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<br /> �"'x..�'- � �` M torbc�riace by Lender tn exercising any h�'ht or�em�d,i hara er.os -
<br /> ��"'�r r '. ic)��br LsnQft N��Wdtr�. Y -----
<br />:.:4•�,.t t -�• affiatwise aftarSeA tiY eRAticaEte t��.enatt na!De e wa�tier a!or�recta8s the axerNse ot any a�ct��pht ar�i.T�4 = -
<br /> _-�`� �`=�i procuramentofin3urasiemorthsqsymentcltaue�oratherltcnsorclaar�a�byLeactaraha;lnat0eawafverotLande�'eQf�htt� • � _-_ -
<br /> -�-``=��' acCeterets Ms snaQcrlty o!the tn�ebtsdnes3 s�urat!bY tfi[s CaeA ot Trutt • ' �.�--
<br /> �,� ,�• � (��sa�ars u�d As�u 6a+nfi ao6ttl ana 6w�d Lts��R�a�+a TRe eovertants nrt0�Qcee+nsr+ts h�etn can• .--_-- -
<br /> ��-� �'. �ned et�att bind.and the rtsht�haraurtder eriall Inu)s to:trte r�spestiv�succeasoti artd r�sal�ai L�e�Qar end Tnsst�M ---
<br /> : -; � ".�� cavsirtnnb ar+d a�taem:m�ot Tit�s4cs ef�►�tt pe latnt art�saverat.The e�ltlana at��headlnQ�c!tre P�II�Dha o!tfiis Oead at ---_- _
<br /> �:.:_ . .�� . . . ��_-_:___-
<br /> _'�,,....,.�,_ . T►�!a�re for cas�vanl�ce anry and are�sat to tie used to Interpiet or dafln��e provUslons Rareot. __�__
<br /> .- • (e)Raqu�i�Natie�.TRapartte3Rere�y�eqaeatthatecopyaf�riYnol:�soTdeiaulthereun�erartdacopyaturyrtattce �•����__ __
<br /> � � ot oaJe hereundar ba matMd to eacti DarcY to�is Qe�d ot Tru�t at�ths addre�aet toM abase ir,the manaer pr�scrtl�d DY � ________
<br /> • npDBcabta ta+v Excep!►or ar�y otRer nattee requlr�d under appt[s�6te taw M�e�fve�+te�s�G+ee�art�:.s.�►�t�r�s'.dad _ - - ---
<br /> �'� � taFir��hisDeedolTnis4ehalibe�tveabymalltngsucAnotteebycerti�ladma�ledQsessedtatheatt►arpsRtee.attrieadQress�t - _--
<br /> r-,s:f.-` far�+abpya.My noSce pmvtded tar tn�Qeed mt Tiust s�al!be e8ective upon matltng tn ths manner Qestgnated herein.tt _ _
<br />-`=�''°�' a Tr�smr ls more�un.ane persan.no�ee aeni to the addras�net 9arth above ehail be ao�ce fn eil auc8 peraarr�. : ' -
<br />-r3�,:,_':;�..,
<br />-;;.f:.-:,:•-�7 , (q t�on.t�snder may make or cause to he mada reaaanabte entrles upan attd inapectlona af Me Propa�ty.pravi�ed
<br /> :,: y. • . that uender ahait give Truatar nottce pRor to�any such tnspectian apeeltying reaaonabte cause tre;etor�NNated to Lenders _ _
<br />: _,.-yY��:..�y'� �::_,, inter�st tn trte Rroperty.
<br /> =��:;;;�: • (0)q{�anc*•Uponpayrrtentolallsumssecuredbythi�DeedofTrus�L�rMetsh�tlireQueslTrus�esto4econveythe
<br />�'u:'�.=�-�;� �prp�eRynndaha0aurrentbrthta0eedofTrustandallnate�evEdencin�indebtednessaecu�dbyWsQeedMTicusl�oT�uabear.
<br /> _^:.:`-}r-.:�,.�.;_'•� TruateA ahtlt neconvs�l ths PropertY withnut wartanh afld wttlsout charga tu the penaon ar peraans te�galiy en�8a0 tf�r� --
<br />'-=T--,� T�,ator ahell pay ail coaL�a!reeardatlafi.tt erry. _
<br /> ..�.: ; ' `�
<br /> �=�.z : ., • rn��r�aonat p�p�rty;S�eurit�/A�L•Aa addiSIana!security for tAe payinern a!the Not�Yncstor herehy prurts . -
<br /> '-��;�;;:�.�'� � -1.�derunderB[eNetlrestraUoKarmCammerci�lCodeasecuritytnteresctha}Ifixture�.eqv[pmaMsndatflerO��P���'tY �
<br />' '"�=,�.t?, ; , usad la connectton with the�a!��r impravemeriffi located thereon.�nd rtatatherwiaa,dedsred or deemed to be a part a? , .
<br />=,�._�-. .
<br />-`r.'�.•:,. .� the reai es4ats aeeared Aareby.Thtg�instrurnert ahal!be coriatrued as a Seeuriry Agreem�nt undes aald Cod�ard the Lander
<br /> �`:t`�F ahat!have all tAa righb end remedie�o!a secured party unQer satd Code tn add�lon to the rights an4 remedt�ereated under _ _
<br /> •�'-�� anq accorded tAe Lender pursuantto�is Deed af Trust praviaedtha4 Lsnder'a�lghts and remed!�s undarMia paraqraph at�atl
<br />� ,_ . ,
<br /> A ,-_,.__....
<br />--,:� , -- --�---- be cumuta8ve wttt�.and tn.no yvay.aJimitation.Qn..LenQer�ripttts and remedi�urtdar arty oe�er aeeutiry a�ement aigeed
<br /> .:•; ' � - . ---�- - -
<br />,.�����...• '• Borrowar or Tn�stor.
<br />=`�`'�. . ' .�• � (p�,(�n�and Enr�ianeet.Tsustor riereby warrants and represenb that tlrere is no defauit under Ufe ptovlsfons of any _ ..
<br /> 'mcr;qaga daed ot bus�lease or purchase contract d�cdb{ng ati or any►part o!the Rroperty.or o�er contract instrumen!or _
<br /> � ` agreameR►t cnnsatWrtg a Iten or encum�rarsce against atl or arry paR o f t he Prape R y(coltecttva t Y,"Ltens"}.exfsttn g aa of t�e
<br /> = - _ -= date of thia Oeed ot TntsL and that any arid aq extsUng Liens�erttain unmedified axCeAt as dtsatosed to L.e�tQer in Tncstor�s. .
<br /> ' � - - -written discto�ure of liens and encumbrances provided far hereie�.-Trusmr snaft tlmey periorm all of Tnistafs obllgatlon� �+'!_
<br /> �. ` . covenams,repcesentadons snc!wartanties under any and all exisiting and tuNre Uens.shail prompfly torward to Lendar CsDhs �r��°=--
<br /> � 01 aU.na�ces ot detautt sent in connedion wit3�arry and afl existing or f�mire Uens.and shatl not w�thout Lendefa prtor writtan --
<br /> _ .� ,.F: conaent tn arry manner modity the provistons of or.atlow eny tuture advances undet any extsting or tu�ce Uena _
<br />_ • Q�_AppYcattan�psyn�Untess otherwise requtred by law.suma pald to I.ender hereunder.indudU�g without ItmStatian ��
<br /> � paymer►ts ot princtpal and t�terest.insurance praceeds.Condemrtatlan proceeds and rents an�proflt�shail be a�ited by -
<br /> • ' LendertotheamountsdueandowingfromTcustorandBorrowertnsuchordarasLendertnilssolsdis�reUondeemsd�frabte "� -
<br /> �- ' � (k)S�r�p�ty.If arry pravisio»oi thts Deed o1 T►ust conflicts with appllc�b4e faw or Is deciared Invalt0 or otherwise
<br /> -�:; -� `�� unentorceabie.such cor�tict or irsvaiiaity shall aot atfee4 the athe►provtsonaol this Oeed of Trust ar the Nole which can 6e :.h.-
<br /> " � givenefiaetwlthoutUteconfliCttngprovlsion.�dtoNisendtheDrovislonsotthlsOeedotTrustandthe[Uatearedeciaredtobe _ __
<br />:,.;;�,>�-.�'� . severabta � �L.
<br /> -r' (�TKRis.The tBmiS"Trusmf and"8orrower"shatl tnctuQe both sing�and pluraf,and when the?rustbr 8nd Borrow8r -.��
<br /> - � 8re fhe same person(s).tl►ose tenna as used in this Deed oi Trust shall be interchangeabta ' � ---
<br />��....:.�-:: . (m)6owrntr�L asv.This Oeed ot Trust sl�alt be govemed by the laws o!the Sffite of Nebraska. • � - -
<br /> :�.,. , .:
<br />-�+��:";;.,. . Ttustor has oxecuted thfis.�eed of Trust as ot the dat�writEen abov�
<br /> `-�:�„` _, ,,�p �` ��
<br />_�`,=.i�;__�'� 1l -I.,�.�,P/f/11, �r ��r��
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