees. � � •� �-
<br /> . . � If the powe►ot sale�s invoked.Trustee s�aU�ecord a not�ce ol defau�t in each county in which the Properry or some paA � :;j
<br /> thereotistocatetlandshallmaUCOp�esotsuchnoticemthemannerprescnbedbyappt�cablefawtoBorrowerendtotheother � ,�
<br /> , , persons prescribed byapplicabte taw.Aiter the tapse ot such time as may tse requ�red by��!ICable law.Trustee shall give , :•
<br /> . : . ' pubtic noltce of sate to the persons and in the manner prescribed by appticable law.Trustee,without demand on 8onower, •. _+;:i f
<br /> � - . she11se11thePropertyetpublicaucUOntothehighestbidderatthetimeandplaceandundertRetermsdesignatedinMenotiCe � •,
<br /> , � • of sate in one or more parcets and in such order a9 Trustee may determ�ne.Trustee may postpone sale ot atl or any parCet o} ! ' . �`;r�';
<br /> � the.PropeRy by public anrtnuncement at the t�me and ptace of any previously scheduled sale,Le�der or Lender's designee ° ' °:�
<br /> � . � .. . � may purc�hase the Property at any sate. � , . ..4, y
<br /> . • . • Upanreeeiptolpaymentafthepr�ceb:d.T�usteeshalldelivertofhepurchaserTrustee'sdeedconveyingtheRropeRysold. �. • ` ��
<br /> Therecifal9intfieT�ustee'sdeedshallbepr�matac�eev�denceolthetruthotthestatementsmadetl�erein.Trusteeshallapply •• ry*
<br /> . theproCeedsof tfiesalein thefollowmg order 1a)toall teeso�able costsand expenseso}thesate,including,but not limitedto.
<br /> � Trustee'steesofnofmorethan�_. gbolthegrosssalepnce.reasonabteattorney'sfeesandcosffioltiUeevldence: � � :�'
<br /> • (b)to atl sums secured by th�s Deea ot Trust:and(c)the excess.�t any,to the person or persons tegf]Ity entiUed thereto. � . � (.
<br /> ]
<br /> � . . 19. Bnnower's Rlsht to Relnstata.Notw�tnstanding Leader's acceterat�an at the sums secured by this Oeed ot Trust ; � •, •M
<br /> _ � • Borrowershallhavether�ghltohaveanyproceedingsbegunbyLendertoentorcetheQeedol7►ustdiscontlnuedatanyttane � 4�
<br /> pnortotheearhartooccurot(�)thehtthaaybetoretheseleofthePropeRypursuanttothepowerotsalecontainedinffie0eed j . •.� �.,
<br /> � ot trust pi)entry ot a judgmeM entorc�rtg th�s Qeed ot Trust d:(a)Borrovier pays Lender all sumg whicb woutd be then due �
<br /> '. . under this Oeed o1 Trust,the Note and notes secunng Future Advances.�t any,had no acceleretior.occured:(b)Borrower '
<br /> � • . curesall breaches ot any ather covenants or agreements ot Barrower contamed in this peed oi Trust(C)Bonower pays all •
<br /> ' � . reasonaDleexpensesincunedbyLenderandTruste9entorangthecovenanisandagreementsofBorrowerCOnlainedintfils j
<br /> ' � �` . . DeedotT�ustendmentorcingLendoisandTrustea'sremedie9asprov�dedinparagraphl8hereof.including,butrtot�imite0 �
<br /> ° to.reasona0teaitorney'stRes;and(d)8on!+wertakessucteECrionasLersd�rmeyreasots3�t;seqesirofoassucatl�S!lsalisna! :..-:.::::-_ _1-_;
<br /> . ' thi9 Oeed of Trust,Lender's interest�n the Propetty and Bo�rorrer's ob�igahon to pay the sums secuted by thi9 Oeed of Trost � ;, ��
<br /> .. � . shallcontinueun�mpaired.UOOnsuchpaymentandcurebyBorrorler.th�s�eedotT�uStantftheobligati0nsseCU�edhereby • , ,
<br /> � � sheli remain m tuU torce artd eHect as d no aceeleraUOn had occurrad. ��
<br /> � , . � '�
<br /> .�
<br /> . . __._7. ... .. .. .
<br />