. �T ' ' . ..� , . - . � .� . . . ._ _ s . � �4`�`' �f L'' . •Fi S ,`4
<br /> . Q'�Y-t, - . ;'f .��. .. , '�. J-.� c. �t , .r . •.�£ � 'fi: . _.
<br /> � � ,: —. ' � � " � �. .
<br /> _ . _ . � . . ' � 95- �0�2a , , . . . __ _
<br /> < _ . .
<br /> ' ` .�• � Q,k�a�tloas i4d�?�tlats.Tiastor d�all iceeiP the Paopertl►tn campitart�e wtth a11 apPUCabte Iavrs,Rr�nances and reguissfions 'i., : ;Y .`' .
<br /> - . � . teiat(rt�to indu�rlal hygt�ns ar envlronmerrtat�Protectton{cotter�raty reterred ta hAre3n ee"Envlra`nmc3niaS lewa"►.Trustor shatl $ .ti
<br /> . . g g e p t h e P r o p e r t y frae tram a11 substareaea Qaemed totiehezardousor toxtc underc�y Envtronmer�i lawa(coltectEvety rWer�edm -
<br />- - ° ,• ,.. ;'� , . hesetn as"HazafQous Matertats'?.Trustor�ereby warrants a r d repr e s e n t s t o L e n d e r t h a t t h e r e a r e n o F f e:a r d o u 911R3tadaf�on cr • ..r • ;,;-_
<br /> ' �� A•�v'� . undertheFroperty.Trustorherobyegreastoindemnityandhotdharmt�ssL,ender.Itsdire+�prs.otficere.emA!°yeesert�ege�ts.erb ; , _.
<br /> - � gny esiCCesscrs to Lertders tnterest from end agalnst aay and ail ctafms,damegea Ioss88 and Itab6l'�iss arfsing in cannec3ian vrPth , .:",(
<br /> ' ' the preaenca.us�di�aosa{or tranaport of any Hasardous Matarlals on. under.from or s0out tTte Praperty.7HE FOAE�301�E0 ,
<br /> Y . ' • <• � SURVNE RECOMlEYAtHCE OF 7WS OEED OF 7RUS7 j,� < ' �
<br /> � ..,.-,- - . rovtdedthat7rusmr �.�
<br /> - -. 10. Assignm�ni�R�s►ES.Tnistor hereby essigns to Lender t�e rents,issues acid proflts ot the Pra�serty D r .
<br /> "'�-`.�" -�` ehafl.unSil tABaccc��res+caaf an E�e��DeffiuIt hereurtde.have the dght W colfect and reta(n such rents.issues stid Rrafiffi astttey
<br /> _. ' ' pecetite due and payablB.Uppn the occurrence af an Event of Detaut�I.�enQer may,et�er in psrson or by egent,wtttt os s;ritha�R�
<br /> -=?° � " ' ' � ��� � bringiag$nY acUon or proceeding or try a re�ceiver appointed by a Court snd without regasd to the adequacy bt Ib uecurltfL entar :~.4".•^.^3�,
<br /> �` . _ . ..,:s upon arM take possesslon of tf�e Property.or eny partthareof.in Its own nameor in 4fie c�me oi theTruatee,and da aay acm vrhk.h n _ -';.,��>-''—
<br /> therealortrtteresttAereta, `�,�-��_
<br /> �,�,. ' - deemsaecessaqlordestra�tetopresenrethevatue.madcetabttityarreMabtiityo9thePropeRy,orarrypart _;�, _. _.—.
<br /> .sue for ar
<br /> . . '. _.. trtarease the income thereircm or protect the securfty hereaf and witt�or without taking possesslon ut Ure Property �.
<br /> �'�.' '" ' '• • otherwise cotlect the rents.issues and profils thereof,inctuding thbse past due and ungatd.and appiy the same.fess cosfs and ��-� �.--
<br /> �, . <� �xpanses of opera8on and collecflon i�ciud(ng attomeys'fees,upan any indebtedness secured hereDy,all in sucA orderas Lertder �i�'=��;��_
<br /> � . may detertnine.The entering upcp and taking possession of the PropeRy,the coitectfon ot such rerds.is,sues and profits and ii�e � —
<br /> • r � applicatton thereof as afore�atd,shall not cure or waive�ny deiauit or aoUce of default hereunder or imralidate anY act don�in �o,�,��.
<br /> =s . • , .
<br /> �:...,�, `.. :` , .. response to such detault or pursuantto such rto2ice of detauitand.notwithstanding Uie contiauanc=i�+Po����Q p��of �_�.'�_-�_�=
<br /> �- ' t�e coltec�on.recelDt and sAAt���an oi re►rt9.is9ues or profitte.and T►ustea and Len�er shalt�e$ntitted t�exerctse every dSht �---- ------�
<br /> r � provldedfarinanyoltheLoanOaeumerRsorDylawuponaccurrenceotare9/EuertofQefaul�ind�mgvefthoutllmiffit�onthed�ttto �.��,_-
<br /> -� . , . '` .. exercise the power of sate.Further.l.enders rights and remedi�urtder Ws parsgraAtr shai)Ce cumulative wfth.and tn rw wasi 8 =_�-.—
<br /> ' � � � � • Iimltationon,LendetsrigMsandremedtesunderanyassl9nmantafteasesaadrerttsrecordedaqainsltheProDeri!/•Lender.Trustee �•--
<br /> .� � , and tl�e raceiver shall be liabte to account onty those r�ents actusiN ceoeived. �-_--
<br /> � � � �, � - 11.Evu►b at Oetzuf4.The tottowing shall consUtute an Event of Oefauit under thts Oeed cf 7rust � , ��,,�
<br /> `-� � . . �: •:°.,..�., (a)Fa3tureto pay any tnstatlment of Principal or interest o}arry other sum secured hect..-My when due: • ��;-_._:
<br /> _�-...-�.'---,�-�- ._ �. - A6reachflfordefaultunde�anyprovistoncontainedinthallole.thisQ@edofTrust.atq►ofthetAanDocuments.ararry..-. --. - --___-
<br /> , . � . -ror- - - - ��_-_-=�...
<br /> � ' � other tlen or encumbrance upon ths PropeRY: ���.�.��=_
<br /> • � (c)A w�itof executlon or attachment or any simflar procesa shall beentered ag�instTrustorwfnich shall become a 1[en on �`_
<br /> - - .. • the Propercy or arty portion thereot or irKerest thewin; =-.—
<br /> , ' � • (�There shail ba 81ed by or against 1'rustor or Borrower an actlon under arry prasent or tuture tedera4 state or e�-l�er �'��=_
<br /> '' statute,[aw or regufatton retattng to bankruptcyi,lnso{vency or other rellef tar debtor�or t[rt�e shall be appoirt�d anY�ee. �,.-
<br />_� ' '� � ` ' recedverorltquidatorofTiustororBonowerorolal(otanyp�rtotlhePro�e�ti�.artherers'�-atSSUesorprofitsthereci,orTnistor _ r,: .
<br /> ' � os BoROwer shall make any general asstgnment for the 6erte�t of creditcps � • �_
<br /> - • (e)The�sate,Vansier,lease asstgnmen�conveyance or turther ene�r�ee of a1i or any part Qf o�any interest in tho .: � __�.
<br /> _� •.: '" , : - propetry,either votuntarity ar imolunta�ity,wHhout the express written cc..�sant of Ler.der. pravided that Trustor shati be `,�;��.,__
<br /> •', -,- . - - . • • permidied to execute a tease otthe Properiy that doss not contain an optlon to purchase 2rdl�ieterm a1 which does notexcee0 _
<br /> � - . ort9 ye8r:� ° -�
<br />--- `: - . . • (�Abandonrt�ent ot the Property;or : .__
<br />_:::�� � . ' • • (g)IfTruator.isnotanindhrfdual,theissuancc�sale.transfer.assignmerttconveyanceorencumbranceofmorethanataffii `��,.
<br /> .. •_ 3�.'.
<br /> � ' � ot�—D@«nt of(if a corpo►aUOn)its issued and outstending swck or Qf a paRnership)a totai of percent of .,q.'_
<br /> - � -�- °- -- -�-� p8rtr�ershfp imeresb d�iring the periad this Oeed of Trust remains a tien on the Property. _ �;,•��-
<br /> � � � " �Z. Rentadia;Aa.�ler�flon llpan OetaulL In the event of any Event of Defaui3 Lender may,without not�ce except as roqi.'!�d bY . � ��.���
<br /> ° ' taw,dectare ali indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same shali thereupon become due and payabie �_ ; ,
<br /> _ �� � • without any presentment demand,protest or notice of aay kind.7hereaiter l.e�sder may. : . � `
<br />-��� - :. (a) Oemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SAIE granted herein,and Trustee Sh&II thereafter cause 7rustor's =i .
<br /> :�:;� : �. . interest tn the PrapeRy to be sold and the D�o��to be d i s t r i b u te d a i�i n t h e m a n n er p rovi�ed in the Nebraska Trust Oeeda ,.�,�, .4
<br /> ' Act
<br /> �� ' � � . • (b) Exercissanyandall�ightsprovidedfoNnanyoitheLoan�oeumentsorbytawuponoccurrenceofanyEventofDefaui� ��:����_,
<br /> �—.
<br /> - �. :. ' . � end "`�"°'�
<br /> ° (c) CommenceanactiontoforeclosethisQeedofTrustasamortgage,anpointarecetver.orspeciflcallyentorcearryofthe
<br /> ,T'.. � , � . �:- .. . cavenarns hereot �� .�;,;�. � -
<br /> No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended bo be exetusive�f any other remedy herein,in ihe • �$�,__
<br /> " � � � • ` Loan Documants or by law provided or permitted;but each shatl be cumulat's��,shatl be in addition to every other remedyr given ..s-
<br /> `�. .� . �'.
<br /> hereundr tntheLoanOocumentsornaworAereafterexistingatlaworinequityorlrystatute.andmay�exercisedconeurnntty. •,�
<br />- � ' .. . in4ependenityorSUCCessivety.
<br /> . AY
<br />