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<br /> `� �� , ;. � , UNIFORM C�VE�tt� S.Bonower and l..e�der covenant and agres es to��0.����� � � -�
<br /> E
<br /> - � � 1, payRf�Rt t u�(nt�st Borrower shal!prcmptty pay�when due the pnncipal of and mtarest an the , � � , ,�i
<br /> -� � . mdebtednessevidencedbytheNOte.prepa entandlatetriargesasprowdedintheNote.andtheprineipalotandinteieston . � . ��,,�
<br /> ' ' . . � any Future kdvances SeWred by the 0�Trust ��` . '
<br /> � 2 FuttdstarTa�andlntutanq.SuEiecttoappiicabtelawnrtoawrittenw�iverbyLender,Horrowerahallpaytolender ''�s
<br /> � ' ' ontheday(nonfhtytnsfellmentsofprincipa7andinterestarepayableundertheNote.un6ltheNoteispatainfutl.esum(herein ���'��
<br /> � "Funds")equst to one-M►eltth o!tfle yeatty taxes and assessments whieh mey atffiin pdoriry,o�er tt�is Oesd o1 Trust end • . ' `
<br /> ' grounArentsontheProperty,ifany,piusone-twelMofyeertypremiuminaSaiimen7sforhazardi�surance.ptusang-twel4thot , _ '�,�
<br /> yearty pren�um ir+ststimsnts br m��g�g��rmit�d eny,eli es reasonably estimeted initiauy and hom time to time by - .--
<br /> -,. � . � � I.ender onlhe Easie of assessments BndDiiSs and reasona�te estimate�tt�ereot. .= _ -� '�"
<br /> TheFundssAafl6sheld inan inst[tutiontb�deposits oraccountsofWhichareinsuredorgua�antaed.bya Federalorstat� _,
<br /> ' ' agenty linctuding lender i4 Lender is such an institution�.Lendar shall appty the tunds to pay said taxes,asaa�sments. , �`: �
<br /> msu►ancepremiumsandgroundrenta LenQer maynatchargeforsoholdingandapptyingthe Funds,analyz�ngseidaccouni
<br /> �.�� orverityingandcompllfngsaidessessmantsarsdbilts,uNessLenderpaya�oaawerinterestortfheFundsandapplicabtelaw . ti;�y,
<br /> � � permiisl.endertomakesuchacharge;�orcowerandLendermayagreeinwritingetthedmeofexecuti�onolthisDeedot7rost . � . _ :
<br /> that i�tterest on the Funds shatt be pa�d to BoROwer,anA unteas sucb agreement is made or applicat6a law requires such
<br /> � ' interest to be sid I.ender sha11 not be requrred to pay Borrower any interest ot eamin s on the Funds.Lender shatl give to � ,
<br /> ' whiCheach�biutt�eFursdswesmade.TheFu d ae ptedgedasadd'�ona secuntyforthe umssecuredbytph(s0eedof � ,
<br /> . . . Trusi
<br /> • If the amountpf the funds held by Lender,togeiher witfi the tuture monthty instaltments of Funds payabte prior to the du�
<br /> dates of faxes.assessmenis.inswance premiums and ground rertta sh80 euceed the amount required to pay sald texes. . , . .
<br /> � � assessments,iasutance premiums artd ground renta as they tall dua,such excess shall be,at Borrower's option.either
<br /> � prompUy re sid to Borrower or credited to Boaower on monthty msffiIlments of Funds.if the amount ot the Funda hetd b�
<br /> • Layto Lend r�any art�ount�aecea ary o mak�p tl�ie deficiency w t�h n 30 days from tlie da�noU�'��s.�ma ed�bR Ls der to .
<br /> . �prrower reqaeseng payment thereot. � . ��fi.;
<br /> �. t. Uponpaymentinfullofallsum9securedbythis�eedofTrustLendershaltprompttyrefundtoBortowera�yFun�shetdby � 4�.�
<br /> Lender.lfunQerparagrepbl8hereoftheProperty issoldorthePrope�.ty isotherwiseacquireAbyLender,LenEershallapply. , , �,�
<br /> � � rmiaterthanimmediatelyprtnrtothesaleottheProperryoritsacquis�ttan-byLender.andFundshetdbylenderatthetimeot ` "'; ,•-
<br /> � - . $PDl�cation as a credItegainat the sums secured by thrs Oeed of Trust � , .`;;�f,'-
<br /> - • 3.ApyUCatton ot Pay�f�nb.Untass appticabte taw provides oihe�trise,all payments received by Lender under the(Jote •
<br /> and pa[agrapAs 1 artd 2�hereot shatl be apptied by Lertderfirst in payment otamounis payabt0 to Lender by Bartower under • • `�'"'�
<br /> ,_ paragraph2hereol,thentointerestpayableontheNote.mentoMeprincipaloftheHote.andthentolnterestandpnncipalon • � ���;` ;
<br /> . . . any Future Advances. � "• :��"`
<br /> • 0.Charpss:Li�rts.Borrowerssha!lpayallfaxeaassessmenlsendothercharges,finesandimpositionsa:,�bufaDlBtotRe :�__.:;:''"
<br /> ` Properry whlch may apaln a priority ove�this Oeed ot Trus�t,and leasehold paymenis or ground rents,if a:*.y.m Me manner _�.�-�
<br /> ' , � pravided urtder paragreph 2 hereof or,if not paid in sach manner,by Borrower making symen�when due.direc8y to L�s � �''`�;._-,_
<br /> �:�r.�•
<br /> payeethereof.Borrower shell promptty fumtsh to Lender 8tt notices otamounts due un erthis paragraph,and in the evznt ....,�-�:� .
<br /> - Bonower shatl make peyment dlrectly.Bor►ower shatl promptlyr fumish ta Lender receipts evidencmg such payc�e.-ts. ' '- ' `� . .. .
<br /> Bonower sl�a0 promptty discharge any lien which has pnoriry over this Deed ot TrusX pcovcQed,that BoRa:3-�r shall aot be '
<br /> � requiredtodischargeanysuchltensotongasBorrowershaltagreeinwritirsgtothepaymentoftheobligaboms2curedbysuch -,' �� .
<br /> � lien in a manneracceptabfeto Len�r,or shatl in good faith contestsuch lien by,or detend entorcementof such lien in,legal . •
<br /> , ' proo�dings which aperete to pr�nt the entoraement of the lien or toReiture of the PropeRy or any part thereot. S ; , ••
<br /> � 5.lius:d Insarsn�.Borros+cer shall keepthe improvemenis now exisUng or hereattererected on the Property insured
<br /> a g a i n s t l o s s b y f i r e,h a r ar d sincluded within the tertn"extee�ded coverage",and such other hazerds as Lender may require �r, .
<br /> � ' � and In such amounts and for sucb periods as Lender may require:pro v i d e tl,t t�a 4 L en der s h a 1 1 n o tre9 u i r e t�h a t t h e a m o u n t o f �, �
<br /> , such coverage encee0 that amou�!ot coverage r nired to pay the sums secured by this Oeed ot Trusl �_ �. .���,;' . _
<br /> Thisinsurancecanlerprovldingtheinsurences allbechosenby Borrowersubjecttoapp rovalbyLender, rovided,th�t � �,•
<br /> � such apprOVal sha(I not be unreasonably witAheld.All premiums on insuranca policies shall De pa�d in the manner provided f ., � :;
<br />- • � under paragraph 2 hereof ot,if no!paid in such manne�,by Borrower making paymenx when due,d�rectly to the insurance i +ri
<br /> � • carrier.
<br /> • " Atl insurance poticies and renewatsthe�eotshall be in form accepmbteto lender and shatl inctude a standard mortgage .
<br />� clauseinfavorotandinformacceptabletolender.Le�dershalthavetherighttoholdthepoticiesandrenewalsthereorand � � � •
<br /> - Borrowershall romp tumishtoLenderaflrenewalnotiCesandallreceipisofpaidpremsums.lntheeventoftoss.Borrower � • � ,', f �
<br /> ' shallgivapromp�lnotic�etotheinsurancecarrierandLender.Lende�maym8kepraototlossrtnotmadeprompUybyBoROwer. ';>'���.�,��,-„
<br /> UotesslenderandBorrowerotherwiseagreeinwriting,insuranceproceedsshallbeapptiedtorestoreGoaorrep�rotthe �_ � ` " ��`?`J"�
<br /> Properry damaged p�ovided such restoratlon or repair is economicalty teasible and the secunty ot this Oeed of Trust is not r ; �.•�', - 3
<br /> � thereby impaired It such re9toraUon or repair is not economicatty teasibte oi if the sec�rty of t�his Qeed of Trost woutd be • *��
<br /> � � • isn,;.air8 d.t he insuranee pra e e e d s a h a l�b e a p p t i e d t o m e s�m s s e c u r e G b y t h i a O e e d o f t r,:s�w i m t h e e x c e s s.i f a n y,p a i d t o � �{
<br /> � Bozcwer.11 the Pro erty i9 abandoned by BoROwer.or it Borrcwer faits to respond to le;Car within 30 days hom the date
<br /> •�"•�-"..
<br /> " • � n d�c e i s m a i t e d b y�n d e i t o B¢ROwer that the insurance came�otfers to settle a clsim tor msurance benefiffi.Lender is �� `� ,;���
<br /> authorized to colfect andappty the insurance proceeds at�ender s option either to restora6on or repair o t me P r op erry o r t o � � � �:'�
<br /> - the sums secured by this Deed of Trust •. '���'
<br /> � • � UntessLenderandBoROwerothe►wiseagreeinwriting.anysucbappltcationotproceedstoprincipa�shallaotextendor � • :,,.:E:.
<br /> ' . . � postpone N�e due date ot the moathty instaltroenb reterred to in paragrapA91 and 2 hereot or change the amvunt of such � r°_,"r�`
<br />- • msta::mentq.N unQer paragraph 18 hereof the Property is acquired by Cender,all rlght titlo and interest of Borrower io and to I .i.' Y f� l
<br /> R!
<br /> anyc.surancepotictesandinandtotfleproceeCslhereofresultingtromdamagetothePropertypriortothe9aleoracquisition � . �,_-,;, �
<br /> � •' shap pass to Lender t0 the extent o1 the sums secured by this Deed olTrust immed�atety prior to such sat�or acqwsiti�n. .;
<br /> 8. Pre:evNlonandMalntenanesotProp�rty:LeassAotdxCondomi:as:�tff:Ptenn�dltn(tOevNOpm�nb.Bonowersnall . ��+
<br /> � • keep the Property in good repatr and shafl no1 commit waste or permit impairment of deterioration of t�e Property anQ shafl .
<br /> � • Comply withtheprovislon9ofanyleaseitthisOeedofTrustisonaleasehotd.Ifthis0eedofTrustisonauaAinacondom:r.:um �' � - •
<br /> � ac a ptanned unit Qevetopment 8orrower shall pertorm all ol6orrOwer's obligadons unCer the declaration or cover.ants ; �
<br /> - creaUng or goverNng the condominium or planned unit dev�etopment the by-taws and regulations of the condominium or : .. a
<br /> '' � � planned unf�devalapmant and censtituent dacumenta.It a condommium or planned unit development rider is excu:c�by % � ;
<br /> Borrower and�ecorded tagelher with this Oeed of TrusL the covenantsa�d ag reemenis o1 such rider shall be incorporated � � : �
<br />- . • into and shall art:end and supptement the covenants end agreements o!this Deed of Trust as N the rider were a paR hereot. � : Z ,,.,
<br /> . 7,�ot�eNoo af i.erM�e'�Suudty.lt Borrower tails to peAorm the cover.ants and agreements eont2ined in this Oeed of . �,
<br /> � Trust or if any acCOn or praceeding is eommenced with matedatly af(ects Le�:ders interest in the Property.�ncluding but not ,p�
<br /> � limited to,emmer►idoma+n.insolvency,code entorcement,or amangementsor proceedings invafving a bankruptor decedent. ,;�1
<br /> � than lender at Lendet's optfon.upon notice to Borrower,may make Such appearences,d�sDurse such sums and teke such ��
<br /> � � � ac�enasisnecessarytoptotectlender'sinterest�ncluding,butnotlimitedto.disbursemerstalreasonableattomey'sfeesand �.•d.' -
<br /> ,: � entry uponthePropertytomakerepairs.IlLenderrequiredmortgagetnsuraneeosacond�L�nolmakingtheloansecuredby
<br /> � the Deed of Tni..�R Borrower shall pay the premiums required to maintain such insurance in eftect until such time as the �•�t.���
<br /> � � � requirementtorsuchinsuranceterminatesinaccordancewithBorrower'9endLender'swn8enagreementorappticalbelaw. - : ti�;
<br /> • 6oROwer shall pay the amount of att moRgage insurance permiums in the manner proviAed under paragraph 2 hereoL � •:�
<br /> � Any amaunts disbursed by Lender pur9uant to this paragraph 7, wdb interest thereon. shall become additional ": .�
<br /> indebtednessol8orrowersecuredbythis0eedolTrustUnlessBorrowerendLenderagreetoothertermsolpaymen�sucb '�
<br /> � ' ' � amounts shall be payable upon fibtiCe ftom Lender to Borrower requesting payment hereof,and shall bear interest hom ttte a�.
<br /> � � • dateofdisbursementattheratepayabtetromtimetotimeonoutstanding pnnc�palundertheNoteuntasspaymentollnterest ��:
<br /> ; . at such rate v�ould be contrary to appl�cabte law,m which event sucb amounts shall bear interest at the highest rate
<br />- t; • actio Aereunderappficablelari.NOthingeontainedinthisparagraph7shall�equ�retenderto�ncuranyexpenseortakeany , �'
<br /> � 8. tnapeetton.Lender may make or causeto be madereasonabteentr�es upon and inspections of the Property,prov�ded `
<br /> � � thatLenderShellgive6orrowernot�cepttortoanysuchi�spechonspecifyingreasonablecausetheretarerelatedtolendet's ' .�
<br /> �i � � interest in the Propeny. � �
<br /> . , >
<br /> !-- ..... .. __. . . . .
<br /> - — __ __-- ._..._ __�_ . ._._i
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<br />